Version-2 (Nov-Dec 2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Generation of Variable Duty Cycle PWM using FPGA |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Suneeta, R Srinivasan, Ramsagar |
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: | 10.9790/4200-04620103 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) provide very good hardware design flexibility. This paper specifies the generation of PWM signals for variable duty cycles using VHDL. Pulse Width Modulation found in large number of applications as a voltage controller. It is used in controlling output voltage of inverter in most of the applications.PWM has a fixed frequency and a variable voltage.
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[3]. Retif J.M., Allard B., Jorda X. and Perez A., "Use of ASICs in PWM techniques for power converters", Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, IEEE Xplore Press, Maui, HI, USA.,(1993) pp: 683-688.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Power Analysis and Synthesis of BIST Technique on UART |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nishtha Singh || Sangeeta Mangesh |
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: | 10.9790/4200-04620410 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The increasing growth of sub – micron technology has resulted in shrinking of the device size leading to increase in device density. In the modern System-on-a-Chip (SoC) design, many cores are integrated into a single chip, some of them are embedded. This increases the functional complexity of the chip. The internal sub – circuits of the chip cannot be accessed directly from the primary inputs of the chips. So the testing of the chip is becoming very time consuming and costly. Such SoC designs make the test of these embedded cores become a great challenge. Thus Automatic Testing Equipments (ATE) is becoming costly process for testing. To reduce the cost of testing the chips, Built in Self Test (BIST) has emerged as an cheaper alternative. BIST is a design technique that allows the chip to test itself. In this paper, the BIST is implemented on UART using Verilog. The simulation and synthesis of the design are performed using ModelSim SE PLUS 6.5 simulator and XILINX ISE 14.5 synthesis tool.
Keywords: ATE, BIST, BILBO, Power Analysis, UART.
[1]. Nitin Patel; Naresh Patel, 4 July 2013. VHDL Implementation of UART with BIST capability. Computing, Communications and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT),2013 Fourth International Conference. [2]. WAKHLE, G.B; AGGARWAL, I. ; GABA, S., 4 JUNE 2012. SYNTHESIS AND IMPLEMENTATION OF UART USING VHDL CODES. COMPUTER, CONSUMER AND CONTROL (IS3C), 2012 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM.
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[4]. Shikha Kakar; Balwinder Singh ; Arun Khosla, 3, May 2009. Implementation of BIST Capability using LFSR Techniques in UART. International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering ,Vol 1, No 3
[5]. Mohd.Yamani Idna Idris,Mashkuri Yaacob,Zaidi Razak. A VHDL Implementation of UART Design With BIST capability. Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology,University of Malaya,50603 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.
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ABSTRACT: This paper describes flash ADC design using linearity improved threshold quantized comparator. Here, the need for a reference voltage generation network has been eliminated in a 4 bit flash ADC; with completely digital cell based comparators. Output generated from comparator called thermometer code is related mathematically with binary conversion. This conversion property is used for mathematical modeling and complexity reduction of decoder circuitry by semi-parallel structuring of comparators. Circuit is designed in 250nm technology and it exhibits satisfactory performance even in temperature and process variation.
Keywords: Flash ADC, threshold, thermometer code, multiplexer, encoder, algebraic
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ABSTRACT: Array of antennas or sensors is widely used in many applications like communication, Rader, Sonar, Speech Processing and etc. Advantages of such system are higher degree of freedom, Adoption, Redundancy, Flexibility and etc. In real world the signals received by the array not only consist of desired signal but also consists the interferences from the sources in the surrounding environment. It is essential to remove the interfering signal and increase the Signal-to-Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) of the desired signal. Interference degrades the performance of the system and reduces the Detection and Estimation of the desired signal in the received signal. The goal of this Paper is to find the behaviour of LMS and RLS for different set of interfering signal, and to find the interference cancellation capability of the algorithms, and Comparison between the algorithms.
Keywords: Adaptive filter, Least mean square Algorithm, Recursive least square Algorithm.
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ABSTRACT:Shot change detection is an essential step in video content analysis. The field of Video Shot Detection (VSD) is a well exploited area. In the past, there have been numerous approaches designed to successfully detect shot boundaries for temporal segmentation. In this paper we present a procedure to detect and automatically classify Video shots. We present a method to detect shots using optic flow, and a method to classify the shot change into Abrupt/Hard cut or Gradual Transition using Robust Pixel Based Method.
Keywords: Video Shot Detection, Shot Boundary Detection, Optic Flow, Corner Detection,Automatic classification.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nonlinear chaos - based security solution for fingerprint data during communication |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Hema Ousephachan |
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: | 10.9790/4200-04623246 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Protecting privacy for exchanging information through the media has been a topic researched by many people. This work presents a security solution for transmitting fingerprint images over insecure channels. Here security is provided by an encryption technique based on reversible hidden transform (RHT), fractional wavelet packet transform (FrWPT), chaotic map and singular value decomposition (SVD). This scheme proposes the use of coupled two-dimensional piecewise nonlinear chaotic map (CTPNCM) for selecting the transform order of FrWPT. And here the inputs to this chaotic map act as the secret keys. By architecture itself this nonlinear chaotic map provides more security to the encryption scheme than the linear ones.
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2003, pp. 511-521
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ABSTRACT: There is a great need and demand for high throughput biomedical data display system in every clinical study and diagnostic labs in Hospitals. To cater to this demand, we have designed FPGA-based memory architecture suitable for use in displaying low frequency EEG data. Memory architecture is designed to acquire up to 32 channel EEG data. An Instrumentation amplifier suited for EEG signals has also been designed and tested for a single channel bipolar configuration. The implemented memory architecture has fast retrieval time and a large data storage capacity.
[1]. Mohammed Abdullah, Member, Omar Elkeelany, and Ali T. Alouani, " A Low-Cost Stand-Alone Multichannel Acquisition, Monitoring, and Archival System with On-Chip Signal Preprocessing", IEEE transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 60(8), Aug. 2011.
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ABSTRACT: Image processing is an important component of modern technologies as it provides the improvement in pictorial information for human interpretation and processing of image data for storage, transmission and representation autonomous machine perception. This paper focused on image restoration which is sometimes referred to image deblurring and filtering. Image restoration is concerned with the reconstruction of blur parameters of the uncorrupted image from a blurred and noisy one. Image deblurring refers to procedures that attempt to reduce the blur amount in a blurry image and grant the degraded image an overall sharpened appearance to obtain a clearer image. In this paper, the various kind of noise are added and then deblurring process is used to obtain a blurred image. After this image filtering is also implemented for removing these noise.
KeyWords: deblurring,image degradation, MSE,PSNR
[1] Sonia Saini, and LalitHimral, "Image processing using blind deconvolution deblurring Technique" , International Journal of Applied Engineering and Technology ISSN: 2277-212X (Online) An Open Access, Online International Journal Available at 2014 Vol. 4 (2) April-June, pp.115-124/S.
[2] Mr. RohitVerma, Dr. Jahid Ali, "A Comparative Study of Various Types of Image Noise and Efficient Noise Remov-al Techniques" International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 3(10), October – 2013.
[3] Image Restoration Technique with Non Linear Filter CharuKhare and Kapil Kumar Nagwanshi International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 39, February, 2012.
[4] Zohair Al-Ameen, GhazaliSulong, and Md. Gapar Md. Johar, "International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology",Vol. 44, July, 2012, A Comprehensive Study on Fast image Deblurring Techniques.