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Abstract: This study aims at analyzing the sustainability of food and beverage business in Makassar. This research was an explanatory research belonging to the associative research. Based on ex post facto method, this research is classified as a research survey. The population of this study is food and beverage business unit of the restaurants in Makassar totaling 341 business units. The number of samples is determined by using the Slovin formula that is n = N / (1 + N.℮ 2), where e = 0.05 or 5%. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The result showed that creativity (X 1), innovation (X 2) and entrepreneurial behavior (Y) have simultaneous effect on the business sustainability (Z). In addition, the variables of creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurial behavior.............
Keywords: creativity, innovation, entrepreneurial behavior, food and Drink, business sustainability[1] Bayu, I. (2010). Kewirausahaan: Pendekatan karakteristik wirausahawan sukses.
[2] Harmancioglu, N., Grinstein, A., & Goldman, A. (2010). Innovation and performance outcomes of market information collection efforts: The role of top management team involvement. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 27(1), 33–43.
[3] Jöreskog, K. G., & Sörbom, D. (1996). LISREL 8: User's reference guide. Scientific Software International.
[4] Man, T. W., Lau, T., & Snape, E. (2008). Entrepreneurial competencies and the performance of small and medium enterprises: An investigation through a framework of competitiveness. Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship, 21(3), 257–276.
[5] Ministry of Trade in Indonesia, 2009. Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia 2025. Rencana Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia 2009-2015..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Servant Leadership and Psychological Ownership: Curtailing Resistance to Change |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Puja Khatri || Sumedha Dutta |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2003120512 ![]() |
Abstract: Servant leadership's deep current of implication has swayed attention of scholars globally, creating an apt environment for Greenleaf's leadership style to flourish. Significant findings of numerous scholars highlight the significant role played by servant leadership in organizational context. However, the concept is impinged due to lack of its universally accepted definition and measures. Noticeably missing from research attention is the effect of servant leadership in promoting psychological ownership among employees. Work of prominent experts is pooled through a wide – ranging literature review to study various convergent and divergent ranges of the principal constructs. Relevant literature is explored to examine a servant leader's role in instilling and facilitating psychological ownership feeling among employees. Moreover, an attempt to determine whether feelings of psychological ownership inculcated through a servant leader helps in reducing employees' resistance to change is also made; since in present times change has become an omnipresent feature in organizational context.
Keywords: Positive Psychology; Psychological Ownership; Servant Leadership; Resistance to Change
[1]. Avey JB, Avolio BJ, Crossley CD, Luthans F (2009). Psychological ownership: Theoretical extensions, measurement and relation to work outcomes. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, Vol. 30, pp. 173-191. [2]. Barbuto, J.E. & Wheeler, Daniel (2006). Scale development & Construct Clarification of Servant Leadership, Group & Organization Management, Vol. 31(3), pp. 300-326.
[3]. Bass, B. (2000). The future of leadership in learning organizations, Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(3), pp. 18-40.
[4]. Beggan, J. K. (1992). On the social nature of non-social perception: the mere ownership effect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 62, pp. 229–237.
[5]. Belk, R. W. (1988). Possession and the extended self. The Journal of Consumer Research, Vol. 15, pp. 139-168.
[6]. Bowman, M. A. (1997). Popular Approaches to Leadership. In P.G. Northhouse (Ed.) Leadership: Theory and Practice, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
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Abstract: Spending time in a queue for services is not desirable because it causes unpredictability and makes it difficult for travellers to plan their logistics. The study documented the experiences of travellers who crossed the Beitbridge Border Post during the December 2017 festive season peak period. Data was collected through observing and interviewing travellers. The results of the study indicate that border agents at Beitbridge failed to effectively manage human and vehicular traffic thus leading to congestion and long waiting periods. The most serious bottlenecks were: traffic jam along the 5 km stretch before the South African side's processing station and the endless queue to pay for Temporary Import Permit (TIP) documents for foreign vehicles on the Zimbabwean processing side. The...........
Keywords: Border congestion, Queues, Peak periods, Beit Bridge Border Post, Border management system, One stop border post
[1] Anderson, D. R., Sweeney, D. J., Williams, T. A. and Martin, K. (2011). Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, 13th Edition, South-Western: CENGAGE Learning
[2] Jacobs, F. R. and Chase, R.B. (2013). Operations Management and Supply Chain Management: The Core, New York (NY): McGraw-Hill Irwin Teravaninthorn, S. and Raballand, G. (2008). Transport Prices and Costs in Africa. Washington, D.C: World
[3] Bank Publications.
[4] Lee, S. M. and Olson, D. L. (2012). Introduction to Management Science, 3rd Edition, Ohio: CENGAGE Learning Mitchley, A. (2017). Beit Bridge border post in focus during SA-Zimbabwe Commission,
[5] News24,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Patachitra-A Micro Scale Industry: Overview and Challenges |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Subhamoy Banik || Utpal Kundu |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2003122429 ![]() |
Abstract: India is an ancient nation of rich cultural heritage and a home of the different religion with a vast diversity in tradition and language. In India GDPs major portion has been contributed through industrial and service sector, with the change in time and aspect the working community had moved from agricultural to small scale industrial sector due to lack of irrigation facilities and dependency on the natural environment to a large extent which leads to failure in most of the times. Due to this paradigm shift from agricultural to industrial and service sector thus the position of Indian economy had improved a lot. But the story of success is not yet accomplished, as most of the venture has grown up in rural and semi-urban areas are facing inadequate infrastructural and financial problems.[1] Many people had taken Folk-art as their profession to earn their livelihood, which they inherited from their......
Keywords: Patachitra, Chitrakaars, economic status of patuas
[1] Contribution of financial institutions to small scale industries in economic development of India, Journal of Advance Management Research, Vol.06 Issue-01, (January 2018)
[2] Craft council of west Bengal (1985-86), The JaranaPatachitra of Bengal-Mahamaya, Page number 112
[3] Roy Niranjan (1973), ThePatas and Patuas of Bengal. Indian Publications Calcutta, Page number 54-55
[4] Report on Patachitra of West Bengal, MontuChitrakar, Secretary, Chitrataru Evaluation Study of Tribal/Folk Arts and Culture in West Bengal, Orissa, Jharkhand, Chhatisgrah and Bihar. SER Division, Planning Commission Govt. of India New Delhi
[5] Naya – The Village Of Singing Painters At Midnapore, Amitabha Gupta,.
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Abstract: Finance and investment amongst the quantified notions have reportedly been unduly impacted by the non-quantified biases. Underscoring the plethora of behavioral biases that affect the decision making process of investors, the present paper unearth the role of biases in conventional finance models which are based on assumption of rationality. In contemporary times, behavioral finance has emerged as an important phenomenon which can be relied upon to capture the various factors affecting the decision making process of investors. The present study attempts to examine the most referred seven biases identified as per our review of literature including overconfidence, herd behavior, cognitive dissonance, disposition effect, representative bias, mood and cultural bias residing in the capital city of the country. The analysis of the study reveals that investors gets maximum influenced by representative bias, followed by overconfidence, cognitive dissonance and disposition effect. However, there is no impact of herd behavior on the decision making process of investors.
Keywords: Behavioral Finance, Herd Behavior, Indian Stock market, Overconfidence
[1]. E. Vijaya, An Empirical Analysis on Behavioural Pattern of Indian Retail Equity Investors, Journal of Resources Development and Management, 16, 2016, 103–112.
[2]. K. Fatima, A. Farhana, A. R. Mirza, Factors Influencing Investors' Decisions in Stock Market Investment in Bangladesh [A Study on Khulna City], Journal of Finance and Accounting, 3(6), 2015, 198-204.
[3]. M.Islamoğlu,M.Apan,A.Ayvali, Determination of Factors Affecting Individual Investor Behaviours : A Study on Bankers, International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 5(2), 2015, 531–543.
[4]. A. Jagongo, V. S. Mutswenje, A Survey of the Factors Influencing Investment Decisions : The Case of Individual Investors at the NSE, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 4(4), 2014, 92–102.
[5]. K. Chitra, T.Jayashree, Does Demographic Profile Create a Difference in the Investor Behavior? The International Journal of Business & Management, 2 (7), 2014, 24-30.
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Abstract: Buying behavior for the apparel items is very complex and vibrant in nature. It may differ in terms of personalities, culture and even socio-economic condition (Shim and Bickle, 1994; Shim and Mahoney, 1992). On the other hand, the success of marketing depends on understanding consumers' mind and also to respond them in an appropriate manner. This paper aims to determine the dynamic nature of females' apparel buying behavior in relation to their fashion type (Progressive fashion, Following Current fashion, Having own style, Traditional fashion and Not very important), store selection (shopping mall, specialty store, local store, online shopping), purchasing category (planned buying, unplanned buying, impulse buying), purchasing frequency (never, very rare, occasionally and frequently) and visiting at store per month (0 time, 1-2 times, 3-5 times and more than 5 times). To do so, a comparative......
Keywords: Buying behavior, Fashion type, store preferences, purchasing category, purchasing frequency, store visiting, Apparels.
[1]. Akarte, A., and et al., (2012). A study of consumer buying behavior in organized retail apparel sector (with reference to men's wear). International Journal of Marketing, Financial Services & Management Research, Vol: 1, No: 9, pp: 1-35
[2]. Bhanot, S. (2013). Apparel Shopping Behavior: A study of management students in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai. Auroras Journal of Management, Vol: 3. pp. 7-19.
[3]. Fuller, B.K. and Blackwell, S.C. (1992). Wardrobe consultant clientele: Identifying and describing three market segments. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, Vol: 10, No: 2, pp: 11-17.
[4]. Gupta, M. (2004). Brand Position of General Store From Consumer's Perspective- A comparative Study on Departmental Store and Traditional Shop. Conference Proceedings IPR , Thapar University, Patiala, March 25-26, pp: 3.
[5]. Jain, R. and et al. (2011). General Values and Clothing Behavior of College going Students. Study of Home Commerce Science, Vol: 5, No: 1, pp: 13-20..
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Abstract: Business firms' accessibility to credit is vital for success. However, credit rationing due to internal factors makes it difficult for most firms to access credit or adequate credit at the prevailing rate of interest even if they are willing to pay higher interest rate. This called forstudying how firm level factors affects credit rationing by micro finance institutions in Eldoret Town, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. The study specifically addressedthe effect of information asymmetry on credit rationing by Microfinance Institutions in Eldoret Town. This objective was informed by credit rationing theory .The study adopted exploratory research design with a sample frame of credit officers drawn from 12 micro-finance institutions within Eldoret Town, Uasin Gishu County with a target population of 257 respondents. A sample size of 154 respondents calculated by Krejcie and Morgan Formulae was adopted. Datawas collected and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS Version 22. Information asymmetry had.....
Keywords: Credit Rationing,Firm Characteristics, Microfinance Institutions
[1]. Agbonlahor, M., Oke, J., &Adeyemo, R. (2007). An Empirical Analysis of micro credit Repayment by Farmers in Southwestern, Nigeria. Humanity and Social Science Journal ,vol 2(1) pp. 63-74.
[2]. Alexander, B., Nico, K., & Christian, N. (2008). Performance Measurement in SMEs: Literature Review and Results from a German Case Study. International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business, Vol. 2(4), pp. 411-427.
[3]. Angela &Motsa, A. (2004). SMME Finance Sector Background Paper: A Review of key documents on SMME Finance 1994-2004. Johannesburg: Fin Mark Trust.
[4]. Atieno, R. (2001). Formal and Informal institutions' lending practices and access to credit by small-scale enterprises in Kenya: An empirical assessment. African Economic Research Consortium (AERC) research paper, Vol(111), pp.1-2.
[5]. Banerjee, S. (2008). Credit Rationing with Neo-Classical Banks and Production Firms. Retrieved from:
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Abstract: Women all over the world contribute a lot to the national agricultural output and family food security, and several studies from Sub Saharan Africa shows that rural women are credit constrained than men of equivalent socio-economic conditions. Rural women are exposed to economic disability yet they form the majority of the rural population. Empowerment and improvement of women's socio-economic status is important for achievement ofthenecessary rural Development. In Kenya informal financial services concept has taken root with recent adoption of Joyful Women Organisation to provide financial resources to rural women to engage in livelihood projects. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of informal financial services to the economic empowerment of rural.....
Keywords: Informal financial Banking Services, Rural Women Entrepreneurs, Economic Empowerment, performance, poverty.
[1] Allen, H. and Hobane, P. (2012). Impact Evaluation of KupfumaIshungu. Arusha, Tanzania: CARE International. Retrieved from http://www.plan on 13th June 2016.
[2] Armendáriz de Aghion, Beatriz, and Jonathan Morduch, (2010). Microfinance beyond group lending, The Economics of Transition. Retrieved from
[3] Ayyagari, M., Demirguc-Kunt., Maksimovic, V., (2008). How Important Are Financing Constraints? The Role of Finance in the Business Environment. World Bank Economic Review 22, 483-516.
[4] Banerjee, A., Duflo, E., Glennerster, R., & Kinnan, C. (2010).The miracle of microfinance? Evidence from a randomized evaluation, working paper, MIT.
[5] Beck, T., & Fuchs, M. (2004). Structural Issues in the Kenyan Financial System:Improving Competition and Access.World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 33-63.,.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of GST on Karnataka State Economy: will be a boon or bane |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Raghavendra R.H || Shakunthala H |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2003126773 ![]() |
Abstract: We all know that India has been one nation with multiple taxes. All this will come to an end with the country becoming a clutter free highway for transparent, simple, efficient, one nation indirect tax system. The GST will replace all indirect taxes levied on goods and services by both central and state governments. The basic idea of GST is to create a single cooperative and undivided market to make our economy stronger and powerful. Hence, it will be one of the biggest taxation reforms after India's independence. Present paper emphasized on some critical observations with respect to center-state relations for sharing the tax revenue, tax impact on manufacturers and ultimate consumers, impact on financial federalism of our country, and impact on vibrant automobile, agro, aerospace, textile & garment, biotech and heavy engineering industries states like Karnataka...
Keywords: indirect tax, consumption, manufacturing, goods, services.
[1]. Ahmer, M. (2017). How will Goods and Services Tax (GST) impact Centre-state relations in India? Retrieved November 2, 2017, from
[2]. Budget. (2015). Budget 2014-15. Retrieved august 20, 2017, from
[3]. Commission, T. F. (2009). Report of Task Force on Goods & Service Tax. New Delhi: Thirteenth Finance Commission.
[4]. FICCI. (2013). Towar ds-the-GST-Approach. Retrieved july 16, 2016, from ds-the-GST-Approach-Paper-Apri-2013.pdf
[5]. finance, M. o. (2015). GST reforms and intergovernmental consideration. Retrieved August 02, 2017, from ons%20in%20india.pdf.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Building the High-Performance Board |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M.S. Srinivasan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2003127478 ![]() |
Abstract: What is the purpose of having the Board of Directors for a company? Not many companies ask this fundamental question. In most companies, the board has become passive, formal and ceremonial. How to make the board more active and creative, which means making it into an important organ of the company that contributes positively to the growth and progress of the organisation? This article examines this question based on some of the emerging perspectives, insights and best practices in corporate governance and also some uniquely Indian perspectives on the subject.
[1] David A. Nadler, "Building Better Boards,‟, Harvard Business Review, May 2004, P. 35
[2] K.P. Jayaswal, The Hindu Polity Bangalore Printing and Publishing company, 1921, P. 25
[3] Sri Aurobindo, Collected Works, Vol. 14, "The Foundations of Indian Culture," Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Puducherry, 1972, P. 352
[4] David A. Nadler, "Building Better Boards,‟, Harvard Business Review, May 2004, P. 35
[5] Jack Welch, Winning, Harper Business, Newyork, 1995, P. 253-54.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analyzing Public-private Partnerships from the New Public Management framework |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pratyush Singh |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2003127982 ![]() |
Abstract: The public private partnership (PPP) model of health has been endorsed by several global agencies associated with public health. International aid agencies and foundations mostly fund available literature advocating the need for PPPs. They are symptomatic of the ceding of authority of the state to the private sector since the fall of the welfare states. The PPP model has long been used in different countries for carrying various development projects, but their advent in the field of public health is not an old phenomenon. One filling the gap left by the other, private bringing their intellectual superiority, business efficiency and management principles and the public providing the resources or the provisions to utilize that expertise (Reich 2002). But, this benign and beneficial side of PPPs are yet...
[1]. Bhat, R. (2000). Issues in health: Public-private partnership. Economic and political weekly, 4706-4716.
[2]. Chand, S. K., & Moene, K. O. (1999). Controlling fiscal corruption. World Development, 27(7), 1129-1140.
[3]. Christensen, T., & Lægreid, P. (Eds.). (2006). Autonomy and regulation: Coping with agencies in the modern state. Edward Elgar Publishing.
[4]. Dunleavy, P., & Hood, C. (1994). From old public administration to new public management. Public money & management, 14(3), 9-16.
[5]. Dunsire, A. (1995). Administrative theory in the 1980s: a viewpoint. Public administration, 73(1), 17-40