Version-1 (Jan-Feb 2018)
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ABSTRACT: In Wireless Sensor Nodes due to the resource constraintsthe fast multipliers are preferred for data processing. In this paper, the RSA processor using Vedic multiplication technique is proposed which is capable of achieving considerable speed and with minimum area utilization. The multiplication of two prime numbers is implemented using Nikhilam and UrdvaTriyagbagam multipliers.The results shows that there is good improvement in delay and device utilization usingUrdvaTriyagbagam method. UrdvaTriyagbagamis utilized in Point addition and Point doubling, which are finite field arithmetic of ECC in both prime and binary field. Multipliers are implemented on RSA and ECC over NIST/SECG GF(p) and GF(2m) curves and estimates the algorithms with respect to performance in speed and memory usage.
Keywords: Ellptic Curve Cryptography, FPGA,NikhilamMultiplier, RSA algorithm, Urdva-tiryagbhyam Multiplier, Wireless Sensor Networks
[1]. Antonio de la Piedra, An Braeken, and AbdellahTouhafi. 2012. Sensor Systems Based on FPGAs and Their Applications: A Survey. Sensors (2012), 12, 12235-12264; DOI:10.3390/s 120912235.
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ABSTRACT: Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed life threatening cancer in women worldwide. Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among women. Early detection is of great significance and essential to the treatment of breast cancer. Ultrasonography is one of the most widespread imaging modality used to detect and classify abnormalities of the breast. This paper proposes the use of wavelet transform and its coefficients as texture features for the detection of abnormalities in the breast. Gray level co-occurrence matrix is computed from wavelet coefficients at two levels. Principal component analysis and genetic algorithms are used for feature reduction and selection. Support vector machine (SVM) and Naïve Bayes (NB) are used to differentiate benign and malignant lesions. Their performances are evaluated using diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value.......
Keywords: Breast lesion, Genetic algorithm, Principal component analysis, Ultrasonography, Wavelet transform.
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ABSTRACT: Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a technology that extracts all the text from the images, .pdf documents or scanned files. So OCR converts normal scanned documents text-searchable so to allow content search on the same. Hindi being the national language of India, with such huge population makes document managing and preservation difficult in government sector. Hence, this paper presents an efficient algorithm Fuzzy KNN for recognition of Hindi script characters from printed documents. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems developed for the Hindi language carry a very poor recognition rate due to shirorekha as well as joint characters. This paper proposes an OCR.......
Keywords: Optical Character Recognition, Fuzz-KNN, Wavelet Transform.
[1]. Gonzalez R.C and Woods, R.E "Digital Image Processing", Second Edition, Pearson Education, Singapore.
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ABSTRACT: This paper proposes efficient constant multiplier architecture based on vertical-horizontal binary common sub-expression elimination (VHBCSE) algorithm based on carry select adder using common Boolean logic and modified full adder for planning a reconfigurable finite impulse response(FIR) channel whose coefficients can progressively change continuously. To plan a proficient reconfigurable FIR channel, as indicated by the proposed modified VHBCSE calculation, 2-bit paired regular sub-articulation end (BCSE) calculation has been connected vertically crosswise over contiguous coefficients on the 2-D space of the coefficient lattice at first, taken after by applying variable-piece BCSE calculation evenly inside every coefficient. This method is fit for lessening.......
Keywords: Index Terms—VHBCSE algorithm, MCM, FIR filter, VLSI design.
[1]. S. J. Darak, S. K. P. Gopi, V. A. Prasad, and E. Lai, "Low-complexity reconfigurable fast filter bank for multi-standard wireless receivers," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. (VLSI) Syst., vol. 22, no. 5, pp. 1202–1206, May 2014.
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ABSTRACT: As we observe, that with the evolution of technology, devices are scaling down from time to time, which leades to reduction in the the length of the channel of the MOSFET, giving importance to speed of operation. This paper consist of designing 6T SRAM cell, along with its READ and WRITE operations which operates at high speed consuming less power. The SRAM cell is simulated and the graphs for READ and WRITE operations and respective power results are presented.The tool used for designing of 6T SRAM cell is Tanner Tool which operates at 250nm technology and 2.5volts as supply voltage.
Keywords: SRAM, Read,Write,Tanner,250nm.
[1]. K. Dhanumjaya, Dr. MN.Giri Prasad, Dr. K.Padmaraju, Dr. M.Raja Reddy "Low Power and Improved Read Stability Cache Design in 45nm Technology" International Journal of Engineering Research and Development, Volume 2, Issue 2 (July 2012), PP. 01-07.
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ABSTRACT: Review basic MOS single-stage amplifier topologies and perform comparative DC analysis in order to determine for each topology the pair: (maximum input voltage swing, amplification). The results will be used in following works for the design of more advanced circuits such as differential amplifiers, current sources and operational amplifiers.
Keywords: integrated analog design, single-stage amplifier, dc-analysis, voltage-swing, amplification
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ABSTRACT: Neuromorphic circuits and systems are mixed analog and digital hardware implementations of biological networks. The Neurons and Synapses form the basic building blocks of these networks analogous to their biological counterparts. The analog VLSI implementation of neuron and synapse circuits with devices working in subthreshold regime ensure compactness and low power consumption in these circuits. The use of advanced technologies of MOSFETs has further improved the area and power efficiencies of the neuromorphic circuits. In this work, we have implemented a Static Excitatory Synapse circuit and an Integrate and Fire Neuron circuit in 180nm technology.............
Keywords: Carbon Nanotube,Neuromorphic, Neuron, Synapse.
[1]. Carver Mead, Analog VLSI and Neural Systems (Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA, 1989).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | MOSFET EKV Verilog-A Model Implementation in Genesys |
Country | : | Greece |
Authors | : | George P. Patsis |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/4200-0801017386 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: A simple version of the EKV MOSFET model is implemented in Verilog-A and tested in Keysight's Genesys software suite. The basic physics of the model is briefly presented and the process of model development in Verilog-A and its integration into the software's library is discussed in detail. The aim of this work is to present the advantages of analog modeling with hardware description languages, especially when developing nonlinear device models, and to show some tools to accomplish such a task.
Keywords: MOSFET model, EKV, Verilog-A, Genesys simulator
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