Version-4 (March-April 2018)
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Abstract: This study discusses the implementation of character education in junior high school or SMP Negeri 5 Tavanjuka Palu carried out by citizenship education teachers. The objective of this research is to reveal the positive things related to the development of cultural values in citizenship education learning. The proposed problem is how the citizenship education teachers in SMP 5 Tavanjuka Palu implement character education. This research was a case study in a field related to citizenship education learning in the classroom containing character education. It was conducted through interviews with principals, citizenship education teachers, and traditional leaders of Kaili in Palu. After the data had been collected, the data were then analyzed through reducing, displaying, verifying, and concluding. The results show that character education in SMP Negeri 5 Tavanjuka Palu has not implemented well and there are some main problems. First, there is no clear curriculum guide. There is a solid time for the student.........
Keywords: Character values, Citizenship education, curriculum, cultural habit
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Abstract: The changes in curriculum in the world of education constitute a normal thing to occur and a demand for the government in order to execute those, considering the competition which is occurred in the realm of education in this global era. However, the changes in curriculum are not followed by the changes in the attitude of the teacher particularly from the aspect of cognitive so that the changes in curriculum for the teachers remain a controversy in attitude. The research used qualitative descriptive method. The location of the research was conducted and carried out in elementary school in partnership with the field experience practiced students of Muhammadiyah Makassar consisting of two locations i.e. in Makassar and Gowa Regency. Total number of informants in this research comprised 15 people, 10 teachers and 5 principals. Data collection carried out in this research was using 3 techniques namely interview, observation, and documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis for...........
Keywords: Teacher's Attitude, Teachers' Cognitive, Curriculum Changes
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Abstract: This development research aims to design a model of vocational and life skills training (VLST) with effective, valid, and practical tools. It can be an alternative for improving training quality especially for orphanages in Makassar. Various of training implemented were quite disappointing based on World Economic Forum 2014 which shows Indonesia's competitiveness in 2014-2015 positioned in rank 34 of 144 countries around the world with the most issues of education and training (Republika 2014:1). This vocational and life skills training model was developed by adapting Borg and Gall (2003) model with four stages, such as (a) research and information collecting; (b) planning and development of preliminary form of product; (c) operational field testing; and (d) dissemination and implementation. The samples of of the research are the participants from orphanages in Makassar...........
Keywords: Vocational and Life Skills Training Model, Skill competence.
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Abstract: This study is aimed to analyze the influence of parental education (parenting), classroom management and school culture to mathematic learning outcomes of the students of state junior high school in Makassar. Data were collected from the 412 sample by using multi-stage sampling technique. The analysis was conducted using structural equation modeling (SEM) through Amos 20. The results showed that positive parental education (parenting) has significant impact on affective learning outcomes, but not applied for positive and significant impact on mathematic achievement, positive classroom management and significant impact on learning outcomes of mathematics, both affect learning and mathematic achievement, positive school culture and significant impact on affective learning outcomes, but not applied for positive and significant impact on mathematic achievement..
Keywords: The Influence, Parental Education, Classroom Managemant, School Culture, School Culture
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Abstract: Model of principal leadership based on local wisdom was an effective model to be implemented in any educational aspects. It contained principal role, principal management, instructional leadership, and school performance. The implemented local wisdom on high schools in Pangkep Regency was based on Buginese local cultures with the symbol of "3S": sippakatau' (humanize each other), sippakalebbi' (mutual respect), and sippakainga' (remind each other) which narrated in pappaseng (Buginese message). This model were applied by using research and development approach and aimed to produce an effective model of principal leadership based on local wisdom or known as kepemimpinan kepala sekolah berbasis kearifan lokal (KKSBKL) in Indonesia. The research produced..........
Keywords: Principal leadership, management role, learning, local wisdom, school performance
[1] Alam, Syamsu dkk, (2004). Nilai-nilai Budaya Dalam Pappaseng Orang Bugis. Telaga Zamzam.
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Abstract: Attempting to provide educational services to all illiterate citizens regardless of their status and life background has become a commitment and a duty to all of us. Literacy learning as one of the non-formal education programs is expected to be a program capable of freeing illiteracy. However, in some locations including isolated tribe have not fully obtain adequate education services. This research was conducted to reveal whether literacy learning based on mother tongue can accelerate illiteracy eradication in isolated tribe in Bone Regency. The research subjects were the adult women of Bajo's citizens who live in coastal area of Bone Regency. Literacy learning based on mother tongue was tested in two study groups (experimental group and control group). The result of data analysis proves that the literacy learning based on mother tongue supported by literacy materials which is arranged related to their learning habit is one alternative of effective learning model to eradicate illiteracy on isolated tribe in Bone Regency.
Keywords: Literacy, Mother Tongue, Isolated Tribe
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Abstract: Bangladesh has successfully expanded training for trainers and trainees in secondary education level in public and private institutions. It is extensively recognized that improvement in the secondary school education system call for reform in the existing trainers and trainees perceptions. This study explored the perceptions of trainers and trainees towards the adequacy of students' learning experience and implications for achieving mastery of core competences. A trainee teacher very often lacks the necessary teaching skills and experiences. Training materials are poorly designed, and due importance is not given on the support of and networking amongst trainers and trainees. The major objects of the study are to identify relevance of trainers and trainees training materials, up-gradation of training institutions, Govt. patronizations, motivational activities, responsibilities, methodology..........
Keywords: Physical Facilities, Strategic Training, Learner-Centered, Cognitive Development
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Abstract: This study discusses the description of the implementation of learning for dyslexic students in the Inclusive School of SMP N 19 Ambon. It aims at providing an overview of the implementation of learning for dyslexic students who have been going on in SMP N 19 Ambon. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with observation, interview and documentation technique. This research found that the learning of Pancasila and civic education subject conducted in class VIII of the inclusive school of SMP N 19 Ambon has not been effective in reaching the values of characters that are expected to develop in dyslexic students, and not yet fully accommodate their learning needs. The applied learning is still full of regularity without modification. The amount of material content is considered the student as a burden, so that they are unable to respond both orally and in written. Therefore a model that can accommodate the learning needs of dyslexic students is needed..
Keywords: Individualized Learning, Characters, Students with Dyslexia
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Abstract: Penelitian dan pengembangan lembar kerja siswa berbasis PBL diawali dari rendahnya kemampuan HOTs siswa yang terlihat dari rendahnya hasil belajar siswa. Tujuan penellitan dan pengembangan ini adalah menghasilkan lembar kerja siswa berbasis PBL dan mengetahui efektivitas lembar kerja siswa berbasis PBL untuk meningkatkan kemampuan HOTs siswa kelas IV SD. Jenis penelitian ini ......
Abstract:The research and development of the Student Worksheet based on PBL starts from the low of HOTs ability of students which is seen from the low of student learning results. The purpose of this research and development is the results of the Student Worksheetbased on PBL and to seek the help of the Student Worksheetbased on PBL to improve HOTs ability of fourth grade students in Elementary School. This type of research is the research and...........
Keywords: lembar kerja siswa, Problem Based Learning, Higher Order Thinking Skill.
Keywords: The Student Worksheet, ProblemBasedLearning, HigherOrderThinking Skill .
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3, No. 4.Hal 15-21.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Homeschooling in Makassar South Sulawesi |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Supriadi Torro || Patta Bundu || Asfah Rahman |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-0802046671 ![]() |
Abstract: The objectives of this study were to know the reasons why a family chose to apply homeschooling. The study was conducted through the qualitative method by snowball sampling techniques. The data were collected through observation at eight families, but only 5 of them became the respondents of the study and were continued with in-depth interview and documentation. The results of the study showed that a family chose to apply homeschooling was due to internal and external reasons. Internally, a family chose to apply homeschooling because they wished to strengthen their children's morale and character through disciplinary and consistency in acting. Besides the moral and character could also be done through the awarding examples of parents. In terms of the external reason, the families argued that formal schools did not make students learn. Various problems in schools that have emerged........
Keywords: Homeschooling, Morale, Character, School
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Abstract: This study aimed at creating a robust geospatial database for educational facilities in Oredo LGA of Edo State. This aim was achieved by: acquiring primary and secondary dataset of the study area, creating a geospatial database of educational facilities in Oredo LGA of Edo State, Nigeria, developing spatial and attribute queries that will aid in the management of educational facilities in the study area. The map of the study area was acquired and used to derive the base map through the process of digitizing using ArcGIS10.4.1. The coordinates of each school was obtained using a hand-held global positioning system (GPS) receiver and plotted on the base map. A very robust geospatial database was created after which spatial and attribute queries were carried out. The results show........
Keywords: Database, Education, Facilities, Geographic Information System, Management
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