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Abstract: This study aims at describing the effect of the application of one teacher one innovation with inspirational approach on teachers at elementary school or Sekolah Dasar (SD) Gugus IV in Makassar which specifically related to two things. The first is the influence of one teacher one innovation with inspirational approach to the improvement of teacher learning innovation at SD Gugus IV in Makassar Sub-district. The second is the teacher response to one teacher one innovation with inspirational approach at SD Gugus IV in Makassar Sub-district. The research method is a quasi-experiment with pre and post design in which the subjects are 62 teachers of target schools. The results were analyzed using inferential statistics of t-test carried out in elementary school teachers at SD Gugus IV in Makassar in the academic year 2016/2017. The results show that there is a significant effect of the application of one teacher one innovation with inspirational approach to the improvement of teacher..........
Keywords: teacher, innovation, inspirational approach, and learning innovation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Identifying the Use of Reading Learning Strategies in Relation to Learning Styles |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Melati Dwi Anda Syaputri |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0801030915 ![]() |
Abstract: This research was aimed at finding out students' learning styles in learning English as foreign language, the strategies used by students with different learning styles in learning English reading and the correlation between learning strategies and reading achievement. This research was conducted to 32 students in first grade of SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung. In collecting data, the researcher gave two questionnaires and a reading test to measure learning styles, reading learning strategies and reading achievement. The data were analyzed using ANOVA and Correlation. The results showed that (1) the students which were group under kinesthetic was found 15 students (46,88%), visual was 9 students (28,12%) and auditory was 8 students (25%), (2) kinesthetic students and auditory students mostly used social strategy, visual students mostly used cognitive strategy, in learning reading. (3) there was correlation between learning strategies and reading achievement. Thus, by identifying learning styles and strategies, the teacher and the students will be more selected to choose the best method in teaching and learning.
Keywords: Learning Strategies, Learning Styles, Reading
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Abstract: This study was an experimental research conducted on one experimental group and one control group (conventional), which aimed to improve students' critical thinking skills of class IX at SMP Negeri 8 Makassar. The study was conducted in two stages. The first stage was the preparatory phase of the research. It is to develop the Problem Based Instruction (PBI) model, by making the lesson plans, student books, and test of critical thinking learning. The second stage is research implementation. It determines the sample of the research, performs the initial test, implements the learning process with PBI model, and performs the final test. The subjects of the study are the students of SMP Negeri 8 Makassar taken by using random sampling techniques. The research design is.........
Keywords: Problem Based Instruction, Science Learning, Critical Thinking Skills.
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Abstract: This study investigated the perception of parents and teachers towards introducing sex education in Bauchi State. The study uses descriptive survey design. The population of the study comprises of parents and teachers who are teaching in senior secondary schools in the state and the samples were drawn from 10 out of the 20 local government areas in the state. A purposeful random sampling was used in which 300 parents as well as 300 teachers were used for the study. The instruments used for data collection were two structured questionnaires that were validated by three experts drawn from three higher institutions of learning. The instruments consist of 10 Questionnaire items each for the parents and as well as teachers of the selected schools. A 4- point Likert scale was used to elicit information from the respondents. The data obtained from the study was analyzed using simple percentages. The findings of the study revealed that majority of parents and teachers in Bauchi State considered sex education........
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Abstract: Solving problems in algebra depicts the ability of students to be able to understand, plan, execute the plan in any given routine and non-routine algebraic problems. Algebra as one of the most important aspect of mathematics is very fundamental for success in secondary school mathematics. This paper discuss attitude of secondary school students towards solving algebraic problems. It is recommended that these negative attitude needs to be overcome, so that later in life these students will not suffer lack of algebraic problem solving skills which is very important and fundamental in their future employment success and everyday life.
Keywords: Attitude, Solving Problems, Algebra, Secondary Schools
[1]. Adeleke, M. A. (2007). Strategic improvement of mathematical problem- solving performance of secondary school students using procedural and conceptual learning strategies. Educational Resarch and Review, 2(9), 259–263.
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[5]. Anthony, A., Michael, E. & Victoria, O. (2012). Effect of Self-instruction Strategy on the Achievement in Algebra of Students with Learning Difficulty in Mathematics. US-China Education Review. Vol. 12(1), 1006-1021
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Abstract: This research was aimed at explaining the process of developing teaching textbook by using Model Glasser in Indonesian Language course at FKIP UMSU. The sample of the research was 43 morning class students of Language and Literature Education Study Program of Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara. The instruments used were questionnaire used to find out the students' response and activeness to the teaching materials developed, observation sheet used to know the condition of the students on learning process, and validation sheet used for the developing of teaching materials based on Learning Reference Unit (Satuan Acuan Perkuliahan (SAP)) using Glasser model. The research descriptively resulted in 100% of students were excited about the teaching materials of Indonesian Language (Teaching Material, Guided Instruction and Lecture Strategy) and 91,66% of students argued that the teaching materials were new to them. After using the teaching materials developed by the researcher and.......
Keywords: textbook developing (Indonesian language course),glasser model
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Abstract: The relationship of school and society is necessary to achieve educational goals. Public relation has an important role to link between school and society in order to create a harmonious relationship between them. Likewise, the role of public relations is at inclusion schools. This research is generally aimed to describe the program, implementation and constraints of school and society relationship management at Bireuen District Inclusion School. The method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach. Data collection is observation, interview and documentation techniques. Subjects in this study are; principals, vice principals, special mentors, school committees and parents. The results obtained from the research are: (1) School and society relationship......
Keywords: Management of Public Relation and Inclusion School
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[3]. Bakri, Sulaiman. (2017). "School and Community Relationship Management in Improving the Quality of Education at State Junior High School 13 Banda Aceh" Journal of Postgraduate Master of Syiah Kuala University Postgraduate Education Administration. 5. (1), 48-54.
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[5]. Mayarani and Nurhikmahyanti.(2014). "The Role of School Committee in Procurement of Facilities and Infrastructure at SD NegeriPucang IV Sidoarjo" Journal of Education Management Inspiration. 4. (4), 163-176.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to discover the learning tools in the civics subject at Citizenship Education Study Program in improving the Critical Thinking Skills of the Students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. It was also to produce learning tool design in the Course of Citizenship at the study program of citizenship education in improving students' critical thinking skills. This research was development research. This study developed learning tool for citizenship courses at the study program of Citizenship Education with an inquiry strategy to improve students' critical thinking skills. What the output resulted from this study was a lesson plan, student activity sheet, textbook (citizenship material). This study showed that the developed learning tools were in a good category. The practicability of the lesson plan was in a good category. In addition, Citizenship Textbook was interesting and varied, and student worksheets were created to explore the analyzing ability.
Keywords: Inquiry Strategy, Critical Thinking Skills, Citizenship Education
[1]. S.Tawil and M. Cougoureux, Revisiting Learning:The Treasure Within–N 4–Assessing the impact of the 1996 "Delors Report.‟ UNESCO, 2013.
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Abstract: This research is conducted on grade 6 students of SD Jenderal Sudirman Medan which aims to know: (1) The influence of Problem Based Learning (PBL) model to students' science learning outcomes; (2) The influence of learning motivation on the students' science learning outcomes; (3) The influence of learning motivation on students' critical thinking ability; (4) The influence of PBL model to students' critical thinking ability; (5) The influence of PBL model interaction and learning motivation on students' science learning outcomes; (6) The influence of PBL model interaction and learning motivation on students' critical thinking ability. The sample technique in this research is cluster random sampling which is consisted of two classes. They are class VI1, 30 students, as control...........
Keywords: Problem Based Learning, Conventional Learning, Motivation, Learning Outcomes of Science, Critical Thinking
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effect of student learning motivation taught by model learning problem based learning with direct instruction model (direct instruction). Against Student Learning Outcomes in Subjects Civic Education Class V Integrated Islamic Elementary School Nurul 'Ilmi Medan Lesson 2017/2018. This type of research is quasi experimental research. The research design used is the experimental design of ANAVA with 2 x 2 factorial. In this study the first independent variable consists of two characteristics, namely Problem Based Learning model and Direct Instruction learning model. While on the second independent variable consists of two characteristics that is high motivation and low motivation. While the dependent variable is the result of learning Civics students. The population in this study is all students of class V with the number of students as many as 60 people. The sampling technique in this research is using Total Sampling. Therefore, the number of research samples is equal to the number of research population that is 60 students who are distributed into two classes, namely............
Keywords: model of Problem Based Learning learning and Direct Instruction learning model, learning motivation, Learning Outcomes.
[1] Abdul Azis Wahab & Sapriya. (2011). Teori dan Landasan Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Bandung: CV. alfabeta.
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[5] Barrows,H.S., Tambblyn,R.N.,(1980), Problem-Based Learning : An Approach To. Medical Education. New York...
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Abstract: The present study is an attempt to identify the effect of leadership style of academic leaders on job performance behavior among faculty in Al-Balqa` Applied University. A questionnaire was designed to achieve the objective of the study. The questionnaire divided into two sections; the first section is leadership styles including democratic leadership style, autocratic leadership style and Laissez-faire Leadership with (30) items, the second is job performance that includes (15) items. After verifying its validity and reliability, it was applied to a sample of (100) faculty in Al-Balqa` Applied University, then the data was statistically analyzed by SPSS. The results showed that leadership styles affect job performance of faculty as well as there are no statistically significant differences due to gender, work experience and academic rank. The study recommended adopting the democratic leadership style as the most effective style in fostering the job performance among faculty in Al-Balqa` Applied University and holding training courses for academic leaders to train them on how to utilize the democratic leadership style in fostering faculty job performance.
Keywords: leadership, leadership styles, job performance.
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