Series-2 (Jan. – Feb. 2022)Jan. – Feb. 2022 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: Background: The problems in this study relate to the development of student worksheets (LKPD) for writing reviews. Furthermore, the purpose of this research is to produce a student worksheet product (LKPD) to write a review for class XI high school students and see the effectiveness of the resulting product. Materials and Methods: The research method used is research and development (R&D) using the Dick and Carey design. Techniques for collecting data were observation, interviews, and questionnaires distributed to three schools in Bandar Lampung, including SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Bandar Lampung, SMA Al Azhar 3 Bandar Lampung, and MA Muhammadiyah 1 Sukarame....
Keywords: Student Worksheet, Review, Strengthening Character Education
[1] Agung, Leo. 2012. Character Education Integration In Social Studies Learning. International Journal of History education. Vol. XII, no. 2.
[2] Areni, Galuh, Kirana, dwi, dan Frimadona Syafri. 2015. Critical Thinking in The Teaching Writing Book Review. Jurnal Language Circle. Vol 9. No 2.
[3] Derlina, Sabani, Satria Mihardi. 2015. Improved Characters and Student Learning Outcomes Through Development of Character Education Based General Physics Learning Model. Journal of Education and Practice. Vol.6, No.21.
[4] Doran-Boustita, Diana, Carolina. 2021. Fostering Written Production of Review Texts among efl University Students Through a Genre-Based Approach. Jurnal Ikala. Vol 26 issue 1.
[5] Guetterman, Timothy C. 2016. Writing Reviews of Books and Other Media for the Journal of Mixed Methods Research. Jurnal Mixed Methods Research.Vol 26 No 10.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of workload on the performance of guidance and counseling teachers in the implementation of guidance and counseling services in state senior high schools in Bandar Lampung City. This quantitative study used ex-post facto methods. The total population was 69 guidance and counseling teachers in 17 state senior high schools in Bandar Lampung City. The data were collected by using questionnaires of workload and d performance of guidance and counseling teachers with reliability scores of 0.715 and 0.874 respectively. The results showed that the workload had a positive effect on the performance of guidance and counseling teachers as indicated by the Sig. Value of 0.000<0.05. The division of the workload that is appropriate and in accordance with the ability of the teacher is important to note as it affects the performance of guidance and counseling teachers and to avoid stress.
Keywords: Workload, Performace of counseling teachers, Senior high schools
[1]. Barnawi, M. ., & Arifin, M. (2014). Kinerja guru profesional: Instrumen Pembinaan, Peningkatan, dan Penilaian. Yogyakarta: Ar-Ruzz Media.
[2]. Firdaus, A., Akuba, F., & Purnamasari, D. (2019). The Influence Of Motivation, Leadership And Perceived Workload As Intervening On Teacher Commitment. Journal Of Education Science And Technology, 5(3).
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[4]. Kartadinata, S. (2003). Bimbingan Dan Konseling Perkembangan: Pendekatan Alternatif Perbaikan Mutu Dan Sistem Manajemen Layanan Bimbingan Dan Konseling Sekolah. Jurnal Bimbingan Dan Konseling, 4(11).
[5]. Karwati, Euis, & Priansa, D. (2013). Kinerja Dan Profesional Kepala Sekolah Membangun Sekolah Yang Bermutu. Jakarta: Alfabeta..
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Abstract: The ideas and ideals of an independent nation can only be achieved through educating individuals in different fields. Teachers contribute a lot to achieve educational objectives. So, teacher education programme is very vital that provides guidance to student-teachers, who in turn, reshape the future generations of society. The vision of education and policies of teacher education programme has been framed by different Commissions and Committees several times and time has come to implement these recommendations based on present need of the society. Training programmes of teachers is to be updated by making use of technology and other communication facilities available. In the era of globalization of education system, this will enable student-teacher as well as teacher educators to communicate among themselves through attending and participating in different seminars, workshops and conferences. Good teacher educators will create good student-teachers who will enrich the learners in multi-disciplinary subjects and prepare them in such a way that they can realize their duties and responsibilities, and work accordingly for themselves, for their family members and in turn, for the society.
Keywords: Teacher educator, student-teacher, School, technology, globalisation etc.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Technological advances- a boon for teaching zoology during covid times |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dipa M. Dalal |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1201021718 ![]() |
Abstract: As covid 19 forced large scale restrictions and lock down, studies of zoology students got adversely affected in the beginning of the academic year. However, with timely introduction of technological advances in short duration, teaching remotely to a large number of students became possible. Online teaching has proved to be a boon for academic calendar with continuation of studies, teacher-student interaction, increase in student interest, participation in quiz, assignments by students etc. Present paper discusses how halted academic calendar in lock down went live with technological advances.
Keywords: Covid 19, Zoology, Science and technology, Technological advances, Online teaching.
[1]. Devanshi M. Dalal, Dipa M. Dalal and Dr. Mahesh K. Dalal, Uncertainty factors in online education due to COVID 19 pandemic during march to may 2020, proc. Of ICETM 2020(online), May 2020, 72-76.
[2]. Shivangi Dhavan, Online learning: a panacea in the time of covid-19 crisis; Journal of Educational Technology Systems 2020, Vol. 49(1) 5–22.
[3]. Lokanath Mishra, Tushar Gupta and Abha Shree, International Journal of Educational Research Open; 1, 2020.
[4]. Devanshi M. Dalal, Atanu Samanta and Mahesh K. Dalal; Effect of blue light on human eye : Advances to counter its impact (A review); IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 19 (1), January 2020, 62 – 66.
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Abstract: The main purpose of the school feeding programme is achieving educational outcomes with a view to obtain Kenyan educational goal of free, compulsory and 100% transition basic education. School feeding programme has the ability to increase and reduce access to pre-primary education and to achieve educational; outcomes. The purpose of the study was influence of child friendly school initiative on learners' educational outcomes in public pre-primary schools in Mombasa County, Kenya. The objective of the study was to establish influence of school feeding programme on learners' educational outcomes in public pre-primary schools in Mombasa County, Kenya. Descriptive research design informed the study. The target population had 97 head teachers, 388 teachers and 7 ECE supervisors....
Key words: school feeding programme, public primary schools, educational outcomes
[1]. Adekunle, D.T., & Ogbogu, C.O. (2016). The Effects of School Feeding Programme on Enrolment and Performance of Public Elementary School Pupils in Osun State, Nigeria. World Journal of Education, Vol. 6, No. 3; page 39-47.
[2]. Aila, B. (2012).The Impact and Challenges of School Feeding Programme in Enhancing Access to Primary Education in the unplanned settlements if Kibera in Nairobi. Unpublished Master's Thesis: University of Nairobi.
[3]. Bekidusa, A.D. (2020). Influence of school feeding programme on the retention of learners in public primary schools in Kenya. A case of Mombasa County. (Unpublished master's project), University of Nairobi, Kenya.
[4]. Bekidusa, A.D., & Kisimbii, J. (2020). Influence of school feeding programme on the retention of learners in public primary schools in Kenya. A case of Mombasa County. Journal of Education and Practice Vol.4, Issue No.3, pp 1 – 12.
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Abstract: Background: The quality of teaching and learning mathematics has been one of the major challenges and apprehensions of educators and researchers in recent years. The study aimed at theorizing benchmarks for and against achieving quality frameworks for mathematics education in Pre-Tertiary schools in the Western Region of Ghana. Materials and Methods: Document analysis across various countries and by various authors were conducted to unearth quality, tried and tested benchmarks and inhibitors with the view to establishing key factors that suppresses performance and those that improve student mathematics achievement.....
Key words: Benchmarks; mathematics achievement; mathematics education; mathematics teachers; quality framework.
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Abstract: People with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) present a whole of specific needs basically related to specific form of cognitive- perceptive information processing, hence systematized planning of support programs is needful to ease the understanding of perceptual concept and cognitive executive process to system to be effective for encouraging basic curricular competence development along Vocational Training studies. This research recounts people with ASD who carry out Vocational Training studies at local environment and evaluates the competencies acquired and laboral insertion level by students with ASD in Vocational Training studies.....
Key words: Autism Spectrum Disorder, Specific Support, Vocational Training.
[1]. Able, H., Sreckovic, M. A., Schultz, T. R., Garwood, J. D., & Sherman, J. (2015). Views from the trenches: Teacher and student supports needed for full inclusion of students with ASD. Teacher Education and Special Education, 38(1), 44-57.
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Abstract: Kenyan public secondary schools are supposed to run at a cost that is both affordable and sustainable. Despite this, the cost of education in most public secondary schools in Bomet County remains high in relative terms. This could be an indication that public schools are operating inefficiently. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of selected school size on cost efficiency of public secondary schools in Bomet County. Predictive correlational research design was used in the study. The target population was two hundred and seventy principals of public secondary schools and all the five Sub-county Directors of Education in Bomet County. A sample of one hundred and seventy-five principals was selected using stratified and simple random sampling techniques......
Key words: Cost Efficiency, Public Secondary Schools, School Size.
[1]. Best, H., & Wolf, C. (2014). The SAGE Handbook of Regression Analysis and Causal Inference. In The SAGE Handbook of Regression Analysis and Causal Inference.
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Abstract: This study investigated Supervision of Instruction as Quality Assurance Mechanism in Public Secondary Schools in Ebonyi State. Two research questions and two null hypotheses guided the study. Descriptive Survey Research Design was adopted for the study. The population of this study was 245 respondents consisting of 226 secondary school principals and 19 supervisors in Ebonyi State. The whole population were used for the study. Structured questionnaire developed by the researcher was used which was validated by three experts, two experts from the Department of Educational Foundations and one expert from Measurement and Evaluation option of Science Education Department, both in faculty of education, Ebonyi State University Abakaliki. The...
Keywords: Supervision, Instruction, Supervision of Instruction, Quality, Quality Assurance Mechanism and Public Secondary Schools.
[1]. Adeolu, J.A. (2011). Teachers professional development and quality assurance in Nigeria secondary schools. Journal of Education, 2(10), 11-13.
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