Volume-3 ~ Issue-3
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Failure Analysis of a Composite Cylinder |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Bhavya, P. Ravi Kumar, Sd. Abdul Kalam |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0330107 ![]() |
Abstract: Composite cylinders are high-strength containers made from a mixture of fibre glass or carbon
fibers and a plastic resin typically epoxy. A lamina is assumed to be homogeneous and the mechanical behavior
is characterized by a set of equivalent or effective moduli and strength properties. In the phenomenological
approach, the lamina properties are determined experimentally by conducting tests on a single lamina or a
laminate. Once the mechanical properties of the ply are known the initial failure of the ply within a laminate or
structure can be predicted by applying an appropriate failure criterion. Failure types are dependent on loading,
stacking sequence, and specimen geometry. There are many proposed theories to predict the one-set of failures.
Most of failure criteria are based on the stress state in a lamina. The present work aims to determine the effect
of diameter-to-thickness ratio 'S' with respect to failure pressure of a four layers, introduction of hoop layers
at ends on four layered cylinder and introduction of hoop layers at middle of six layered angle-ply laminated
cylinder which is analyzed by using Finite Element software ANSYS. The variation of failure pressure with
respect to fiber angles was also presented in this work.
Keywords:Composite cylinder, Failure Analysis, FEM, Fiber angle, FRP, Lamina
Keywords:Composite cylinder, Failure Analysis, FEM, Fiber angle, FRP, Lamina
[1] Tomonori Kaneko, Sadayuki Ujihashi, Hidetoshi Yomoda and Shusuke Inagi, "Finite element method failure analysis of a
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[2] J. C. Velosa, J. P. Nunes, P. J. Antunes, J. F. Silva and A. T. Marques, "Development of a new generation of filament wound
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[3] J.G. Teng andY.M. Hu, "Behaviour of FRP-jacketed circular steel tubes and cylindrical Shells under axial compression",
Construction and Building Materials 21, 2007, pp. 827–838.
[4] Spagnoli, A. Y. Elghazouli and M. K. Chryssanthopoulos , " Numerical simulation of glass-reinforced plastic cylinders under axial
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pressurized FRP cylinder under transverse impact loading", Thin-Walled Structures 46, 2008, pp. 898–904.
[2] J. C. Velosa, J. P. Nunes, P. J. Antunes, J. F. Silva and A. T. Marques, "Development of a new generation of filament wound
composite pressure cylinders", Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais, Vol.19, 2007.
[3] J.G. Teng andY.M. Hu, "Behaviour of FRP-jacketed circular steel tubes and cylindrical Shells under axial compression",
Construction and Building Materials 21, 2007, pp. 827–838.
[4] Spagnoli, A. Y. Elghazouli and M. K. Chryssanthopoulos , " Numerical simulation of glass-reinforced plastic cylinders under axial
compression", Marine Structures 14 (2001), pp. 353-374.
[5] M. T. Ahmadian and M. Bonakdar, "A new cylindrical element formulation and its application to structural analysis of laminated
hollow cylinders",Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 44, 2008, pp.617 – 630.
[6] James Ting-Shun Wang & Chien-Chang Lin, "Stresses in rotating composite cylindrical shells", Composite Structures 25, 1993,
pp. 157-164.
[7] M. Madhavi, K. V. J. Rao and K. Narayana Rao, "Design and Analysis of Filament Wound Composite Pressure Vessel with
Integrated-end Domes", Defence Science Journal, Vol. 59, No. 1, 2009, pp. 73-81.
[8] David L. Gray, Daniel J. Moser, "Finite Element Analysis of a Composit overwrapped pressure vessel", 40th
AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit Florida, 2004.
[9] J. Michael Starbuck, "stress analysis of laminated composite cylinders Under non-axisymmetric loading", Lockheed Martin
Energy Research Corporation, DE-AC05-96OR22464.
[10] Gerson Marinucci, Arnaldo H.P. de Andrade, "Micro structural analysis in asymmetric and un-balanced composite cylinders
damaged by internal pressure", Composite Structures, 2004.
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Abstract: Vibrations are found almost everywhere in rotating machines. Vibrations in rotating machinery are
commonly the result of mechanical faults including mass unbalance, coupling misalignment, mechanical
looseness, and many other causes. Unbalance is the most cause of machine vibration, an unbalanced rotor
always cause more vibration and generates excessive force in the bearing area and reduces the life of the
machine. In this paper 'Deflected Shape of Shaft' (DSS) of a rotating machine was found for detecting
unbalance in its rotating components. The change in deflection shape gives the presence of unbalance in the
shaft. Experiment reveals that a significant change in the DSS as an early warning indicator of unbalance in the
rotating components. Tests were performed on a machinery fault simulator under various conditions of
unbalance. Vibration data in terms of displacement was simultaneously acquired using a FFT (Fast Fourier
Transform). The rotor shaft displacements were measured at different speeds using FFT at both unbalanced and
balanced condition. The experimental frequency spectra were taken for both balanced and unbalanced
condition. The presence of unbalance produces a change in the DSS at the rotor running speed and this data
was extracted by conducting the experiments. A comparison was then performed with the theoretical calculation
and also the vibration data acquired from FFT, at different running speeds. The results of this work provide a
new method for detecting machinery unbalance, and offer a simplified approach for on-line fault detection in
operating machinery.
Keywords: Unbalance, Vibration, Deflected Shape of Shaft (DSS), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Nomenclature: MNDE: Motor Non Drive End; H: Horizontal; D: Displacement MDE: Motor Drive End; V: Vertical; Theo: Theoretical PBE: Pillow Block End; A: Axial Exp: Experimental
Keywords: Unbalance, Vibration, Deflected Shape of Shaft (DSS), Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Nomenclature: MNDE: Motor Non Drive End; H: Horizontal; D: Displacement MDE: Motor Drive End; V: Vertical; Theo: Theoretical PBE: Pillow Block End; A: Axial Exp: Experimental
[1] Surendra N. Ganeriwala (Suri), Brian Schwarz & Mark H. Richardson "Using Operating Deflection Shapes to Detect Unbalance in
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[2] Zhunag li, Surendra N. Ganeriwala & Mark H. Richardson "Using Operating Deflection Shapes to Detect Unbalance in Rotating
Equipment" Proceedings of International Modal Analysis Conference(XXVI),February,2008.
[3] William W. Clark, Joo-Hyung Kim, Roy D. Marangoni, "Active Control of Dynamic Bearing Loads in Rotating Machinery Using
the Deflection Coefficient Method for Load Estimation", International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration.
[4] Kevin Gatzwiller, Brüel & Kjær, "Measuring Torsional Operational Deflection Shapes of Rotating Shafts", Brüel & Kjær, World
Headquarters, DK-2850 Nwum . Denmark.
[5] M.H. Richardson, "Is It a Mode Shape or an Operating Deflection Shape?" Sound and Vibration magazine, March, 1997.
[6] Seshendra Kumar.K.V.S, SundaraSiva Rao.B.S.K, "Experimental investigation of unbalance response of g eared shaft rotor system",
International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research, Dindigul, Volume 1, No 3, 2010
[7] Troy D. Feese P.E, Phillip E. Grazier, "Balance this: Case histories from difficult balance jobs" presented at 33 rd Turbo machinery
Symposium. Sept., 2004.
[8] Gupta, K.D. Gupta and K. Athre, 1993. "Unbalance response of a dual rotor system: theory and experiment", Transactions J.
Vibration Acoustics, 115: 427-435.
[9] D. G. Dorrell, "Experimental behavior of unbalanced magnetic pull in 3 -phase induction motors with eccentric rotors and the
relationship with tooth saturation," IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, vol. 14, pp. 304–309, Sept. 1999.
[10] Ray D. Kelm, "Advanced Field Balancing Techniques", P.E. Kelm Engineering Danbury, TX, 24-06-2008.
Rotating Equipment" Sound and Vibration, May 2009.
[2] Zhunag li, Surendra N. Ganeriwala & Mark H. Richardson "Using Operating Deflection Shapes to Detect Unbalance in Rotating
Equipment" Proceedings of International Modal Analysis Conference(XXVI),February,2008.
[3] William W. Clark, Joo-Hyung Kim, Roy D. Marangoni, "Active Control of Dynamic Bearing Loads in Rotating Machinery Using
the Deflection Coefficient Method for Load Estimation", International Journal of Acoustics and Vibration.
[4] Kevin Gatzwiller, Brüel & Kjær, "Measuring Torsional Operational Deflection Shapes of Rotating Shafts", Brüel & Kjær, World
Headquarters, DK-2850 Nwum . Denmark.
[5] M.H. Richardson, "Is It a Mode Shape or an Operating Deflection Shape?" Sound and Vibration magazine, March, 1997.
[6] Seshendra Kumar.K.V.S, SundaraSiva Rao.B.S.K, "Experimental investigation of unbalance response of g eared shaft rotor system",
International Journal Of Applied Engineering Research, Dindigul, Volume 1, No 3, 2010
[7] Troy D. Feese P.E, Phillip E. Grazier, "Balance this: Case histories from difficult balance jobs" presented at 33 rd Turbo machinery
Symposium. Sept., 2004.
[8] Gupta, K.D. Gupta and K. Athre, 1993. "Unbalance response of a dual rotor system: theory and experiment", Transactions J.
Vibration Acoustics, 115: 427-435.
[9] D. G. Dorrell, "Experimental behavior of unbalanced magnetic pull in 3 -phase induction motors with eccentric rotors and the
relationship with tooth saturation," IEEE Trans. Energy Conversion, vol. 14, pp. 304–309, Sept. 1999.
[10] Ray D. Kelm, "Advanced Field Balancing Techniques", P.E. Kelm Engineering Danbury, TX, 24-06-2008.
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Abstract: This paper suggests variable topology method using Dyad technique for synthesizing seven-link
planar mechanism for motion between two dead centre positions. The tasks like path generation with prescribed
timing and function generation are also dealt with. Numerical examples are provided and are verified. Complex
numbers, which readily lend themselves as an ideal tool for modeling linkage members as parts of planar
mechanisms, are used for writing displacement equations for dyads.
Keywords:Dyad synthesis, Dead centers Seven-link mechanism, Variable topology,
Keywords:Dyad synthesis, Dead centers Seven-link mechanism, Variable topology,
[1] Shrinivas S Balli and Satish Chand, , "Synthesis of a Planar Seven Link Mechanism with Variable Topology for Motion Between
Two Dead Center Positions",, Mechanism and Machine Theory, March 2003, pp1271-1287.
[2] Rose, Five-bar loop synthesis, Machine Design , October 1961, pp189-195.
[3] L. Ting, G.H. Tsi, 1985, Mobility and synthesis of five bar programmable linkages, in: Proceedings of 9th OSU Applied
Mechanisms Conference, Kansas City, MD, pp. III-1-III-8.
[4] L.Ting, , Five bar Grashof's Criteria, Transactions of ASME, Journal of Mechanisms, Transmission and Automation in Design ,
1986 pp 533-537.
[5] Yogesh R Rawat., Synthesis of Variable Topology Mechanisms Graphical Method, M Tech Thesis, 1997, I.I T.Bombay.
[6] Joshi, C. Amaranath.,Y.R. Rawat, Synthesis of Variable Topology Mechanisms for Circuit Breaker Applications, Proceedings of
the 8th NaCoMM Conference, 1997, IIT, Kanpur,.
[7] Joshi, S.A, Synthesis of Variable Topology Mechanisms for Circuit Breaker Applications, 1998, M.Tech dissertation,,M.E.D.IIT,
[8] A.G.Erdman, G.N.Sandor, Mechanism Design: Analysis and Synthesis, Vol-lI, (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall ,1997)
[9] Chuen-Sen Lin and Arthur G Erdman, ," Dimensional Synthesis of Planar Triads: Motion Generation with Prescribed Timing for
Six Precision Positions" Mechanism and Machine Theory. vol22, No.5. 1987, pp 411-419
[10] Shrinivas S Balli and Satish Chand, "Transmission angle in Mechanisms (Triangle in Mechanism)", Mechanism & Machine Theory,
2002, 37, ,pp175-195.
Two Dead Center Positions",, Mechanism and Machine Theory, March 2003, pp1271-1287.
[2] Rose, Five-bar loop synthesis, Machine Design , October 1961, pp189-195.
[3] L. Ting, G.H. Tsi, 1985, Mobility and synthesis of five bar programmable linkages, in: Proceedings of 9th OSU Applied
Mechanisms Conference, Kansas City, MD, pp. III-1-III-8.
[4] L.Ting, , Five bar Grashof's Criteria, Transactions of ASME, Journal of Mechanisms, Transmission and Automation in Design ,
1986 pp 533-537.
[5] Yogesh R Rawat., Synthesis of Variable Topology Mechanisms Graphical Method, M Tech Thesis, 1997, I.I T.Bombay.
[6] Joshi, C. Amaranath.,Y.R. Rawat, Synthesis of Variable Topology Mechanisms for Circuit Breaker Applications, Proceedings of
the 8th NaCoMM Conference, 1997, IIT, Kanpur,.
[7] Joshi, S.A, Synthesis of Variable Topology Mechanisms for Circuit Breaker Applications, 1998, M.Tech dissertation,,M.E.D.IIT,
[8] A.G.Erdman, G.N.Sandor, Mechanism Design: Analysis and Synthesis, Vol-lI, (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall ,1997)
[9] Chuen-Sen Lin and Arthur G Erdman, ," Dimensional Synthesis of Planar Triads: Motion Generation with Prescribed Timing for
Six Precision Positions" Mechanism and Machine Theory. vol22, No.5. 1987, pp 411-419
[10] Shrinivas S Balli and Satish Chand, "Transmission angle in Mechanisms (Triangle in Mechanism)", Mechanism & Machine Theory,
2002, 37, ,pp175-195.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Exergy Analysis of the Solar-Driven Ejector Refrigeration System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aditya Jain, S. K. Agrawal, P. Pachorkar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0333036 ![]() |
Abstract: In the recent times, the use of solar energy for the refrigeration purpose has been increasing day by
day. Generally, solar used for cooling purpose has proposed many advantageous features in the refrigeration
field. The cooling path is basically depends on the amount of solar radiation. The more amount of solar
radiation directly increases the C.O.P. of the system.
This research paper, the solar cooling is done with the help of an ejector refrigeration system. The
exergy analysis is used to determine the various losses. This paper deals with the exergy analysis to identify the
losses and optimum conditions for driving such a refrigeration system. This paper also deals with the impact of
losses on the performance of the system. To achieve this analysis for energy and exergy is carried out. The
exergy analysis of a cycle identifies the performance of each component of the cycle.
Keywords:Solar Collector, Ejector, Generator, Condenser, cooling load, exergy analysis
Keywords:Solar Collector, Ejector, Generator, Condenser, cooling load, exergy analysis
[1] Al-Khalidy, N. (1997b). "Performance Of Solar Refrigerant Ejector Refrigerating Machine." ASHRAE Transactions 103(1): 56-64.
[2] Chang, V., Gravalos, J. And Chitty, A. (1986). Thermal Performance Of An Ejector -Compressor Solar Cooling System.
Proceedings Of The 262
[3] Fujiwara, M. (1983). "Exergy Analysis For The Performance Of Solar Collectors " Journal Of Solar Energy Engineering,
Transactions Of The ASME 105: 163-167.
[4] Pridasawas, W. And Lundqvist, P. (2004b). "An Exergy Analysis Of A Solar- Driven Ejector Refrigeration System." Solar Energy
76: 369–379.
[5] Zhang, X. J. And Wang, R. Z. (2002b). "A New Combined Adsorption– Ejector Refrigeration And Heating Hybrid System Powered
By Solar Energy." Applied Thermal Engineering 22: 1245-1258.
[2] Chang, V., Gravalos, J. And Chitty, A. (1986). Thermal Performance Of An Ejector -Compressor Solar Cooling System.
Proceedings Of The 262
[3] Fujiwara, M. (1983). "Exergy Analysis For The Performance Of Solar Collectors " Journal Of Solar Energy Engineering,
Transactions Of The ASME 105: 163-167.
[4] Pridasawas, W. And Lundqvist, P. (2004b). "An Exergy Analysis Of A Solar- Driven Ejector Refrigeration System." Solar Energy
76: 369–379.
[5] Zhang, X. J. And Wang, R. Z. (2002b). "A New Combined Adsorption– Ejector Refrigeration And Heating Hybrid System Powered
By Solar Energy." Applied Thermal Engineering 22: 1245-1258.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Supplier Developmet: Theories and Practices |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajendra Chavhan, Dr.S.K.Mahajan , Joshi Sarang P. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0333751 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to find out current supplier development practices employed by different
organization. Paper mainly focuses on supplier development, supplier development activities, programs, critical
elements and beneficial move by buyer. Importance of relationship development and factors responsible for it
long with current gaps in this field is discussed in brief.
Keywords:supplier development programmes, supplier development factors, relationship development, supplier training, supplier development process.
Keywords:supplier development programmes, supplier development factors, relationship development, supplier training, supplier development process.
Journal Papers:
[1] Lau Antonio K.W., Supplier and Customer Involvement on New Product Performance: Contextual Factors and an Empirical Test
from Manufacturer Perspective", Industrial Management & Data Systems, 111(6), 2011, 910-942.
[2] Krause D. R., & Ellram, L. M., Success factors in supplier development", International Journal of Physical Distribution &
Logistics Management, 27(1), 1997, 39-52.
[3] Watts, Charles A., Hahn, Chan K., Supplier Development Programs: An Empirical Analysis, International Journal of
Purchasing and Materials Management, 29(2), 1993, 11–17
[4] Laugen B.T., Boer H., Acur N., Frick J., Best Manufacturing Practices, What Do The Best Performing Companies Do?,
International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 25(2), 2005, 131-150.
[5] Handfield R. B., Krause D.R., Scannell T.V., Monczka R.M., Avoid the Pitfalls in Supplier Development, Sloan Management
Review, 41(2), 2000, 37-49
[6] Wagner S.M., Supplier Development Practices: An Exploratory Study, European Journal of Marketing, 40(5), 2006, 554-571
[7] Hartley Janet L., Jones Gwen E., Process Oriented Supplier Development: Building the Capability for Change, Journal of
Supply Chain Management, 33(3), 1997, 24–29.
[8] Amad Che, Latifah, Hamid Abu Bakar Abdul, Norzafir Md Salleh, Chong Siong Choy, Adapting Buyer-Supplier Relationship
Practices in Local Industry, Asian Academy of Management Journal, 13(2), 2008, 17–32.
[9] [Wagner S.M., Indirect and Direct Supplier Development: Performance Implications of Individual and Combined Effects, IEEE
Transactions on Engineering Management, 57(4), 2010, 536-546.
[10] Aslan Imran, Elif Sis, Orhan Cinar, Cetin Bektas , Improving Short and Long Term Supplier Development Plan, Economics and
Management, 16(1), 2011, 647-653.
[1] Lau Antonio K.W., Supplier and Customer Involvement on New Product Performance: Contextual Factors and an Empirical Test
from Manufacturer Perspective", Industrial Management & Data Systems, 111(6), 2011, 910-942.
[2] Krause D. R., & Ellram, L. M., Success factors in supplier development", International Journal of Physical Distribution &
Logistics Management, 27(1), 1997, 39-52.
[3] Watts, Charles A., Hahn, Chan K., Supplier Development Programs: An Empirical Analysis, International Journal of
Purchasing and Materials Management, 29(2), 1993, 11–17
[4] Laugen B.T., Boer H., Acur N., Frick J., Best Manufacturing Practices, What Do The Best Performing Companies Do?,
International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 25(2), 2005, 131-150.
[5] Handfield R. B., Krause D.R., Scannell T.V., Monczka R.M., Avoid the Pitfalls in Supplier Development, Sloan Management
Review, 41(2), 2000, 37-49
[6] Wagner S.M., Supplier Development Practices: An Exploratory Study, European Journal of Marketing, 40(5), 2006, 554-571
[7] Hartley Janet L., Jones Gwen E., Process Oriented Supplier Development: Building the Capability for Change, Journal of
Supply Chain Management, 33(3), 1997, 24–29.
[8] Amad Che, Latifah, Hamid Abu Bakar Abdul, Norzafir Md Salleh, Chong Siong Choy, Adapting Buyer-Supplier Relationship
Practices in Local Industry, Asian Academy of Management Journal, 13(2), 2008, 17–32.
[9] [Wagner S.M., Indirect and Direct Supplier Development: Performance Implications of Individual and Combined Effects, IEEE
Transactions on Engineering Management, 57(4), 2010, 536-546.
[10] Aslan Imran, Elif Sis, Orhan Cinar, Cetin Bektas , Improving Short and Long Term Supplier Development Plan, Economics and
Management, 16(1), 2011, 647-653.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimization of Free-form Surfaces |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Himanshu Chudhary, Prateek Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0335261 ![]() |
Abstract: Optimum machining parameters are of great concern in manufacturing environments, where
economy of machining operation plays a key role in competitiveness in the market. The surface finish and
material removal rate have been identified as quality and quantity attributes and efforts have been made to
bridge the gap between them. The present study highlights the optimization of CNC milling process parameters
(i.e Feed Rate, Spindle Speed and Side Step) in order to maximize the material removal rate and to minimize the
surface roughness such that these multi-criterions could be fulfilled simultaneously to the expected level. The
effect of these selected parameters on the above quality and productivity attributes were investigated using
Response Surface Methodology (RSM) with Central Composite design of experiment. The effect of these
parameters were also studied for two different profiles (inclined surface and free form 3D profile) and models
for MRR and Surface Roughness were predicted for these profiles.
Keywords: Material removal rate (MRR), Surface Roughness, Multi Objective Optimization, Response Surface, Pareto Chart.
Keywords: Material removal rate (MRR), Surface Roughness, Multi Objective Optimization, Response Surface, Pareto Chart.
[1] Alauddin, M., M.A.El Baradie and M.S.J. Hashmi, 1997. "Prediction of tool life in end milling by response surface methodology",
Journal of Materials Processing and Technology 71, 456-465
[2] Hasegawa, M., A. Seireg and R.A. Lindberg, 1976. "Surface roughness model for turning", Tribology International, 285–289.
[3] Alauddin, M., M.A. El Baradie and M.S.J. Hashmi, 1995. "Computer-aided analysis of asurface-roughness model for end milling,
Journal of Materials Processing and Technology 55,123–127.
[4] Alauddin, M., M.A. El Baradie and M.S.J. Hashmi, 1996. "Optimization of surface finish in end milling Inconel 718", Journal of
Materials Processing and Technology 56, 54–65.
[5] EI-Baradie, M.A., 1993. "Surface roughness model for turning grey cast iron 1154 BHN",Proc. IMechE 207, pp. 43-54.
[6] Bandyopadhyay, B.P. and E.H. Teo, 1990. "Application of lactorial design of experiment in high speed turning", Proc. of
Adrances in Materials & Automation, Atlanta. GA, USA, ASME, NY, 1990, 3-8.
[7] Gorlenko, O.A. 1981. "Assessment of starface roughness parameters and theirinterdependence", Precision Engineering 3, 105- 108
[8] Thomas, T.R., 1981. "Characterisation of surface roughness", Precision Engineering 3, 97-104.
[9] Mital, M. M., 1988. Surface roughness prediction models for fine turning,( Int. J. Prod. Res. 26), 1861–1876.
Journal of Materials Processing and Technology 71, 456-465
[2] Hasegawa, M., A. Seireg and R.A. Lindberg, 1976. "Surface roughness model for turning", Tribology International, 285–289.
[3] Alauddin, M., M.A. El Baradie and M.S.J. Hashmi, 1995. "Computer-aided analysis of asurface-roughness model for end milling,
Journal of Materials Processing and Technology 55,123–127.
[4] Alauddin, M., M.A. El Baradie and M.S.J. Hashmi, 1996. "Optimization of surface finish in end milling Inconel 718", Journal of
Materials Processing and Technology 56, 54–65.
[5] EI-Baradie, M.A., 1993. "Surface roughness model for turning grey cast iron 1154 BHN",Proc. IMechE 207, pp. 43-54.
[6] Bandyopadhyay, B.P. and E.H. Teo, 1990. "Application of lactorial design of experiment in high speed turning", Proc. of
Adrances in Materials & Automation, Atlanta. GA, USA, ASME, NY, 1990, 3-8.
[7] Gorlenko, O.A. 1981. "Assessment of starface roughness parameters and theirinterdependence", Precision Engineering 3, 105- 108
[8] Thomas, T.R., 1981. "Characterisation of surface roughness", Precision Engineering 3, 97-104.
[9] Mital, M. M., 1988. Surface roughness prediction models for fine turning,( Int. J. Prod. Res. 26), 1861–1876.
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Abstract: This work presents the effect of various wear environments like 20% soil & 80% sand and 40% soil
& 60% sand on as received and carburized mild steel sample at different load like 75N, 200N & 375N and at
different tempering temperature like 200ºC, 250ºC & 300ºC. The mild steel sample was carburized at 950ºC.
The heat treatment after carburization has been acknowledge that at some instant it improving the various
properties of mild steel. The mechanical properties and wear behavior of mild steel samples carburized at
temperature of 950ºC and tempered at different tempering temperature of 200ºC, 250ºC & 300ºC have been
studied and it is observed that the sample with heat treatment improves the hardness, tensile strength and wear
resistance of mild steel. For this experiment firstly the mild steel samples are carburized at temperature 950ºC
than soaking for two hour and then it is tempered at different temperature range of 200ºC, 250ºC & 300ºC for
1h, 1.5h, 2h. After this the carburized and tempered mild steel samples are subjected for different kind of test
such as abrasive wear test at different load like 75N, 200N & 375N, and tensile test. the result of these
experiment shows that the carburized and tempered process greatly improve the mechanical and wear
properties like hardness, tensile strength and wear resistance and these properties increases with increase in
tempering temperature. The aim of these experiments is to examine the effects on mechanical and wear
properties for mild steel samples which were carburized and tempered at different temperature and various
wear environments.
Keywords:Mechanical properties, carburizing, tempering temperature, wear rate
Keywords:Mechanical properties, carburizing, tempering temperature, wear rate
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[8] M. Tabur, M. Izcile, F. Gul and I. Karacan Abrasive wear behavior of boronized AISI 8620 steel Wear Volume 266, Issues 11 -12,
30 May 2009, Pages 1106-1112
[9] Shafaat Ahmed, A.S.M.A. Haseeb and A.S.W. Kurny Study of the wear behaviour of Al–4.5% Cu–3.4% Fe in situ composite:
Effect of thermal and mechanical processing Journal of Materials Processing Technology Volume 182, Issues 1-3, 2 February
2007, Pages 327-332
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