Series-1 (March-April 2019)March-April 2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On Subquantum Electromagnetic and Gravitational Interactions |
Country | : | Spain |
Authors | : | Javier Joglar Alcubilla |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1102010109 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: To a greater or lesser extent, gravitational fields are always present in the environment of electromagnetic fields. Gravitational energy will decisively influence the value of electromagnetic energy present. Gravitons interact at subquantum level with photons, influencing the electromagnetic interaction. Moreover, gravitational interaction can produce photons by itself. The amount of gravitons that are necessary to have a photon of minimum energy and detectable frequency will be estimated. In addition, it is going to propose an electro-gravitodynamics compendium of vectorial character, descriptive of the fields that relate the graviton-photon interaction, both in a vacuum environment and in that of a material medium.
Keywords – Subquantum, Graviton, Photon, Electro-gravitodynamics, Fields, Subparticles
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ABSTRACT: Rubrene (5, 6, 11, 12-tetraphenyltetracene) is a prototype fluorescent molecule holding the record for the highest field effect mobility of organic semiconductors. It exhibits low stability and delocalization. In comparison with tetracene, both rubrene and tetracene exhibit the same fluorescent backbone, but due to the addition of functional group, the backbone of rubrene is twisted and planar for tetracene. A DFTmethods were carried outusing window version of Gaussian 09 software at B3LYP exchange and 6-311G basis. The work determined the change in the molecular and electronic propertiesof rubrene derivative with addition of cyanide (CN) as functional group. The bond lengths and bond angles were computed, and the results showed the strongest bond was found in CN-RUB.........
Keywords: DFT; NBO;IR Spectra;Reorganization energy and Rubrene
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ABSTRACT: GPS L – band signals get affected by ionospheric scintillation as a result satellite navigation too gets affected. The most extreme scintillation activity is expected to occur near the equatorial region during geomagnetic storms. The behavior and morphology of low latitude ionosphere is different from the other latitudes. The space weather conditions in low latitude show different nature because of the geomagnetic field. Due to penetration of soft, high energetic particles the plasma density increases, which is the main source of generation of ionospheric irregularities scintillation. GPS scintillation at low latitudes are primarily associated with equatorial spread F. Equatorial spread..........
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ABSTRACT: Ternary (Ge0.17Se0.83)100-X InX Chalcogenide glassy alloys has been prepared by melt quenching technique. Various non-linear optical parameters such as third-order non-linear suspectibility ( χ(3)) and non-linear refractive index(n2) from linear optical parameters (χ(1)), n and Eg determined. Eg and refractive index (n) has been determined directly from the semi-empirical relation proposed by R.R.Reddy. The obtained data shows that the value of Eg decreases with the increase of In concentration, while the values of n2, n, ( χ(3)) and (χ(1)) increases with the increase in In concentration.
Key words:- Non-linear optical susceptibility and refractive index
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ABSTRACT: Explanation of electron self-energy and charge quantization is one of the challenging problems facing quantum electrodynamics. In this work one quantizes electron and elementary particles charges on the basis of electromagnetic Hamiltonian in a curved space-time at vacuum stage of the universe,using quantum spin angular momentum and Klein-Gordon equation beside generalized special relatively. Electron charge is found to be quantized and the electron self-energy is finite. The radius of the electron is also found.
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ABSTRACT: Values of dielectric constant (ε′) and dielectric loss (ε″) have been experimentally determined for binary liquid mixtures of acetonitrile with n-butyl alcohol at 10.75 GHz microwave frequencies at 100C and over the complete mole fraction range. The values of (ε′) and (ε″) have been used to evaluate the loss tangent ( tan ), molar polarization (P12) and a.c. conductivity (ζp).The results are discussed in terms of intermolecular interactions. It has been shown that the results are positive over the whole range of composition. Viscosity, density and refractive........
Keywords: Binary mixture, Dielectric constant, dielectric loss, a.c.conductivity, Molar polarization, Activation Energy, viscosity, density, refractive index
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ABSTRACT: The study of waves in plasmas provides significant information on plasma properties and is very useful in plasma diagnostics. This research is on "Effects of Magnetized Plasma on Electromagnetic Wave Propagating parallel to its magnetic field". Electromagnetic waves propagating parallel to magnetic field in magnetized plasma were analyzed. There are two modes parallel to the field, the L and R waves. Frequency values for the L-waves were obtained by substituting the values of wave number, k into its dispersion relation while the same frequency values were substituted to get the values of its refractive index (𝑛2). The plasma frequency values obtained from Bohm-Gross' formulae for electron plasma waves were substituted into the dispersion relation to obtain the frequency.........
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ABSTRACT: Einstein's E = MC2 is not a law of mass and energy conservation. Instead, it is only an energy conversion between matter's structure energy and photon's kinetic energy. On the other hand, Wu's Pairs are created by the energy generated in big bang explosion, which is a typical mass and energy conversion. According to Yangton and Yington Theory, in the beginning, energy and space are first generated from nothing, and then matter and time are induced from energy. At the end of the universe, to reverse the process, matter will convert to energy first, and then energy and space annihilation will happen either in black hole or through aging of the universe........
Keywords: Yangton and Yington, Wu's Pairs, Force of Creation, Subatomic Particles, Energy and Mass Conservation, Black Hole, Big Bang, Singularity, Spacetime Shrinkage, Antiparticle Annihilation, Energy and Space Annihilation.
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ABSTRACT: Radio refractivity over Awka, South Eastern Nigeria has been studied using meteorological parameters on the troposphere during dry and wet seasons, from 2013 – 2014 respectively. Wireless weather stations (Integrated Sensor Suite, ISS) were positioned at five different height levels beginning from the ground surface and at intervals of 50 m from the ground to a height of 200 m (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 m). The data used for the computation of radio refractivity and refractivity gradient is a 30 minutes interval variation of metrological parameters for each day in the troposphere over Awka. Hourly, daily and monthly averages of radio refractivity during dry and wet seasons were calculated from the data obtained. The result indicated that the radio refractivity during wet season.......
Keywords: Radio Refractivity, Refractivity Gradient, sub-refractivity, super-refractivity and Troposphere
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ABSTRACT: This work, gamma ray shielding properties of TAN1 and TAN2 alloys were studied by computation of mass attenuation coefficient, effective atomic number, effective electron density, half value layer at photon energy 1 keV-100 MeV and the exposure buildup factor (EBF) of these alloys were computed by GP fitting method for photon energy 0.015–15 MeV up to 40 mfp penetration depth. Gamma shielding effectiveness for energy 1 keV-100 MeV, TAN1 was found to be better than TAN2 for shielding material at this energy range. The EBF values of TAN1 are found lower TAN2 in low-to-intermediate energy (<3 MeV), thus it has better gamma ray shielding properties. These results indicated that it can develop for gamma rays shielding materials.
Keywords: mass attenuation coefficient, half value layer, exposure buildup factor, alloy
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ABSTRACT: The Nickel oxide (NiO) shows good characteristics for being used an alternative material in high temperature applications and energy generation devices. In this work we study the doping effect on structural and thermoelectric properties of nickel oxide at the high temperature. In this work the temperature range for all the characterization is taken 900 K. Analysis was performed for all three samples using following techniques: i) Phase and Crystalline size determine by X ray diffractometer (XRD) along with this Rietveld refinement also done by full proof suit-64 bit ii) Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR) for bond determination iii) morphology was observed by field effect-scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) iv) thermal analysis were performed by Thermo gravimetric analyzer (TGA) and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) and Laser flash analysis(LFA) v) Seebeck coefficient.....
Keywords: Rare earth, transition metal oxide, doped Nickel oxide, thermoelectric properties, semiconducting oxides.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementation of CFD and Aerodynamic Analysis of Formula 1 Racecar |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bhuvan Bhasker Srivastava || Shad Husain |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1102018692 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: If you look at all the factors in Formula 1 that can be influenced with engineering, more than 70 percent is aerodynamics. Computational Fluid Dynamics plays an increasing role in the design process for the automotive industry, in particular for the prediction of aerodynamic characteristics. The present study is concerned with the simulation of the aerodynamic flow around the front section of a Formula 1 racing car. The numerical simulation involved four phases: geometry modelling, generation of the computational mesh, flow computation, and visualization and analysis of the flow solutions. Due to the significant resources required, the flow computation was performed on a high-performance parallel computer system, the Silicon Graphics Origin2000. Comparison of the numerical predictions with wind tunnel data shows that the correct dependencies of the aerodynamic forces on various tuning parameters are obtained. Thus, despite the complexity of both the car geometry and the flow behaviour, the present study has shown that numerical simulation can provide a wealth of information useful to the design process.
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