Series-1 (Jan. – Feb. 2021)Jan. – Feb. 2021 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Function, Recapitalization and Importance of Regional Rural Bank |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shyam Sundar Nema |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1101010102 ![]() |
Abstract: The Regional Rural Banks were owned by the Central Government, the State Government and the Sponsor Bank (Any commercial bank can sponsor the regional rural banks) who held shares in the ratios as follows Central Government – 50%, State Government – 15% and Sponsor Banks – 35%. The sponsor bank helps the growth of an RRB by providing trainings to the staff of an RRB, providing management consultations to the bank for a minimum period of 5 years.....
[1]. Khurana and Markanday,2017 - IBPS Regional Rural Banking, S. Chand Publishing.
[2]. Meenu Agrawal, 2009 - Regional Rural Banks (Rrbs) In India New Century Publications.
[3]. Manas Kumar Baidya & Debabrata Mitra, 2013 - Efficient Banking in Indian Banking Industry2
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Regional Rural Bank – An Analytical Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shyam Sundar Nema |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1101010304 ![]() |
Abstract: Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) are Indian Scheduled Commercial Banks (Government Banks) operating at regional level in different States of India . They have been created with a view of serving primarily the rural areas of India with basic banking and financial services. The Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) were established in 1975 under the provisions of the Ordinance promulgated on 26th September, 1975 and Regional Rural Banks Act, 1976 with a view to developing the rural economy by providing, for the purpose of development of agriculture, trade, commerce, industry and other productive activities in the rural areas, credit and other facilities, particularly to small and marginal farmers, agricultural laborers', artisans and small entrepreneurs, and for matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. However, RRBs may have branches set up for urban operations and their area of operation may include urban areas too....
[1]. Khurana and Markanday,2017 - IBPS Regional Rural Banking, S. Chand Publishing.
[2]. Meenu Agrawal, 2009 - Regional Rural Banks (Rrbs) In India New Century Publications.
[3]. Manas Kumar Baidya & Debabrata Mitra, 2013 - Efficient Banking in Indian Banking Industry.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on the Importance of Selp-Help Groups in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr.kulwant Kumar || Dr.Kanchan shrivastava |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1101010508 ![]() |
Abstract: Self help group (SHG) program is an even minded way to deal with kill destitution. It is started as an independent work program in the language of destitution destruction gauges just as strengthening program in the nation. With the end goal of bring more helpless women under this program to make them engaged strategically, socially and monetarily. In any case, the advancement of Women Self Help Groups SHGs) is exceptionally delayed regarding its number, participation, gathering of assets and size of payment of assets among recipients. There is a critical need of powerful endeavors from all sides to make the advancement cycle of SHGs solid and supportable in India.
Keywords: SHGS, Income Generating Activities, Microfinance
[1]. Credit guidelines for SHGs (2007), Tamilnadu Corporation for development of women ltd, handbook, and pp.1-5
[2]. Chandrakavate, M.S. (2006), SHGs model of microfinance: A silent movement towards empowering rural women. Southern Economist, 44: 29-32.
[3]. Patak P.A (1992), self help groups and their linkages with banks, national banks of news review, vol.8 no.1, pp.9-10
[4]. Pantulu, N. Karaju & Lakshmi, C. Swarajya. (1997). Development of women entrepreneurship in India: Problems and prospects. Indian Journal of Commerce, 193: 295-301.
[5]. Rani, G. Sandya. (2006). Promoting micro entrepreneurship for women's development. Southern Economist, 45..
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Abstract: As of late, strengthening of women has gotten a subject of incredible worry for the countries everywhere on the world particularly in poor and creating districts. Uttar Pradesh state is one of the most unfortunate and lacking State of India. This State position among the most minimal regions of general wellbeing, sexual orientation and nourishment issues. In this state microfinance is a method of securing the capacity and occasion to partake in dynamic and execution of choices with legitimate data on self-nobility and self-assurance. Microfinance program stretch out little advances to destitute individuals especially women for independent work extends that produce pay and permit them to take care for themselves and their families. Strengthening implies support of women in agreeable conjunction with men....
Keywords: SHG, Uttar Pradesh, Microfinance, Women Empowerment.
[1]. Self Help group hand book, issued by IFFCO foundation, New Delhi, 2009
[2]. Pallavi, C. what's more, Bhaskar. B, (2009), Micro Finance and Financial Inclusion of Women, Reserve Bank of India, Occasional Paper Vol. (30), 2, pp 67-75.
[3]. Planning commission (2007) report on steering committee on microfinance on poverty alleviation.
[4]. Micro scan –A technical bulletin, Care, New Delhi, Vol.2 No.3.2004
[5]. Cheston, S. and Kuhn, L. (2002), Empowering Women through Microfinance, New York: UNIFEM.
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Abstract: Mermaid syndrome also known as Sirenomelia is a rare congenital malformation. We report a case of Sirenomelia in a secondary care hospital in south India. This congenital anomaly is a rare entity which can be diagnosed during antenatal visit. This case report will enable us to understand the syndrome and the role of nurses in counselling and psychological support for such rare cases.
Keywords: Mermaid syndrome, Sirenomelia, Caudal regression syndrome
[1]. Nadereh Taee, Tarhani et.,al., Mermaid Syndrome: A case Report of a rare Congenital Anomaly in Full-Term Neonate with Thumb Deformity, American Journal of Perinatology.,2018 oct 8 (4)
[2]. Duhamel B (1961) From the Mermaid toAnal Imperforation: The syndrome of caudal Regression. Arch Dis Child 36(186):152-155
[3]. Reddy K, Srinivas S, Kumar S, Reddy s, Hariprasad, et al. (2012) Sirenomelia Arare presentation. Journal of neonatological surgery 1 (1):7
[4]. Singh C, Lodha P, Arora D, Prabhu Sharma A, Kaul A(2014) Diagnosis of sirenomelia. Prenat Diagn 26(8): 684-688.
[5]. Garrido-Allepuz C,Haro E, Gonzalez- Lamuno D et al.: A clinical and experimental overview of sirenomelia: insight into the mechanisms of congenital limb malformations. Dis Model Mech. 2011, 4: 289-99
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Abstract: The article describes a methodical approach to the use of risk-oriented approach to the implementation of topographic method of forecasting industrial traumatism in modern conditions, the basis of which is the assessment of industrial risks to ensure the management system of occupational health and safety and the cycle of continuous improvement of Shuhart-Deming. Weber-Fechner and S. Stevens' laws were taken as a basis for calculation of occupational and industrial risks depending on the parameters of the working area with consideration of time of stay of the workers in the zone of hazardous factors. An algorithm to convert environment parameters into an industrial risk index has been developed. There was an analysis of cards....
Keywords: occupational risk, industrial risk, harmful factor, hazardous factor, topographic method of forecasting industrial traumatism
[1]. Присяжна Л.П., Сметанкін В.О., Переверзєва Л.М., Немічева Н.В. Класифікація методів аналізу травматизму. Вісник ХНАДУ. 2012. Вип. 59. С. 60–63.
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[4]. Багров А. В., Муртазов А. К. Техногенные системы и теория риска : монография. Рязань: Рязанский гос. ун-т им. С. А. Есенина, 2010. 207 с.
[5]. Про затвердження Державних санітарних норм та правил «Гігієнічна класифікація праці за показниками шкідливості та небезпечності факторів виробничого середовища, важкості та напруженості трудового процесу» / Наказ МОЗ України № 248 від 08 квіт. 2014 р. URL: (дата звернення 03.08.2020)..
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Abstract: A student-teacher or intern teacher or practice teacher can be an undergraduate or graduate student who tries to teach through implementing his/her theoretical knowledge in real classroom settings to obtain a degree in education. But it is neither simplistic nor intuitive to execute all the theoretical knowledge into application. This mixed-method study aimed to examine the extent of the gap between theoretical knowledge and implementation in the classroom by the practice teachers. To reach the purpose of this research, data were collected from a total of 101 practice teachers (Survey- 92; Interview- 09) who did their internship at 12 different schools as a part of their graduation. The findings of this study depict that most of the practice teachers were unable to implement their theoretical knowledge into practice due to the inadequate preparation, time management, workload, and difficulties of real classroomn....
Keywords: Practice teacher; Internship program; Pedagogy; Classroom environment; Teachers' satisfaction
[1]. Grossman, P., Compton, C., Igra, D., Ronfeldt, M., Shahan, E., & Williamson, P. (2009). Teaching practice: A cross-professional perspective. Teachers college record, 111(9), 2055-2100.
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Abstract: The goal of this study is to determine the increase in economic learning outcomes and activities in class XI of social science Senior High School 2 Banjar by applying research learning strategies of the fourth core competencies with the price, inflation, demand and money supply material index. Class Action Research is the type of the research and data obtained through the process of observation and testing. The data type is quantitative data. Study findings show that after applying inquiry learning strategies in class XI of social science Senior High School 2 Banjar economic learning outcomes and activity should increase
Keywords: inquiry learning strategies, learning activity, learning outcomes
[1]. Arikunto, dkk. (2012).Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
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Abstract: This study aims to understand the literacy skills-based English learning model. Also, to find literacy skills as a basis for improving translation skills. This research is a quantitative study with a research design for the development of a literacy skills-based English translation-learning model. The location of this research was conducted in South Sulawesi at the Vocational High School for Tourism Program with a sample of 2 SMKN Tourism Program schools located in Gowa Regency and SMKN for the Tourism Program of Takalar Regency. Collecting data in this study using four techniques, namely observation, questionnaire, interview questionnaire, and documents. Meanwhile, data management was carried out using SPSS 20 Version software and data analysis in this study used inductive analysis. The results of the study can be concluded that the basic principles in the learning process of English translation...
Keywords: Translation and literacy skills
[1]. Arendas, (2008) Learning to Teach. Jogjakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
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Abstract: In four recent papers with the same generic name as this one and numbered with (I), (II), (III), respectively (IV), I presented the definitions, the consequences immediate resulting from these and a series of 38 properties of hyperbolic functions, properties that we divided into four groups, as follows: A) "Trigonometric" properties - nine properties; B) The derivatives of hyperbolic functions - six properties; C) The primitives (indefinite integrals) of hyperbolic functions – six properties and D) The monotony and the invertibility of hyperbolic functions - 17 properties. That in paper (I). In paper (II) I continued this approach and I presented another 54 properties of these functions, properties that have divided into three groups, as follows: E) Other properties "trigonometric" -...
Keywords: hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine, hyperbolic tangent, hyperbolic cotangent, hyperbolic secant, hyperbolic cosecant.
[1]. Abramowitz, M. & Stegun, I. A. (Eds.) (1973), Hyperbolic Functions §4.5 in Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas,
Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, 9th printing. New York: Dover, p. 83-86.
[2]. Anderson, J. W., (1999), Trigonometry in the Hyperbolic Plane §5.7 in Hyperbolic Geometry, New York: Springer-Verlag, p. 146-
[3]. Beyer, W. H., (1987), Hyperbolic Function CRC Standard Mathematical Tables, 28th ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, p. 168-186
and 219.
[4]. Harris, J. W. & Stocker, H., (1998), Hyperbolic Functions, Handbook of Mathematics and Computational Science, New York,
Springer-Verlag, p. 245-262.
[5]. Jeffrey, A., (2000), Hyperbolic Identities, §3.5 in Handbook of Mathematical Formulas and Integrals, 2nd ed. Orlando, FL:
Academic Press, p. 117-122..