Series-4 (February-2019)February-2019 Issue Statistics
Ser 1 Ser 2 Ser 3 Ser 4 Ser 5 Ser 6 Ser 7 Ser 8 Ser 9
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Abstract: Bangladesh in the 21st century has been experiencing a revolutionary emergence in her educational sector. Her educational institutes including primary schools, secondary schools, higher secondary institutes and tertiary colleges are being nationalized gradually. As a result, especially the tertiary colleges are receiving prominent attention from the educational department of the government for they are to perform momentous responsibility in transforming the youths into skilled manpower. In this situation, the Heads of the different departments at the tertiary colleges are by default in challenging positions to effectuate efficacious leadership in terms of realizing effective instructions. Their..........
Key Words: Head of the Department, Instructional Leadership, Tertiary Colleges in Bangladesh, Challenges, Solutions
[1]. Jones, G.D. (2011). Academic Leadership and Departmental Headship in Turbulent Times, Tertiary Education and Management, 17:4, 279-288, DOI: 10.1080/13583883.2011.605906
[2]. Hammond, P. (1999). How can a Head of Department Affect the Quality of Teaching and Learning? TTA Teacher – Researcher Grant Project 1997/98.
[3]. Goodwin, R.D., Jacobi, F., Thefeld, W., (2003). Mental disorders and asthma in the community. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry, 1125–1130.
[4]. Mason, V.P.,(2013). Challenges to Instructional Leadership Practices: Superintendent and Principals' Experiences. A Thesis, Degree of Doctor of Education. University of Calgary, Alberta.
[5]. Middlehurst, R. and Woodfield, S. (2004). The Role of Transnational, Private, and For-Profit Provision in Meeting Global Demand for Tertiary Education: Mapping, Regulation and Impact: Case Study: Bangladesh. Commonwealth of Learning 1285 West Broadway, Suite 600 Vancouver, BC V6H 3X8 Canada.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Advancing Functional Adult Literacy through Mobile Technology in Ethiopia |
Country | : | Ethiopia |
Authors | : | Jemal Shanko || Tilaye Kassahun |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2402040921 ![]() |
Abstract: In today‟s increasingly inter-connected and technologically advanced world within which lifelong learning takes place, internationally & continentally agreed goals-EFA, SDGsand CESAhave provided new contexts for adult education. Mobiles are being used as key tools to promote individualized learning apart from their role in communication like in updating knowledge and skills related to their job and interests by saving travel costs and allowing a flexible schedule. The main purpose of this study was to assess the status of the literacy level and the situation of literacy environment to integrate mobile technology in adult literacy program in the selected districts of the target regions..........
Keywords: functional adult literacy, literacy, M-learning
[1]. CONFINTEA 6 (2009). The 6th International Conference on Adult Education, 2009). Nairobi, Kenya
[2]. CSA (2012). Central Statistical Agency, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Agricultural Simple Survey, 2012-2013
[3]. ESDP V (2016-2020). Education Sector Development Program. Program Action Plan, Ethiopia
[4]. ETP (1994). Education and training Policy. MoE, Ethiopia.
[5]. MoE (2014). Education Sector Development Program. Ministry of Education, 2014
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Abstract: This study provides a fair value on construction work contracts; the legal service standards for default against construction service providers; the implementation of fines to default on a construction work contract that is fair to the construction service provider. The type of research that will be conducted is descriptive research with the type of combination between normative legal research and sociological legal research related to fines sanctions due to defaults on construction work contracts in a justice perspective..
Key Words: Construction Work Contracts, Construction Service Providers
[1]. Aburaera, S., Husen, L. O., Mustamin, H., & Masturi, R. (2017). The Natural of Justice in the Procurement of Land for General Interests in the National Development Framework. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), 3(9), 155-160.
[2]. Ali, A. (2009). Menguak Teori Hukum (Legal Theory) dan Teori Peradilan (Judicialprudence): Termasuk Interpretasi Undang-Undang (Legisprudence) (Vol. 1). Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.
[3]. Asshiddiqie, J. (12 April 2011). Re: Pesan Konstitusional Keadilan Sosial
[4]. Asshiddiqie, J., & Safa'at, M. A. (2006). Teori Hans Kelsen tentang Hukum. Jakarta: Konstitusi Press.
[5]. Attamimi, A. H. S. (1993). Hukum tentang Peraturan Perundang-undangan dan Peraturan Kebijakan (Hukum Tata Pengaturan). Paper presented at the Pidato Purna Bakti Guru Besar Tetap Fakultas Hukum UI, Jakarta.
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Abstract: The main objective of this study is 1) to find out the nature of corporate accountability in criminal law 2) to find out the regulation of criminal sanctions in the criminal justice system 3) to find out about law enforcement against corporate criminal acts. The study was conducted by utilizing the availability of good references in the form of literature in the form of laws, books, court decisions to information on social media combined with conducting a series of interviews with competent parties for the purpose of this study. This research was conducted in Jakarta and Makassar. This research is a legal research study that will examine Rechtsdogmatiek (dogmatic law). Rechtstheorie (legal theory), and Rechtsfilosofie (legal philosophy).
Key Words: Nature of Corporate Accountability, Criminal Sanction, Criminal Acts, Law Enforcements
[1]. Aburaera, S., Husen, L. O., Mustamin, H., & Masturi, R. (2017). The Natural of Justice in the Procurement of Land for General Interests in the National Development Framework. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), 3(9), 155-160.
[2]. Akbar, A., & Husen, L. O. (2018). Implication of Trims Agreements in International Trade and Relationship with Legal Development in Indonesia. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 7(1), 1484-1488.
[3]. Ali, A. (2009). Menguak Teori Hukum (Legal Theory) dan Teori Peradilan (Judicialprudence): Termasuk Interpretasi Undang-Undang (Legisprudence) (Vol. 1). Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group.
[4]. Ali, M. (2015). Asas-Asas Hukum Pidana Korporasi. Jakarta: Rajawali Pers.
[5]. Ali, Z. (2008). Sosiologi Hukum. Jakarta: Sinar Grafika.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | History of the Settlement of Arabs In Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | MamanLesmana |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2402046973 ![]() |
Abstract: In Indonesia, both in the cities and in the villages, there are many people whose faces look like Arabs. Actually, they are indeed descendants of Arabs, but they were born in Indonesia. These Arab descendants have lived for a long time in Indonesia in a downward manner, forming a community and sporadically occupying certain regions of Indonesia. They don't only work as traders, but also as educators and hold important positions in the government. It has been debated where they came from due to there are so many Arab countries. This article will explain the arrival of the first Arabs who came to Indonesia using several different theories.
Key Words: Arab, Indonesia, Hadhramaut, social, culture
[1]. Abushouk, Ahmed Ibrahim dan Hassan Ahmed Ibrahim, 2009, The Hadhrami Diaspora in Southeast Asia: IdentityMaintenance or Assimilation? Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV
[2]. Eliraz,Giora, 2004, Islam in Indonesia: Modernism, Radicalism, and the Middle East Dimension, Inggris: Sussex Academic Press
[3]. Feener, R. Michael danTerenjitSevea, 2009, Islamic connections: Muslim societies in South and Southeast Asia, Singapura: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
[4]. Jacobsen, FrodeFadnes, 2009, Hadrami Arabs in Present-Day Indonesia, New York: Routledge
[5]. Kesheh, Natalie Mobini , 1999, The Hadrami Awakening, New York:AmerikaSerikat :SEAP Publications