Series-3 (Jan. – Feb. 2022)Jan. – Feb. 2022 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Abstract: Background :The aim of the research was to evaluate the role of training in educational research in the development of research skills in teachers of secondary education.
Materials and Methods: For this, a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design of a single group was applied, in the form of training through a basic course in educational research. The participants were middle school teachers who teach the seminar subject, men and women from different departments of El Salvador. The course was applied for five weeks in four venues, western, central, paracentral and eastern, with an average attendance of 10 participants per zone......
Keywords: Secondary education, training in research, research methodology
[1]. E. Beneitone and col., Proyecto Tuning América Latina 2004-2007. Informe final. Reflexiones y perspectivas de la educación superior en América Latina. Bilbao España: Universidad de Deusto, 2007.
[2]. R. A. González, La investigación en la práctica educativa: Guía metodológica de investigación para el diagnóstico y evaluación de los centros educativos. El Salvador: Ministerio de Educación, 2007.
[3]. I. Montero and O. G. León. "A guide for naming research studies in Psychology." International Journal of clinical and Health psychology, vol. 7, no. 3, p. 847-862, 2007.
[4]. J. M. Piña Osorio, "Investigación educativa ¿para qué?", Perfiles educativos, vol. 35, no. 139, p. 3, 2013 [Online serial]. Available: [Accessed March 13, 2018]
[5]. A. Rivera de Parada, "Competencias del docente universitario. Desafíos para las universidades privadas de El Salvador," Ciencia, Cultura y Sociedad, vol. 3, no. 01, p. 33, 2016. [Online serial]. Available:
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Abstract: Background: This study is expected to be able to give the contribution for the teacher and students in teaching and learning English to achieve the objective of learning English. It is hopefully can be used as the reference to identify the students' personality especially extroversion and introversion and their ability in speaking. Moreover, it's important for the students knowing their own personality preference and their ability in language aspects. It is also help them to understand their strengths and weaknesses in learning English and try to learn how to improve themselves. The objectives of this research were to find out the difference and correlation between young learners' speaking ability and their personality. This study was quantitative research. In order to get the data, the researcher used......
Keywords: young learners, speaking ability, extrovert, and introvert
[1]. Abadi, S., Aliakbari, M., & Azizifar, A. 2015. The role of classroom interaction on improvement of speaking among Iranian EFL learners. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), 8(1), 126-135.
[2]. Abali, Funda. (2006). The Effect of Personality Traits Extroversion/Introversion on Verbal and Interactive Behaviors of Learners. Department of Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Bikent Universirty, Ankara.
[3]. Cook, V. 2000. Second language learning and language teaching (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[4]. Damar, Gursoy & Celik. 2013. Teaching English to young learners; http:
[5]. Eysenck, Jurgen H & Sybil B. G. 1975. Manual of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire. London: Hodder and Stoughton.
[6]. Fahim, Mansoor. 2014. Critical Thinking inEFL Context of Iran. International Journal of Applied Linguistics & English Literature (IJALEL), Vol 3, No 4.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ethno-Religious Conflict in Nigeria: Implications on Science Education |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Onah, D.O. || Nzewi, U.M || Apir, A.A |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1201031018 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examined ethno-religious conflict in Nigeria and its implications on science education. The purpose was to examine the crises that have engulfed Nigeria; looks at the causes and effects on the development of Nigeria as a nation and identify its implications on the teaching and learning of science. The study employed desk research which made up of literature explored to make conclusion on the study. The findings revealed that factors such as prolonged military rule, poverty, economic marginalization of some ethnic groups, high rate of unemployment, struggle for land resources, neglect and failure of the government to pay adequate attention on the needs of the people breeds ethno.......
Key words: Ethno-Religious, Conflict, Implications, Science Education
[1]. Agba et al.,(2013)
[2]. Aghedo, I., (2014) 'Old wine in a new bottle: Ideological and operational linkages between Maitatsine and Boko Haram revolts in Nigeria', African Security 7(4), 229–250.
[3]. Akhakpe, I (2007). The Public Administration: Qualities,Functions and Constraints of Public Administrators. Olojede I.A and Fajonyomi B (eds). Essentials of Public Administration. Lagos: Sege Print
[4]. Alegbeleye, G.I., (2014) 'Ethno-religious crisis and socio-economic development in Nigeria: Issues, challenges and the way forward', Journal of Policy and Development Studies 9(1), 139–148.
[5]. Ali, Y.O. (2004). Crisis Management in Nigeria. Ilorin Researcher, University of Ilorin, 5.
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Abstract: Formal education in recent times has taken a leap that gives learners the opportunity to play active roles in the teaching and learning process. One of such changes is the use of innovative learning approaches that promise to boost positive academic outcomes and yield learners' engagement in the teaching and learning process. This study investigated the effect of flipped learning approach to gain academic engagement of students in higher institutions. The effects of flipped learning approach in the classroom was determined by gathering data from lecturers who adopted the use of flipped learning in the process of instruction delivery. The study answered three research questions formulated from the aims.......
Key words: Flipped learning, Student engagement, Individualized instruction, Active learning
[1]. Barquero, J. (2020). Benefits of the flipped classroom model
[2]. Bergmann, J.&Sams, A. (2014). Flipped learning: Gateway to student engagement.International Society for Technology in Education.
[3]. Birgili,B,Seggie, F. N.&Oğuz, E. (2021). The trends and outcomes of flipped learning research between 2012 and 2018: A descriptive content analysis. Springer J. Comput.Educ.
[4]. Dodge, A .2019. How students benefit from a flipped classroom and ways to implement it. and-ways-to- implement-it
[5]. Flipped Learning Network (FLN). (2014). The four pillars of F-L-I-P.
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Abstract: The world has dramatically altered over the last two years due to the emergence of the deadly new Corona virus COVID-19. This has caused the globe to be significantly different than before. In these challenging times, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has arisen as a major way to solve problems created by the epidemic and adjust to the new realities of day-to-day life. This research was done to explore ICT awareness level among B.Ed. trainees and investigate the disparities in levels of awareness between male and female, rural and urban, and science and arts-trainees. Questionnaires were developed by the respondents in two districts from West Bengal named Paschim Medinipur and Burdwan. One hundred B.Ed. trainees from Paschim Medinipur B.Ed. Colleges and one hundred B.Ed. trainees from Burdwan B.Ed. Colleges took part in the management of the......
Key words: ICT, ICT awareness, B.Ed. trainee, degrees of freedom, Mean, Standard Deviation, Mean to Mean Standard Error (SED), 't'-test.
[1] S. Deb, "Information Technology, Its Impact on Society and Its Future," Adv. Comput., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 25–29, 2014, doi: 10.5923/
[2] K. Ahmed and D. A. Mohammad, "ICT : A Contemporary Mechanism of Professional Development of ICT : A Contemporary Mechanism of Professional Development ," Int. J. Res. Anal. Rev., vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 558–560, 2020.
[3] N. Thakur, "A Study on Awareness of Trained Teachers in relation to Information and Communication Technology," vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 6–11, 2014.
[4] A. Sharma, "Role of ICT in the Process of Teaching and Learning," vol. 2, no. 5, pp. 1–6, 2011.
[5] A. H. K. Yuen and N. Law, "ICT implementation and school leadership : Case studies of ICT integration in teaching and learning Title ICT implementation and school leadership : Case studies of ICT integration in teaching and learning Author ( s ) Yuen , HK ; Law , NWY ; Wong , KC Ci," no. April, 2003, doi: 10.1108/09578230310464666.
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Abstract: The study addresses the issue of teachers' pedagogical preparedness for the implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Secondary Education Level (SEL). It adopted descriptive survey design where the target population was limited to; 24 secondary schools, 24 head teachers and 100 geography teachers. Purposive sampling was used to select the sample, which comprised of: 40 respondents; 30 geography teachers and 10 head teachers. Piloting: validity and reliability of research instruments was conducted in two schools; one from a Sub-County school and the other from a day secondary school to pre-test and adjust the instruments. Validity was ensured by face, construct, and content validity while test re-test technique ensured instruments' reliability. Data was collected using: questionnaires; for geography teachers, and interview guides; for head teachers.......
Key words: Competency Based Curriculum, Concept, Competencies Readiness, Digital literacy, In-service
[1]. Ondigi, S. R. (2012). Role of Geography and Pedagogical Approaches used in the Training of Pre-service Teachers in Kenyan Universities: A Case of Kenyatta University, Kenya. International journal of academic research in progressive education and development, 1(4), 26-281.
[2]. KICD (2016). Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development: Report on needs assessment for ECDE School Curriculum Reform in Kenya. Ministry of Education. Nairobi: KICD
[3]. KICD (2017). Facilitators' Training Manual for Early Years Education (EYE) Curriculum. Nairobi Kenya.
[4]. KICD (2018). Report on Competency Based Curriculum activities presented to: The National Steering Committee. Nairobi: KICD.
[5]. KICD (2019), Curriculum Reforms in Kenya. Where are we? Nairobi: KICD.
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Abstract: Background: The objective of this research was to find out the difference between students' reading comprehension achievement by using KWL and SQ3R strategies.
Materials and Methods: This research was conducted at SMAN 4 Bandar Lampung. There were 64 students as the sample of this research. This research used true experimental design The data were collected through pre-test and post-test in both groups. In this research, repeated measure t-test was used to analyze the data. The data were computed by SPSS 16.0.
Results: The result showed that there.......
Key words: teaching reading, KWL strategy, SQ3R strategy, reading comprehension
[1]. Alshatti, S. (2012). Teaching and Learning Family and consumer Sciences through KWL Charts. Family and Consumer Science Education, 30(2), Fall/winter. Queensland University of Technology.
[2]. Biringkanae, A. (2018). The Use of SQ3r Technique in Improving Students` Reading Comprehension. ELS Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, 1 (2), 218-225.
[3]. Brown, H. Douglas. (2001). Teaching by Principles: An Alternative Approach to Language Pedagogy: Second Edition. New York: A Pearson Education Company
[4]. Grabe, W. & F. L. Stoller. (2002). Teaching and Researching Reading. Harlow Longman.
[5]. Hamdan, M. H. (2014). KWL-Plus effectiveness on improving reading comprehension of tenth graders of Jordanian male students. Theory & Practice in Language Studies, 4(11), 2278-2288
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Abstract: The study aims to provide an overview of the effectiveness of online learning for students at the Economics Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Nusa Cendana University. An initial understanding of this issue will greatly support Lecturers as educators in educating prospective teachers well online. This is the main attraction for researchers to conduct a more in-depth study of the effectiveness of online learning. The method used in this study is a quantitative research method to determine and describe the effectiveness of e-learning-based online learning. The results of this study can be concluded that there are 64.27% of respondents giving positive answers to the implementation of online learning. This is certainly a matter of reflection for educators, especially educational institutions or institutions, because there are still respondents who provide answers and pessimistic attitudes towards lectures online based on the indicators of this research..
Key words: effectiveness, online learning
[1]. Affiani, M. 2020. Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Pelatihan Dasar (LATSAR) CPNS Golongan III Angkatan III Berbasis e-Learning di Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat. Eksis: Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 11(2), November 2020, 104-109.
[2]. Ana Sokhifatul Mufida, Meike Rizki Damayanti, Reda Prastyo. 2018. Efektivitas mediasi sebagai upaya penyelesaian perselisihan pemutusan hubungan kerja (studi pada cv. Anugrah jaya kab. Bangkalan). Jurnal Kompetensi, Vol 12, No 2, Oktober 2018.
[3]. Andy Supriady. 2021. Tingkat Efektivitas Pembelajaran dalam Jaringan terhadap Hasil Belajar Pendidikan Jasmani. Journal of Physical and Outdoor Education .Vol. 3 No. 1, April 2021, pp. 26-34.
[4]. Arief R. B., Muhammad. H. G., & Wartono. 2020.Efektifitas pembelajaran jarak jauh berbasis daring Selama pandemi covid 19 pada jenjang sekolah dasar Di bogor. Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, VOL: 09/NO: 02 Agustus 2020.
[5]. Baeten, Marlies; Dochy, Filip; Struyven, Katrien. (2013). The Effects of Different Learning Environments on Students' Motivation for Learning and Their Achievement. British Journal of Educational Psychology, v83 n3 p484-501
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Motivation on Anxiety in Special Education Teachers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T.P Devasiachan || Dr. Charu Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/7388-1201035255 ![]() |
Abstract: The present investigation aims to examine the impact of motivation on anxiety amongst special educators. Special Education refers to the education of learners with special needs. A sample of 122 special educators was selected using random sampling. The investigation was carried out using correlation and comparative research design, comparative anxiety tool and teacher's motivation scale were used to collect the data. The results indicated that motivation tends to impact the level of anxiety amongst special educators, whereas when the experience was investigated, it was found that neither anxiety nor motivations seem to show any significant variations in the results.
Keywords: Special Educators, Motivation and Anxiety
[1]. Atkinson, J. W. (1964). An introduction to Motivation, Van Nostrand, N. J. Nostrand.
[2]. Bentea, C. & Anghelache, V. (2012). Teachers' motivation and satisfaction for professional activity.
[3]. Bentea, C. and Anghelache, V. (2012) Teachers' Motivation and Satisfaction for Professional Activity. Procedia, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Vol. 33. pp. 563-567.
[4]. Brunsting, N., Sreckovic, M., & Lane, K. (2014). Special education teacher burnout: A synthesis of research from 1979 to 2013, Education and Treatment of Children, Vol.37(4), pp. 681-711.
[5]. Busingye, E. (2016). Teachers' motivation as a determinant of inclusive education in early childhood centers, Kampala district, Uganda, Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Kenyatta University, pp. 6-26
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Abstract: Background: Online learning in educational institutions is a necessity during the Covid-19 pandemic. The application of online education in high schools during the Covid-19 pandemic requires the support of information system technology and the readiness of teachers and students, as well as the role of schools in conducting it. The success of the information system support can be evaluated using the IS Success Model. Materials and Methods: This study analyzes the effect of information quality, system quality, and service quality on e-learning on the performance impact using the Structural Equation Model (SEM). A survey was conducted on 719 high school students in Indonesia, 478 female students, and 241 male students. Gender differences were only proven on a few items using the independent sample t-test. The effect of gender as a moderator was tested in this study using a two-group analysis on SEM.....
Keywords: IS Success Model; elearning; Covid-19; gender differences
[1]. Noor S, Guo Y, Shah SHH, Viger PV, Nawaz MS. Analysis of public reactions to the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak on Twitter. Kybernetes. 2020; ©Emerald Publishing Limited
[2]. Ismaili Y. Evaluation of students' attitude toward distance learning during the pandemic (Covid-19): a case study of ELTE university. On the Horizon. 2020; ©Emerald Publishing Limited
[3]. United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organozation.. Global Monitoring of School Closures Caused by Covid-19.; accessed on December 31, 2021
[4]. Chandra Y. Online education during COVID-19: perception of academic stress and emotional intelligence coping strategies among college students. Asian Education and Development Studies. 2020;, ©Emerald Publishing Limited
[5]. Hall T, Connolly C, Gradaigh S, Burden K, Kearney M, Schuck S, Bottema J, Cazemier G, Hustinx W, Evens M, Koenraad T, Makridou E, Kosmas P. Education in precarious times: a comparative study across six countries to identify design priorities for mobile learning in a pandemic. Information and Learning Sciences. 2020; 121(5/6): 433-442