Version-6 (March-April 2018)
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Abstract: This study focused on the estimation of standard error of estimation using 3plm of item response theory of test items of achievement test in junior secondary school mathematics in Rivers state of Nigeria. The design for the study was instrumentation research design. The instrument for data collection was 50 itemed mathematics achievement test designed by the researcher applying irt procedures . A pilot study instrument of 100 MAT items was administered to 200 examinees using 2plm to obtain SEEs and item parameters, the discrimination and difficulty indices , these were used to select the items that constitute the instrument for the study. A total sample of 2000 examinees was used for the study........
Keywords: Standard errors, IRT, item parameters, and mathematics.
[1] Agresti, A., & Finlay, B. (1997).Statistical methods for the social sciences (3rd edition).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
[2] Blank, R.K; Alas, N. & Smith, C. (2008). The power of professional development and self-efficacy in the teaching of mathematics. Washington DC: McGraw Hill Education.
[3] Githua, B. N. &Mwangi, J.G. (2003). Students' mathematics self-concept and motivation to learn mathematics; relationship and gender differences among Kenya's secondary school students in Nairobi and Rift Valley Provinces. International Journal of Educational Development; 23, 487-499.
[4] Hambleton,R.K" &Swaminathan,H.(1985):Itemresponse theory principlesand applications.Boston,MA:KluwerAcademic Publishers.
[5] Harwell,M.R.,Baker,F.B.,&Zwarts,M.(1988).Item parameter estimationvia marginal maximum likelihood and anEM algorithm: A didactic. Journal of EducationalStatistics, 13,243-271.
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Abstract: Indonesian language learning includes four skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. One of those skills that first grade students need to master is reading skill. Learning to read in the early grades must start from the basic stage, which is early reading. Early reading skill determines the success of reading comprehension. Some studies reveal that Indonesian students' reading skill is still poor. Students' early reading skill is directly influenced by the quality of instruction. One attempt by educators to improve the quality of early reading instruction is selecting and determining instruction tools to be used in the early reading teaching and learning process. Early reading instruction tools selected should be fun, challenging, meaningful and motivating students to improve their reading skill...........
Keywords: Development, instruction tools, early reading, Steinberg method.
[1] Borg, W. R. dan Meredith D. G. (1983). Education Research. New York: Pearson Education Inc.
[2] Faisal. (2015). Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran dalam Gamitan Efektifitas Membaca berorientasi Strategi DRTA di Kelas VI Sekolah Dasar: Jurnal Paedagogik-paedagogik FIP-UPI Jilid (2) (3) September 2015.
[3] Fatimah, (2015). Studi Tentang Kompetensi Membaca Permulaan Siswa SD Kelas I di Kabupaten Kolaka, Jurnal Cakrawala Pendas Vol 7 MD Juli 2015. (www.Jurnal umma ac. Id/indeks php/cp/view/322). (Diakses 6 Januari 2016).
[4] Irwanto. (1997). Psikologi Umum. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Umum.
[5] Nurdin. (2007). Model Pembelajaran Matematika yang Menumbuhkan Kemampuan Metakognitif untuk Menguasai Bahan Ajar. Surabaya: UNESA.
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Abstract: Students' poor performance especially in Physics at SMAN 7 Bulukumba is the impact of
monotonous teaching and learning process (teacher-centred). Besides, study group method in the school is
applied ineffectively due to the over member for each group. To overcome these problem, it needs a teaching method which emphasizes students as a human being who have potential to learn or collaborate. The problem statement of this research is whether the cooperative learning AMPER effective to improve students' learning
achievement. This research applied quasi-experimental with one group pre-test and post-test design (O 1 X O2). The samples of the research are the students from Class XII IPA 1 of SMAN 7 Bulukumba, Academic Year of
2015/2016. The data collected from students.........
Keywords: Effectiveness. Cooperative Learning. Students' achievement
[1]. Arikunto, S. 2009. Manejemen Penelitian. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
[2]. Cook and Campbell. 1979. Quasi-Experimentation: Design and Analysis for Field Settings. Rand McNally, Chicago, Illinois.
[3]. Hamalik, Oemar. 2002. Psikologi Belajar Mengajar. Bandung: Sinarbaru Algessindo
[4]. Ibrahim, dkk. 2001. Pembelajaran Kooperatif. Surabaya: Pusat Sains dan Matematika Sekolah Program Pascasarjana UNESA.
[5]. Isjoni. 2011. Cooperative Learning Efektivitas Pembelajaran Kelompok. Bandung: ALFABETA.
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Abstract: For high school students, determining advanced study is not an easy one. The difficulties, horrors and fears can be felt and burden when choosing and deciding majors in college. This study aims to improve the career planning of learners through group guidance by using career monopoly media. This research is a development research. The subjects that taken in this study is using a random technique that is as much as 54 students from three schools. The methods of data collection using questionnaires and observations. The analysis data that used is using the score scoring guide that guides into five categories to see the difference in pretest and posttest mean. The results showed that the career planning of XII grade students that can be improved through the guidance of career guidance group with the use of career monopoly media seen from the significant difference from the average before the group guidance through game 3.22 and after guidance of 4.44.
Keywords: Monopoly media, group guidance, career planning
[1] Alfaraqi, Fahmi A.2015.Pengaruh Kelompok Referensi Dan Efikasi Diri terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan Dalam Memilih Jurusan Kedokteran iswa Kelas XII IPA SMAN 1,4 (1) : 731-740
[2] Azhar Arsyad. (2009). Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.
[3] Eddy Wibowo. 2005. Penelitian dan Penilaian Pendidikan BK.Bandung: Sinar Baru, Algensindo
[4] Gati, I. & Saka, N.2001.High School Student's Career-related decision-making difficulties. Journal of Counseling and Development. 79(3), 331-340
[5] Indriana, Dina.2011.Ragam Alat Bantu Media Pengajaran. Yogyakarta: Diva Press.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine whether the implementation of Internet-based learning management model is effective to improve the ability of problem-solving in mathematics in terms of three aspects. First, it was the improvement of mathematical learning outcomes significantly based on the result of pretest and posttest. Second, it was adequate student activities. Third, in general (more than 65%) students responded positively to learning of internet-based learning management model. This research was quantitative research with a quasi-experimental method, with the design of one group pretest & posttest design. The used significance level (α) was 0.05. One class was taken s the research samples by using Cluster Random Sampling technique. Data were collected by using.............
Keywords: Problem-Solving, Learning Management, Internet
[1]. Y. Abidin, "Pembelajaran Multiliterasi," Bdg. Refika Aditama, 2015.
[2]. G. Polya, "Mathematical discovery: On understanding, learning, and teaching problem solving," 1981.
[3]. B. Rott, "Models of the problem solving process–A discussion referring to the processes of fifth graders," in Proceedings from the 13th ProMath conference, 2011, pp. 95–109.
[4]. S. Provasnik, D. Kastberg, D. Ferraro, N. Lemanski, S. Roey, and F. Jenkins, "Highlights from TIMSS 2011: Mathematics and Science Achievement of US Fourth-and Eighth-Grade Students in an International Context. NCES 2013-009.," Natl. Cent. Educ. Stat., 2012.
[5]. Marwati, "Kondisi Pembelajaran Matematika SMP/SMA di Kota Parepare tahun," Universitas Negeri Makassar, Makassar, 2013.
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Abstract: This research aims to produce products such as "Student SheetSActivity to Write Poems Based on Contextual Approach"and describe its feasibility in learning. The Methods This study draws on research and development by Borg and Gall, by adapting seven of the ten steps. The technique of collecting data using questionnaires, observations, and interviews. Quantitative data is converted into qualitative data to get a description of the data. The population in this study were all eighth-grade students at three schools in the District Labuhan Ratu. The samples used were 90 students by random sampling technique.The results showed that, (1) the teaching materials that are developed in the form of "Student SheetS Activity to Write Poems Based on Contextual Approach", (2) the results of the overall assessment of the feasibility with the acquisition of test results of 92.50 matter experts, media experts test results obtained value of 93, 33, and test results practitioner at 90.00. Based on the assessment it can be stated that the student worksheet is eligible for use in learning.
Keywords: LKPD, Writing Poetry and Contextual Approach.
[1]. Chaswal, Pradeep. 2013. The Muse - An International Journal of Poetry (Volume. 3, Issue 2).
[2]. Daryanto, et al. 2014. Development LearningTool.Yogyakarta: Gava Media.
[3]. Ministry of Education. 2008. Teaching Material DevelopmentGuide.Jakarta: Ministry of Education.
[4]. Accessed on September 8, 2017, http: // themuse
[5]. Harsiati, Point et al.Books,2016. Master Indonesian SMP / MTs ClassVII.Jakarta: Kemendikbud.
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Abstract: Students' satisfaction surveys are significant in ascertaining whether colleges and universities are satisfying their assignment. It is well known that the most important product of educational institution is competent alumnae. In order to best organize students so that they are preferred by employers upon graduation, an effectual program is needed. Students have to realize the value of their education and be pleased with their overall knowledge in order to endorse and sustain their higher educational institution as a student and as an alumnus. Satisfaction is a appropriate measure because many studies have established that other factors being equivalent, satisfied persons are likely to be enthusiastic to apply more attempt than unsatisfied individuals (Bryant, 2006; Özgüngör, 2010).............
Keywords: Factors, Influences, College Students, Tangail.
[1]. Bryant, J. L. (2006). Assessing expectations and perceptions of the campus experience: The Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory. New Directions for Community Colleges, 134. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
[2]. Özgüngör, S. (2010). Identifying Dimensions of students' ratings that best predict students' self efficacy, course value and satisfaction. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 38, 146-163.
[3]. Eyck, R., Tews, M., & Ballester, J. M. (2009). Improved Medical Student Satisfaction and Test Performance With a Simulation-Based Emergency Medicine Curriculum: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Paper presented at the ACEP 2008 Research Forum, October 2008, Chicago, IL.
[4]. Witowski, L. (2008). The relationship between instructional delivery methods and students learning preferences: What contributes to students' satisfaction in an online learning environment? Ph.D Dissertation. Retrieved on December 11, 2010 from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Impact Of Topic Based Group Discussion On Efl Learners' Speaking Performance |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Fajar Prayoga |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-0802064045 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of this research is to know whether there is a significant improvement of the students' speaking performace after being taught through Topic Based Group Discussion or not. The population of this research was the First year students of Senior High School in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia. One group pre-test and post-test design was used in this research. The sample was chosen purposively based on the highest score in English that was X Science 1. The data were gained by administering pretest, treatment and posttest. The results are there is significant difference in level 0.05 because t-ratio is higher than t-table (6593> 2042), students' performance was improving after they taught through group discussion, and teaching learning process by using this technique ran well although there are problems which faced by students and English teacher.
Keywords: Improvement, speaking, performance, topic based, group discussion
[1] Raimes, A. (1987). Techniques in Teaching Writing. Oxford: Oxford University.
[2] Goh, Christine. (2007). Teaching Speaking in the Language Classroom. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.
[3] Widdowson. H. G. (1978). Teaching Language as Communication. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Abstract: The research design used R&D (research and development) which the main objective was to measure the quality of Multiple Intelligence Based and Cooperative Learning Media to Improve Students' Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor Learning Outcomes at Public High School in Majene. The desired product in this study was the multiple intelligence based and cooperative learning media which was valid, practical, and effective. The product consists of five components, namely: syllabus, lesson plan (RPP), student's book (BPD), student's activity sheet (LKPD), and learning result test (THB). The trial of this media was conducted in two different classes at a public high school that is SMA Negeri 3 Majene located in West Sulawesi..............
Keywords: Learning outcomes, multiple intelligence, cooperative, learning media
[1]. Ali. B, Zaman. H, B. (2006). "Framework for Adaptive Multimedia Mathematics Courseware", Proceedings of the 2nd IMT-GT regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Applications. Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, June. p.13-15.
[2]. Campbell. B. (1990). "Multiple Intelligences Classroom", [Versi elektronik]. Horizons for learning's on the Bea. 11(1), p.7-254.
[3]. Chan. D, W., 2000, "Learning and Teaching though the Multiple-Intelligences Prespective: Implications for Curriculum Reform in Hongkong", [Versi electronik], HKERA Educational Research Journal 15, p.1-5.
[4]. Depdiknas. (2008). Pusat Penelitian Kebijakan dan Inovasi Pendidikan. Metode Penelitian Pengembangan. Jakarta: Depdiknas.
[5]. Eisner, E. (2004). Multiple Intelligences : Its Tension and Possibilities. Teachers College Record 106 (1) : p.31-39.
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Abstract: This study investigates the "Effects of Computer Assisted Multimedia Instructional (CAMI) package on Secondary School Students 'Achievement in Biology in Two Educational Zones of Niger State, Nigeria". The sample comprised of 364 (206 boys and 158 girls) students selected from six senior secondary schools in Two Educational Zone of Niger State, Nigeria. There were two experimental groups and a control group. One courseware version named Computer Assisted Multimedia Instructional (CAMI) package was developed to examine the effect on students' achievement. The research design was a quasi-experimental pre-test, post-test and control group design. The experimental groups were taught using Computer Assisted Multimedia Instructional (CAMI package and the control group was taught using lecture method.............
[1] Abdullahi, A. (1982). A study of factors with interest in science career Journal of Research Curriculum (JORIC), 6(1), 67-76
[2] Abdullahi, A. (1982). Science teaching in Nigeria llorin; Atoto Press.
[3] Abimbade, A. (1986). Principles and practices of educational technology, lbadan; international Publisher Ltd.
[4] Abubakar, N. M. (2001). The impact of information technology on the Biological science.Journal of science education, 5(1&2), 16-20.
[5] Achebe, A. E. (2005). Effect of videotape instructional package on achievement and retention in food and nutrition at senior secondary schools level in Minna. Federal University of Technology, Minna Niger State.
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Abstract: It is known that teaching grammar can help students to improve their language skill. The ability to use causative verbs becomes the important things that should be mastered. Therefore, this research was purposed to know the effect of using Mind Mapping Techinque towards students' ability in using causative verbs. This research was true experimental method which control and experimental class were employed. The participants were 53 students of eleventh grade of Public Senior High School 1 Pesawaran. It is found that t-observed was 7.48 and t-critical was 1.66. The average score of the pre-test and post-test of the students are 65.33 and 69.54. Therefore, it can be concluded that Mind mapping technique has significant influence towards student's ability in using causative verbs.
Keywords: Grammar, Causative Verbs, Mind Mapping Technique.
[1] Arikunto. Suharsimi. Prosedur penelitian suatu pendekatan praktik (Jakarta: RinekaCipta, 2010)
[2] Buzan. Tony, Buku pintar mind map,translated by susi purwoko, (Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2007).
[3] Buzan. Tony, The mind map book, (London: Dutton, 1994).
[4] Harmer. Jeremy, The practice of english language teaching. (England: Longman, 2007).
[5] Pradiyono. Bahasa inggris communicative teaching 12 tenses grammar materials, (Yogyakarta: C.V. Andi Offset, 2006).
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Abstract: It is believed that north and south magnetic fields or forces which are mediated by photons are same . It is myth . North magnetons are different than south magnetons as we have two different charges like positive charge ( +ve emf ) that proton possess and negative charge ( -ve emf ) that electron possess . When these magnetons interact with matter , they produce effect by generating thoughts . Which are known as Laws of Physics . These laws are Fleming's Left hand rule ( clockwise rotation ) or Fleming's right hand rule ( Anti clock wise rotation ) . Two different programming's ( Code PcPs clockwise rotation or Code PcPs anti clock wise rotation ) are made and when target Basic Building Blocks receive the messages , they work accordingly and we finally observe the effects calling rotational movement of objects either clock wise or anti clock wise.............
Keywords: Basic Building Blocks , Mind and Mass , Atomic genetics , Atomic transcription and Translation , Tachyons
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