Version-1 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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Abstract: The present study aimed to assess women awareness regarding vaginal discharge. Study design: Cross sectional design was utilized. Study sitting: The study was conducted at 17 faculties at Mansoura University. Study sample: A total of 500 employees selected by systematic random sample. Tool of data collection: A structured interviewing questionnaire was used. It included five parts to assess general characteristics, obstetrical history, knowledge and health seeking behavior regarding vaginal discharge and the incidence of abnormal vaginal discharge among the studied sample. Results: the finding of this study revealed that less than quarter of the employees complained of abnormal vaginal discharge. More than half of studied women had bad knowledge score.............
Keywords: Vaginal discharge, Awareness, Knowledge, Practices.
[1]. Abbas, A.H., Shaaban, O.M., Badran, S.M., Shaltout, A.S., Nasr, A., and Abdullah, S.A. (2016): Risk factors and health hazards about vaginal infections in Upper Egypt: Across Sectional Study, women's health center, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt, Thai journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, vol. 24(1), pp 50-56.
[2]. Abd Elrahim, H.A., Nagieb, S., Mohamed, S.N., Hafez, A., and Kamel, H. (2012): Role of Unhealthy Practices during the Menstrual, Partum and Postpartum Periods as Risk Factors for Secondary Infertility. Egyptian Journal of Nursing (EJN); (2012); (1):4, p: 92.
[3]. Ananda, E., Singhb, J., and Unisaa, S. (2015): Menstrual hygiene practices and its association with reproductive tract infections and abnormal vaginal discharge among women in India, Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, Volume 6, Issue 4, December 2015, Pages 249–254.
[4]. British Medical Journal (BMJ), (2013): Abnormal vaginal discharge, BMJ 2013; 347:f4975 doi: 10.1136/bmj. f4975 (published 13 August 2013) available at last accessed on 31/10/2016.
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Abstract: Background: Patient registry is a file of documents containing uniform information about individual persons, collected in a systematic and comprehensive way, in order to serve a pre-determined scientific, clinical or policy purpose.
Aim; this study was conducted to establish data base for cerebral palsy (CP) in Al montazah district Alexandria city. Subjects and Methods: children with CP who are receiving physical therapy services of both genders, ranged in age from 6 months to 15 years in central hospitals, Health insurance hospitals and all private physical therapy centers which deal with children in Al montazah district. The number of cases which included in this study was 180 cases. The outcomes measures were Viking speech Scale, Manual Ability Classification System (MACS), Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) and Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM).............
Keywords: Almontazah, Cerebral palsy, Registry, physical therapy
[1]. Kerr G., Rosenbaum P., Paneth N., Dan B., Lin J., Damiano D., Becher J., Gaebler-Spira D., Colver A., Reddihough D., Crompton K. and Lieber. R. (2016).Cerebral palsy Nature Reviews Disease Primers, 15082 doi:10.1038/nrdp.2015.82.
[2]. Durkin M., Benedict R., Christensen D., Dubois L., Fitzgerald R., Kirby R., Maenner M., Van Naarden K., Wingate M., Yeargin-Allsopp M. (2016). Prevalence of Cerebral Palsy among 8-Year-Old Children in 2010 and Preliminary Evidence of Trends in Its Relationship to Low Birthweight.PaediatrPerinatEpidemiol. 30(5):496-510.
[3]. El-Tallawy H., Farghaly W., Shehata G. (2014). Cerebral palsy in Al-Quseir City, Egypt: prevalence, subtypes, and risk factors. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 10:1267-1272.
[4]. Surveillance of cerebral palsy in Europe (2000). a collaboration of cerebral palsy surveys and registers. Surveillance of Cerebral Palsy in Europe (SCPE)Dev Med Child Neurol. 42(12):816-24.
[5]. Skiöld B., Alexandrou G., Padilla N., Blennow M., Vollmer B. and Adén U.(2014). Sex differences in outcome and associations with neonatal brain morphology in extremely preterm children. J Pediatr.; 164(5): 1012-8.
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Abstract: Objective: Globally, the predominant trend in nursing education over the last century has been towards greater professionalization through the lengthening of training periods and the shift from a hospital-based apprenticeship model of professional education to institutions of higher learning. The study sought the opinion of academic and hospital nurses in Jos, Plateau state on the ongoing transition in nursing education from hospital base to the University, having four objectives as a guide.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive survey design was adopted for the study and a stratified sampling technique was used to recruit 74 nurses/midwives. Descriptive statistics was generated for demography and opinions of nurses/midwives while inferential statistics (student's t-test) was used to investigate their opinions with their practice area........
[1]. D. Blaauw, P. Ditlopo & L. C. Rispel, Nursing education reforms in South Africa-lesson from a policy analysis study, Global Health action 2014. Retrieved from
[2]. Nursing World Nigeria, NUC released list of 21 universities approved /accredited for nursing programmes, 2012. Retrieved 17/10/2016 from
[3]. I.D. Glean, Sampling, the evidence of extension programme impact, programme evaluation and organizational development. IFAS, University of Florida DEOD-5, 1992. retrieved on 17/10/2016
[4]. C. Delani & B. Piscopo, Nurses experience in transition from RNS to BSNs. Journal of professional nursing 23(3): 2007, 167-73. Retrieved from http:/, on 13th August, 2016
[5]. C.T. Korner, & M. Djukic, The nursing career process from the application through the first 2 years of employment. Journal of professional Nursing 25(4), 2009, 197 – 209.
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Abstract: Background Growth in the request for superiority end of life care have got palliative care (PC) emphasized as a national urgency, as well as the increasing prevalent provision of end of life care by nurses in critical care units. One of the important reasons inducing a successful provision of PC is nurses' knowledge and attitudes. So, there is a need to support and educate undergraduate critical care nursing students (UCCNSs) for obtaining high quality PC. The initial stage in formulating a strategy to educate UCCNSs about PC is to examine their current knowledge and attitudes..............
Keywords: Palliative care; Undergraduate student; critical nursing; knowledge; attitudes.
[1] World Health Organization (WHO): WHO definition of palliative care. 2015. Available from: Retrieved date: 13 August, 2016.
[2] Kassa H, Murugan R, Zewdu F, Hailu M, Woldeyohannes D. Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice and associated factors towards palliative care among nurses working in selected hospitals, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. BMC Palliative Care. 2014; 13(6):1-11.
[3] Daniels D, John L. Contemporary medical surgical nursing. 2nd ed. Thomson Delmar Learing. 2012; 109-16.
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Abstract: Background One of the highly vital duties done by nurses in the intensive care units (ICU) is endotracheal suctioning (ES). It is done for maintaining airway and improving ventilation and oxygenation; however, it must be done in a way so that, in addition to the mentioned advantages, it can have the least complications for the patient. Kelher et al. (52) showed that some nurses performed ES without consideration to recommended steps so excellence of this nursing intervention was less than predicted. Therefore practicing ES with adherence to recommended guidelines is an inquiry, so it is essential to examine routine ICU method of ES applied by nurses compared with standard one that is based on the guidelines..............
Keywords: Cardiorespiratory, guidelines, nurse, open, routine, suction.
[1] Harada N. Closed suctioning system: Critical analysis for its use. Japan Journal of Nursing Science 2010; 7:19–28.
[2] Mohammadpour A, Amini S, Shakeri MT, Mirzaei S. Comparing the effect of open and closed endotracheal suctioning on pain and oxygenation in post CABG patients under mechanical ventilation. Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research Mar-Apr 2015; 20(2):195-9.
[3] Jongerden IP, Kesecioglu J, Speelberg B, Buiting AG, Leverstein-van Hall MA, Bonten MJ. Changes in heart rate, mean arterial pressure, and oxygen saturation after open and closed endotracheal suctioning: A prospective observational study. Journal of Critical Care 2012; 27:647-54.
[4] Herbst-Rodrigues MV, Carvalho VO, Auler JO, Feltrim MI. PEEP-ZEEP technique: Cardiorespiratory repercussions in mechanically ventilated patients submitted to a coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery 2011; 6:108.
[5] Credland N. How to perform open tracheal suction via an endotracheal tube. Nursing Standard 2016; 30(35):30-8.
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Abstract: During pregnancy women may suffer from various discomforts. However they need to be assessed and managed by the mothers. In this study non experimental descriptive design was used on the sample size of 100 antenatal mothers at selected hospitals of Patiala selected by non probability convenience sampling technique. Data was collected by interview method using checklist for prevalence and knowledge questionnaire. An information pamphlet was developed and administered to enhance knowledge of antenatal mothers regarding minor ailments of pregnancy and their home remedies. Data depicts that majority of antenatal mothers(76%) had average knowledge whereas.............
Keywords: Assess, prevalence, knowledge, antenatal mothers, minor discomforts, home remedies, Informational pamphlets.
[1] Park's. K textbook of preventive and social medicine.17th edition, 2003, by M/S. Banarsidas bhanot publishers, Jabalpur, Pg. No -359-364
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[3] Bhuvaneshwari K. Minor ailments of Pregnancy and their home remedies.
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Abstract: Few studies have assessed the impact of short-term courses on the increase of knowledge, especially regarding patient safety courses. This study has as its objective to report on experience concerning the evaluation of knowledge gained from short-term courses under the theme of Patient Safety in a Continuous Education Program at a Brazilian University Hospital. The study was retrospective, evaluating the acquisition of knowledge in courses through questionnaires applied before and after the course. The courses were part of the routine of the institution and carried a mandatory participation requirement..............
Keywords: Patient safety; Continuing Education; Nursing; Short-term courses.
[1]. WHO – World Health Organization. Conceptual Framework for the International Classification for Patient Safety Version 1.1. (Final Technical Report. Jan, 2009)
[2]. JF Mello, SFF Barbosa. Cultura de segurança do paciente em terapia intensiva: Recomendações da enfermagem. Texto Contexto Enfermagem 22, 2013; 1124- 1133.
[3]. RM Oliveira, IMTA Leitao, LL Aguiar et al. Evaluating the intervening factors in patient safety: focusing on hospital nursing staff. Revista Escola Enfermagem USP 49, 2015, 104- 13.
[4]. Brasil. Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA. Plano Integrado para a Gestão Sanitária da Segurança do Paciente em Serviços de Saúde: Monitoramento e Investigação de Eventos Adversos e Avaliação de Práticas de Segurança do Paciente. (Brasília, 2015).
[5]. SJ Weaver, LH Lubomski, RF Wilson, ER Pfoh, KA Martinez, SM Dy. Promoting a culture of safety as a patient safety strategy. Annals Internal Medicine 158, 2013, 369- 74.
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Abstract: This study was aimed at investigating the antianeamic of Spondiasmombin on iron deprived rats. The effects of oral administration of aqueous extract of Spondiasmombin leaf at doses of 100, 200 and 300mg/kg body weight on haematological parameters, of iron sufficient and iron deprived rats were investigated. Forty (40) albino rats were used for the study. Ten (10) rats were fed with iron sufficient diet (control group) and thirty (30) rats were made iron deficient by feeding them with iron deprived diet. After four weeks of feeding the rats,the haemoglobin concentration (Hb), packed cell volume (PCV), red blood cells (RBC), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular volume (MCH), mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), white blood cell (WBC) and serum iron (Fe) were determined...............
Keywords: Spondiasmombin, haematological parameters, iron deficient, iron sufficient
[1]. National Food Consumption and Nutrition Survey. NFCNS, IITA, Ibadan. 2004.
[2]. World Health Organization. Iron deficiency anaemia: assessment, prevention and control-a guide for programme managers, WHO, Geneva. 2001.
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[4]. Lozoff and Georgieff. Iron deficiency and brain development. SeminPediatrNeurol; 2006. 13(3):158-65.
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Abstract: The present study was carried out to evaluate the problem solving skills of midwifery and nursing students that use a care plan. The research was conducted as a cross-sectional study on 410 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students receiving education in Faculty of Health Sciences Midwifery and Nursing Department. Personal information form and ''Problem Solving Inventory'' (PSI) were used for data collection. Student's t test, variance analysis, mann-whitney u and kruskal-wallis tests were used for data evaluation. During the research the students were asked their opinion on the use of a care plan...............
Keywords: Care plan, midwife, nurse, problem solving, student
[1]. D. Cüceloğlu, İyi düşün doğru karar ver (İstanbul: Sistem Yayınlık, 1997).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pain Management: A systematic review |
Country | : | Jordan |
Authors | : | Mohammad Mashaqbeh || Mohannad Eid AbuRuz |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0601017580 ![]() |
Abstract: Pain is defined as "an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage. In general, pain is underestimated by healthcare providers. This underestimation might lead to poor management which negatively affects patients' outcomes, quality of life, and satisfaction. Therefore the purpose of this review was to understand what pain means, its physiology, types and what are the different therapies available to manage pain.
Keywords: Pain, types of pain, pharmacological pain management, and non-pharmacological pain management
[1]. Elzahaf, R.A., et al., The prevalence of chronic pain with an analysis of countries with a Human Development Index less than 0.9: a systematic review without meta-analysis. Curr Med Res Opin, 2012. 28(7): p. 1221-9.
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[3]. Theroux, J., et al., Prevalence and management of back pain in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients: A retrospective study. Pain Res Manag, 2015. 20(3): p. 153-7.
[4]. Coluzzi, F., et al., Postoperative Pain Surveys in Italy from 2006 and 2012: (POPSI and POPSI-2). European Review For Medical And Pharmacological Sciences, 2015. 19(22): p. 4261-4269.
[5]. El Sissi, W., et al., Prevalence of neuropathic pain among patients with chronic low-back pain in the Arabian Gulf Region assessed using the leeds assessment of neuropathic symptoms and signs pain scale. J Int Med Res, 2010. 38(6): p. 2135-45.
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Abstract: Aim: The purpose of this study is to determine if family and social support play a part in the readmission of the elderly diabetic patients at San Fernando General Hospital.
Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive quantitative study was undertaken among the readmitted elderly diabetic patients at San Fernando General Hospital. It was carried out among the 35 patients who consented and volunteered to participate in the study. Structured closed ended statements were used to elicit their responses on the research issue. Face-to-face interviews, using the same structured questionnaire, were conducted with the elderly who were not able to write. Some were assisted by their close relatives. Analysis was done with the aid of the SPSS programme...............
Keywords: Diabetes, Elderly, Caribbean, Readmission.
[1]. Robinson, S., Howie- Esquivel, J., & Viahow, D. Readmission risk factors after hospital discharge among the elderly. Journal article 2012; Volume15 (6), 338-351. DOI:
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