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Abstract: There is no denying fact that the application of ethics in medical / health sector have much more significance. In healthcare sector, than any other sector because of many factors which is related to privacy, confidentiality and personal information involved with this sector.No one doubt about Electronic Medical Records have potential to improve clinical care, but this paper focus on mainly the ethical issues of electronic health record in public health sector. Even after the growth of computer technology in medicine and allied subjects, most medical prescriptions and recordings are still documented on paper medical records. We have enormous benefits and advantages for keeping the electronic medical record documentation still EMR's are not very popular because of this issue connected with ethical, legal, confidentiality, security.In current scenario the implementation, development and percentage of utilization.........
Keywords: Electronic Health Record, Confidentiality, Ethics, privacy.[1]. Donaldson MS, Lohr KN. Health Data in the Information Age: Use, Disclosure, and Privacy. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 1994.
[2]. Health Privacy Project. Health Privacy Stories, Available at: Accessed Jan 3, 2012.
[3]. Committee on Maintaining Privacy and Security in Health Care Applications of the National Information Infrastructure. For the Record: Protecting Electronic Health Information. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 1997.
[4]. Lo B, Alpers A. Uses and abuses of prescription drug information in pharmacy benefits management programs. JAMA 2000; 283:801-6.
[5]. Beverly Kopala, PhD,RN, Mary Ellen Mitchell MA,RN, Use of Digital Health Records raises Ethics Concern, JONA‟s Healthcare Law , ethics, and Regulation, September 2011, Volume 13, Pages 84-89..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Examining The Determinants of Financial Inclusion In Jammu & Kashmir State |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Varun Abrol || Parneet Kaur |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2003020711 ![]() |
Abstract: Financial inclusion is defined as the process of providing access to financial services and timely and adequate credit at an affordable price when needed by weaker sections of society (Rangarajan Committee,2008).Availability of financial products and services is considered as an important factor in the economy of any country. In India, policy makers have been focusing lately on providing financial services available to all sections of society in order to bring them under the umbrella of main stream development through financial inclusion. Studies indicate a positive correlation between financial inclusion and socio-economic growth.In Jammu & Kashmir, State level banking committee (SLBC) has been formed which is headed by J&K bank, to keep a check on financial inclusion progress in the state. Various services are provided under financial inclusion to inculcate the habit of savings among people of the state. The aim of this paper is to study the various components of financial inclusion.............
Keywords: Financial Inclusion, Financial Exclusion, Financial Access[1]. Rangarajan Committee. (2008). Report of the committee on financial inclusion. Government of India.
[2]. Verma, Y., & Garg, P. (2016). Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY): A step towards eradicating financial untouchability. Indian Journal of Finance, 10 (1), 56-64. DOI: 10.17010/ijf/2016/v10i1/85845
[3]. Renuka, B., & Jessica, V. (2015). BC Model of Financial Inclusion through Business correspondent's perspective DAWN: Journal for Contemporary Research in Management volume 2 issue 1 page 27-34
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Corporate Social Reporting Practices Of Selected Public Sector Companies of India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sandeep Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/1676-2003021218 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examines the extent of disclosure in annual reports for social reporting by Indian corporate. Data were collected from the annual reports of the companies for the year 2014 and the level of disclosure is measured using social disclosure index. The study identifies the extent of corporate social reporting practices of 16 selected public sector companies of Dollex-200. Social Disclosure Index (SDI) has been calculated to measure the type and extent of social disclosure on sample of 16 Indian companies. The result of the study indicates that Community Involvement Disclosure are significant and it has a positive impact on the market price of the share but Human Resource Disclosure, Product & Consumer Disclosure and Environmental Disclosure have a negative impact on the market price of share.
Keywords: Social Disclosure Index, Market price of Share, Annual reports, India[1]. Crawford, E.P. and Williams, C.C. (2010), "Should Corporate Social Reporting be Voluntary or Mandatory? Evidence from the Banking Sector in France and the United States", Corporate Governance, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp. 512-26.
[2]. Haider B. M. (2010), "An Overview of Corporate Social and Environmental Reporting (CSER) in Development Countries." Issues in Social Environmental Accounting , Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 3-17.
[3]. Imam, S. (2000)."Corporate Social performance reporting in Bangladesh", Managerial Auditing Journal,Vol. 15, Iss. 3, pp. 133-141
[4]. Islam, M. and Dellaportas, S. (2011), "Perceptions of corporate social and environmental accounting and reporting practices from accountants in Bangladesh", Social responsibility journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 649-64.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study on Servequal Gap Analysis and Quality Excellence in Travel Industry |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. K.Thriveni Kumari |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2003021924 ![]() |
Abstract: SERVQUAL Gap Analysis is important to measure the service quality in the organizations. The five SERVQUAL dimension are; Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy. SERVQUAL Gap Analysis made an attempt to "Study on SERVEQUAL Gap Analysis & Quality Excellence in Travel Industry". Quality is considered as one of the essential figures in differentiation and excellence of services also, it is a premise of upper hand. So, its understanding, measuring, and creating it are imperative challenges for all well being administrations associations..............
Keywords: SERVEQUAL Gap, Travel industry, Quality of service.[1]. Anand Prakash , R.P. Mohanty(2011) "Total Quality management in service sector, DOI:10.1504/.IJIR.2012.046628,
[2]. Arash shahin (2007) "Servequal and model of service Gaps, A frame work for determining and Prioritising critical factor in delivering Quality service" vol 2, no. 7,
[3]. Anca Cretu , Roderick Brodu (2007) "Industrial Marketing Management –A customer Value Percepctive‟ Vol 36, Issue February 2007, Pages 230-240.PP3297 -3304
[4]. B.Zafer Erdogen(2010) journal of marketing management endorsement of celebraties- vol 15, Issue 4, Pages 291-314.
[5]. Dror (2007) "Deployment of service quality characteristics" vol 6, PP.31-34
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Abstract: Non-cash payment instruments provide a small part of payments so far, but the use of innovative products in this area is growing at a relatively high rate. This study present a technology acceptance model(TAM) that integrates risk, trust, security and convenience into the TAM to investigate what factors and how influence acceptance of innovations in the payment technology area. The proposed model was empirically tested using data collected from a survey of consumers using non-cash payment instruments. Our findings indicated that the higher is level of trust, security and convenience – the higher is intention to use non-cash payments, and opposite, the higher is the level of risk – the lower is intention to use technology.
Keywords: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), payment technology area, factors determining acceptance of innovation, risk, security, trust, convenience.[1]. Agarwal R., Prasad J. (1998) A conceptual and operational definition of personal innovativeness in the domain of information technology // Information Systems Research. Vol. 2 № 9. Р. 204–215.
[2]. Ajzen I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Vol. 50, № 2. Р. 179–211.
[3]. Bauer R. A. (1960) Consumer behavior as risk taking, In // Proceedings of the 43rd Conference of the American Marketing Association / Ed. R. F. Hancock; American Marketing Association. Chicago, IL. Р. 389–398.
[4]. Bauer H. H., Hammerschmidt M., Falk T. (2005) Measuring the quality of e-banking portals // International Journal of Bank Marketing. Vol. 23, № 2. Р. 153–175.
[5]. Black N. J., Lockett A., Winklhofer H . et al. (2002) Modelling consumer choice of distribution channels: an illustration from financial services // The International Journal of Bank Marketing. Vol. 20, № 4. Р. 161–173.
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Abstract: This research conducted to examine thephenomenonof the follow-up audit findings of human resources management proposed by the internal auditor within the company. The problem is whether management support factor, internal communication and internal control is influence toward the follow-up audit findings of human resources management, with the implementation of this research can help the management in human resources management more efficiently, effectively, and economically. This research uses multiple linear regression analysis techniques aims to know the influence of independent variable which includes; management support, internal communication and internal control of independent variable that is follow up the audit of human resources management.............
Keywords: Audit Findings, Human Resources Management, Auditor, Internal Audit.[1]. Agoes, Sukrisno,Auditing Petunjuk Praktis Pemeriksaan Akuntan Oleh Akuntan Publik. Edition 4(Jakarta: Salemba Empat,2012).
[2]. Arrens, Alvin A, R,J, Elder, M.S. Beasley, Auditing and Assurance Services an Integrated Approach, 9th ed., (New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 2003),11.
[3]. Bayangkara, IBK., Audit Manajemen Prosedur dan Implementasi(Jakarta: Salemba Empat,2013).
[4]. Boynton, W.C, R.N. Johnson & W.G. Kell,Modern Auditing 7th ed. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2000),6.
[5]. Dittenhover, Mort, Reengineering the Internmal Auditing Organization, Managerial Auditing Journal, 16(8),2001, 458-468.
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Abstract: Research concerning in company's culture have been widely conducted both in Indonesia and abroad. However, there are not many research who take interest in conducting occupational safety culture research, especially in Indonesia. Moreover, research on occupational safety culture associated with leadership, job satisfaction, motivation and performance is hard to find. The study aims to describe the influence of occupational safety culture, leadership, and motivation toward job satisfaction and employee performance at PT Total Logistic and operation support in Eastern Kalimantan. Besides, this paper is explanatory research type which analyzes the influence of each exogenous variable Against Endogenous variables..............
Keywords: Influence of Occupational Safety Culture, Leadership, Motivation, Job Satisfaction, Employee Performance.[1]. Laporan Tahunan Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, Kementrian ESDM,, 2016.
[2]. Hasan Marzuki, Pengaruh Budaya keselamatan kerja, kepemimpinan, dan motivasi terhadap kepuasan kerja dan kinerja karyawan pada perusahaan Migas "X" di propinsi Kalimantan Timur, Thesis, Universitas Jember, Indonesia, 2017.
[3]. Priansa, DJ.. Perencanaan dan Pengembangan SDM Bandung: CV. Alfabeta, 2016.
[4]. Kotter, Jhon P. and Heskett, James L, Dampak Budaya Perusahaan Terhadap Kinerja, Edisi Bahasa Indonesia dari Corporate Culture and performance Jakarta: PT Prenhallindo, 1992.
[5]. Cooper M.D. & R.A. Phillips, Exploratory analysis of the safety climate and safety behavior relationship., Journal of Safety Research: 35 (2004) 497-512, diakses:, 2004.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review of Empirical Research on Antecedents of Market Orientation |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Angeline WambuiWambugu PhD |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2003024753 ![]() |
Abstract: Market orientation is widely recognized as critical for competitive advantage and superior performance by researchers and marketing practitioners. A review of empirical studies on market orientation reveals that there are limited studies on the drivers of market orientation in both developed and developing economies. This paper reviews past studies with the intention of identifying possible avenues for further research on antecedents of market orientation based on the prepositions and framework by Kohli and Jaworski (1990).The paper also examines the research methodology employed in the studies and suggests solutions to the identified problems.
Keywords: Market Orientation,Antecedents,Empirical Research, Research Methodology.[1]. Avlonitis, G.J., &Gounaris, S.P. (1999), Marketing orientation and its determinants: An empirical analysis. European Journal of
Marketing, 33(11/12), 1003-1137.
[2]. Aziz, N.A., &Yassin, N.M. (2010). How will market orientation and external environment influence the performance among SMEs
in the agro food sector in Malaysia. International Business Research, 3(3), 154-164,
[3]. Becherer, R. C., Halstead, D. & Haynes, P. (2003). Marketing orientation in SMEs: effects of the internal environment, New
England Journal of Entrepreneurship, 6(1), 13-22.
[4]. Beneke, J., Blampied, S., Dewar, N., & Soriano, L. (2016). The impact of market orientation and learning orientation on
organizational performance: A study of small and medium-sized enterprises in Cape Town, South Africa. Journal of Research in
Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 18(1), 90-108.
[5]. Blankson, C & Stokes, S. (2002). Marketing Practices in the UK small business sector. Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 20(1),
49 – 61.
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Abstract: This paper aims at highlighting the potentials and challenges of tourism as an industry in Bangladesh that can be termed as strategic advantage as well as the causes of lower performance and growth in this industry which can be defined as non-strategic performance in decision making and implementation. In this regard, dependent variable is the perceived performance (satisfaction of participants) and two independent variables are participants' perception regarding security and local infrastructure. The study was based on a sample size of 600 local individuals who travel frequently within Bangladesh and have visited at least one foreign country as well as 400 foreign visitors who visited Bangladesh from 2016 to 2017 for different purposes.............
Keywords: Tourists, Tourism, Bangladesh, Competitive advantage, Safety, Infrastructure, Satisfaction.[1]. Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation, 2016.
[2]. Bangladesh Tourism Board, 2016.
[3]. Hasan, S. R. (2005). Marketing publicity and sales promotion for tourism development in Bangladesh. Social Science Review, 19 (2), Dhaka University, Bangladesh.
[4]. Shahid, M. (2004). The tourism fair contributors to Bangladesh Economy. Holiday Aviation, 10, August 31, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[5]. Sarker, M. A. H. and Begum, S. (2013). Marketing strategies for tourism industry in Bangladesh: Emphasize on niche market strategy for attracting foreign tourists. Journal of Arts, Science and Commerce. IV, 1(1), January 2013
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Abstract: The fourth industrial revolution has impacted powerfuly to science and technology, economic and social development. The stable economy depends on the level of national science and technology development. In Viet Nam, the transformation of a growth model based on the intensive use of natural resources into growth based on science, technology and innovation (STI) is an indispensable trend to overcome the middle income trap. This paper will clarify: (i) the content of the fourth industrial revolution (4.0), (ii) the relationship between STI and economic growth, (iii) the policy recommendations to reform Vietnam's economic growth model by appling STI in the context of the fourth industrial revolution.
Keywords: Economic growth model, Fourth industrial revolution[1]. Aghion, P., R. Blundell, R. Griffith, & P. Howitt (2005): "Competition and Innovation: An Inverted–U Relationship " The
Quarterly Journal of Economics 120(2), pp. 701–728.
[2]. Aghion , L. Boustan , C. Hoxby, J. Vandenbussche (March 2009), The Causal Impact of Education on Economic Growth, Harvard
[3]. Bengt-Ake Lundvall (Editor), (Pinter, London, 1992), National Systems of innovation: Towards a theory of innovation and
interactive learning, pp. 317, [UK pound]45 (hardbook) ISBN 1-85567-063-1.
[4]. Carsten Fink and Keith E (2004), Maskus, Intellectual property and development, Lessons from Recent Economic Research, A
copublication of the World Bank and Oxford University Press.
[5]. Cuma Bozkurt (2015), R&D expenditures and economic growth relationship in Turkey, International journal of economics and
financial issues, Vol 5, No 1.
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Abstract: In the dental academe, much like in every field of work and expertise, the need for adequate manpower has been a key to function. In a third-world country like the Philippines, there are underlying factors that make it even more difficult to acquire manpower in an organization. There are challenges in meeting the demands for future dental faculty. In October 2016, a cross-sectional survey was utilized to evaluate the perception of the respondents' regarding the challenges in hiring new dental faculty members in a dental college in the Philippines. A standardized survey form was used to gauge the different domains of the challenges in meeting the demands for future dental faculty. A negative connotation on the overall appearance of the university, research grants, research assistance, and research resources, suggest that improvements should be done to make the teaching jobs in the dental college more appealing to prospective applicants.
Keywords: Challenges, Future Dental Faculty, Meeting Demands, Philippines[1]. Muijs D. Reynolds D. Effective Teaching: Evidence and Practice. SAGE Publications 2005.
[2]. Stenfors‐Hayes T, Hult H, Dahlgren LO. Three ways of understanding development as a teacher. European journal of dental education 2012; 16(1):151-157.
[3]. Hoffman MS. An examination of motivating factors on faculty participation in online higher education.ProQuest LLC 2013.
[4]. Lanzon J, Edwards SP, Inglehart MR. Choosing academia versus private practice: factors affecting oral maxillofacial surgery residents' career choices. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2012; 70 (7):1751-1761.
[5]. John V, Papageorge M, Jahangiri L, Wheater M, Cappelli D, Frazer R, Sohn W. Recruitment, development, and retention of dental faculty in a changing environment. Journal of Dental Education 2011; 75 (1):82-89