Version-7 (Nov-Dec 2017)
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Abstract: This study designed to compare different adjustment of vocational students and non vocational students. The sample consisted of 100 vocational and 100 non-vocational students, Results according to "Bell's adjustment inventory [BAI] used by R.K. Ojha (confirmed that vocation students are more adjustment in their home then non-vocational) students. Non-vocational students are more adjusted in their society then vocational students. "Health" and "Emotional" wise no difference between vocational and non vocational students..
Keywords: Teacher Professional Competency, Academic Supervision of Artistic Model
[1]. Basu, Sardh. 2013. Adjustment of secondary school students. Scholarly Research journal for interdisciplinary studies, ISSN – 2278-8808, Vol-I.
[2]. Franky, Deepa and Chamundeshwari.S. 2014, Psychosocial correlated of academic achievement of students International. Journal of current Research and academic Review, ISSN-2347 Vol-2.
[3]. Gupta, Nidhi. 2013, A study of Problems of adjustment of senior secondary school students. Conflux journal of educational. ISSN-2320-9305, Vol-I.
[4]. Gaur, Anita. 2013. A comparative study of adjustment problems of high low achiever in higher secondary school of Gwalior city (M.P.) Asian journal of multidisciplinary studies. ISSN-2321-8819, Vol-I.
[5]. Kaushik, Miss Kusum. 2014. Vocational education in India; International journal of education and information studies. ISSN-2277-3169. Vol-4.
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Abstract: The study on collaborative versus contextual learning and students' academic achievement in biology was conducted in Hallmark Academy secondary school, Omoku in OgbaEgbmaNdoni Local Government Area of Rivers State. Three objectives and three hypothesis guided the study. The study adopted a comparative research design, the population consisted of senior secondary school biology students (SS2) which was eighty (80) students, and census sampling techniques was used. Biology Achievement Test (BAT) was used as instrument for data collection which was validated with a reliability coefficient of 0.06.Two tail t-test was used as a statistical tool for the study. The findings revealno significant difference between the mean scores of students who learned using collaborative approach.........
Keywords: critical thinking skills, creative skills, real life uses
[1]. Aladejana, F. (2008). Blended learning and improved Biology teaching in the Nigerian secondary schools proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science, San Francisco, USA
[2]. Bukunola, N, &Idowu, J (2012). "Collaborative learning: Shared inquiry as a process of reform", New Directions for Teaching and Learning.Matexpulishers.
[3]. Cooper, J., and Robinson, P. (1990). "Small group instruction in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology." Journal of College Science Teaching 27:383.
[4]. Ghani, E. K (2012). Blended learning implementation in accounting discipline. A study in a Malaysian Public University in Education.
[5]. Gokhale, A. A (1995). Collaborative learning enhances critical thinking. Journal of Technology Education 7, (1).
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Abstract: This study aims to: 1) Develop thelearning devices based on RME that meet the valid, practically, and effective criteria; 2) improvement of critical thinking ability of junior high school students by using developedlearning devices based on RME. This research is a development research. This research was conducted using Four-D development model which consist of: define, design, develop, and disseminate. Subjects in this study were students of class IX-A and class IX-B SMP Harapan 2 Medan. While the object in this study is a learning device of mathematics in junior high school (SMP) Class IX based on RME developed. From the results of trial I and trial II obtained.........
Keywords: Development, Learning Devices, Realistic Mathematics Education, Critical Thinking
[1]. Tirtarahardja, U. (2008). PengantarPendidikan. Jakarta: RinekaCipta
[2]. Hasratuddin.(2015).Mengapa Harus Belajar Matematika.Medan: Perdana Publising.
[3]. Abdurrahman, M. (2009). Pendidikan Bagi Anak Berkesulitan Belajar. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
[4]. Mustafa, et al. (2017). Development of Learning Devices Through Problem Based Learning Model to Improve Students Metacognition Skill at SMPN 17 Medan. Journal Education and Practice. 8(24), 34-41.
[5]. Hassoubah, Z. I. (2004). Developing Creative and Critical thinking ability(Cara BerpikirKreatifdanKritis). Bandung: YayasanNuansaCendikia..
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the implementation of academic supervision by the principal at the State Senior High School 1 Lubuk Pakam Kab Deli Serdang, including academic supervision on: (1) learning planning; (2) implementation of learning; and (3) evaluation of learning. This research is a qualitative research. Research subjects in this study are teachers PPKN consisting of 6 people in SMA N 1 Lubuk Pakam, Principal SMA Negeri 1 Lubuk pakam and Supervisor High School. Data collection using discussion method, interview and documentation and using primary data and secondary data. The focus of research in this study is the implementation of academic supervision of........
Keywords: Academic supervision, School Principal, Perfomance of Teachers
[1]. Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2004. Dasar-Dasar Supervisi. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
[2]. Barokah, Eliza. 2013. Optimalisasi Supervisi Akademik Melalui Peningkatan Kualitas Pengawas dan Penerapan Lesson Study Berbasis Sekolah Untuk Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru.Artikel. Bandung: UPI.
[3]. Dalimunthe, Zulkifli. 2008. Model Pendampingan Kepala Sekolah Dalam Melakukan Supervisi Akademik Di SD Negeri 060915 Medan Sunggal. Jurnal Tabularasa PPs UNIMED, 5(1): 103-114.
[4]. Depdiknas.2007. Supervisi Akademik Dalam Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru.Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal PMPTK.
[5]. Kemdikbud, 2013. Kompetensi Supervisi Kepala Sekolah Masih Perlu Ditingkatkan. (diakses tanggal 26 Januari 2017)...
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Abstract: It is being believed that by writing word Ram on stones could make stones floating , it is Myth . Floating of stones while making Adam's Bridge was a lawlessness triggered by unconditioned thought expressions by first order of universe leading to change in programming ( Code PcPs floating ) of gravity interactions which was previously programmed for sinking ( Code PcPs sinking ) by M2 . It is the mind of M2 that orders sinking effect when energized gravitons from M1 come and interacts with interacting surfaces of atoms of stones of M2 . It is science of prayer ( Atomic genetics engineering ) that underpins floating of stones done by Lord Ram . The phenomenon ended with end of the period of stay of Lord Ram in Shri lanka i.e. the reversal of programming . With the result floating stones got sunk . There are many thoughts that design the sinking or floating effects . There is feedback.....
Keywords: Basic Building Blocks, Atomic Genetics, Atomic Transcription and Translation, Tachyons, Atomic Genetic Engineering , Hoyle -Narlikar universe
[3]. V M Das International journal of innovative research and development Volume 3 Issue 8 p 194- 210 (2014)
[4]. V M Das International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) Volume 17, No 1, p 292-324 (2014)
[5]. V M Das International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research,Volume 17, No 1, p 148-185 (2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Problems and Prospects of Secondary Teacher Education in Manipur |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Ch. Tomba Singh |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0706075760 ![]() |
Abstract: We are now in the 21st Century and if we look back at the evolution of developments indications, it is easy to note that these are truly phenomenal. Our priority agenda today is to prepare teachers for tomorrow, tomorrow's Manipur in a national perspective. Teachers have crucial roles to play in preparing young people not only to face the future with confidence but also to build it with purpose and responsibility. Teachers are instrumental in the development of positive attitudes to learning. The importance of the role of the teachers as an agent of change, promoting understanding and tolerance, has never been more obvious than today. It is likely to become even more critical in the twenty-first century. The present paper is to focus the important of teacher education in general and need of such education in the state of Manipur in particular, and to highlight the developmental trends to secondary teachers education programmes in Manipur and also to focus some specific general problems and prospects of teacher education imparted in the state in the 21st century.
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[4]. Jacques Delor et al,:Learning the Treasurer Within. Report to UNESCO to the International Commission on Education for the Twenty First, UNESCO, Paris,1996.
[5]. Devi,Jamini: Education in Manipur. RaiPravina Brothers,Publication, New Delhi, 2003.
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Abstract: This study aims to: 1) Develop the learning devices based on CTL that meet the validand effective criteria; 2) Improving students' creativity of mathematics by using learning devices based on CTLdeveloped. This research is a development research. This research was conducted using Four-D development model which consist of: define, design, develop, and disseminate. Subjects in this study are students of class VII-1 SMPN 1 Padangsidimpuan. While the object in this study is a learning device of mathematics in junior high school (SMP)Class VII based on CTL developed. From the results of trial I and trial II, learning devices obtained the result that: 1)the learning devices developed meet the valid criteria, in terms of content validity and construct validity; 2)thelearning devicesdeveloped meet the effective criteria, viewed from: a) the level of mastery of students to the creativity of Mathematics; b) student activity; and c) students' positive responses; 3) an increase in mathematical creativity of students by using thelearning devices based on CTL developed..
Keywords: Development, Learning Devices, Contextual Teaching and Learning, Creativity Mathematics
[1]. Abdurrahman, M. (2012). Education of Children that Difficult to Study. Jakarta: RinekaCipta
[2]. Mustafa, et al. (2017). Development of Learning Devices Through Problem Based Learning Model to Improve Students Metacognition Skill at SMPN 17 Medan. Journal Education and Practice. 8(24), 34-41.
[3]. Chukwuyenum, A. N. (2013). Impact of Critical thinking on Performance in Mathematics among Senior Secondary School Students in Lagos State. IOSR Journal of Research & Method in Education, 3(5), 18-25.
[4]. Saragih, S., &Napitupulu, E. (2015). Developing Student-Centered Learning Model to Improve High Order Mathematical Thinking Ability. Canadian Center of Science and Education, 8 (6), 104-112.
[5]. Saragih, S., &Habeahan, W, L. (2014). The Improving of Problem Solving Ability and Students' Creativity Mathematical by Using Problem Based Learning in SMP Negeri 2 Siantar. Journal of Education and Practice, 5(35), 123-132.