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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | 5E Learning Cycle Model To Improve Students' Scientific Attitude |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Faizin || A. Wahab Jupri || Jamaluddin |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0803010103 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to Determine the effectiveness of the 5E learning cycle models in improving students' scientific attitudes. This study included quasi experiments with a pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. Respondents were 56 students divided into two groups, the experimental group and the control group. Data were Analyzed by N-gain test. The results of this study indicate that the students' scientific attitude of the experimental group is much higher than the control group. This shows that the application of 5E learning cycle models is effective in improving students' scientific attitude.
Keywords: 5E learning cycle, scientific attitudes
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[5]. Suciati, Arnyana, Setiawan.2014. Influence Learning Model Learning Cycle Hipotetikdeduktif With Setting 7e Against Science Learning Outcomes Seen From Scientific Attitude Junior High School Students. e-Journal Program Ganesha Education University Graduate Studies Program IPA.Volume 4.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Learning Assessment In Language Teaching Of Senior High School Final Test |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Nila Sari Dewi |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0803010412 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of this research was to describe; (1). some good items in the test; 2). some revised items in the test; 3). some good alternatives (distractors) in each items; and 4). some dropped alternatives (distractors) in each items.The methodology of this research was qualitative research that involved students of Senior High School 2 of Pangkal Pinang, for class IPS 2 of Grade XII in period 2017/2018. The subject was an English items of school final test. The instruments of research were test, document and interview. The research findings indicated that; the result of good items were two items only, those were item number 12 and 31.These items were involved in good items because they had good or high for level of difficulty, discrimination power, alternatives and reliability. There were 17 items should be revised and 21 items should be dropped. There were 200 alternatives (distractors) from this test. The result of analysis had been found that 146 distractors can be applied without revision and 54 distractors were considered to be revised or dropped.
Keywords: Learning assessment, senior high school, school final test.
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to analyze The Effect of Mastery of Theory and Practice on Learning Outcomes of Makassar Polytechnic Sciences Taruna (PIP) either directly or indirectly through Intervening Variables of Sea Practice. The data that is used are secondary data of cadets' learning outcomes both practice and theory, as well as the result of marine practices that conducted on board practice. Methods of data analysis usied path analysis to see the direct and indirect effect between mastery of theory and practice on learning outcomes of PIP Makassar cadets. The direct effect through the variable of theory mastery and practice on marine practices and learning outcomes, as well as the direct effect of marine practices on learning outcomes. Neither is the indirect effect between the mastery of theory and practice on learning outcomes through marine practice variables..........
Keywords: Mastery of Theory and Practice, Learning Outcomes, Sea Practice.
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Abstract: Indigenous peoples who inhabit villages around potential forests to support forest conservation efforts in order for forests to provide benefits for various community needs. This study is a case-study conducted on a community group whose lives are heavily dependent on forests that are groups of woodcarver communities living in Ke'te Kesu District of Toraja-Utara, Sulawesi-Selatan Province, Indonesia. The objective of the study was to uncover the local wisdom practiced by the woodcutter community in relation to forest conservation and how the local wisdom was transmitted to the younger generation of novice woodcarvers. The data collection was done by in-depth interview technique to the engraver and participant-observation technique to observe the engraver activity..............
Keywords: Local wisdom, forest preservation, and learning-carving.
[1]. Berkes, F; Colding, J; Folke, C. 2000. "Rediscovery of Traditional Ecological Knowledge as adaptive Management." In Ecological Application. Vol 10 No. 5 (October 2000). pp 1251-1262. The Ecological Society of America.
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Abstract: The changing economic and working environment has led to increasing emphasis on what individuals have acquired outside the educational institutions as a key policy issue in developing countries such as Ghana. Its potential is enormous not only as a framework for providing retrospective credit, exemptions and advanced standing into higher education programmes, but also crucially, as a tool for continuing professional development and wider workforce development. This paper explores the whole process of recognising prior learning of students, through the review of research studies, identifies successes and barriers hindering its implementation and describes the lead taken in other countries from which Ghana can learn. A lot of efforts have been put into the policy initiatives of RPL in the TVET institutions in Ghana but there seems to be lack of commitment in its implementation. The paper therefore concludes with policy guidelines that will enable the benefits of RPL to learners, institutions, employers and the nation to be realised.
Keywords:Assessment, prior learning, recognition, competencies, lifelong learning.
[1]. Baffour-Awuah, D. & Thompson, S. (2011). A Holistic Approach to Technical and Vocational Skills Development (TVSD) Policy and Governance Reform: The Case of Ghana. Triennale on Education and Training in Africa, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
[2]. Bateman, A. & Knight, B. (2002). Giving credit: A review of RPL and credit transfer in the vocational education and training sector, 1995 to 2000. Adelaide
[3]. Blom, K., Clayton, B., Bateman, A., Bedggood, M. & Hughes, E. (2004). RPL in enterprise-based RTOs: How does it work? Paper presented at 7th Annual AVERTRA Conference, Canberra 17-19 March 2004. Accessed April 12, 2018.
[4]. Boahin, P. & Hofman, W.H.A. (2012). Implementation of Innovation in higher education: the case of competency-based training in Ghana. Innovations in Education Teaching International, 49 (3), 313-323
[5]. Brockmann, M., Clarke, L. Mèhout, T. & Winch. C. (2008). Competence-based vocational education and training (TVET): the cases of England and France in a European perspective. Vocations and Learning, 1(3), 227-244
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Abstract: The fundamental changes in employment imply a rise in the demand for non-routine cognitive and interpersonal skills, university graduates are entering a world of employment that is characterised by greater uncertainty, speed, risk, complexity and interdisciplinary working. University education, and the mode of learning while at university, will need to prepare students for entry to such an environment and equip them with appropriate skills, knowledge, values and attributes to thrive in it. This paper explore the effective instruction in university for attaining quality education, specifically, it discusses quality education and what it means in university, the urgent challenges of university education in Nigeria as well as effective classroom instruction. Finally, the paper discusses some validated good teaching.........
Keywords:Nigerian Universities, Teaching Strategies, Instruction, Quality Education
[1]. Bloom, B. S. (1984). Taxonomy of educational objectives: Cognitive domain. New York: Longman.
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know: (1) The process of developing learning module of observation result report text based on interactive multimedia, (2) the feasibility of learning module tested with matter validation and design on the text of observation report based on interactive multimedia, (3) the effectiveness of developing learning module of observation result report text based on interactive multimedia on class X student SMK Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan. This type of research is research and development based on Borg and Gall development model. The trial subjects consist of matter experts, design experts, Indonesian teachers, and SMK Negeri 1 Percut Sei Tuan students. Data on the quality of this product is collected through questionnaires and test writing text reports of observations. The results of this study show that : ((1) validation by the matter expert is considered feasible with the average acquisition of 91.25% with very good category, the feasibility of presentation is 97.5% with very good category..........
Keywords: development, observation result report text, interactive multimedia
[1]. Tomi Wahyu Septarianto dan Subyantaro, The development of enrichment book write the text of observation result which is loaded with local wisdom for students of class X high school, Jurnal SELOKA. Vol 5, 2016.
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[3]. Komang Krisna Kumarawati, Application of Cooperative Learning Methods Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) to improve the ability to write text reports of observations of students of class X MIA 1 SMAN 1 Mendoyo, E-Jurnal Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha. Vol. 3, 2015.
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Abstract: This article presents a study about the development of virtual learning environments for the teaching of chemistry, which was part of a Masters of Research developed by the corresponding author, titled: The Teaching of Chemistry via the Internet: An Experiment with the WebQuest Methodology. The main objective of the research was to develop a WebQuest and identify the contribution of this strategy from the perspective of a teacher and her students. The study was identified as a qualitative approach based on the analysis of each of the participants. The object of investigation was the Biofuel WebQuest activity which is theoretically inserted in the educational process to assist students in virtual learning environments with the intention of properly using the information available on the Internet. The results showed that the methodology can effectively contribute to teaching. The activity was oriented and structured in a manner that students involved themselves in the development of a research assignment.
Keywords: Learning Environment, Biofuel WebQuest, Teaching of Chemistry
[1]. Baffour-Awuah, D. & Thompson, S. (2011). A Holistic Approach to Technical and Vocational Skills Development (TVSD) Policy and Governance Reform: The Case of Ghana. Triennale on Education and Training in Africa, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
[2]. Bateman, A. & Knight, B. (2002). Giving credit: A review of RPL and credit transfer in the vocational education and training sector, 1995 to 2000. Adelaide
[3]. Blom, K., Clayton, B., Bateman, A., Bedggood, M. & Hughes, E. (2004). RPL in enterprise-based RTOs: How does it work? Paper presented at 7th Annual AVERTRA Conference, Canberra 17-19 March 2004. Accessed April 12, 2018.
[4]. Boahin, P. & Hofman, W.H.A. (2012). Implementation of Innovation in higher education: the case of competency-based training in Ghana. Innovations in Education Teaching International, 49 (3), 313-323
[5]. Brockmann, M., Clarke, L. Mèhout, T. & Winch. C. (2008). Competence-based vocational education and training (TVET): the cases of England and France in a European perspective. Vocations and Learning, 1(3), 227-244
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Abstract: We are all aware that Education smoothen the path of equal opportunity. But as we know due to different constraints it is yet not possible to reach education the periphery of every community. This requires a shift in the delivery and pedagogy used in the current education system. The main aim of this paper is to promote integration of Information and Communication technologies (ICT) in education for imparting easily accessible, affordable and quality education leading to the equality of educational opportunity for the downtrodden community of India and hence a sustainable development The focus of the paper is on the benefits that ICT integration in education that can provide, distance barriers to facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing among geographically distributed students. ICT increases the flexibility of delivery of education so that learners can access knowledge.........
Keywords: Equality of Educational opportunity, Main barriers ,ICT in Education
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Abstract: Effective interpersonal communication is a core skill for all healthcare professionals and nursing staff in particular, as nurses spend more time with patients and their relatives than any other healthcare professional. Interpersonal communication skill is the essence of building a trusting relationship between the nurse and patient along with significant others. .Therefore this study aims to assess the interpersonal communication competency among undergraduate nursing students and to find the correlation between the interpersonal communication competencies with their selected demographic variables. This cross- sectional study was conducted in 2017 among all the undergraduate nursing students studying either the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or the Registered...........
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[4]. DubeL,Curationis B M. Nursing students‟ perceptions of soft skills training in Ghana. 2017; 40(1)
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Abstract: The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of Concept Mapping and Microsoft Visio assisted Cooperative Learning model (CMCL)towards the ability of mathematical concepts understanding (MCU) and emotional intelligence (EI) of the students at Junior High School (JHS) grade 8, as well as to investigate the interaction between the learning model and mathematical initial ability (MIA) of the students towards MCU and EI of students. This type of research is quasi experiment. The population is the whole JHS students at full day school Al-Ulum. The sample in this research is 34 students as experiment class that is taught by CMCL and 35 students as control class that is taught by conventional learning model. Data was analyzed using two-way Analysis of variance. Research results are: (1) there is the effect of learning model (CMCL & conventional model)towards mathematical concepts...........
Keywords: Mathematical Concepts Understanding Ability, Emotional Intelligence, Cooperative Learning assisted Concept Mapping and Microsoft Visio
[1]. Andriani, A. 2014.Peningkatan Kecerdasan Emosional Mahasiswa FMIPA Pendidikan Matematika Melalui Model Pembelajaran Improve. Jurnal Paradikma. 7 (1). 459-472
[2]. Dewi, I.A.G.B.P & Indrawati, K.R. 2014.Perilaku Mencatat dan Kemampuan Memori pada Proses Belajar.Jurnal Psikologi Udayana. 1 (3). 241-250
[3]. Juliarti. Rambe,A. Sutanti, S & Estellita, D.D. 2012.Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Peta Konsep untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar pada Mata Kuliah Statistik.Jurnal UNIMED. 5 (2). 1-14
[4]. Kristiana, D. 2016.Implementasi Mind Mapping Terhadap Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa. Jurnal Dimensi Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran. 4 (2). 1-9
[5]. Minarni, A. 2013.Pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah Terhadap Kemampuan Pemahaman Matematis dan keterampilan Sosial Siswa SMP Negeri di Kota bandung. Jurnal Paradikma. 6 (2). 162-174
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Abstract: Writing is one of skills in english language. Writing is very important in learning foreign language, because the objective of teaching and learning English is that students are able to use English both in spoken and writen form. However the writer knew that students are still difficult to express or tell their ideas and their feeling in writen English. The objective of this research is to know and describe the influence of using visual to focus description toward students' ability in writing descriptive text. The population of the research was taken from students at the second semester of the tenth class of SMAN 16 Bandar Lampung. In taking the sample of the research, the writer used stratified Propotional Random Sampling technique because the students' achievement was heterogeneous. In collecting.........
Keywords: English, Descriptive, Skill, Writing, visual.
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Abstract: Abstract algebra material is difficult to be understood by students in grade VII who just graduated from Elementary School. Mathematics book used by the teacher in teaching algebra at grade VII not represent the material concretely. The current research aimed to:(1)Producethe realia media based mathematics'work sheet that may help the students in understanding algebra concretely;(2)analyze the effectiveness of work sheet use; (3) analyzethe students appeal onmathematicswork sheet. This research used Borg and Gall research approach and development. It was conducted inJunior High school (SMP)IT Fitrah InsaniandSMPIT DaarulIlmiBandarLampung.The data was collected by distributing questionnaires and tests, then the data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The result of the effectiveness test of work sheeton learning was 0.64which meant normalizedGainwasin..........
Keywords: Algebra, learning outcomes, students' work sheet, realia media,
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