Abstract: Thermal loads are very important factor in designing silos wall and can't be neglected, so it is necessary for many codes to maintain and study the effect of thermal loads in design. The evaluation of design and construction practices is an essential step in the development of design code for reinforced concrete (RC) silos, especially in the arid zones. The program of study presents some computational analysis of temperature fields and thermal effects occurring in RC silos. This study was conducted specially for this purpose and comprises two major programs. The first program is used to estimate the additional bending moment of silo structures under the effect of temperature differences over several silo wall thicknesses. In this regard, the computer program of Finite Element Model (FEM) using SAP2000 and American Concrete Institute (ACI) code were conducted to establish the current conditions of the silos...........
Keywords - RC model, SAP model, RC silo, Design evaluation of RC silo, Thermal loads
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