Series-5 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Some studies attempt to explore the project failure factors (PFFs) believed to affect project success. However, this specific area of PFFs remains unclear, and efforts to reach an agreement on the project failure factors have been rather limited. The main objective of this research study is to identify the PFFs that affect building project success and determine their relative importance in the stages of building process. A thorough literature review was carried out to generate a set of factors that affect project success. A questionnaire survey, based on 28 identified factors was conducted to collect data from three groups of respondents: professionals in construction industry, contractors and clients. Out of 310 questionnaires distributed, 193 were returned, representing 62.2% response.........
Keywords - Building Project Success, Construction Phase, Design Phase, Nigeria, Project Failure Factors
[1]. W.S. Han, A. M. Yusof, S. Ismail and N. C. Aun, Reviewing the Notions of Construction Project Success, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2012, pp. 90 – 101. doi:10.5539/ijbm.v7n1p90.
[2]. P.O. Nyangwara and E. Datche, Factors Affecting the Performance of Construction Projects: A Survey of Construction Projects in the Coastal Region of Kenya. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 10, 2015, pp. 1-43.
[3]. A. Gadekar and S.S. Pimplikar, Success and Failure Factors of Indian Construction Companies, The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES), Volume 3, Issue 6, 2014, pp. 52-58.
[4]. N.J. Babu, Factors Affecting Success of Construction Project, IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), Volume 12, Issue 2 Ver. V, 2015, PP 17-26. DOI: 10.9790/1684-12251726
[5]. N.H. El-sokhn and A.A.E. Othman, Project Failure Factors and their Impacts on the Construction Industry: A Literature Review, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Civil and Architecture Engineering (ICCAE), 27-29 May, 2014, Military Technical College Kobry El-Kobbah, Cairo, Egypt..
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Abstract: The ride comfort is one of the most important rail vehicle assessment standards. The ride comfort is given by several different adverse effects which passengers are subject on. Noise and vibrations have an important influence on a passenger's perception of vehicle quality and cabin interior noise levels are a key criteria. The measurement are performed in two conditions, static to measure background noise and dynamic measurement at maximum speed . The results show that, the measured noise in the cabin is at the level that is permissible according to Regulation..........
Keywords - vibrations, noise, Sperling's Ride Index, comfort
[1]. Dižo Jan, Miroslav Blatnický, and Rafał Melnik. (2017). Assessment of the Passenger Ride Comfort for a Coach by Means of Simulation Computations. LOGI – Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics Vol. 8 No. 2 , 2017 DOI: 10.1515/logi-2017-0013
[2]. Choi Sunghoon, Chan-Woo Lee, Jae-Chul Kim, and Joon-Ho Cho. (2004). Interior Noise Of A Korean High-Speed Train In Tunnels. Proceedings of ACOUSTICS 2004, Gold Coast, Australia
[3]. Regulation of the Minister of Health of Indonesia No. 70 ( 2016) - Standar dan Persyaratan Kesehatang Lingkungan Kerja Industri
[4]. K V, Gangadharan & Sujatha, C & Ramamurti, V. (2004). Experimental and analytical ride comfort evaluation of a railway coach. Mechanical Engg.
[5]. Narayanamoorthy Ramasamy, Shafiquzzaman Khan, V Huzur Saran and S. P. Harsha, Virendra Kumar Goel.(2008). Determination of Activity Comfort in Swedish Passenger Trains..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Concrete Canvas: Solution of Pavement |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajan Pandey || Dr. D. Jegatheeswaran |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1601051921 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper deals with the reliability of concrete canvas. Different materials were accumulated and tested in order to make concrete canvas more cost effective. The materials used for the concrete canvas was as water permeable material at top, micro-concrete as well as 3D matrix in middle and an impermeable membrane at the bottom. Various test such as impact test, Tensile strength test and flexural strength tests were conducted on specimens..
Keywords - Concrete canvas, Concrete cloth, 3D Fiber
[1]. Hui Li, Huisu Chen, Lin Liu, Fangyuan Zhang, Fangyu Han, Tao Lv, Wulong Zhang, Yujie Yang(2016),'Application design of concrete canvas (CC) in soil reinforced structure', Journal of Elsevier, Geotextiles and Geomembranes Vol.44,pp 557-567.
[2]. Hrishikesh R. Kane, Devesh Warhade, P.S. Randive(2015),'Revolution in construction: ConcreteCloth', International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Basic Sciences (IJEEBS),Vol. 2, No. 4 pp.102-108.
[3]. G. Anjaneyulu(2017),"Study of Concrete Cloth (CC) in Civil Engineering Construction Works', International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering Vol. 6, No.8,pp 913-916.
[4]. Shibi Verghese, Aswany B.S., Diptilu Thalai, Meenu Mohan and Rudolf Mathews (2017), 'Modification of Revolutionary Product Concrete Cloth', International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol.04 No.3,pp 1911- 1914.
[5]. V. Vedha Narayanan(2015), 'Concrete Cloth', International Journal on Applications in Civil and Environmental Engineering Vol.1, No. 3, pp 6-12..
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Abstract: This study is aimed at the assessment of realistic values for the modification factors of beams' axial stiffness, applied in finite element analysis of structures under thermal effect. In a previous study, the authors developed an algorithm and software package to determine the relationship between the axial force acting on a specific beam, and the axial stiffness modification factor which takes into consideration the flexural cracking of the beam. In this study, these relationship curves are utilized using a newly developed analytical algorithm for the iterative analysis of RC multistorey frames under the effect of thermal expansion/contraction. A new Excel/Visual Basic software package is developed , and used to control and perform iterative analysis runs on ETABS program, while continually modifying..........
Keywords -Thermal Analysis, Finite Element Modeling, Concrete Cracking, Axial stiffness
[1]. Hisham A. El-Arabaty, Gamal H. Mahmoud, Nasr E. Nasr, Mohamed A. Abdul Rahim, Finite Element Modelling of Structures Subjected to Thermal Loading, IOSR-JMCE Journal, vol. 15, no. 6, 2018, pp. 31-43.
[2]. ACI Committee 224.2R-92, Cracking of Concrete Members in Direct Tension, ACI Structural Journal, 1992, pp. 6:7.
[3]. ACI Committee 349.1R-07, Reinforced Concrete Design for Thermal Effects on Nuclear Power Plant Structures, ACI Structural Journal, 2007, pp.4.
[4]. ECP 203 (2017), Design & Construction of concrete structures, HBRC Journal, 2017, pp. 6-22.
[5]. M. Mehdi Mirzazadeh, Mark F. Green, Non-linear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete beams with temperature differentials, ELSEVIER Journal, 2017, Volume 152, Pages 920-933..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Development of Chemical Machining Setup |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Yashkumar A. Lad || Ankitkumar A. Patel || Mehul B. Patel |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1601053640 ![]() |
Abstract: This research deals with the design and development of chemical machining setup. In non-conventional machines, the cutting action is performed by the tool is much costly and can machine materials with some limited criteria. This setup has been developed to get cutting in most of the alloys or metals which have high strength to weight ratio. This attachment we constructed is used to perform machining operation on stainless steel and aluminumwork piece with required operating parameters like material removal rate for utilize accurate work.This setup is also used to increase efficiency and productivity of chemical machining by reducing machining time without sacrificing accuracy of the product.
Keywords -Chemical machining setup, design, development, non-conventional machining
[1]. Cakir, Orhan&Ahmet, Yardimeden& T, Ozben. (2007) Chemical machining. Archives of Materials Science and Engineering. 28.
[2]. El-Awadi, G. A., Enb, T. A., Abdel-Samad, S., &El-Halawany, M. M. (2016) Chemical machining for stainless steel, aluminum and copper sheets at different etchant conditions. Arab J. Nucl. Sci. Appl, 94(2), 132-139.
[3]. Puthumana, G., &Anusree, T. G. (2014) Analysis of chemical machining for practical applications. BEST: International Journal of Management, Information Technology and Engineering, 2(3), 77-86.
[4]. Al-Ethari, A. H., Alsultani, K. F., &Dakhil, N. (2013) Variables affecting the chemical machining of stainless steel 420. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT), 3(1).
[5]. Çakır, O. (2008) Chemical etching of aluminium. Journal of materials processing technology, 199(1-3), 337-340.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Liquefaction Potential of Pilani Soil |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kamalesh Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1601054145 ![]() |
Abstract: Liquefaction takes place when seismic shear waves pass through a saturated granular soil layer. These shear waves distort its granular structure, and cause some of its pore spaces to collapse. This collapse increases pore water pressure and decreases soil's shear strength. If pore space water pressure increases to the point where the soil's shear strength can no longer support the weight of the overlying soil, liquefaction results. In simplified procedure, cyclic stress ratio and cyclic resistance ratio at required depth is determined. These are used to find out factor of safety against liquefaction. It has been suggested that this factor should be more than 2 to ensure safety with respect to liquefaction, excess pore pressure development and ground settlement. Pilani soil is sand till substantial depth below ground surface.............
Keywords -Earthquake, Liquefaction, Pilani soil, Seismic zone, Simplified Procedure.
[1]. I. M. Idriss and R. W. Boulanger, SPT-Based Liquefaction Triggering Procedures, Report No. UCD/CGM-10-02, Center for Geotechnical Modeling, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis, California, 2010, 1-136.
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[5]. M. R. Manzur, Foundation Design using Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N-value, 10.13140/RG.2.2.23159.73123, 2019, 1-38. [6]. R. W. Day, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook (McGraw-Hill Handbooks, 2002).
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Abstract: A sustainable construction has become a great concern over construction practice at the expense of the future of our environment. Depletion of natural resources due to massive consumption by the construction industry and disposal of a huge amount of construction and demolition waste poses threat to environment and require large landfill site area, high transportation cost and loss of reusable & recyclable material. Therefore, utilizing recycled or reused concrete aggregates is beneficial for various applications in construction. It is a significant effort towards sustainable construction and an effective way to implement "green" concrete for new construction. Reusing the construction and demolition..........
Keywords -Recycled concrete aggregate, sustainable construction, Compressive strength, Construction and Demolition waste
[1]. AkanshaTiwari (2015), "Recycled Concrete Aggregates", International research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET) volume:02 Issue:06/Sep-2015.
[2]. Shah, I.U. Jan, R. Khan and E.U. Quazi (2014), "Exploring the opportunities for reuse of municipal Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste in concrete", ScientiaIranica A (2014) 21(4), 1317-1324.
[3]. DongxingXuan, Baojian Zhan and Chi Sun Poon(2016), "Develpoment of a new generation of eco-friendly concrete blocks by accelerated mineral carbonation", Jounal of cleaner Production 133 (2016) 1235-1241.
[4]. Jeff Donalson, Raymond Curtis and T. Najafi(2011), "Sustainable Assessment of Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA) Used in Highway Construction".
[5]. K. C. Chew (2010) "Singapore's strategies towards sustainable Construction", The IES Journal Part A: Civil & Structural Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 3, 196-202.
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Abstract: This paper presents forced vibration analysis of low suspended reinforced concrete highway viaducts pavement using split deflection method. The split-deflection approach was used in formulating the total potential energy functional for a suspended thin rectangular reinforced concrete Pavement subjected forced vibration. This functional was subjected to both general and direct variations by minimizing it with respect to deflection function and coefficient of deflection respectively. General variation gave the governing equation from where the expression for deflection was obtained. In the same way, direct variation gave the formula for determining the coefficient of deflection of the pavement. The obtained deflection function is of polynomial family. The boundary condition for pavement with four sides simply supported was satisfied in the deflection equation to obtain the exact deflection equation..........
Keywords -Forced vibration, split-deflection, total potential energy functional, direct variation, general variation, trigonometric family, concrete pavement, pavement
[1]. Ugural, A. C. (1999). Stresses in plates and shells (2nd Ed.). Singapore: McGraw-hill
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[3]. Szilard, R. (2004). Theories and Applications of plate analysis (Classical, Numerical and Engineering Methods). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons
[4]. Ibearugbulem, O. M., Ibeabuchi, V. I., and Njoku, K. O. (2014). Buckling analysis of ssss stiffened rectangular isotropic plates using work principle approach. Intl. Journal of Innovative Research and Development, vol. 3, issue 11, pp. 169 – 176.
[5]. Ibearugbulem, O. M. (2014), Using the product of two mutually perpendicular truncated polynomial series as shapefunction for rectangular plate analysis, International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Engineering (IJETE) ISSN: 2348–8050, ICRTIET-2014 Conference Proceeding, 30th -31st August 2014, 1-4
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Abstract: This work aims to develop a classification model for drives actuators features depending on their feature. The proposed model consists of nine levels that include the most common actuators, which in turn will facilitate easy identification of relationships and ease of finding alternatives. On the basis of the proposed classification, an information model of actuator alternatives has been created, which reflects key information about them. The created model will provide an opportunity to reduce the design time of the actuators.
Keywords -Information, Model, Actuators, Industrial, Robots.
[1]. Connell, J. H. (2012). Minimalist mobile robotics. Elsevier.
[2]. Maksymova, S., Matarneh, R., Lyashenko, V. V., & Belova, N. V. (2017). Voice Control for an Industrial Robot as a Combination of Various Robotic Assembly Process Models. Journal of Computer and Communications, 5(11), 1-15.
[3]. Maksymova, S., Matarneh, R., & Lyashenko, V. V. (2017). Software for Voice Control Robot: Example of Implementation. Open Access Library Journal, 4(08), 1-12.
[4]. Matarneh, R., Maksymova, S., Deineko, Z., & Lyashenko, V. (2017). Building Robot Voice Control Training Methodology Using Artificial Neural Net. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology, 8(10), 523–532.
[5]. Matarneh, R., Maksymova, S., Zeleniy, O., & Lyashenko, V. (2018). Voice Control for Flexible Medicine Robot. International Journal of ComputerTrends and Technology, 56(1), 1-5.
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Abstract: Pounded yam is a delicacy that commands respect and often ranked topmost in a typical Nigerian menu list. In a bid to reduce time and energy consumption associated with traditional mortar and pestle method of yam pounding, a yam pounder was designed and developed based on factor of safety, hygiene, cost and availability of materials in the market. The performance tests on the machine were replicated five times using cooked yam masses of 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 kilograms respectively based on the following performance parameters; Pounding efficiency (Ep), Percentage lump of yam remaining after pounding (Lp) and the pounding Capacity (Cp) kg/hr. The findings of the tests showed...........
Keywords -Yam; pounded yam; pounding machine; cook; fabrication.
[1]. Ayodeji SP, Olabanji OM.; Adeyeri MK. Design of a Process Plant for the Production of Poundo Yam. IJE. 2012, 6 (1), 10 – 24.
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[4]. Brand-miller J, Burani J, Foster-powell K. The Glucose Revolution Pocket Guide to the top 100 low GI Foods. 1st Edition; Marlowe & Co, Emeryville, CA, New York.
[5]. Food Information Network. Wageningen University, Netherlands, 2008.
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Abstract: Magnetorheological fluid (MRF) is a sort of non-Newtonian liquid whose properties can be controlled with the assistance of metal particles and magnetic field. These fluids can transmit force in a controlled way with the assistance of magnetic field, accordingly enhancing their execution particularly in areas where controlled fluid movement is required. The proposed idea of this paper is to study the various properties of the magnetorheological fluid, its behavior under various conditions and its application in automobiles in the brakes, clutches and vibration dampers.
Keywords -MR Fluid, magnetic field, conventional hydraulic braking, MR braking, MR clutch, MR damper
[1]. Adam Rosiakowski, et al. Research on clutch with magnetorheological fluid working as a mechanical fuse in drive-load system. Committee of Mechanical Engineering Pas – Poznan Division. 2012; 32(4): 23-31.
[2]. G. Yang, et al. Large-scale MR Fluid Dampers: modelling and dynamic performance considerations. Engineering Structures. 2002; 24: 309-323.
[3]. Sadak Ali Khan, et al. Principles, Characteristics and Applications of Magneto Rheological Fluid Damper in Flow and Shear mode. Procedia Materials Science. 2014; 6: 1547-1556.
[4]. A. POZNIĆ, et al. Magnetorheological Fluid Brake- Basic performances testing with magnetic field efficiency improvement proposal. Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry. 2012; 40(2): 113-119.
[5]. Arun Kumar Pandey, et al. Review of Magneto Rheological Fluid based Braking System. International Journal for Scientific Research and Development. 2017; 5(1): 601-603.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Shear Transfer Behavior of Non-Coarse Aggregate Polymer Concrete |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Mohamed Salem || Ahmed Mourad || Amira Shehata |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1601058798 ![]() |
Abstract: This study is aimed to investigate effect of absence coarse aggregate on the shear transfer behavior along the interface between the two parts of push-off test specimens casted using non-coarse aggregate polymer concrete experimentally and numerically. The specimen consists of two parts, first part was casted and the interface surface was prepared after 28 days from casting, then second part was casted. The parameters considered in this study were interface roughness, use of epoxy paint applied on the interface just before casting the new concrete and the use of steel dowels. A three-dimensional finite element method (FEM) model of push-off test was also carried out. The model considered the effect of interface status and using dowels steel reinforcement embedded in both parts of old..........
Keywords -Shear Transfer, Polymer Concrete, non-coarse aggregate, Push-off specimens.
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