Version-4 (Jan-Feb 2018)
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Abstract: Evaluation system is direct reflection of the success of fulfillment of the predetermined educational objective. The conventional clinical and practical examination is beset with several problems. Although marking should depend only on student variability, examiner variability significantly affect scoring.1 The Objective Structured Practical Examination (OSPE) can assess practical competencies in an appropriate, step-wise, methodical, objective and time-orientated manner with direct observation of the student's performance during planned practical test stations. OSPE is a good teaching tool that helps students to reinforce learning leading to better performance in practical exams.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Multiple Intelligence of the BTEB Officials in Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Raju Muhammad Shahidul Islam |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0801040309 ![]() |
Abstract: The study purpose to understand the multiple intelligence condition of Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) official. It was found from the study that TVET Associates owned on an average 73.32% Linguistic intelligence, 74.66% Logical-Mathematical intelligence, 60.00% Spatial intelligence, 86.66%Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence, 61.36% Musical intelligence, 93.32% Interpersonal intelligence, 70.66% Intrapersonal intelligence, 80.00% Naturalist intelligence, and 72.00% Existential intelligence. The study shows that interpersonal intelligence has highest percentage whereas spatial intelligence has lowest percentage..
Keywords: Multiple Intelligence,BTEB, Officials, Bangladesh
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Abstract: This research was a quasi-experimental design that aims to obtain a description of students' critical thinking skills between the students taught by active learning strategy which is integrated with computer simulation and the students taught using conventional learning at physics department in academic year 2017/2018. Based on the result of expert validation analysis on instructional device, it is found that all learning tools namely computer simulation, semester learning plan, student worksheet, and critical thinking instruments are valid and reliable with above 90% average value which is in a very high category. The result of the statistical analysis shows that the average score of critical thinking ability of experimental class is 19.53 in a high category while control class.......
Keywords: Strategy active learning, critical thinking skills, computer simulation.
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Abstract: This study aimed at determining the effect of Reggio Emilia Approach (REA) and learning styles of the children language ability at the kindergartens in Makassar. The research design was 2 x 2 factorial designs. The population was all kindergarten children in Makassar. The sample was selected using a random technique. There were two selected kindergartens. The first was TK Teratai UNM as the first experimental group which was taught by applying REA in role play. The second was TK Rahmah as the second experimental group which was taught by applying REA in the storytelling activities in which there were 20 children in each class. Some results were found in this study. First, the language ability of children who apply REA in role-playing is higher than the children who apply REA in storytelling. Second, the language ability of the children who have dependent field learning styles is higher than the children who have independent field learning styles. Third, Language ability of children who apply REA in......
Keywords - Reggio Emilia Approach, Learning Styles, Field Dependent, Field Independent, Language ability
[1]. G. Kelemen, "The Reggio Emilia method, a modern approach of preschool education," J. Plus Educ., vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 87–92, 2013.
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Abstract: Over the last few decades there has been a paradigm shift from teacher-centered to student-centered learning. The teachers have been more of facilitator ensuring learning objectives are met. Problem Based Learning (PBL) is considered one of the most favorable method in Student-Centered learning. From this point of view Moi University adopted the PBL. This study aims to assess the lecturers' knowledge and perception regarding problem-based learning (PBL). Participants were 65 lecturers in the College of Health Sciences. Self-administered questionnaires were used in data collection. Data analysis done utilizing SPSS 22. The overall response rate was 100 % (N=65), 38% (25) had PBL knowledge at joining program, 34 (52%) viewed program graduates as independent, innovative............
Keywords: medical school, perception, problem based learning, Lecturers.
[1]. Abraham, Y., & Azaje, A. (2013). The new innovative medical education system in Ethiopia: Background and development. Ethiopian Journal of health development, 27(1), 36-40.
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[5]. Damodharan, V. S., & Rengarajan, V. (2012). nnovative Methods of Teaching. Journalof MedicalEducation, 1(2), 6-8.
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Abstract: Worksheet Development Based On Contextual Teaching And Learning Model Begins With The Problem Of Unavailability Of Various Learning Devices Used Yet To Stimulate The Critical Thinking Ability Of Learners. Research With This Development Is Aimed To Produce Worksheet Based On Contextual Teaching And Learning Model To Improve Critical Thinking Ability Of V Grade Elementary School Students. Research Development Refers To The Borg And Gall Model. The Results Showed That Worksheet Developed To Improve The Ability Of Critical Thinking And Learning Outcomes Of Learners Who Have Been Analyzed Using T-Test And Regression.
Keywords: Worksheet Development, Contextual Teaching And Learning Model, Critical Thinking
[1]. Borg, D. Walter, Joyce P. Gall And Meredith D. Gall. 1979. Educational Research An Introduction. Perason Education, Inc. Boston
[2]. Demir, Metin., Bacanl, Hasan., Tarhan, Sinem., Ali, Dombayc Mehmet. 2011. Quadruple Thinking: Critical Thinking. Procedia Social And Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 12: 545-551.
[3]. Johnson, Elaine B. 2014. CTL Contextual Teaching And Learning. Kaifa: Bandung.
[4]. Khandaghi, Maghsood Amin., Pakmehr, Hamideh., Dan Amiri, Elham. 2011. The Status Of College Students' Critical Thinking Disposition In Humanities. Procedia Social And Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 15:1866–1869.
[5]. Lee, Che-Di. 2014. Worksheet Usage, Reading Achievement, Classes' Lack Of Readiness, And Science Achievement: A Cross-Country Comparison, International Journal Of Education In Mathematics, Science And Technology National Taiwan Normal University, Volume 2, Number 2, April 2014, Page 96-106 ISSN: 2147-611X, (Akses Tanggal: 03 Juni 2017. Pukul: 10.57 WIB.).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Road to Excellence: A Study on Autonomous Status in HEIs |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Elizabeth Margaret || Dr N V Kavitha |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0801043843 ![]() |
Abstract: "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intension, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skilful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives." - By Willa A. Foster By 2030, India will be amongst the youngest nations in the world. With nearly 140 million people in the college-going age group, one in every four graduates in the world will be a product of the Indian higher education system. In 2030, India will be the pioneers of a higher education model that is not just the best in the world, but the best for the world, delivering social, economic and intellectual value par excellence. In order to realize the goals we envision for 2030, a transformative and innovative approach would be required across all the levers of higher education: from curricula and pedagogy
Keywords: Higher Education (HE), Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), Autonomy, Innovations and Excellence.
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[5]. 4. Vision 2030: A transforming Vision for Education in India. Tuesday, 27 Jan 2015, 13:31 IST Higher education Review.
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Abstract: Training is an attempt to improve the employees' employability and performance scale and also it minimized the implementation and planning gap taken by the company that needs the staff support. Meercantile Bank Bangladesh Ltd has their designated training academy that ensures the skills needed for the successful generation of their employees. The paper analyzes various aspects of the training institute and implication of success.
Keywords: Bank Professionals, Training need, Institutional knowledge.
[1]. Mehedi Hasan , Md. Hefzur Rahman, Md. Arifur Rahman, Employee Perception towards Effective Training Program: A Study on Some Selective Private Commercial Banks
[2]. Rebeka Sultana Liza, Md.Abul Mohaimen, Tahmina Ferdous, Training Needs Analysis of Banking Sector in Bangladesh
[3]. S.P. Gupta, M.P.Gupta, Business Statistics, page no-507
[4]. Gary Dessler, Human Resource Management, page no-290-322
[5]. Dr. Abdul Awal Khan, Dr. M. A. Taher, Human Resource Management and Industrial Relation.
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Abstract: The development of e-Learning websites for visually impaired users (VIUs) is important for effective Islamic knowledge transfer (EiKT) to be able to take place and in order to meet the needs of the users. This paper presents the perception of the use of e-Learning websites for Islamic knowledge transfer (KT) in Malaysia according to the VIUs, Knowledge Providers (KPs) and Service Providers (SPs). The research is exploratory and applies thematic analysis to analyze the qualitative data that were collected through the use of interview. Eight factors were obtained which states the perception of the users and how the websites can be improved for VIUs to be able to make use of it. The paper presents the identified factors and suggests the considerations of these factors in making decisions in the development of e-Learning websites for VIUs in Malaysia.
Keywords: Islamic Knowledge Transfer, Visually Impaired Users, Knowledge Providers, Service Providers, E-learning websites.
[1]. Abdullah, S., Selamat, M.H., Cob, Z.C., Sazaly, U.S., (2011).A Measurement Framework For Knowledge Transfer In E-Learning Environment. Information Technology Journal 10 (5): 927-943
[2]. Al-Rashidi, H., (2013).The Role of Internal Stakeholders and Influencing Factors During the Phases of E-government Initiative Implementation (Doctoral dissertation, Brunel University, School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics).
[3]. Al-Sobhi, F., Weerakkody, V., & Al-Busaidy, M., (2010). The Roles of Intermediaries in the Diffusion and Adoption of E-Government Services. In AMCIS p. 385.
[4]. Aquino, K. C., (2015). E-learning and Disability in Higher Education: Accessibility research and practice. Review of Higher Education 38(2): 305-307.
[5]. Attewell, J., (2005). "From Research and Development to Mobile Learning: Tools for Education and Training Providers and Their Learners." 4th World Conference on mLearning.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Arab Sculptor Between The Preservation of Identity And The Risk of Globalisation |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Mayssa Ahmed El Far. Ph.D. |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0801045664 ![]() |
Abstract: The present research is focusing on the culture globalisation and the philosophy formation of art throughout ensuing identity crisis (both individual and social). Philosophy of art tries to display the basic concept of the process of globalisation with all of its effects, threats, challenges and opportunities. However this will illustrate its interaction with globalisation and the threat of identity. Globalisation, which also has been called global construction, global orientation and global expansion. The interaction between these two Phenomena has changed the quality of communications which, in turn, is creating new personal and social identities (personification and personifying).............
Keywords: social identities, identity, personification, global orientation, global expansion.
[1]. S.Babran. Iran Islamic Azad University. Media, Globalisation of Culture, and Identity Crisis in Developing Countries. Intercultural Communication Studies XVII: 2 2008
[2]. L.Khader. Our Identity to Where, World of Books, 2009, p 73 , ISBN. 9772327104
[3]. S.Yassin: "Prospects for knowledge in the era of globalization "Conference Series, 7, Supreme Council of Culture, p. 46
[4]. J.Saliba, Al-Farabi, The Dictionary of Philosophy, edition of the Lebanese Book House, Beirut 1982, 2, p. 530.
[5]. F .Peter, Biehl l. ,C. Douglas. and A.Hilary. Identity and Heritage Contemporary Challenges in a Globalized World.(2015)ISSN 1861-6623.
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Abstract: Development of Problem Based Learning Model Learner Worksheet to Improve Critical Thinking Ability The problem of this research were the students achievement had under score of standard criteria and learner worksheet is not available that meets the needs. The aim of this research was to produce and test the effectiveness of development PBL model learner worksheet to improve critical thinking ability of students in fourth grade of elementary school. The method used is research and development (R&D) which refers to Borg&Gall's theory. The population in this research is all of students in fourth grade at Kedamaian subdistrict. The sample used is 70 students with random sampling technique. The collection of data through questionaire and written test. The data were analyzed by using N-Gain formula. The results show that PBL model learner worksheet is feasible to use and PBL model learner worksheet is effective to improve critical thinking ability of students..
Keywords: learner worksheet, PBL, critical thinking ability
[1]. Asra dan Sumiati. 2009. Metode Pembelajaran. CV Wacana Prima: Bandung.
[2]. Boud, David dan Feletti Grahame E. 1997. The Challenge of Problem Based Learning. Biddles Ltd, Guildford and King's Lynn, London.
[3]. Gall, Meredith D, Joyce P, Borg Walter. 2003. Educational Research. Pearson Education: Boston.
[4]. Hallinger, P. & Lu, J. (2011). Implementing problem-based learning in higher education in Asia: Challenges, Strategies and Effect, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 33(3), 267-285
[5]. Hmelo-Silver, E. 2004. Problem-based learning: What and how do students learn? Educational Psycho. Rev., 16, 235–266
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Abstract: This Paper Focus On The E-Learning Medium Factors Which Influence Knowledge Transfer (KT) Among The Visually Impaired Users (Vius) Of Islamic Website In Malaysia.From Previous Researches, Four Factors Of E-Learning Medium Were Identified Which Are Usability, E-Learning Quality, Accuracy, Timeliness And Format Of Information. Interview Was Conducted Among 41 Respondents To Identify The Factors That Affect The Use Of E-Learning As A Medium Of Islamic Knowledge Transfer For Vius In Malaysia. This Research Is Exploratory And Uses Thematic Analysis To Analyze Data Obtained From 41 Respondents.The Result Showed That Factors That Affect The Use Of E-Learning Medium For Vius Include Mobile Learning Development, E-Learning Quality, And Availability Of ICT Infrastructure Among Other Factors.
Keywords:E-Learning, Knowledge Transfer, Visually Impaired, Islamic Websites
[1]. Abdullah, Selamat, S.M., Cob, Z.C., Sazaly, U.S., (2011). A Measurement Framework For Knowledge Transfer In E-Learning Environment. Information Technology Journal 10(5): 927-943
[2]. Al-Rashidi, H., (2013). The Role Of Internal Stakeholders And Influencing Factors During The Phases Of E-Government Initiative Implementation. Doctoral Dissertation, Brunel University, School Of Information Systems, Computing And Mathematics.
[3]. Al-Sobhi, F., Weerakkody, V., Al-Busaidy, M., (2010). The Roles Of Intermediaries In The Diffusion And Adoption Of E-Government Services. In AMCIS P. 385.
[4]. Attewell, J., (2005). From Research And Development To Mobile Learning: Tools For Education And Training Providers And Their Learners. 4th World Conference On Mlearning.
[5]. Azizan N., (2011). Critical Success Factors For Knowledge Transfer Via Australian And Malaysia Government Education Websites: A Comparative Case Study. Thesis. School Of Business IT And Logistics, RMIT University.