Series-3 (July-August 2019)July-August 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: Solar radiation is a phenomenon that affects millions of people in tropical climate regions. The urbanization rate of developing countries like the case in Malaysia is increasingly rising; this has led to the increasing effects of solar radiation in the cities. The solar radiation also leads to increased energy needs due to exposure to uncomfortable outdoor. This study investigates the impact of trees shading on building cooling demands in the tropical climate regions by implementing a passive design method on a small residential building to improve the indoor...........
[1]. Jamaludin, N., et al., Indoor Thermal Environment in Tropical Climate Residential Building. E3S Web of Conferences, 2014. 3: p. 01026.
[2]. Ahmed, K.S., Comfort in urban spaces: defining the boundaries of outdoor thermal comfort for the tropical urban environments. Energy and Buildings, 2003. 35(1): p. 103-110.
[3]. McMichael, A.J. and R.E. Woodruff, Climate change and human health, in Encyclopedia of World Climatology. 2005, Springer. p. 209-213.
[4]. Rajapaksha, I., H. Nagai, and M. Okumiya, A ventilated courtyard as a passive cooling strategy in the warm humid tropics. Renewable Energy, 2003. 28(11): p. 1755-1778.
[5]. Sharma, R., Sustainable buildings in hot and dry climate Of India. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications, 2016. 6(1): p. 134-144.
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Abstract: This research was carried out to appraise the comparative study of contractor selection in construction industry. Field surveys in different construction industries in Lagos State were conducted. Data were collected with the aid of structured questionnaire. Fifty questionnaires were distributed to construction professionals of which forty responses were retrieved and analyzed, information gathered includes: the major contractor's criteria and extent of verification of contractor document used to assess contractor on building construction work. Statistical package for social science (SPSS) were used to compute the mean score of the contractors selection criteria in.........
Keywords: Construction, Contractor, Private sector, Project and Public sector
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Abstract: In the present work, the physical characteristics of the alterites resulting from the alteration of the granito-gneissic base have been studied. The results obtained showed that the studied materials are clays whose state varies from little plastic to plastic and of consistency varying from semi solid to very soft. The points representing these materials are outside the plasticity spindle of good earth for the manufacture of compressed earth blocks (CEB). The particle size curves of these materials do not fit entirely into the particle size range of good soil for CEB production due to a deficiency of fine clay particles. From these facts, it follows that the use of materials studied in the manufacture of BTC requires a granulometric correction by adding fine clay sand, which would fill the deficit...........
Key words: alterites, granito-gneissic base, Compressed earth blocks, characterization, correction, stabilization
[1]. A. P'kala, «Characterization in simple compression of Compressed Earth Blocks (CEB): Application to masonry (CEB-Earth Mortar)», PhD Thesis. National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon, (2000), 213 p.
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Abstract: Waste stabilization pond ( wsp) were designed to treat 1043500m3 day-1 of wastewater generated from hostels, classrooms, staff offices and quarters. Construction of pilot scaled ponds for the experiment were done following existing models by mara D.D (1975b) to size the different kinds of ponds. Design temperature of 20oC were adopted for the operation of the the three ponds; anaerobic, facultative and maturation ponds. The design population is about 42000 people of which include staff and students of institute of management and technology (IMT) enugu.......
[1]. Long HO., Peter Goethals & wout Van Echepoel 2017. Design of waste stabilization pond systems : A review. Water research 123
[2]. Agunwamba J.C, Ugwuanyi S.E , Ogarekpe NM., 2013 Effect of solar and hydraulic Jump on WSPs: international journal of structural and civil Engineering Research vol. 2 no 4
[3]. Verbyla and Mihelcic (2015): A review of virus removal in waste water treatment pond system, water research
[4]. Ho et au (2017) long Ho, wout van Echelpoel, peter Goethals (2019): A practical protocol for the experiment design of water treatment.
[5]. Lugali Yvonne (2012): Design of sewage treatment system for Gulu University.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Boiler Modifications on the Process System Value of a Captive Power Plant |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | SumeshK.T || Dr.Shouri P.V |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1604033350 ![]() |
Abstract: The economic performance of power plants has received significant notice in today's modern world. An important parameter that remains as the key performance indicator of power plants of modern times is the plant availability. The impact of modifications on the process system value of power plants is a significant measure that will predict much earlier the realistic economic performance that would have realised if they are running after modification implementations.The paper presents the impact of the modifications done in De-Super heaterand Flame Burner System of a Boiler in its conversion from Oil fired to LNG fired system on the process system value of a 7MW Captive power plant of a fertilizer process industry.The paper also examines the criticality of LNG price variation on the modified processes.
Key words: Availability, Captive Power Plant ,Impact ,Process System Value, Reliability
[1]. Dr. P.V. Shouri, Dr.P.S. Sreejith, Algorithm for break evenavailability allocation in process system modification using deterministic valuation model incorporating reliability, Energy Conversion and Management 49 (2008) 1380-1387.
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[4]. Patrick DTO. Practical reliability engineering. 4th ed. England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd; 2002.
[5]. Charles EE. Reliability and maintainability engineering. 1st ed. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd; 2000..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Experimental Analysis of Axial Magnetic Coupling |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Supriya S Waghulde || Kiran C More |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1604035156 ![]() |
Abstract: Magnetic coupling can transmit the torque from driving to driven shaft without any mechanical contact leading to minimization of energy loss. hence it is preferred in industrial applications where isolated systems are used. This paper deals with the design optimization of coupling by varying number of poles and thickness of magnet mounted disc and further analyzed analytically and is compared for both the cases and results are validated experimentally.
[1]. Thierry Lubin, Smail Mezani, and Abderrezak Rezzoug "2D Analytical calculation of magnetic field and electromagnetic torque for surface-inset permanent magnet motors" Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Vol 20,2012.
[2]. BastienDolisy, Thierry Lubin, Smail Mezani, and Jean Leveque "Three-Dimensional Analytical Model for an Axial-Field Magnetic Coupling" Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Vol. 35, 2014.
[3]. J. Torres, Hincapie, gilart Characterization of magnetic flux density in passive sources used in magnetic stimulation, Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, volume 449, 2018.
[4]. A.Radkovskaya, P.Petrov, S.Kiriushechkina, A.Satskiy, M.Ivanyukovich, A.Vakulenko, V. Prudnikov, O. Kotelnikova, A. Korolev, P. Zakharov "Magnetic metamaterials: Coupling and permeability"Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2018.
[5]. Thierry Lubin, SmailMezani, and AbderrezakRezzoug "Steady-State and Transient Analysis of an Axial- Field Magnetic Coupling" IEEE transactions on magnetics,Vol.12, 2012.
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Abstract: The determination of an accurate value of dispersion coefficient is highly important in studying the environmental impacts of pollutants spill into rivers. A one-dimensional module is created in HEC-RAS to simulate the hydrodynamics of the river and the water quality variability. Two scenarios of maximum and minimum flow cases were implemented. Equation of Fischer (1979) was built in HEC-RAS model to compute the longitudinal dispersion coefficients. In this study, two more equations were added to create two other calculation models for comparison.........
[1]. Ahmed Moussa, 2017. Evaluation of local scour around bridge piers for various geometrical shapes using mathematical models, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, DOI: 10.1016/j.asej.2017.08.003
[2]. Brunner, G. W., 2016b. HEC-RAS River Analysis System User's Manual, US Army Corps of Engineers.
[3]. David, T.H., Peter, S. and Theodore, C., 2002. Determination of longitudinal dispersion coefficient and net advection in the Tidal Hudson River with a large-scale, high-resolution SF6 tracer release experiment. Environ. Sci. Technol., 36, 3234–3241.
[4]. Fischer HB, List EJ, Koh RCY, Imberger J and Brooks NH, 1979. Mixing in inland and coastal waters. New York: Academic Press, 1979. 483pp.
[5]. Kim D, Muste M and Weber L, 2007. Software for assessment of longitudinal dispersion coefficients using Acoustic-Doppler Current profiler measurements. In: Proceedings of the 32nd IAHR Congress, Venice, Italy, vol 1, p 73 (printed summary)..
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Abstract: Solid waste is abortive or useless solid material generated from various human activities in residential, commercial& industrial zones. The better and effective management of these wastes is need of hour. The present study focuses on managing the wastes generated from thermal power plants and metal casting foundries. These wastes possess serious problems concerned over various environmental issues. In addition the unavailability of land for suitable disposal has put pressure for the utilization of unused ash ponds. Pond ash deposits are highly compressible and possess low bearing capacity, because of which several hectares of land remains unutilized. The present study focuses on enhancing the load characteristics of ash ponds by inclusion of stone columns. An optimum.........
[1]. Ambily, A.P. and Gandhi,S.R. (2007), Behaviour Of Stone Columns Based On Experimental And FEM Analysis, Journal Of Geotechnical And Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE/APRIL 2007,405-415
[2]. Amith Ks and Ramana Murthy (2016) Numerical Analysis Of Stone Columns In Soft Clay With Geotextile Encasement and Lime Stabilisation Indian Geotechnical Conference IGC2016
[3]. Lee D.,YooC, Parks. and Jung S (2008),Field Load Tests Of Geogrid Encased Stone Columns In Soft Ground", Proceedings Of The 18th International Offshore And Polar Engineering Conference, Pp 521-526
[4]. Malarvizhi S. N., and Ilamparuthi K (2007), Comparative Study On The Behaviour Of Encased Stone Column And Conventional Stone Column", Soils And Foundations, Pp 873-885.
[5]. Murugesan S. and Rajagopal K (2008), Performance Of Encased Stone Columns And Design Guidelines For Construction On Soft Clay Soils, Proceedings Of The 4th Asian Regional Conference On Geosynthetics,Pp729-734..
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Abstract: The challenge of high cost of housing in the country has awakened the sense of economical resource management in the populace. People are being inspired to go back and take a closer look at the resources which they have earlier condemned, so as to find ways through which they could put such materials into use again. This is mainly because there is an increased competition for available materials as multiple uses of such resources are being discovered, and the cost of acquiring these suitable materials increases alongside. Major steps have thus been taken to make research into putting abandoned materials into full use again [10]. Moreover, various studies are being carried.........
Keywords: Strength, Interlocking, Bricks, Pozzolans
[1]. Abraham T. and Albert A. (2013), Sustainable housing supply in Nigeria through the use of indigenous and composite building materials. Civil and Environmental Research Vol.3 No.1
[2]. Amu O.O., Ogunniyi S.A and Oladeji O.O. (2011).Geotechnical properties of lateritic soil stabilized with sugar cane. Straw ash; American journal of scientific and industrial Research.
[3]. Kalu I.E., Jossou E.E.; IIboudo A.I., Adedeji A.F and Soboyejo W.O.; (2015); polymer reinforced laterite for building materials; international journal of Engineering and technology Vol 5 No 2
[4]. Kolo S.J, Rahimian F.P, Goulding J.S (2014); Housing delivery in Nigeria and the opportunity for offsite manufacturing; Creative Construction Conference.
[5]. Owolabi T.A., and Aderinola O.S. (2014); Geotechnical Evaluation of some lateritic soils in Akure south, south western Nigeria; EDGE vol. 19..
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Abstract: Transition delay of the laminar flow to turbulent, is one of the most important subject in fluid mechanics. Over the years, some passive mechanisms investigated to delay the transition process. Among these methods, the Discrete Roughness Elements (DRE) are efficient enough. In the present paper, we show the result of the wind tunnel experiments in which the transition can be delayed by using the hemispherical roughness elements on the flat plate. The height of these elements are chosen in such a way to delay the transition process. Experiments were carried out at a speed of 4.5 m/s in the wind tunnel of Shiraz University of Technology. The data measurings were done once without elements and then repeated by placing the elements in three different arrangements on the flat plate. Based on the results, with the presence of elements, the rate of velocity change in the normal direction to the flow is reduced, that shows the delay of the boundary layer transition.
Keywords: Boundary Layer Transition, Hemispherical Discrete Roughness Elements, Laminar Flow Control, Skin friction coefficient reduction, Transition Delay.
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