Series-4 (Sep. – Oct. 2021)Sep. – Oct. 2021 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5 Series-6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Multi-expert System and its Knowledge Organization |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Pengwei Li |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1105040104 ![]() |
Abstract: A brief introduction about the strong point and main structure of Multi-Expert System is given in this paper. For management and control problem in multi-experts system, a concept: MCK management &control knowledge is introduced to us. MCK's definition, classification, acquisition and representation are studied. It is Multi-Expert System that has MCK. It can be used to manage and control the cooperation of Multi-Expert System or the execution of mono-expert system.
Key Word: Multi-Expert System, Management and Control Knowledge (MCK), Knowledge Representation
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Abstract: Transformational leadership is an ideal attribute for principals in schools and the leadership style gives the students an environment in which to grow. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of principals' transformational leadership practices on student academic performance in Kenya Certificate Secondary Examination (K.C.S.E) in Makueni County, Kenya. The objective that guided the study was to: determine the influence of principals' idealized influence on student performance at KCSE in Makueni. The hypothesis was: there is no relationship between principals' idealized influence, inspirational motivation with students' mean scores at Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education Makueni County. The sample comprised of 111 principals, 729 teachers and.....
Key Terms: Principals idealized influence, transformational leadership, KCSE scores
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Abstract: Background: Stereotypes of non-Lampung ethnic groups against Lampung ethnicity. Stereotype is a form of prejudice that can cause obstacles in an intercultural communication related to cultural differences. Stereotypes occur not because of something that is brought by an individual from birth, or arises because of instinct. Stereotypes can occur because of certain factors. First, stereotypes can arise from parents, siblings or anyone who interacts with individuals. The experiences of the closest people from an individual create a stereotypical attitude towards other individuals. Second, there is encouragement from personal experience that creates a stereotypical attitude towards other individuals. Material and Methods: this study uses qualitative......
Keywords: intercultural communication, symbolic interaction, stereotypes
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Abstract: The study attempts to analyse the post covid scenario in usage of implicit knowledge among students. Practical experience in any field will give more result than the theoretical study and moreover in the present scenario we find bookish knowledge other than practical application. This study attempts to identify the need for implicit knowledge among students and the challenges faced in this manner during post covid scenario. Knowledge management is key factor where mind set of the students should be changed from my knowledge to our knowledge so that we can reach collective goal and it is great boom to the education institution. In most of the cases knowledge management in education.......
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Abstract: The study investigates the acquisition and usage of French Articles which are classified under masculine and feminine. The study is a descriptive research of a survey type. The population for the study consisted of 160 part one students of French Language from 4 Colleges of Education in South-West, Nigeria. These include Colleges of Education; Ikere in Ekiti State, Ilorin in Kwara State, Ila – Orangun in Osun State and Adeyemi – Ondo in Ondo State. The sample consisted of 40 students which were randomly selected from each of the 4 departments of French Language in the Colleges of Education selected. Questionnaire tagged Acquisition and Usage of French Articles (AUTA) was used......
Keywords: Acquisition, Usage, French Articles, Colleges of Education, Masculine, Feminine.
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Abstract: Sexual harassment of students in school, mostly the females had negatively affected a woman's psychological and physical well-being. The purpose of this study is to determine the perception of students and lecturers on sexual harassment in tertiary institution (University of Benin, Benin City and Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma) in Edo state. One thousand research questionnaires were distributed to the respondents in the institutions with respect to the hypotheses drawn. The findings reveals that sexual harassment of students in tertiary institution amount to violation of human right, it has.....
Keywords: prevalence, sexual harassment, and tertiary education
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Abstract: The development of knowledge of ESL research in pre-service teachers is incumbent on a combination of use of
cognitive processes at the individual level mediated by social processes at the collective level. Young teachers'
cognition about ESL research can be developed through the process of mentoring as a meditational tool in their
social milieu. In this paper, I report an exploratory study where I have studied seven pre-service teachers who
developed knowledge of research design and applied it to conduct classroom-based research by going through a
five-month long mentoring process in the online environment. A thematic analysis of the participants' views on
doing research in the online environment from an interview post submission reveal that they are able to move
from 'other' to 'self' regulation for writing the dissertation and in forming an estimate of their growth and
identity as researchers.
Keywords: ESL mentoring, classroom-based research, socio-cultural theory, other and self-regulation, zone of proximal development
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Research on the Urban Settlement Decision of the New Generation of Migrant Workers in China |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | zhang Fujian |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1105044648 ![]() |
Abstract:Empirical surveys have shown that the new generation of migrant workers in China have a strong sense of identity with cities and a strong willingness to settle in cities. Their settlement decisions are affected by factors such as individual characteristics, family status, industry distribution, and income level. The choice of the new generation of migrant workers to settle down should not only be considered in conjunction with personal ideals and career development, but also have a clear understanding of their own conditions and realistic environment, and after comprehensive consideration, make a settlement choice suitable for themselves and their families.
Key words:New generation of migrant workers; Urban settlement; Settlement place
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Abstract: Aggressive behavior is common in adolescents and poses a health risk to perpetrators as well as victims. A high prevalence of aggression has been reported in secondary school students in Nairobi County. Previous research has shown that aggressive behavior may be related to insecure attachment but no studies have investigated this relationship in secondary school students in Nairobi County. This study therefore investigated whether students' attachment styles predicted aggressive behavior in secondary school students in Nairobi County. The study was anchored in the attachment theory and adopted a correlational design. The study targeted 10,451 Form Three students in public secondary schools. Nine schools were selected from three sub counties and then random sampling was used to select....
Key words:Attachment styles, preoccupied, dismissing, fearful, aggressive behavior
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Abstract: The study examined the extent to which Professional Development Schemes influence content knowledge practices of academic staff in CHUSS and COVAB at Makerere University. The study objective was derived using the Adult Learning and Situated Learning theories. The study employed an embedded research design with a dominant quantitative and minor qualitative approaches. The study respondents comprised of academic staff, academic administrative staff, administrative staff (University Management), and undergraduate students in CHUSS and COVAB at Makerere University. These were sampled using stratified and purposive random sampling. Data were collected......
Key words. Professional development schemes (PDS), content knowledge practices and academic staff
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