Abstract: This study examines the impact of entrepreneurial orientation on firm performance by analyzing the mediating roles of knowledge management and dynamic capabilities in Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Malang Raya, Indonesia. MSEs contribute significantly to the Indonesian economy, yet many face challenges in sustaining their businesses, such as low innovation, limited access to capital, and difficulty adapting to market changes. This research aims to identify the extent to which entrepreneurial orientation—including innovation, proactiveness, and risk-taking—enhances MSE performance through the implementation of knowledge management and dynamic capabilities.....
Keywords: Entrepreneurial Orientation; Business Performance; Knowledge Management; Dynamic Capabilities; Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs); Malang Raya; SEM PLS; Innovation; Proactiveness; Risk-Taking Courage; Indonesian Economy
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Aplikasi Amos Dan Structural Equation Modeling (Sem). (N.D.)..