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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Relevance of Urban Co-Operative Banks In 21st Century |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B.Sudhakara Rao || Dr.D.Suryachandra Rao |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2003040104 ![]() |
Abstract: Urban Co-operative Banks have been functioning in India over the last 100 years and the consolidation in the sector as well as the structural changes made them relevant even in 21st century. This can be substantiated by the size of business and growth of network of Urban Co-operative Banks across India and their banking practices in tune with the standards and practices of the private sector banks and foreign banks. The size of business of a few of the prominent Urban Co-operative Banks matches that of a few private sector banks as well as public sector banks. All these are possible because of their prudent banking practices and in the current day cut-throat competition expecting an organisation to sustain for such a long period without a strong fundamental base is hard to imagine. The best banking practices and managerial efficiency coupled with adherence to Reserve Bank of India's guidelines from time to time made these Urban Co-operative Banks relevance even in 21st century.
Keywords: UCBs, Deposits, NPAs, CRAR
[1]. Dr.Jawahar Babu K.V.S.N., (2012), "Performance evaluation of Urban Co-operative Banks in India", IOSR Journal of Business and
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[2]. Reserve Bank of India (1992), Report of the committee on licensing of new Urban Co-operative Banks (Marathe Committee),
[3]. Dr.Shirasi R.S., (2012), "A study of financial working and operational performance of Urban Co-operative Banks in Pune District",
Indian Streams Research Journal, Vol.1, Issue 5, pp.1-4.
[4]. Dr.Jawahar Babu K.V.S.N., and Muniraja Selkhar B., (2012) : "The emerging Urban Co-operative Banks (UCBs) in India :
Problems and Prospects", IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSRJBM) Vol.2, Issue 5, pp. 01-05.
[5]. RBI's report on trend and progress of banking in India, 2016-17...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Nature of Leaders' Personality Traits of Selected Technical Universities in Ghana |
Country | : | Ghana |
Authors | : | Abdul-Razak Abubakari |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2003040512 ![]() |
Abstract: This research explored the leadership traits of leaders of selected Technical Universities (TUs) in Ghana. Descriptive quantitative approach was employed and a survey was conducted. Four TUs and a polytechnic were sampled using simple random sampling. A sample size of 214 was drawn from 461 staff. Means were used to determine the average response of the leaders to statements related personality traits studied and the Hotelling's T Test was used in analyzing the level of significance of the responses. The agreeableness, openness-to-experience, conscientiousness, and adjustment are the most prominent leadership traits among the respondents. The leaders need to adopt the right mix of traits in their handling of issues in the TUs..
Keywords: Leaders, Leadership, Personality, Big-Five factors[1]. Achua, C.F., & Lussier, R.N. (2013). Effective Leadership. South-Western Cengage Learning, Canada.
[2]. Afeti, G. A. (2003). Promoting Change and Innovation in Tertiary Education: The experience of Ho Polytechnic. A case study prepared for a regional training conference on improving tertiary education in sub-Saharan Africa: Things That Work! Accra.
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Abstract: Skilling plays an important role in pushing economic growth rate to a higher trajectory and Skill development can be perceived as an instrument that improves labor efficiency, enhances labor contribution to the overall production of Manufacturing sector. With the changing economic environment, demand for better quality products and services has given rise to huge demand for skilled operator in Small and Medium scale enterprises. In order to retain the skilled workforce, operator satisfaction survey can play a major role on the way of attaining Skill Development at SME sector in Indian context. The study based on empirical work, examines the key influencing factors in relate to Skill Development on the operators' satisfaction level at SMEs of Manufacturing sector. Training...........
Keywords: SMEs, Skill Development, Operator Satisfaction[1]. Chowdhury, Sahana Roy. (2014). Skill Mismatches in Indian Labor Market: Policy Priorities and Challenges Ahead. The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 49(3), 422-438.
[2]. Comyn, Paul. (2014). Linking Employment Services, Skills Development & Labor Market Needs: Issues forIndia. The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 49(3), 378-388.
[3]. Gore, Vitthal. (Dec, 2013). 21st Century Skills and Perspective Job Challenges. IUP Journal of Soft Skills, 7(4), 7-14.
[4]. Jain, Hansa (2015). Manufacturing Growth and Employment Pattern in India Since 1990s. TheIndian Journal of Industrial Relations, 50(3), 412-424.
[5]. J. Ashwini, D. Anand (Jun. 2014). Correlation of QWL Factors with Employee Satisfaction InManufacturing Sector. Journal of Business and Management, 16(6), 1-9..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Perceived Tension in Post-Complaint Recovery: The Cross-Functional Theoretical Framework |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Hart O. Awa |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2003042037 ![]() |
Abstract: There exists a dearth of frameworks that improve theoretical lenses into understanding post-recovery tension and satisfaction. This article reports on interactional influences within the tribes of employees, and customers and processes in attempt to defuse tension and improve corporate resilience and competiveness. It provides a unified service system and integrated guide on recovery perspectives; and distinguishes itself by proposing a framework that recognizes the influences of employee-to-employee, customer-to-customer and process-to-process recoveries in dousing tension-driven effect of functional diversities on recovery. The paper recognizes perceived tension as a product of mindset and interdisciplinary dichotomies; its proficient handling attracts pleasurable experiences/actions. Tension(s) amongst customer, process, and employee recovery perspectives adversely affects customer retention and with the proposed framework, an improved theoretical grenade is supposedly made..
Keywords: Recovery, customer satisfaction, operations, human relations, tensions[1]. Abd Rashid, M., Sh. Ahmadb, F. and Othman, A. (2014), ―Does service recovery affect customer satisfaction? A study on co-created retail industry,‖ Procedia - Social and `Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 130, pp. 455-460.
[2]. Abell, D. (1978). Strategic windows. Journal of Marketing, 42(3), 21-25.
[3]. ACSI (2007). American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI).
[4]. Al-alak, A. & Alnawas, I. (2010), Evaluating the effect of marketing activities on relationship quality in the banking sector: The case of private commercial bank in Jordan. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2(1) (May), 78-91.
[5]. Alrubaiee, L. & Al-Nazer, N. (2010), Investigating the impacts of relationship marketing orientation on customer loyalty: The customer's perspective. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2(1), 156-174.
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Abstract: The necessity of modern retailing practices regarding marketing and sales of agro-based products in Bangladesh has resulted in enormous growth over the last couple of years. The study explored the urban consumers‟ buying behavior from the super shops, online portals, retail outlets, and traditional marketplaces in the context of Dhaka, Bangladesh. It examined how the modern retailers have applied various new propositions about the marketing of agro-based products concerning value-added services; market operations and offerings; future market prospects, etc. Under conveniences sampling technique, around 162 responses were utilized to gather reliable data. The data was collected using "Google Forms" and secondary information was utilized to support the data. Responses were analyzed with SPSS 20.0 using both Descriptive and Factor Analysis tools. The findings showed that............
Keywords: Agro-based Products, Cultural Mindset, Modern Retailing Platforms, Traditional Markets, Value-added Services[1]. National Report entitled "Rio+20: Bangladesh Report on Sustainable Development", 2012, retrieved from
[2]. Doing Agribusiness in Bangladesh....
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Abstract: The objective of this research study is to find out if performance and marketing strategy of firms vary with their ownership. This research is done in two phases. In the first phase, approximately 200 firms were chosen from among 8 major industries/categories in India. The first contextual factor chosen for determining significant differences in the pattern of business performance was ownership – i.e. a comparison between domestic firms and foreign owned firms. The primary parameters chosen for measuring performance was sales, profits, ROI etc. Statistical tools used were regression analysis, factor analysis, T-tests and decision tree analysis. The tests did not throw up any significant difference in performance between these two sets of firms – domestic and foreign owned............
Keywords: Performance, Indian Industry, Differences, Marketing Strategy, Foreign Owned firms, Domestic firms.[1]. Acquaah, Moses; Enterprise Ownership, Market Competition and Manufacturing Priorities in a Sub-Saharan African Emerging Economy: Evidence from Ghana; Journal of Management and Governance 2005, 9:205-235.
[2]. Barbosa, Natalia; Louri, Helen; Corporate Performance: Does Ownership Matter? A Comparison of Foreign – And – Domestic – Owned Firms in Greece and Portugal; Review of Industrial Organization, 2005, 27:73-102.
[3]. Bettis, Richard A; Hitt, Michael A; The New Competitive Landscape, Strategic Management Journal, Volume 16, Issue S1, pp. 7-19, 1995.
[4]. Coad, Alex; Firm Growth: A Survey, Papers on Economics and Evolution, May 14, 2007.
[5]. Cravens, D.W., Merrilees, B. and Walker, R.H. (2000), Strategic Marketing Management for the Pacific Region, McGraw-Hill, Sydney..
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Abstract: There have been a lot of theories that explain the impact of petroleum price increase on the business and economic growth of any country, especially Nigeria which has been one of the major oil producing countries in the World. In the past years, oil has become more volatile and has grown worse in the present Nigeria and this has affected balance of payments, oil trade and revenue from oil. This paper empirically examined the influence of price increase on economic growth in Nigeria between the years 1985 – 2015 using ordinary least square (OLS), linear multiple regression model analysis in assessing five key macroeconomic variables. The data were extracted from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin while the overall analysis shows that oil price increase has a relationship with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and both of them have significant influence on each other. The results further show that oil output, economic openness of oil, oil import and oil export has positive relationship............
Keywords:Business Environment, Economic Growth, Macroeconomic Variables, Petroleum, Price Increase[1]. Central Bank of Nigeria, (2010). CBN Publications Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletin issues. Economic and Financial Review, Vol. 14(5): 25-42.
[2]. Anyanwu J. C. (1993). Monetary Economics: Theory policy and institution. Hybrid Publisher, Onitsha.
[3]. Osutogun, E. and Oramah, O. (1998). Potential for diversifying Nigeria's non-oil exports to non-traditional markets. AERC Research paper, 68 African economic research consortium, Nairobi. Vol. 4(2): 1-35.
[4]. Harberger, A. C. (1983). Dutch Disease: How Much Sickness, How Much Boom? Journal of Resources and Energy, Vol. 5(1):56-68.
[5]. Pinto, B. (1987). Nigeria during and after the oil boom: a policy comparison with Indonesia. The World Bank economic review. Vol. 1(4): 28-42..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analyzing Gravity Variables To Determinants Bangladesh Export Performance |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Md Fahamid Zaman || Du Kuanqi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2003047177 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to study the impact of export on economic growth in Bangladesh. During the past two decades the Bangladesh economy has gone through huge changes. This study will find out and discuss the most advance gravity variables for Bangladesh export advancement. There is another purpose of this paper is to utilize the Gravity Model of Trade in order to get an understanding of the reasons behind Bangladesh export flows and also compare with other earlier trade variables whether the new variables can explain the Bangladesh export performance or not. While Bangladesh population has on average been increasing during the period, the exports have grown substantially. The study is mainly based on secondary sources of data which was collected from various books, journals, research works, and publications and mostly from the economics and trading organizations. In this study an attempt has been made to review the recent available literatures related...........
Keywords:Bangladesh, Export, GDP, Gravity model, Economic growth.[1]. Mushfica Akhter, Vol. 9 • No. 1 • Nov 2015, The Impact of Export and Import on Economic Growth in Bangladesh, World vision- ISSN: 2078-8460.
[2]. Huan Chen, Vol.4 no. 1. 2009. The Analysis of Simultaneous Multi-Equations Model on the Relationship between Trade and Economic Growth in China. International journal of business and management.
[3]. Samira Borouji Hojeghan & Alireza Nazari Esfangareh. The 2nd International Geography Symposium GEOMED2010Digital economy and tourism impacts, influences and challenges. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 19 (2011) 308–316
[4]. Anca Mihaela Giurgiua,, Ionela Manciua, Ioana Lesea. Technological Development - a Tool for Social and Economic Impact of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Mures County. 9th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering, INTER-ENG 2015, 8-9 October 2015, Tirgu-Mures, Romania.
[5]. Kazi Siam Ahmed, 2011, Economical Development Of Bangladesh- Problems & Solutions,Research work paper.
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Abstract: This paper offers a theoretical discourse on managerial work. The content addresses related theories and conceptualizations of managerial work;what it entails and why it is yet imperative, even within the context of today's organizations and changing work interactions. Particular attention is given to three mutually inclusive managerial work categorizations, as put forward by the paper, namely: managerial work as a social, teleological, and quintessential action. The ideas presented herein suggest an approach or perspective to evaluating managerial work that is not constrained by time (based on historical or traditional designs) or structure (hierarchical defined role expectations), but one hinged on relationships (social), purpose (teleological), and representativeness (quintessential). In conclusion, this paper affirms that managerial work is dynamic, relative and transitionary, and that the success or effectiveness of the manager in his work is tied to the possession of certain competencies or abilities in line with his social, teleological and quintessential role expectations..
Keywords: Managerial work, social action, teleological action, quintessential action.
[1]. Bartlett, C.A. &Ghoshal, S. (2000), Transnational management, Irwin McGraw, Hill, Boston, MA.
[2]. Dierdorff, E.C., Rubin, R.S. &Morgeson, F.P. (2009). The milieu of managerial work: An integrative framework linking work context to role requirements. Journal of Applied Psychology, 94(4), 972-988.
[3]. Fayol, H. (1949). General and industrial management. London: Pitman.
[4]. Gay, T. (2008). Get ready for change, manager: The British Journal of Administrative Management, 12–13.
[5]. Gibbs, B. (1994). The effect of environment and technology on managerial roles.Journal of Management, 20 (3), 581-604.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Resources In Tourism Industry: The Real Game Changers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Showkat Ahmad Ganie || Muzaffar Ahmad Dar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2003048390 ![]() |
Abstract: Tourism, nowadays is one of the most preferred and popular way of spending free time. The natural urge and appetite of every human being for gaining new experiences and eagerness to get entertained and educated are the main drivers of tourism. It is one of the largest and fastest growing economic activities, directly concerned with generating services, products, employment and investments. It is a dynamic and competitive industry which constantly needs to adapt to the changing needs and desires of its customers. Tourism being a service industry is largely driven by its human resources, wherein they play a very crucial role in its growth and development. It is such a resource of an organization which appreciates and advances with time and supports the organization in executing its policies, programmes and strategies. Tourists visit a particular destination because of its inherent natural or cultural value, historical significance, natural beauty, offering leisure, adventure and amusement...........
Keywords: Growth & Development, Human Resources, J&K, Tourism[1]. Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
[2]. Baum, T. (2007). Human resources in tourism: Still waiting for change. Tourism Management, 28(6), 1383-1399.
[3]. Baum, T. (2012). Human resource management in tourism: a small island perspective. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 6(2), 124-132.
[4]. Bhat, Zameer Ahmad (June, 2013). Tourism Industry And Pilgrimage Tourism In Jammu And Kashmir:Prospects And Challenges, International Journal of Research In Management & Technology,2,105-13.
[5]. Chhabra, T.N. (2005).Human Resource Management: Concepts and Issues. Delhi, India: Dhanpat Rai & Co (P) Ltd..