Version-4 (Nov-Dec 2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | To study of social and Economic Factors in Women education |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Shailendra Pratap Singh |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0706040104 ![]() |
Abstract: The following research study contains study of people of pratapgargh district, block lakshmanpur and village Handaur who are uneducated; less educated or left studies during mid classes or those persons who educate only boys and stop their girl child education in mid way and those who educate girls at low level constitute population. For the objective of research 102 families of the village were taken as the sample in which girls were backward or were not able to go school. The selection of the families was done in such a way that only one girl and the mother and father were selected from a family. In this selected girls are accepting the social factor play main hurdles in..........
Keywords: Economic factors, social factors, educational factors father, mother and girl child.
[1]. The Primary teacher, Vol XXXI Number 3-4 July and October 2006.
[2]. UNICEF, November- 2003. (United Nations Children's Fund 73,
[3]. Lodi Estate New Delhi, November- 2003.)
[4]. Indian Education Abstracts Vol-7, Number- 1-0, January and July 2007.
[5]. Indian Educational Review N.C.E.R.T., New Delhi..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Plagiarism in College: When Students Integrity is at Stake |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Maya Bazhouni |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0706040512 ![]() |
Abstract: The main essence of education is to help learners acquire skills, knowledge, and competencies that will allow them to succeed and address some of the significant challenges that they may face in life. Unfortunately, some students deviate from this path by engaging in different forms of academic dishonesties such as cheating and plagiarism. This paper aimed to examine the issue of plagiarism in the context of the college education. This was done on the basis of data and information obtained from plagiarism literature and research. Available research evidence and literature suggest that plagiarism is a serious and complex academic problem that relates to the cultural construction of identity and the desire to get extrinsic benefits. Students who engage in the act prefer short-term and undeserved...........
[1]. R. Sinha, G. Singh, and C. Kumar, Plagiarism and unethical practices in literature. Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 57(6), 2009, 481–485.
[2]. M. Welsh, Plagiarism governance in nurse education; dispositions, dimensions and tensions. Nurse EducPract., 27, 2017, 22-28.
[3]. A. Cole, Plagiarism in Graduate Medical Education. Fam Med., 39(6), 2007, 436-8.
[4]. M.G. Harper, High tech cheating. Nurse Educ Today, 26 (8), 2006, 672-9.
[5]. S.L. Bassendowski and A.J. Salgado,Is plagiarism creating an opportunity for the development of new assessment strategies?Int J NursEducScholarsh., 2(2), 2005, 1-10...
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Abstract: This study was an attempt to investigate and describe (1) The direct influence of Principal leadership on work motivation; (2)The direct influence of Principal leadership onjob satisfaction; (3)The direct influence of Principal leadership onthe commitment of teachers' organization; (4) The direct influence of work motivation on the commitment of teachers' organization; (5) The direct influence of job satisfaction on the commitment of teachers' organization.This research was conducted by using quantitative method with path analysis. The population was all teachers of SMP Negeri Perbaungan, Serdang Bedagai with the total number 170. The sample was 133 teachers who were chosen by using Nomogram Harry King. The sample was taken randomly by using proportional random sampling technique......
Keywords: Principal Leadership, Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Commitment of Teachers' Organization
[1]. Colquit Jason A., Jeffry A.Lepine, Michael J.Wesson. 2009. Organizational Behavior: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace. New York: the McGraw-Hill Companies.
[2]. Echols John M. 2003.KamusInggris Indonesia. Jakarta: Gramedia
[3]. Mowday, R. T., R. M. Steers and I. W. Porter, 1979, "The Measurement of Organizational Commitment", Journal of Applied Psychology, 84, p. 408-414
[4]. Allen, N.J.& Mayer, J.P. 1990.The measurement and antecedents of affective, continuance, and normative commitment to organization. Journal of occupational
[5]. Yukl, Gary. 2005. KepemimpinandalamOrganisasi. AlihBahasa Budi Suprianto. Jakarta: Indeks Kelompok Gramedia.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the direct effect of Participatory Leadership, School Culture, and Management of Stress on the headmaster of Senior High School in Deli Serdang Regency. Research used quantitative method, the model is used by path analysis with descriptive data analysis technique. The population in this study were 133 schools, and the sample of 100 schools. The sample was determined by using a random sample. Variable instrument data was closed questionnaire with four answer choices. Instruments of validity test with product moment with acceptance level 95% or at α = 0.05. Instrument reliability was calculated by Alpha Cronbach coefficient formula......
Keywords: Perfomance of Headmaster, Particitory Leadership, Culcutural School, and Stress Management
[1]. Yuniarssih, Tjuju dan Suwatno. 2008. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Bandung: Alfabeta
[2]. Suharsaputra, 2010. Budaya Organisasi di Sekolah. Jurnal Buana Pendidikan
[3]. Colquitt, Jason A., Jeffery A. LePine., Michael J. Wesson. 2009. Organizational Behavior, New York: McGraw-Hill International Companies
[4]. Riduwan.(2007). Skala Pengukuran Variabel-variabel Penelitian. Bandung : CV. Alfabeta.
[5]. Soekarto Indrafachrudi. (2006). Bagaimana Memimpin Sekolah yang Efektif. Bogor: PT Ghalia Indonesia.
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Abstract: This research aims to: 1) to increase the problem solving ability and disposition of students using Realistic Mathematics Approach, 2) To know the improvement of problem solving ability and disposition of students using Inquiry Approach, 3) To know the difference of improvement of problem solving ability of mathematics among student who were given learning through Realistic Mathematics Approach with students who were given the Inquiry Approach, 4) To know the difference of increasing the mathematical disposition between the students who were given the learning through Realistic Mathematics Approach with the students who were given the Inquiry Approach, 5) To know...........
Keywords: Problem Solving, Mathematical Disposition, Realistic Mathematical Approach, Inquiry Approach
[1] Hudoyo, H. 1979. Pengembangan Kurikulum Matematika dan Pelaksanaannya di Depan Kelas. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional.
[2] Muslich, Masnur. 2008. KTSP Pembelajaran Berbasis Kompetensi dan Konstektual. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
[3] Treffers, A. 1991. Realistic Mathematics Education in Netherland 1980-1990. In L.Streefland. Realistic Mathematics Education in Primary School on The Occasions of The Freudenthal Institute. 11-56. Denhaag: Tecnipress, Culemborg.
[4] BSNP. 2006. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
[5] Tarigan, D. 2006. Pembelajaran Matematika Realisti .Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
[6] Anderson, B.F. 1980. The Complete Thinker: A Handbook of Theniques For Creative and Critical Problem Solving. New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Self-Concept of Secondary School Head Masters |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Dr.A.Dhanalakshmi |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0706043536 ![]() |
Abstract: This study entitled self – concept of secondary school head masters. Various Indian and Foreign studies and Gos were reviewed . Descriptive survey method has been used in this study. The sample consisted 100 head masters from the rural and urban areas of Krishna District in Andhrapradesh using stratified random sampling method. Self constructed tools were prepared and standardized and adopted for the study. The data were analyzed using various statistical methods like mean, SD, t-test and ANOVA by SPSS package. The score obtained by different groups are compared across the variables like Gender, Location, School Experience. The result indicated that ther is a positive on the self – concept of secondary school Head masters..
Keywords: self – concept, Andhrapradesh, secondary school Head masters
[1]. Buch.m.b.,editor(1978-1983)third survey of research in education baroda,CASE,m.s.University of Baroda.
[2]. Aggarva j.c (1984)essentials of educational psychology New Delhi:Vikas publishing house.
[3]. Jagannath mohan (2004)educational management supervision,school organization , Hyderabad, neelkamalpublication.
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Abstract: The aim of this research is to Determine the improvement of the ability of teachers to applying problem Fiqh -based learning through the clinical supervision models in Islamic. The Method of this research is the School Action Research, in the District of Batang Private MTs Quiz is MTs.SBustanul the which include Ulum, MTs.SDarulIlmi, MTs.S YPI, MTs.S Umar Bin Khattab and MTs.S YP RaudhatulAkmalFiqh teacher with 5 as the research subjects. The object of this research is the application of clinical supervision to improve the ability of Fiqh teachers to applying problem-based learning models. The results of this reasearch shown: That on the first cycle of the implementation the clinical.........
Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Clinical Supervision
[1]. Amir, M.T. (2009).InovasiPendidikanmelalui Problem Based Learning, BagaimanaPendidikMemberdayakanPemelajar di Era Pengetahuan. Jakarta: KencanaPrenada Media Grup.
[2]. Istarani.(2011). 58 Model PembelajaranInovatif (Referensi Guru DalamMenentukan Model Pembelajaran). Medan: Media Persada.
[3]. Ma'arif, Ahmad. (2015). Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sma Negeri 1 Piyungan Bantul Yogyakarta. Tesis:Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta.
[4]. PeraturanPemerintahNomor 19 Tahun 2005
[5]. Pidarta, Made. (2009). SupervisiPendidikanKontekstual. Jakarta: RinekaCipta.
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Abstract: This research is a type of research and development study (Research and Development) which aims to identify the feasibility and effectiveness of interactive learning media developed. The development of student interactive learning media used ADDIE's model of development. The development procedure which used in the research consists of five steps, namely: (1) analyze, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, (5) evaluation. This research subject is 39 students in grade four at SD Negeri 024183 Kec. Binjai Timur. The data collecting instruments were assessment sheets for the material experts, instructional design experts, media experts, class teacher, a questionnaire for......
Keywords: development, interactive learning media, learning outcomes
[1] Benny A. Pribadi. 2009. Model Desain Sistem Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Dian Rakyat
[2] Daryanto. 2010. Media Pembelajaran, Peranannya Sangat Penting dalam mencapai Tujuan Pembelajaran. Yogyakarta: Gava Media [3] Deni Darmawan. 2012. Inovasi Pendidikan. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
[4] Ahmad, Rivaidan Sudjana, Nana. 2011. Media Pembelajaran. Bandung: Sinar Baru Algosindo.
[5] Sardiman, A.M., 2009. Interaksi dan Motivasi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta : Rajawali Pers
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Abstract: The purpose of this research are: (1) To know the difference of problem solving ability of mathematics between students who are given problem-based learning model with students who are given STAD learning model, (2) to know the difference of self-efficacy of students between students who are given problem-based learning model with students (3) Find out if there is interaction between learning model with students 'early math ability on students' mathematical problem solving abilities, (4) to find out whether there is interaction between learning model and student's early math ability toward student self-efficacy. This research is a quasi-experimental study. The population in this study consists of all students of SMA PGRI 12 Medan. The sample of research was taken randomly as many........
Keywords: problem-based learning model, stad learning model, mathematical problem-solving ability and student self-efficacy
[1] Soedjaji, R., 2000. Kiat Pendidikan Matematika di Indonesia. Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
[2] National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). 2000. Principles and Standards for School Mathematics. Reston. VA: NCTM
[3] Arends, R.I. 2008. Learning to Teach. Belajar untuk Mengajar. Edisi Ketujuh Jilid Dua. Terjemahan oleh Soedjipto, Helly, P. dan Soedjipto, Sri, M. Pustaka Belajar: Yogyakarta
[4] Branca, N.A (1980). Problem Solving as a Goal, Process and Basic Skill. Dalam Krulik,S dan Reys,R.E (ed). Problem Solving in School Mathematics. NCTM: Reston. Virginia
[5] Annisa, D., & Tatag, Y. E. 2014. Pengaruh Kecemasan dan Self-Efficacy Siswa Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Materi Segi Empat Siswa Kelas VII MTS Negeri Ponorogo. Jurnal Ilmiah pendidikan Matematika. Vol. 3. No. 2. PP: 1-40
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Abstract: This research aims to know the academic supervision of Trustees program SMK Labuhan Batu. The analysis done by knowing the level of pemaham trustees against the academic supervision of the program, the process of drafting a supervision program of academic, academic supervision program for preparing the barriers and solutions to the constraints of the drafting of a supervision program academic. This type of research is the analysis of the program by the qualitative approach. This research was carried out at the Office of the supervisor of Labuhan Batu from January until August 2017. Using the method of data collection techniques interviews, study documentation, observation. The validation is done by triangulation. Data analysis techniques using qualitative analysis that refers to the theory that Miles and Huberman The results showed the level of knowledge of Trustees SMK.........
Keywords: supervisor, level of understanding the process of the preparation of the program for academic supervision
[1]. Peraturan Minister of State for administrative reform and the bureaucratic State apparatus Number 21 years of Functional Office 2010 School Superintendent and figures her credit.
[2]. Depdiknas. 2008. Preparing the Program Supervisor of the school. Jakarta: Directorate of produce educators and quality improvement Directorate of Produce educators educators and Ministry of national education.
[3]. Kemendiknas. 2015. Supervision of manejerial and academic supervision. The improvement of the competence of the principal and school superintendent in managing the implementation of the curriculum. Jakarta: Directorate of produce educators and Directorate General of quality improvement of educators and Educational Personnel. The Ministry Of National Education.
[4]. Kemendikbud. Academic Supervision: 2013. Learning materials Training Prospective Headmaster. Jakarta: Institute development and empowerment of the principal (LPPK).
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Abstract: This research aims to know the influence of multimedia-based camtasia studio tocivic education studieslearning results. This type of research is quasi experiment. The design used in this study was a pretest-posttest control group design. The instruments used in this research is the instrument the test results of the study as many as 25 in the form of multiple choice question. Data analysis techniques using test-t (T-Test Sample Independent) assisted applications SPSS 21.0 for windows.Research results and hypothesis testing concluded that: (1) the average value of student learning outcomes post-test obtained experimental class of 80.30 and average value of the results of the study on the class control of 76.50 (2) there is an influence on using of multimedia-based Camtasia Studio to Civic education studentslearning results showed by sig. 0.013 < 0.05.
Keywords: Learning Media, Multimedia Camtasia Studio, Learning Result
[1]. Sanjaya, W., (2009). Strategi Pembelajaran Berorientasi Standar Proses Pendidikan. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.
[2]. Arsyad, A., (2010). Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.
[3]. Piaget, Jean., (1985). The Equilibration of Cognitive Structures : The Central Problem of Intellectual Development, University of Chicago Press, Chicago
[4]. Dale, Edgar., (1969). Audio Visual Methods in Teaching. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc. The Dryden Press
[5]. Hamalik,O. 2008. Proses BelajarMengajar. Jakarta: BumiAksara
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Abstract: This study is initiated by the examination of the problems occurring in regards the management of school administration, which automatically impacts the downgrade of the quality of education in schools as the service agent to public. Moreover, it is considered to be addressed to produce the model design of school management development which may be implemented in many schools in the future. The examination uses the research and development approach as the methodology of the examination and conducted for 3 years within 3 research steps in each year. In the first year of the examination, need assessment was conducted to identify and fetch the premier data, references and the exploration of human resources in the targeted schools. While in the second year, the examination was proceeded...........
Keywords: Teachers' competencies; education service; management system
[1]. Colquitt, and LePine,(2009). Organizational Behavior. Harper and Row : New York.
[2]. Dubois, D.D. (1993). Competency Based Performance Improvement : A Startegy for Organizational Change. USA : HRD Pres, Inc.
[3]. Griffin, Ricky. W (2002). Manajemen. Jakarta : Erlangga.
[4]. Hardjosoedarmo, Soewarso. (2004). Total Quality Management. Andi : Yogyakarta.
[5]. Ivancevich et al (2007). Perilaku dan Manajemen Organisasi. Jilid 1. Erlangga : Jakarta.
[6]. Kessler, R. (2009). Competency Based Performance Reviews : How to Performance Employee Evaluations the Future 500 way. USA : The Career Pres, Inc