Series-2 (March-2019)March 2020 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pullulating & Irreparable Harm of Stress among Students |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prem Knowles S || Dr.Mohan Kumar || Samson Franklin |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103020103 ![]() |
Abstract: Though the technological values has a speedy development, it couldn't be opposed we are making a generation with low esteem. Increase in number of suicide attempts, lack in confidence level, always to depend on others, crazy about mobile world, giving importance to social media friends, living in a fantasy world other than in the reality, giving importance to materialism and the influence of cinemas in life styles direct the students to be as more selfish and leads for the stressed and depressed life.It is the proved truth that the modern education deliver stressed students instead of quality educationalists.High level of stress leads for negative effect on student performance.Klinic Community Health Centre published a book named 'Stress and stress Management, here they mentioned 50 Common Signs and Symptoms of Stress.
Keywords: Stress, educational life, stress signs and symptoms
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze: 1) Communication to job satisfaction at the Office of the Governor of South Sulawesi Province. 2) Organizational innovation on job satisfaction in the office of the Governor of South Sulawesi Province. 3) Organizational commitment to job satisfaction at the Office of the Governor of South Sulawesi Province.4) Communication on employee performance at the Governor's Office of South Sulawesi Province. 5) Organizational innovation on employee performance in the office of the Governor of South Sulawesi Province. 6) Organizational commitment to employee performance in the office of the Governor of South Sulawesi Province. 7) Job satisfaction........
Keywords: Communication, innovation, organizational commitment,job satisfaction employee performance.
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Abstract: The research presented an exploratory and descriptive analysis of the problem and prospect of Bangladesh national museum. These data, therefore, offer an opportunity to look at the improvement of the museum and its visitors. Identification of the aesthetic-related issues on National Museum of Bangladesh regarding museum marketing is critical because the knowledge of visitors is very little; the administration of the museum also has a little knowledge of museum marketing and the archeologist have no knowledge and no panic in museum marketing. These are variables whose effect is so widespread that the validity of our survey can be seriously affected if they are not taken into account.......
Keywords: Museum, Service Marketing, Nonprofit Marketing, and Museum Marketing
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Abstract: The application of classification models in credit rating of banking customers has been investigated in the present paper. Credit rating is one of the main applications of data mining in banking industry. The customers' creditworthiness can be evaluated through credit ratings. The data related to banking customers is very huge, and various classification techniques can be used to explore the hidden pattern and knowledge in data set through data mining. Several studies have been performed on the use of data mining and classification techniques in credit rating of banking customers. After preparing and preprocessing the data using C5 decision tree algorithm in this paper, the.......
Keywords: Data mining, Credit Rating, Decision Tree
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Artificial Intelligence through Human Resource – A Descriptive Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.R.V.Suganya || G.Venkateshwaran |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103022932 ![]() |
Abstract: Many human mental activities such as developing computer programs, working out mathematics, engaging in common sense reasoning, understanding languages and interpreting it, even driving an automobile are said to demand ―intelligence‖. Several computer systems have been built that can perform tasks such as these. Also there are specially developed computers systems that can diagnose disease, solve quadratic equations, and understand human speech and natural language text. We can say that all such systems possess certain degree of artificial intelligence. The central point of all such activities and systems is that ―How to think‖ or rather ―How to make system think‖. The process of thinking has various steps like perceive, understand, predict and manipulate a world that is.........
[3]. World Economic Forum
[5]. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, 1e Paperback – 2002..
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Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of International Maritime Organization (IMO) which adopted the Ballast Water Management (BWM) Convention in 2004 in order to curb the number of invasive species spread by ships' ballast water. Since that time, 14 sets of guidelines and one mandatory code have been developed to address the complicated issue of validation and compliance testing for ballast water treatment. At present, more than 70 ballast water management systems (BWMS) have received type approval from their respective Administrations following........
Keywords: Ballast Water, Enviroment, Regulation, Shipping, Human Health
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Abstract: In this study, the relationship between employee performance management and productivity was examined; using medium scale enterprises in the three industrial zones of Awka, Nnewi and Onitsha in Anambra State as the study area. Designed as a descriptive survey, an item structured instrument in a Likert scale format was used to elicit information from a sample of 320 senior employees selected across the stated industrial zones in the state. Major tools of analysis were summary statistics of percentages, correlation and multiple regression (OLS). The correlation analysis showed there was no multicollinearity among the independent variables. Also, the results of the regression analysis showed that overall, regression model is statistically significant, valid and fit for predictive purposes. Regression........
Keywords: Employee performance, employee productivity, performance appraisal, remuneration,incentives, recognition, good working conditions
[1]. Akinyele, S.T. (2010). Performance appraisal systems and employee performance in private universities in Nigeria: a study of Crawford University, Igbesa, Nigeria.
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Abstract: The study analyzed the effects of legislation by the directorate of criminal investigations on economic crimes in Kenya. Descriptive design was adopted and a target population of all the 296 employees working as investigators at the Directorate of Criminal Investigations Headquarters Investigations Bureau. A census was conducted with acompletion success rate of 73% (216/296) respondents where Information was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire. STATA version 15 was used to process and analyze the data. Descriptive statistics were presented in the form......
Keywords: Legislation, Economic Crimes, Investigation
[1]. Bhusal, D. R. (2009). Economic Crime: Law and Legal Practice in the context of Nepal. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Faculty of Economics and Business administration of Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on the relationship between employee motivation and work performance |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Sharaeva Elvina || Liu Zhi Chao |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103025968 ![]() |
Abstract: Motivation is able to make employees to work hard, to pay more time and to encourage organizations to engage their employees in work to attain a common organizational and employee goal. Work motivation (intrinsic & extrinsic) and employee performance is the тain issues for today's management and often considered as useful tool for employee performance. This study explores any positive, negative, neutral or no relationship between (Intrinsic & Extrinsic) motivation and employee performance of VTB Bank of Russia. Moreover, this study examines the impact of (intrinsic & extrinsic) motivation on employee performance........
Keywords: Motivation, Intrinsic & Extrinsic motivation, Employee perfomanсе.
[1]. Heckhausen, J. & Heckhausen, H. (2008). Motivation and Action. Cambridge University Press, USA
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[5]. Williams, M. & Burden, R.L. (1997). Psychology for Language Teachers: A Social Constructivist Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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Abstract: Retirement preparedness is realized from a deliberate planning process for the perceived time when an individual exit employer organization. Although the process should start long before the actual separation, some employees take retirement preparedness seriously while many others prepare inadequately or not at all. There is therefore need for prudent management of retirement transition by organizations in achieving their key result areas through promotion of sound human resource practices. Such practices should influence individual employee‟s retirement behaviours in order to empower planning for the separation eventuality and hence retirement preparedness. The.......
Keywords: Employee; Separation; Planning, Retirement; Preparedness; Teachers:
[1]. Anderson, C., & Weber, J. (1993). Preretirement planning and perceptions of satisfaction among retirees. Educational Gerontology, 19, 397-406.
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[5]. Bamberger, P. A. (2014). Winding Down and Boozing Up: The Complex Link Between Retirement and Alcohol Misuse. Work, Aging and Retirement, 00(00), pp. 1–20.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY):-Woman Empowerment in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Santosh Kumar Tripathi |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2103028183 ![]() |
Abstract: Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana is an ambitious social welfare scheme of Narendra Modi Government launched on 1st May 2017 from Ballia in Uttar Pradesh. Under the PM Ujjwala Yojana, the government aims to provide LPG connections to BPL households in the country. The scheme is aimed at replacing the unclean cooking fuels mostly used in the rural India with the clean and more efficient LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). In India, the poor have limited access to cooking gas (LPG).The spread of LPG cylinders has been predominantly in the urban and semi-urban areas with the coverage mostly in middle class and affluent households. But there are serious health hazards associated with cooking based on fossil fuels. According to WHO estimates about 5 lakh deaths in India alone due to unclean cooking fuels? Most of these premature deaths were due to non-communicable......
Keywords: Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana, Focus of the Government for Woman Empowerment in India, Socio- Economic aspects of India, Success of Ujjwala Yojana.
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