Series-5 (Jan. – Feb. 2021)Jan. – Feb. 2021 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6 Series-7
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study on a new teaching mode in universities during the period of new coronary pneumonia |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Yu Zhaojiang |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1101050104 ![]() |
Abstract: In recent years, education informatization has led to great development of higher education mode. New concepts such as micro-course, mooc and flipped classroom have been widely studied and promoted, all of which belong to the category of network teaching mode. In this paper, we study the important role of the network teaching mode in higher education under the major public health event(i.e. the new coronary pneumonia), and the existing disadvantages.
Keywords: network teaching mode, micro-course, mooc, flipped classroom, new coronary pneumonia.
[1]. Zeng Mingxing, Zhou Qingping, Cai Guomin, Research of flipped classroom teaching model based on MOOC, Instruction and Teacher Professional Development, 2015, 4, 102-104.
[2]. Martin, F.G.Will, Massive open online courses change how we teach? Communications of the ACM, 2012, 55(8), 26-28.
[3]. Ceng Zhen, The characteristics, practices, and problems of the flipped classroom, Instruction and Teacher Professional Development, 2012, 306(7), 114-117.
[4]. Mcauley A, Stewart B, Siemens G, et al. The MOOC model for digital practice, Knowledge Synthesis for the Digital Economy, 2010, 6, 128-143.
[5]. Esposito A, Research ethics in emerging forms of online learning: issues arising from a hypothetical study on a MOOC, The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 2012, 3, 59-65.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Analysis of Politeness Strategy and Cooperation Principle in 'Gravity'movie |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Eka Pratiwi Yunianti |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1101050510 ![]() |
Abstract: This research studies about the politeness strategies and cooperation principle that are used in 'Gravity' movie. This was adescriptive qualitative research, which used the movie transcript as the data source. Then, the researcher used politeness strategies theory by Brown and Levinson (1987) and cooperation principle by Grice (1975) to analyze the data. The result from the analysis showed that 1) all politeness strategies theories proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987) are employed in the script and 2) out of four strategies, the most used strategy was positive politeness strategy. Then, from the result, it can be concluded that..
Key Word: politeness strategy, cooperative principle, movie
[1]. Brown, Penelope and Stephen C. Levinson. 1987. Politeness Some universals in language usage.New York: Cambridge University Press.
[2]. Hutauruk, Bertaria Sohnata. 2017. Politeness Strategies on Harry Potter and the Half Blood Price. Journal of English Language and Culture. Vol. 7 No. 2 p. 48-56
[3]. Nugraha, Risma Ardiansyah. 2013. Maxim Violation in Real Steel Movie : APragmatics Approach. Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.
[4]. Pakaya, Ramlan. 2015. The Study of Maxim Clash in Titanic Movie. English Department Letters and Culutre Faculty. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo.
[5]. Safitri, Ferdianita Lucky Nur. 2015. A Sudy of Politeness Strategies of Characters in the Big Wedding Movie Directed by Justin Zackham. Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra. Vol.2 No.2 p.93-107
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Abstract: Background: The objectives of the research were to investigate whether there was a statistically significant difference of the students' reading comprehension achievement after the implementation of RAP strategy and also how students' perception is toward the application of RAP strategy.
Materials and Methods: The approach used in this research was quantitative. The subjects were 23 students of second grade majoring in business and marketing at SMKN 9 Bandar Lampung. The reading tests and questionnaire were used as the research instrument. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by using Repeated Measure t-test and the questionnaire was scored according to Likert scale.
Results: The resulst showed that there........
Key Word: RAP strategy; Reading; Reading comprehension; Students' perceptions
[1]. Boyle, Joseph R., and Scanlon, D. 2010. Method and strategies for teaching students with mild disabilities. United Kingdom: Wadsworth.
[2]. Campbell, J., Smith, D., and Boulton-Lewis, G. 2001. Students' perceptions of teaching and learning: The influence of students approaches to learning and teachers approaches to teaching. Queensland: QUT Eprints.
[3]. Dahlia, D. 2014. The effect of using RAP strategy toward reading comprehension of the second year students at YLPI Pekanbaru (Master's Thesis). Pekanbaru: University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.
[4]. Fransisca 2016. Increasing reading motivation and comprehension through the "Read, Ask, Put" (RAP) reading strategy in slow learner middle school student (Master's Theses). Depok: Universitas Indonesia.
[5]. George, D., & Mallery, P. 2003. Using SPSS for windows step by step: A simple guide and reference (4th ed.). London: Pearson Education.
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Abstract: Business Education is a form of education that majorly focuses on skill acquisition for its recipient. It comprises of the necessary training for gainful employment as well as basic skills that aimed at developing individuals with the right attitude to work and the competency necessary to be relevant in the world of work. The paper aimed at positioning business education as a panacea to economic emancipation in Nigeria. It discussed the environmental challenges of business education, which among others include curriculum challenges, non-availability of e-learning facilities, government discriminatory attitude in funding, public attitude and perception and inadequate........
Key Word: Business Education, panacea, economic emancipation, prospects and challenges, employment
[1]. Abdulrahaman W. L. (2013). Technical and Vocational Education, a Tool for NationalDevelopment in Nigeria. Mediterranean Journal of Social SciencesMCSER Publishing,Rome-Italy 4(8) 85-89
[2]. Ajisafe, O.E.; Bolarinwa, K.O. &Edeh T. (2015). Issues in Business Education Programme : Challenges to National Transformation. Journal of Education and Practice.6(21). ISSN 2222-288X
[3]. Akaninwor, George I. Ken (1998). Electrical power outages and the teaching/learning process in technical training institutions in Rivers State. NATT Conference, Minna pp. 128-131.
[4]. Amadi, N.S.&Ohaka,A.O. (2018). Influence of poor infrastructure on vocational teacher education in Rivers State Universities. International Journal of Innovative Social and Science Education Research 6(1), 41-62. ISSN 2360-8978.
[5]. Amoor, S.S. (2010). The need to improve teacher quality in business education in Nigerian universities.International Journal of Educational Research 11(1), 1-11.
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Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of future technology workshop, the paper seeks to recommend the futuristic approach and technology training as different education design to sustain evolution of higher education in the new era. This research involves reviewing existing prior research, data, and literature in understanding the concept of future technology workshop. The existing literature is summarized and arranged to develop conclusions and recommendations on the Futuristic approach for sustainable evolution of higher education. Due to the global pandemic of Covid-19, many businesses in various industries came to the conclusion that the future is unpredictable. Nevertheless, it is important to plan for the future. Accordingly, the Future Technology Workshop........
Key Word: COVID-19, eLearning, Future Technology Workshop, Higher Education, Futuristic Task, Sustainability.
[1]. Jungk, R. and Mullert, N. (1987), Future workshop: How to create desirable Futures, London Institute for Social Inventions.
[2]. Vavoula, G.N., Sharples, M., Cross, J., and Baber, C. (2003), " SpyCam and RoboCam: An Application of the Future Technology Workshop Method to the Design of New Technology for Children ", In Proceedings of HCI International, Vol. 1, pp. 1071-1075.
[3]. Maguire, M. (2001), "Methods to support human-centred design. International Journal of Human- Computer Studies", Vol. 55, No. 4 pp. 587-634, doi: 10.1006/ijhc.2001.0503.
[4]. Apel, H. (2004), " The future workshop. Presented on the International Expert Meeting on Theory and Practice of Peace Education", Feldafing (Munich) February 9-11, 2004.
[5]. International Association of Universities- IAU (2020). COVID-19: Higher Education challenges and responses, available at: (accessed 2020)..
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Abstract: English language teaching and learning has been accounted as an important sector in Bangladesh. In Bangladesh English has been considered as a foreign language and it has been started teaching using grammatical rules from the primary level. This paper aims to work on the Importance of Grammar in acquiring accuracy in English for the Students at the Secondary Level in Bangladesh. Due to its' investigation it has focused on the use of the Grammar Translation Method (GTM) to identify the circumstances of the teaching as well as the learning process. The paper has also worked on the implication of different steps in the ongoing accuracy process and the progress of the students in producing clean paper through applying the grammatical rules. It has sorted out the sensible........
Key Word: Accuracy, Grammar, Classroom, Language, Study.
[1]. Azar, B. (2007). Grammar-based teaching: A practitioner's perspective. TESL-EJ, 11(2).
[2]. Retrieved October 1, 2007, from
[3]. Ellis, R. (2006). Current issues in the teaching of grammar: An SLA perspective. TESOL Quarterly, 40(1), 83-107.
[4]. Greenbaum, S. and Nelson, G. (2002). An Introduction to English Grammar. London: Pearson Education.
[5]. Gregg. (n.d.). The Importance of Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, and Capitalization. Retrieved from Jean, G. and Simard, D. (2011). Grammar Teaching and Learning in L2: Necessary, but Boring?.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The organic penetration of psychological counselling in subject teaching |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Lanyi Zhang || Haina Li |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1101053538 ![]() |
Abstract: In recent years, society has paid more attention to the mental health education of secondary school students. In the process of cultivating secondary school students' psychological quality and subject competence in an all-round way, mental health education for students is essential. This article illustrates the importance of psychological counseling to middle school students through the background, goals and strategies of psychological health education penetrating into subject teaching.. In the process of receiving knowledge, students are subject to pressure from all sides, as well as the influence and control of various psychological factors from various........
Key Word: Subject Teaching, Psychological Counselling, Subject Infiltration, Mental Health Education
[1]. Junpeng Wang. On the infiltration of psychological counseling in high school history teaching [D]. Henan University,2013.
[2]. Jinming Liu. How to infiltrate psychological health education in teaching academic subjects [J]. Mental Health Education in Primary and Secondary Schools, 2003 (04):7-9.
[3]. Mingchun He. A preliminary study on the infiltration of mental health education in high school geography teaching [J]. Inner Mongolia education education,2018(12):75-76.
[4]. Peihua Wang. How to infiltrate psychological health education in teaching academic subjects [J]. Journal of Fujian Education College,2004(11):56-57.
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Abstract: This research is a development research that aims to Analyze Potential and conditions of learners School Tunas Mekar Indonesia 's to developed learning model cooperative TGT in improving learning outcomes of students in the subjects of chemistry , Analyze of process development of learning cooperative TGT to improve the learning outcomes of students the subjects of chemistry , produce product developers an instructional cooperative TGT to improve the learning outcomes of students in the subjects of chemistry and knowing response / user feedback to product developers an instructional cooperative TGT to improve the learning outcomes of students . The research subjects were class XI students of Tunas Mekar Indonesia School in Bandar Lampung for the 2020/2021 school year . The data collection techniques used questionnaires, interviews, and the data analysis techniques used descriptive statistics. Results of research on chemistry learning the material reaction rate has not been optimal so that the need......
Key Word: Team Game Tournament Cooperative Learning Model ; learning outcomes ; chemistry .
[1]. Abba, Nurhayati. 2000. Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Matematika Berorientasi Model Pembelajarn Berdasarkan Masalah (Problem Based Instruction). Surabaya: PPs Universitas Negeri Surabaya
[2]. Apriza. 2017. Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Teams Games Tournament (TGT) Dengan Media Permainan Konsentrasi Terhadap Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar IPS Kelas V, Jurnal Review Pendidikan Dasar: Vol 3, No 3, September 2017
[3]. Arikunto, S. 2010. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
[4]. Dahar, Ratna Wilis. 2011. Teori-teori Belajar. Bandung: Erlangga
[5]. Lie, Anita. 2002. Cooperative Learning, Mempraktekkan Cooperative Learning di Ruang – ruang Kelas. Jakarta : Gramedia
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Abstract: Background The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), are standards that integrate between engineering and science education by including design as the central element in science education and building experiments and models, which helps build a new generation capable of discovery and deep understanding and has the cognitive ability and practices necessary to face different life situations, which require them to act appropriate to the situation and take decisions related to setting the desired goals. It is very necessary to focus on the professional development of science teachers on an ongoing basis and to monitor global and modern trends in scientific education and to benefit from them in teacher training programs. The teacher is the most important factor in implementing the Next Generation.....
Key Word: Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)- practical Knowledge level- middle school science teachers- United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA)- trend towards NGSS
[1]. Achieve. (2013b). DCI Arrangements of the Next Generation Science Standards. Washington, DC: Next Generation Science Standards, For States, By…/ngss/…/NGSS.
[2]. Anne E. Egger, Kim A. Kastens & Margaret K. Turrin(2016)Sustainability, the Next Generation Science Standards, and the Education of Future Teachers,Volume 65, 2017 - Issue 2Pages 168-184 | Received 11 May 2016, Accepted 21 Dec 2016, Published online: 12 Jun 2018
[3]. Bybee. R. (2014). NGSS and the Next Generation of Science Teachers. J Sci Teacher Educ 25:211–221 California Department of Education
[4]. Brian Drayton & Gillian Puttick(2017). Biocomplexity: Aligning an "nGSS-Ready" Curriculum with NGSS Performance Expectations, The American Biology Teacher, Vol. 79, No 5, pages. 344–349, ISSN 0002-7685, electronic ISSN 1938-4211. © 2017 National Association of Biology Teachers
[5]. Deborah L Hanuscin & Laura Zangori, (2016(. Developing Practical Knowledge of the Next Generation Science Standards in Elementary Science Teacher Education,J Sci Teacher Educ 27;799 – 818
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Abstract: Background The actual challenge, which always encounters us, is the entry into the field of advanced technology. This technology has become the crucial factor in the progression of peoples; in addition, its applications have included all spheres of life. Yet, science is neither rising nor progressing in the society unless its members would have appropriate awareness of it and its economic and social implications. Therefore, the educational system in our Palestinian society has been processing ongoing developments of the educational curricula, aiming at preparing the modern citizen who is familiar with the generated biological knowledge. Therefore, we find out that the science curricula have been keen to keeping up with the enrichment and development processes of the curricula. They also have not neglected......
Key Word: suggested program, develop awareness, bio-ethical issues, Science students
[1]. Al. Aqeel (2007). Islamic ethical framework for research into and prevention of genetic diseases, Department of Pediatrics, Riyadh Military Hospital and Department of Genetics, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
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[3]. Abraham & Kyoko (2011). Bioethics in the 21st Century, Departments of Psychiatry and Philosophy and Faculty of Health Sciences,The University of Western Ontario Canada
[4]. Evinson & Reiss (2003) . Key Issues in Bioethics Guide for Teachers . London Rutledge Falmer.
[5]. Hui & Chow (2012). Attitudes of university students in Hong Kong about the use of genomic science and technology, New Genetics and Society , Vol.31 , No. 4 , December 323-3411