Series-2 (Sep. – Oct. 2021)Sep. – Oct. 2021 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Abstract: Background: The advancement of science and technology is changing and becoming more competitive. It necessitates a learning process that facilitates rather than inhibits cognitive abilities by carrying out learning processes that allow learners freedom in the thought process or learning process. The purpose of this research is to analyse the influence of lesson study-based STEM learning on cognitive abilities . Materials and Methods: The quasi-experiment method was used in this study. The study included 90 students from two high schools in South Aceh Regency. The cognitive abilities are measured by calculating the normalization of gain (n-gain). The instruments used to measure cognitive abilities are pretest and posttest in the form of multiple choice questions. Data analysis for cognitive abilities and learning outcomes is evaluated using two-point tests (t-tests).......
Key Word: Cognitive Abilities, STEM, Lesson Study
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[5]. Krathwolh, D. (2002). A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy : An Overview. Theory Into Practice. 213-218
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Abstract: Background: The problem in this study relates to the tendency of student worksheets received by students are still in the form of material summaries, questions, and have not been able to take advantage of existing facilities at school and have not emphasized the process of acquiring student knowledge. On that basis, the provision of student worksheets to write short stories oriented to local wisdom values is very necessary. The purpose of the study was to find out and describe the development of student worksheets for writing short stories based on local wisdom values for high school students in class XI and to find out and describe the feasibility of student worksheets in writing short stories.....
Keywords: Student worksheets; Writing; Short story; Local wisdom; Senior High School
[1]. Belawati, Tian. 2003. Teaching Materials Development. Jakarta: UT Publishing Center.
[2]. Cahyani, Isha. 2012. Character-Based Writing Learning with an Experiental Learning Approach.Bandung: UPI publisher.
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Abstract: In many countries, integrating information and communication technologies (ICT) into education has been a major concern. Researches have shown that the integration of ICT in teaching and learning have several advantages.The thrust of this paper is to investigate science teachers' perception with regards to the use of computer tools and its software packages in the classroom by looking at the four distinct factors: competence, gender, age, and location that may have effect on teachers' perceptions regarding ICT. The study adopted a multi-stage cluster sampling method for choosing the sample. The research was guided by five research questions.For the investigation.....
Keywords: Science teachers; Attitude; Information and Communication Technology; Competencies; Sceondary school.
[1]. Bulus P. Significant of Smartphone: An Educational Technology Tool for Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology. 2020;5(5):1634-1638.
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[3]. Howard S.K. Teacher change: Individual and cultural risk perceptions in the context of ICT integration. A Doctoral Dissertation. 2009.
[4]. Kahveci A, Sahin N, Genc S. Computer Perceptions of Secondary School Teachers and Impacting Demographics: A Turkish Perspective. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology-TOJET. 2011 ;10(1):71-80.
[5]. Ateş Ö, Eryilmaz A. Effectiveness of hands-on and minds-on activities on students' achievement and attitudes towards physics. InAsia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching.The Education University of Hong Kong, Department of Science and Environmental Studies. 2011; 12(1):1-22.
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Abstract: Infusing theories in lessons enhances the scopes for the teachers to ensure the objectives of a lesson plan. This study, after reviewing three key learning theories like scaffolding, collaborative group work, and laws of exercise, has tried to induce them in three successive lesson plans of teaching writing in English to the undergraduate students of Bangladeshi Government College. The theoretical research is empirical thus has come up with some significant results about integrating learning theories in lesson plans in teaching writing. This investigation reveals that theories enable educators applying different student-centred activities while teaching writing skill as well as multiple assessment tasks that evaluate students' higher order thinking skill (HOTs) and lower order thinking.....
Keywords: Scaffolding, Collaborative Group Work, Laws of Exercise, Writing, Undergraduate Students, Lesson Plan
[1]. Abidin, K. R. (2009). The Concept of Language Learning in Behaviorism Perspective. Register Journal, 2(2), 107-120.
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[3]. Ahangari, S., Hejazi, M., &Razmjou, L. (2014). The impact of scaffolding on content retention of Iranian post-elementary EFL learners‟ summary writing. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 98, 83-89.
[4]. Aljohani, M. (2017). Principles of "constructivism" in foreign language teaching. Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 7(1), 97-107.
[5]. Allan, J., Clarke, K., &Jopling, M. (2009). Effective Teaching in Higher Education: Perceptions of First Year Undergraduate Students. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 21(3), 362-372
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Abstract: This study was carried out to ascertain the level of acquisition of computer literacy skills by lecturers in teaching and research in Colleges of Education in South East Nigeria. Three research questions guided the study, while one null hypotheses was tested at 0.05 level of significance. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. The population of the study comprised of 2,102 lecturers in the seven colleges of education in the area. The sampling size was 630 drawn using multi-stage sampling procedure. The instrument for data collection was researcher –structured questionnaire titled Acquisition of Computer Literacy skills Questionnaire (ACLSQ) which was validated by three experts. The reliability of the (ACLSQ) was established using KR-21 formular to test for internal consistency of the items which yielded reliability indices of 0.78. the questionnaire copies were....
Keywords: Acquisition, computer literacy skills, colleges of education lecturers
[1]. Adagunodo, R., & Idowu, B. (2013). Gender difference in computer literacy among Nigeria undergraduates' students. A case study of Obafemi Awolowo University student, Nigeria. The African Symposium. An On -line Educational Research Journal. 4(3) ,59 -64.
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[5]. Ezenwafor, J.I (2011). Adequate of exposure to information and communication technology by graduating business education students to tertiary institutions in Anambra State. Being a paper presented at the 23rd national and 2nd International conference of ABEN held at university of lagos on the 11th -15th October
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Abstract: This study focused on the use of educational toys in child upbringing. Two research questions guided the study. The area of the study was Plateau State. The population for the study was 100 parents. Survey research design was adopted for the study. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Data was analyzed using mean. It was discovered that 21 reasons were given by parents for their use of educational toys for their children and 14 factors they considered in the choice of educational toys for their children.Some recommendations were put forward..
Keywords: Toys, educational toys, child upbringing, parents, care-givers, safety and play
[1]. Anyakoha E.U(2015) Home Management for schools and colleges.Onisha,Africana First Publishers PLC
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the application of the GI (Group Investigation) learning model based on the Surrounding Nature approach to increase students' motivation and learning outcomes on biodiversity topic. The research method used was quasi-experimental and the research design was pretest-posttest group design. The results showed that the application of the Group Investigation (GI) cooperative learning model based on the Surrounding Nature approach was able to increase students' motivation and learning outcomes. Overall from this study it can be concluded that motivation and learning outcomes can be improved through the Group Investigation (GI) model based on the Surrounding Nature Approach.
Keywords: Group Investigation, Learning Motivation, LearningOutcomes
[1]. Arikunto, S. (2006). Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Jakarta : Rhineka Cipta.
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[4]. Engripin. (2015). Penerapan Model STAD Dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas VIII A Mata Pelajaran IPS Terpadu di SMPN-4 Kumai Kabupaten Kotawaringin Barat.Volume 3 Nomor 1 J u n i - I S S N 2355 - 0236. Jurnal Online JPIPS.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Distance Education in India: some reflections |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Achla Pritam Tandon |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-1105026167 ![]() |
Abstract: The word education has sometimes been used in a very broad sense to designate the totality of influences that nature or other people are able to exercise either on our intelligence or on our will. In its broadest sense, education is any process by which an individual gains knowledge or insightand even develops new attitudes plus skills. Besides general communication of knowledge,education aids in shaping of values.Formal education is acquired through organized study of instruction as in a school or college whileinformal education arises from day to day experiences and observations. It could even happen through relatively unplanned or undirectedcontacts with communications media such as books,periodicals,motion pictures, radio, television and even social media....
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[5]. D. H. Jonassen (Ed.),1989, Handbook of research for educational communications and technology, New York: Simon & Shuster Macmillan