Series-2 (March-April 2019)March-April 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Utilization ofLearner Centered Pedagogy in Teacher Education in Uganda |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Alfred Buluma |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0902010105 ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to determine the apllying of higher order think skills (HOTS) to spoken analytical exposition in oral presentation assessment. This study employed a qualitative approach to present data through word description and explanations in case of applying the higher order thinking skills (HOTS) to spoken analytical exposition in oral presentation assessment. This study used participant observation and field notes for the data collection technique. The participant observation and field notes were for activity in the classroom Some instruments were also used in this study such as observation sheet and field notes
Keywords: Assessment, higher order thinking skills (HOTS), oral presentation assessment, spoken analytical exposition.
[1]. Matjastic, P. (2013). Best Practice Guide Public Speaking.
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[4]. Luoma, S. (2004). Assessing Speaking. New York: Cambridge University Press.
[5]. Permendikbud about Assessment Standards no. 23 year 2016..
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Abstract: The study aimed at identifying the structure of Gardner's Theory of Intelligences, which mentioned that there are a set of intelligences including Linguistic-verbal intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, musical intelligence, naturalistic intelligence, interpersonal intelligence and intrapersonal intelligence. The study reached a new analysis for this theory according tothe Prophetic Sunnaand the scientific miracles, and reached that the whole of these intelligences are found previously in the Sunna, besidesthis study added a military intelligence which was not mentioned in the theory.Therefore, the study showed that the Prophetic Sunna urges to invest and stimulateintelligence, also showed the intelligences indicatorsof the learners and the ways to benefit therefrom.Thus, the researcher recommends to study the Prophet Muhammad's methodology of the multiple intelligences extensively, and address them within the educational curricula to stimulate and invest the energies of learners.
Keywords: The Prophet Muhammad's methodology, human energies, multiple intelligences
[1]. Gardner, H. (1993). Multiple Intelligences: the theory into practice.Basic Books. New York. USA.p.p 4-10.
[2]. Sahih Muslim.The Faith, Chapter: The Belief in Allah is the Best Deed, Part (85), Hadith No. 137, p.p 62.
[3]. Hammad, Hamza (2013).Multiple Intelligences and Applications in the Prophetic Sunna.Journal of Shariah and Islamic Studies.Kuwait University.Vol. (28), No. (94), p.p 179-218.
[4]. Al-Safadi, Naeem and Al-Astal, Abdul Latif (2010).The individual differences in the light of the Prophetic Sunna.Al-Azhar University Journal.Gaza, Vol. (15), No. (1), p.p 276-316.
[5]. Al-Ajeen, Ali (2009).The Self-Emotional Intelligence and Its Applications.Al-Manar Journal.Al al-Bayt University- Jordan, Vol. (15), No.(3), p.p 47-77...
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Abstract: The general purpose of this research is to develop integrated character values on physics module based on Problem Based Instruction (PBI) to improve student's problem-solving ability. While the specific purposes are: (1)to discuss about student's problem-solving ability. (2)To find the compatibility on PBI model. (3)To discuss about the importance of character values integrated on learning process. (4)To discuss about the importance of developing integrated character values on physics module based on PBI model.The development of this module refers to the Four-D model.............
Keywords: Character Value, Physics Module,Problem Based Instruction (PBI), ProblemSolving Ability.
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Abstract: The issue of teachers has always been a bottleneck restricting Chinese international education. As a collaborative innovation theory that promotes effective cross-system cooperation, it can effectively integrate the innovative elements and related resources of trainingChinese international education talents, and achieve discipline synergy, institutional synergy, institutional synergy, collaboration between theoretical teaching and practical teaching, collaboration between Chineseeducation anddevelopment of economy, culture and society in destination countries, forming an innovative mechanism for training Chinese international education talents, improving the quality of training talents, especially the local teachers in the destination countries, and providing talent resources for the healthy development of Chinese international educationt
Keywords: Chinese International Education; collaborative innovation; talent training; teaching staff
[1]. Wu yinghui.Theory and Methods of Chinese International Education Research(Beijing:Central University for Nationalities Press,2013)7.
[2]. Sun jian.Optimization of Graduate Cultivation Process in the Perspective of Collaborative Innovation ,Academic Degrees & Graduate Education,(2),2015,41.
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[4]. Wang jianqin.Research on International Chinese Education in the Context of Global Cultural Competition(Beijing: The Commercial Press,2015)219.
[5]. Bao wenying.International Education in Chinese and Construction of National Image,International Chinese Language Education,(1),2013,68.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Management of Facilities and Infrastructure |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Delfi Citra Utami || Sumadi || Supomo Kandar |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0902023238 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe: 1. Planning; 2. Procurement; 3. Maintenance; 4. Inventory; and 5. Elimination of educational facilities and infrastructure in SMAN 1 Talang Padang. The method used in this study is qualitative with a case study design. The technique of collecting data uses interviews, observation and documentation. The sources of data from this study were 12 people with key informants from the principal and informants from deputy principals in the infrastructure, committees, treasurers, teachers, students, library heads.........
Keywords : school management, facilities and infrastructure, school supplies
[1]. Baharrudin. 2010. Teori belajar dan pembelajaran. Yogyakarta: AR-Ruzz Media.
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Abstract: This study sought to interrogate the level of preparedness in public secondary schools in Kenya in regard to E-learning. The specific objectives of the study were to; assess the availability of ICT resources in public secondary schools, examine the school's' culture in the use of E-learning and establish the level of e-content and preparedness of teachers and students in using electronic learning. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The targeted population was 56 Principals, 674 teachers and 6,372 students in public secondary schools in Kaiti sub-county. The researcher obtained 40percent of the principal population, 30percent of the teacher population and 10percent of the students.........
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Abstract: This study aims to develop an assessment instrument of Science Literacy (SL) for SMP students based on valid, practical, and effective paper also criteria that mostly use local context of Kalimantan. The methods used in this study was research & development (R & D) which adopted from Borg and Gall model. Subjects of the trial were IX grade students of five junior high schools in Banjarmasin which a total of 238 students. Preliminary field testing used six students from one school, main field testing used 50 students from one school and operational field testing used 182 students from three school. The results show that the assessment instrument has valid in terms......
Keywords: Assessment instrument, science literacy
[1]. Andriani, N., Saparini., Akhsan, H. (2018). Kemampuan Literasi Sains Fisika Siswa SMP Kelas VII Di Sumatera Selatan Menggunakan Kerangka PISA. Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika. 6(3). 278-291.
[2]. Anjarsari, P. (2014). Literasi Sains Dalam Kurikulum dan Pembelajaran IPA SMP. Prosiding Semnas Pensa VI (602-607). Surabaya, Indonesia.
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[4]. Aryani, A, K., Suwono, H., Parno. (2016). Profil Kemampuan Literasi Sains Siswa SMPN 3 Batu. Prosiding Semnas Pendidikan IPA Pascasarjana UM. 1. 847-855.
[5]. Cohen, R, J., & Swerdlik, M. (2009). Psychological Testing and Assessment: An Introduction to Test and Measurement 7th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Non-Compositional Formulae List for EFL Undergraduates |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Wenhua Hsu |
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: | 10.9790/1959-0902025563 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper aimed to establish a pedagogically useful list of the most frequent semantically non-compositional formulae for undergraduates in an EFL context, in which English is not an official language. The formulae list was derived from a corpus containing 20 million words of 200 textbooks across 40 academic subjects. In consideration of non-compositional formulae in widespread use, the researcher applied a set of criteria when using the program Collocate for selection in the candidate list. Based on frequency, meaningfulness, well-formedness and non-compositionality, 450 formulaic expressions of 2 to 5 words were chosen and they accounted for nearly 2% of the total words in the corpus. As with other individual word lists, this formulae list may serve as a reference for English for Academic Purposes courses.
Keywords: formulaic language, lexical coverage, non-compositionality
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[3]. Barlow, M. (2004). Collocate [Computer software]. Houston: Athelstan. Available from
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[5]. Biber, D., Conrad, S., & Cortes, V. (2004). If you look at …: Lexical bundles in university teaching and textbooks. Applied Linguistics, 25(3), 371-405..
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate SCAMPER technique on students' academic achievement in the topic of growth and development in plants and animals in 6th grade in science lesson.The research was done in the academic year 2015-2016 with 70 students (6th grade) in Ağrı, Turkey. The control group included 6th grade students who learned the topic with science curriculum, experimental group included 6th grade students who learned the topic both the science curriculum and SCAMPER technique. The approach of pre-test and post- test was used to data collection............
Keywords: Science education, Creative thinking, Scamper
[1]. Ahmed, M. S. 2016. Theintegration of scampercreativitytechniqueandmorphologydesignmethodforenhancingtheprocess of lightingfixturesdesign, 39-28.
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developingcreativethinkingforArabiclanguageandIslamicstudiesstudents in AjmanUniversity of ScienceandTechnology Network. Al-QuraUniversityJournal, 18(2), 147–180.
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Abstract: This study is an evaluation of teacher competence in applying the method of integration of environmental education in elementary schools. This quantitative study examined 60 elementary school teachers who were divided into professional and unprofessional teachers. The test instrument answers questions that present the ability to use resources, the ability to process the learning process, the ability to integrate environmental material, knowledge of environmental concepts, and the ability to support extracurricular activities as environmental education. The researcher also used the T-test to obtain differences competence in both groups. The results of.........
Keywords: Professional, extracurricular, pedagogic
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Abstract: This article examines the leadership of headmaster, teachers competence and teacher discipline on teacher performance. This type of research is an ex post facto survey. This study uses descriptive quantitative analysis and inferencing statistics. The object of the research is SMA ZION MAKASSAR with 68 teachers. The research sample was 52 people who were determined by probability sampling method — data analysis using multiple linear regression methods with the help of SPSS for windows. The results obtained that teacher competence, teacher discipline, and the leadership of headmaster affects teacher performance by 93.3%. The t-count value of teacher competence = 56,511..........
Keywords: Teacher competence, teacher discipline, the leadership of headmaster, teacher performance
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