Version-4 (May-June 2018)
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Abstract: In this paper, the method of combining two-layer fuzzy comprehensive evaluation with two-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is used to quantitatively evaluate the informatization level of colleges and universities, which in some certain extent can overcome the subjective assumptions in the process of evaluation. The empirical analysis shows that this model can be used to evaluate and analyze the level of information efficiency in colleges, which can explore a new way to evaluate the college education informationization level.
Keywords: college education informatization, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, index system
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Abstract: Curriculum implementation entails putting into practice the officially prescribed courses of study. Effective curriculum implementation results in both short and long term benefits to children. The study was designed to investigate the implementation of Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) curriculum in Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres in Turkana County, Kenya. The data was collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics...........
Keywords: Implementation; Curriculum; Early Childhood Development Centres; Turkana County, Kenya
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Abstract: English as a medium of instruction has been an expanding phenomenon among the non-formal schools catering in Bangladesh. This paper analyses the correlation between development milestones and second language acquisition in English medium preschools for non-English speaking learners in Bangladesh. Fieldwork was conducted over 2016–2017 academic year in 10 private English medium schools in the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka, and in the second biggest city, Chittagong. Data indicated that students who hardlyknow English wordsbefore starting school become well speaking students when they are in kindergarten at the age of 5. Kneading cognitive and language development milestones with specially designed curriculum play a great role in order to fortify the language learning. Teachers and students see teaching and learning in English in a structured setting as a worthwhile opportunity..
Keywords: Preschool, Bangladesh, English Medium, Language Acquisition, Development Milestones
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Abstract: The present study was carried out to evaluate the material "Master English IV" which is currently in use for the second-year non-English-majored students at Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration (TUEBA). In addition, practical suggestions would be given for further improvements of thematerialinthenear future to meet the target of ensuring the effectiveness of the teaching and learning practices at TUEBA. The subjects of the study were 300 second-year non-English-majored students and 18 teachers of English. The data collection instruments used in this study included document analysis and questionnaires.Researchresultshaverevealedsomestrengthsandweaknesses..........
Keywords: material evaluation, listening components, ELT textbooks
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Abstract: Education is a medium through which the social values and norms of the learners are transmitted through the formal schooling system. Formal education is a vital instrument for attaining technological progress and economic growth judging by the experience of industrialized nations. Investing in education is a potent means that could be explored to fast-track technological progress, economic growth and boosting citizens' capacities. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the challenges that affected the implementation of the technical curriculum of TVET programs in TVET institutions. This was to improve on the quality of the programs offered in the TVET institutions thus making the graduates marketable and in tandem with the industrial needs. This research adopted a descriptive research design. The study targeted all technical teachers and graduating students...........
Keywords: Technical curriculum, TVET institutions, quality, TVET programs, formal schooling system
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Abstract: This study aims to develop chemical learning materials based Problem Based Learning (PBL) which has valid criteria on the topic of electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions. The type of research used is Research and Development (R & D) with 4D design model that is modified into 3D, consisting of Define, Design and Develop stage. The results showed that the validity of chemical learning materials based PBL obtained from the assessment by four validators had a validity level of 3.18 with valid criteria.
Keywords: Learning Material, PBL, electrolyte and nonelectrolyte solutions
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Abstract: This study was carried out to ascertain the effect ofIMO APP blended classroom and students' academic performance among post graduate in in faculty of education, university of Port Harcourt, rivers state. It was conducted in faculty of education, university of Port Harcourt. The sample comprised of 30 respondents purposefully selected from the entire population of the post graduate students in the department of curriculum studies and educational technology in the faculty of education. Three objectives, three research questions and two null hypotheses were used for the study. Mean scores, Standard deviation, and t-test were the statistical tools used in the study. The design of the study was a descriptive survey and quasi-experimental design. It was found that post graduate students are..........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | El Desafío: Uso De Las TIC En El Proceso Enseñanza-Aprendizaje |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Ing. Carlos L. Chanto Espinoza, M.Sc |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0803044854 ![]() |
Abstract: Hoy día las instituciones de educación superior están experimentando un cambio fundamental, en todo su marco del sistema educativo ante la sociedad actual. La incorporación de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en los espacios educativos, y en específico en, los ambientes universitarios, presume nuevos roles, metas y retos que los docentes debemos enfrentar. Así como nuevos espacios educativos en lugar y tiempo que suponen nuevas modalidades de enseñanza y aprendizaje, creación y manejo de ambientes virtuales, metodologías y enfoques que ennoblecen el trabajo colaborativo. Por todo esto no podemos dejar de mencionar los nuevos herramientas y recursos para el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, la investigación, la extensión y la gestión; así como actualizaciones o rediseño de los programas curriculares; metodologías evaluativas que favorezcan la participación..........
Keywords: Innovation, Teaching, TIC, Learning.
[1]. Area, M. (2001). La oferta de educación superior a través de Internet. Análisis de los campus virtuales de lasuniversidades españolas. Madrid: Dirección General de Universidades, MEC.
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[3]. Carabantes, D. (2005). La innovación a través de entornos virtuales de enseñanza y aprendizaje. RIED: Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 8 (1-2), 105-126.
[4]. Cabero, J. (2000). El rol del profesor ante las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación. Agenda Académica, 7, 41-57.
[5]. Cerf, V. y Schutz, C. (2003). La enseñanza en el 2025: La transformación de la educación y la tecnología. Recuperado de:
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Abstract: This study aimed at evaluating the reading section of the book "Master English 1", used for the freshmanat Thai Nguyen University of Economics and Business Administration (TUEBA).To fulfill the aim of study, the researcher followed the descriptive analytical approach: document analysis and questionnaires were applied to analyze the course requirement in accordance with the reading section of the course book analysis and investigate the level of appropriateness of the reading section given in the material compared with the course's objectives in terms of the aims, content and methodology. After that, a comparison between these findings was made to evaluate how well the material matched the course requirements. The result shows that the reading section of the material has fully achieved the aims of the course and matched the requirements of the course in terms of content and methodology. Basing on the findings, two possible methods of material adaptation are suggested by using techniques of addition and modification for further improvement of the material.
Keywords:TUEBA, reading, Master English 1, appropriateness, requirement, content, methodology
[1]. Anderson, N. J. (1999). Exploring Second Language Reading: Issues and Strategies. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publisher.
[2]. Bright, J. A., & McGregor, G. P. (1970). Teaching English as a second Language. London: Longman.
[3]. Cotton D., Falvey D., & Kent S. (2013). Market Leader Elementary. Britain: Pearson Longman.
[4]. Cunningsworth, A. (1995). Choosing your Course Book. Oxford: Heineman Publishers Ltd
[5]. Dean, G. (2000). Teaching Reading in Secondary Schools. London: David Fulton Publishers..
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Abstract: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of learning-based VAK (Visual Auditory Kinestetik) on mastery of students' chemical concepts. On acid acid base material class XI IPA I SMAN 2 Mataram academic year 2016. This research was conducted in the even semester of January 2018. This research is experimental research of Pre-Experiment with design of One Group Pretest-Posttest, by using purposive sampling technique. Data collection is done through Pretest, Posttest. The average learning outcomes of mastering the concepts of learners increased after the implementation of VAK-based learning, an increase in mean score between prettest and posttest, ie from 8.4 to 16.625. After sought Gain ternomalisasinya score, got a score of 0.65 which means Gain score is in the medium category then it is effective to use..
Keywords: concept mastery, VAK-based learning effectiveness
[1]. Pusporini, Sri, dkk. (2012). Pembelajaran Kimia Berbasis Problem Solving Menggunakan Laboratorium Riil Dan Virtuil Ditinjau Dari Gaya Belajar Dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Siswa. Jurnal Inkuiri, 1 (1), 34-43.
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[5]. Hake, R. 1999. Analizing Change/Gain Score. Indiana: Indiana Unniversity
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Abstract: Pesantren or well known as Islamic boarding school is one of the traditional Islamic educational institutions that is visited by all levels of society. As the first educational institution in the country with a model of dormitory, Islamic boarding school has very deep roots and very large influence in the formation of Islamic culture known to be friendly and peaceful. Thus, this study aims to examine the effects of globalization, modernization, which has caused a fairly complicated impact on human life, especially in this country. When the change brings hope of resurrection, it also becomes a crucial challenge. The degradation of values, morals, and character becomes unstoppable. This study is used descriptive qualitative approach. Meanwhile, the method of collecting data that writers used..........
Keywords: Islamic Boarding School Community Culture, Santri Behavior, Akhlaqul Karimah
[1] Mujamil Qomar, Manajemen Pendidikan Islam: Strategi baru Pengelolaan Lembaga Pendidikan Islam (Engl: Management of Islamic Education: New Strategy of Management of Islamic Educational Institutions), (Malang: Gelora Aksara Pratama, 2007).
[2] Abdurrahman Wahid, Menggerakkan Tradisi (Engl: Traditional Moves), (Yogyakarta: LKIS, 2001).
[3] Sedarmayanti, Pengembangan Kepribadian Pegawai (Engl: Development of Employee Personality), (Bandung: Mandar Maju, 2004).
[4] Muhammad Abdurrahman, Akhlak: Menjadi Seorang Muslim Berakhlak Mulia (Engl: Morals: Being a Noble Muslim), (Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 2016).
[5] Syaiful Sagala, Memahami Organisasi Pendidikan Budaya dan Reinventing Organisasi Pendidikan (Engl: Understanding The Organization of Cultural Education and Reinventing Educational Organization), (Bandung:Alfabeta, 2013).
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Abstract: The main objective of this study is to identify the principal differences of teachers' working performance when they are triggered with professional allowances and working motivation. By using ex-post facto approach, Treatment by Level 2 path design with 94 respondens and A x Banova this study found that the teachers' professional supports do not affect their working performance. The interactive influence between professional allowances and motivation is indicated through the value of significant interaction between the two factors. This suggests that the effect of the working motivation is similar to both teachers with professional supports and those without professional supports.
[1]. Muslich, Masnur (Ed), 2007. Sertifikasi Guru Menuju Profesionalisme Pendidik. Bumi Aksara, Jakarta.
[2]. Budi Raharjo,2015 Dampak kebijakan Akreditasi Sekolah dan Sertifikasi terhadap Mutu Pendidikan di kabupaten banyumas di Propinsi Jawa Tengah. " Tesis Semarang, Program Pascasarjana UNS .Semarang.
[3]. Ardiana, T.E., 2017. Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja Guru terhadap Kinerja Guru Akuntansi SMK di Kota Madiun. Jurnal Akuntansi dan Pajak, 17(02).
[4]. Nurchasanah, 2012. Pengaruh Persepsi Guru Tentang Kepemimpinan KepalaSekolah, Motivasi Berprestasi Dan Kompensasi Terhadap Kinerja Guru Sd Negeri Di Gugus Ki Hajar Dewantara Kecamatan Sayung Kabupaten Demak. Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan FIP IKIP PGRI Semarang.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Principal's Managerial Skill In Improving Teachers' Performance |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Muhammad Fauzi || Syafrudin || Joni Rokhmat |
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: | 10.9790/7388-0803047781 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to reveal and to describe the principal managerial skill in enhancing teachers' performance in Public Senior High School of 2 Mataram in the aspects of planning, organizing, motivating, and evaluating. This research uses descriptive qualitative research approach. Moreover, the methods of data collection used are interviews, observation, and documentation study. Besides, data analysis is done by: (1) data reduction; (2) data presentation; (3) conclusion and data verification. The results of this research are: 1) The principal's managerial skill in formulating the planning program formulated by the school principal in the new academic year with the activities such as carrying out teachers' assessment performance, involving the teachers to attend the training. (2)...........
Keywords: Managerial Skill, Principal, Teacher Performance
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[3]. Rohmah, N. & Karwanto. 2014. "Keterampilan Manajerial Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Guru (Studi Kasus Di SMP Negeri 26 Surabaya)". Jurnal Inspirasi Manajemen Pendidikan. 4, (4), 141-151.
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[6]., diakses tanggal 6 Februari 2017.