Series-2 (July-August 2019)July-August 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimization of Cantilever Retaining Wall Using Genetic Algorithm Method |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | R. J. Fernandes || Mithun K Mhalsekar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1604020107 ![]() |
Abstract: Cantilever retaining wall is widely used in civil engineering, for retaining a back fill soil. Now a day it is easy to get safe design due to recent advances in design field but safety with economy is the basic need of present generation, hence it is necessary to go for optimum design. Cantilever Retaining wall height is optimized for minimum 4mts and maximum 7mts. Design of the cantilever retaining wall has been design to with stand the various forces acting on it. The cantilever retaining wall is designed by limit state method. A computer programme is written in MATLAB for optimization process using genetic algorithm method. Parametric study has been carried out for different grades of concrete and different heights of retaining wall.
Keywords: Optimization, MATLAB, Genetic algorithm, Retaining wall.
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Abstract: Modelling of sediment transport can be used to solve environmental and water quality problems. Sediment transport rate hinge upon hydraulic flow, upstream sediment supply and bed composition. Sediment transport has enormous effect on water quality and water management. In this study, geometrical parameters across River Osun was measured with a view to model sediment transportation in the river. Geometrical data were measured for 12 months (December, 2017- December, 2018) at four sampling stations across River Osundesignated as T1-T4. Geometrical parameter includes channel geometry, slope and reach length.The river channel was divided into sub channels and the cross sectional geometrical variables such as area, wetted perimeter, channels top width were computed for each sub channel. The expressions were used to calculate the cross section in line with (Olaniyan, 2014).........
Key words: sediment, geomrtrical parameters, river osun, sampling stations
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Abstract: PT. PJB UP Gresik power plant use sea water as cooling water. There are many fouling by sea water microorganism that should be controlled. Chlorination is the most commonly used anti fouling treatment due to economical and effective against a variety of bio-fouling. This program was successfully implemented with total saving of water in 2018 is 4698.77 m3. Reducing fouling, it also mean reducing utilization amount of sea water in condenser, energy and environmental impact.
Key words:Water conservation, Chlorine plant, condenser tube leak, fouling
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Container Transportation System in Makassar |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Indira Ari Putri || M. Yamin Jinca || Taufiqur Rachman |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1604021620 ![]() |
Abstract: Container transportation system is the superior of sea and land transportations in general; container transportation has the advantage of cargo safety aspects and speed of loading and unloading processes. Along with the development of time and demands of market needs, in Indonesia a container port full container terminal has been built and operated, one of which is in Makassar port, semi container and conventional port that handles containers. This study uses the operational performance of container transportation in both ports and highways. The method used is qualitative comparative analysis of secondary and primary data, it can be explained that the container..........
Key words:Infrastructure, transportation, container, road network
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Abstract: Tender process (TP) of onshore oil and gas Production Facilities Projects (PFPs) in Yemen has been plagued with Risk Factors (RFs) affecting the contract implementation stage. Especially, final project objectives. This study aims to propose and develop an Integrated Conceptual Model (ICM) for (RFs) in the (TP) in onshore oil and gas (PFPs), this model called (MRTPI). Data were collected from the literature review and questionnaire. The analyses using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The results show that the (MRTPI) goodness of fit.........
Key words:Defense Strategies, Oil and Gas, Risk Factors, Tender Process, Yemen.
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Abstract: This research work was conducted to assess the water logging problem for a selected coastal polder namely 17/1 of district Khulna (Dumuria upazila) in the South-West region of Bangladesh. Authors evaluated the vulnerabilities of the existing situation of this polder with changing climate scenario of IPCC 2014 fifth assessment report.Also evaluated the effectiveness of different planned interventions such as re-excavation of internal khals, dredging of Peripheral Rivers, and introducing pumping system against water logging problem applying as different scenarios. Google.........
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Abstract: This project investigates the effect of mix ratio (1:2:4 and 1:1.5:3) on the compressive strength of concrete of 20mm and 25mm coarse aggregate sizes. Test such as aggregate impact value test, aggregate crushing value test, specific gravity and sieve analysis were carried out on coarse aggregate and fine aggregate. Consistency, setting time and soundness tests were carried out on the cement paste, while compressive strength test was carried out on the concrete cubes measuring 150mmx150x150mm for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. The specific gravity of fine aggregate was found to be 2.65 while that of the coarse aggregate was 2.78 for both sizes. The results of standard consistency, final and initial setting time tests are 32.5mm, 115mins and 187mins respectively, while that.
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Abstract: The purpose of the study was to asses the water quality parameters of ground water of Tiruchanoortown. 20 samples were collected from different wards of Tiruchanoor town and analysed water for drinking water parameters. The value of pHvaries from 7.91to 8.48 the values of Chloride varies from 80mg/L to 500mg/L, Hardness varies from 110mg/L to 266mg/L, Alkalinity varies from 104mg/L to 340mg/L, Acidity varies from 0mg/L to 1.5mg/Land Dissolved Oxygenvaries from 4mg/L to 7.2mg/L, Sulphates varies from 46mg/L to 74mg/L,Fluorides varies from 0.1mg/L to 0.3mg/L and the MPN is negative for all 20 samples and the water quality mapping was developed using SURFER package.
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Abstract: Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport, which functions as a node for air transportation systems, has a very important role today as a gateway for passenger and cargo traffic in Eastern Indonesia (EI). The standard service for Aviobridge utilization for airlines should be in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure given to airline operators which is around 55 minutes. However, the use of Aviobridge facilities is estimated to occur with less or more deviations related to the effectiveness of aviobridge services. To find out the extent to which deviations and effectiveness..........
Keywords: Aviobridge, parking stand, time limit, effectiveness
[1]. Angkasa Pura 1. 2018, Procedure for Arranging Airplane Parking. Angkasa Pura 1, Makassar
[2]. Rahim, Jamauliddin, Jinca, M.Y., Wunas, Shirly, Kasnawi, Tahir, 2012, Performance of Air Tranportation Perintis (case study In PAPUA Island Indonesia).
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[4]. Pratama Adrika Yunada, 2015, Effect of the Number of Limitations on the Parking Stand Area Against Delay in the Arrival of Commercial Aircraft at Bandung's Husein Sastranegara Airport
[5]. Sari Mustika, 2015, Optimization of Parking Stands at Terminal 2F at Soekarno-Hatta Airport.
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Abstract: Stabilization is a method adopted to modify the undesirable properties of expansive soil to utilize the soil in an effective way by improving the strength and subsequently, the stability of the soil occurs. In order to obtain the desired characteristics, in this present investigation, an experimental study has been carried out to assess the beneficial effect of different percentages of lime, calcium chloride and fly ash on the strength characteristics of expansive soil in the area of study in East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh, India. The quantity of lime, calcium chloride was varied from 0% to 6% with an increment of 2% and fly ash was varied from 0% to 25 % with an increment of 5% by dry weight of soil. The study reveals the influence of different prominent additives on expansive soil by a comparative analysis of their impact on strength characteristics.
Keywords: Expansive soil, lime, calcium chloride, fly ash, and unconfined compressive strength
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Abstract: In developing countries where concrete is widely used, the high and steadily increasing cost of concrete has made construction very expensive. The production of concrete requires various materials like Cement, water, Fine aggregate and Coarse Aggregate .Due to extensively use of concrete which lead to an increase in cost of materials. Therefore an alternate material is used for partial replacement of Fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, cement and admixtures in concrete. In this project experimental investigations are carried out to reduce the cost of concrete. In this research work experiments have been conducted with collection of materials required and the data required........
Keywords: Coarse aggregate, Quarry dust, Sisal fibers
[1]. Mr .P. Sasi Kumar, Mrs. G.Shiny priya (2019) ,PSN Engineering college, Tamilnadu , India(2019) ."Experimental Investigation Of Sisal Fibre Concrete By Using Fly Ash". International Journal Of Innovative Research In Science,Engineering And Technology,ISSN-2319-8753,1405.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fifty years of IISE Transactions: A bibliometric overview |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Shuang Hu |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1604027687 ![]() |
Abstract: Transactions, previously known as AIIE Transactions (1969-1982) and IIE Transactions (1983- 2016), is a journal in the field of industrial and manufacturing engineering. It was established in 1969 and has gone through five decades by 2018. Therefore, motivated by its 50th anniversary, this study analyses the publications over the past fifty years and generates a bibliometric overview for the journal through performance analysis and science mapping. First.........
Keyword: Bibliometrics, Network analysis, Science mapping, Co-citation, VOS viewer
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[2]. Bottani, E., &Vignali, G. (2019). Augmented reality technology in the manufacturing industry: A review of the last decade. IISE Transactions, 51(3), 284–310.
[3]. Cancino, C., Merigó, J. M., Coronado, F., Dessouky, Y., &Dessouky, M. (2017). Forty years of Computers & Industrial Engineering: A bibliometric analysis. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 113, 614–629.
[4]. Chen, C. (2006). CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literature. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(3), 359–377.
[5]. Cobo, M. J., López‐Herrera, A. G., Herrera‐Viedma, E., & Herrera, F. (2014). Science mapping software tools: Review, analysis, and cooperative study among tools. Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 62(7), 1382–1402.