Version-4 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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Abstract: Nursing students are future health manpower. In order to fulfill nursing role, nursing students need to be trained in such a way to develop positive attitudes toward needy people and having high self-esteem. Aim:ToassessRelationship between attitudes toward mental illness, self esteem and Studying Psychiatric Course among Nursing Students. Design: Descriptive correlation, "Comparative (Case control study)" design was used to conduct this study. Setting: Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University. Sample: A purposive sample consisted of 200 students divided into two equal groups (100 a psychiatric group and 100 a non psychiatric group)...............
Keywords: Attitudes toward mental illness, Nursing students, Self-esteem.
[1]. M.H. Abo El magd&L. Al Zamil, Medical and Non-Medical Female Students' Attitudes toward Mental Illness and Psychiatric Patientsat Umm Al Qura University. Life Science Journal. 10(2), 2013, 882-888. [2]. E. Chaves ,, T. Simão,I. Oliveira ,I. Souza , D.Iunes& D. Nogueira,Assessment of nursing students' selfesteem at a university in the South of Minas Gerais (Brazil). Invest EducEnferm. 31(2):261-269.
[3]. E. Chris ,M. Pais,S.P. Kumar ,&V. Sisodia, Perceived Self-Esteem amongst First-Year Nursing Students - A Cross-Sectional Survey. International Journal of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (IJHRS).2012 (1)2: 74.
[4]. M. Dako-Gyeke& E. Sowah,Stigmatization and Discrimination Experiences of Persons with Mental Illness: Insights from a Qualitative Study in Southern Ghana. Social Work & Society Journal; 2013, 1(11): 1.
[5]. E. Dawood , Impact of Clinical Placement on Nursing Students' Attitudes towards Psychiatry. Journal of American Science. 8(2): 2012, 627-632]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).
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Abstract: The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and job stress among academic members at faculty of nursing - Cairo University. A convenient sample of 40 academic members at faculty of nursing was recruited in the current study. A descriptive correlational research design was utilized in this study. This research was carried out at the Faculty of Nursing, Cairo University. Three tools were used to collect data of this study include: Socio- demographic data questionnaire, Job Stress Questionnaire and Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire. The findings of the present study revealed that, the majority of academic members had job stress (95%)................
Keywords: Faculty member, job stress, emotional intelligence
[1]. Abbas, S., Roger, A., & Asadullah, M. (2012). Impact of Organizational Role Stressors on Faculty Stress & Burnout (An Exploratory Analysis of a Public Sector University of Pakistan).4`eme colloque international (ISEOR - AOM), Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, France.
[2]. Agarwal, R., & Sharma, P. (2015). Study of How Emotional Intelligence Reduces Occupational Stress among Faculties. International Journal in Management and Social Science, Vol.03 Issue-02.
[3]. El-Sayed, S., El –Zeiny, H., & Adeyemo, D. (2014). Relationship between Occupational Stress, Emotional Intelligence, and Self-Efficacy among Faculty Members in Faculty of Nursing Zagazig University, Egypt. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, Vol. 4, No. 4.
[4]. Arora, S., Russ, S., Petrides, K., Sirimanna, P., Aggarwal, R., & Darzi, A. (2011). Emotional intelligence and stress in medical students performing surgical tasks. Journal of Academic Medicine. 86(10):1311–7.
[5]. Azman I., Ahmad B., Abdul G., Muhammad S., & Mohd H. (2015). Relationship between Occupational Stress, Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance: An Empirical Study in Malaysia. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences; 6(4):647-655.
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Abstract: Ventilator-associated pneumonia is the foremost validation for incessant oral cleanliness. The most important strategy for reducing VAP is improving oral hygiene. The present study aimed to examine the effect of chlorhexidine solution formula on oral health status and occurrence of ventilator - associated pneumonia among intubated intensive care unit patients. Study design: A quasi-experimental design was utilized. Study sitting: The study was conducted at chest intensive care Unit at Ain Shams University Hospital. Study sample: The convenience sample of 50 patients were randomly and alternatively divided into two equal groups (study& control), 25 subjects each...............
Keywords: Chlorhexidine, Oral health, Ventilator-associated pneumonia.
[1]. Samuelson K.A. Adult intensive care patients' perception of endotracheal tube-related discomforts: a prospective evaluation. Heart Lung, (2011) 40: 49-55.
[2]. Grap M.J., Munro C.L. Preventing ventilator-associated pneumonia: evidence-based care. Critical Care Nursing Clinics of North America. (2004); 16: 349-358.
[3]. Berry A., Davidson P., Masters J. Patients receiving mechanical ventilation systematic literature review of oral hygiene practices for intensive care. Am J Crit Care (2007) 16: 552-562.
[4]. Fathy A., Abdelhafeez R., Abd Elhafez S., Elhafez S.A.A. Analysis of ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP) studies in Egyptian University Hospitals, Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis (2013) 62: 17-25.
[5]. Seweilam N. Ventilator associated pneumonia in Mansoura university hospitals: incidence, risk factors and control, M.Sc. Thesis in Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University (2003).
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Abstract: Objectives: To identify the existence of instruments to assess the quality of life of parents of children with cancer and to gather the most common effects that occur in them. Methods: Integrative review study of literature on the Quality of Life Parents of children with cancer, to search the database on the website of Virtual Health Library, which houses the MEDLINE and LILACS selecting articles from 2012 to 2016. Results: Sixty-one publications were found after processing the exclusion, only seven of them met the pre-established inclusion criteria. Most of the 7 studies that composed this review 4 were in the English language and 3 in Portuguese and used the following questionnaires: Family Symptom Inventory, Whoqol-Bref and the Zarit Scale, Shirom-Melamed Burnout Questionnaire, Families Scale Scores...............
Keywords: Caregivers, Child, Nursing, Quality of life, Surveys and Questionnaires, Neoplasms
[1]. N Choenyi,M Kumari, S Choedon, M Kumari, S Kumari, I Kumari, S Kumari S Charan and K Bala, Knowledge Regarding III Effects of Chemotherapy and Its Home Management among patients Receiving Chemotherapy, IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science, 5(3), 2016, 25-29.
[2]. EARE Santo, MAM Gaiva, MM Espinosa, DA Barbosa and AGS Belasco,Taking Care of Children With Cancer: Evaluation of the Caregivers' Burden and Quality of Life,Rev.Latino-Am.Enfermagem, 19(3), 2011, 515-522.
[3]. ARM Beck and MHBM Lopes, Caregiver role strain in caregivers of children with cancer, Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 60(5), 2007, 513-518.
[4]. MLC Duarte, LN Zanini,MNB Nedel, The daily routine of parents of children hospitalized with cancer: nursing challenges. Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem, 33(3), 2012, 111- 118.
[5]. VA Angerami, E a psicologia entraram no hospital (São Paulo, Pioneira Thomson Learning, 2003).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pituitary Abnormalization of Mice (Mus Musculus) with Exposure to Kretek cigarette |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Jamhariyah,SST.,M.Kes |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1959-0601043944 ![]() |
Abstract: This research aims to study the effects of kretek cigarette smoke exposure on pituitary abnormalizationof mice (mus musculus). This research was a laboratory experiment with post test experimental and control group design (posttest only control group design). The study was conducted in subjects with various dose of smoke on Group K as a control group without given any cigarette. The treatment group (P) P1 is divided into groups given cigarette smoke of 1 dose/24 hours. P2 group was given 2 cigarette smoke dosage/24 hours. P3 group was given smoke of 3 dosage/24 hours...............
Keywords: Pituitary abnormalization, tobacco smoke exposure
[1]. Campbell DT dan Stanley JC, 2003. Experimental Design for Research Rand. Chicago : Mc Nally College Publishing Company.
[2]. Cochran W.G, 2001. Teknik Penarikan Sampel, Edisi Ketiga. Terjemahan Rusdiansyah. Jakarta : Penerbit Universitas Indonesia.
[3]. Dorland, 2005, Kamus Kedokteran, Edisi ke dua puluh delapan, EGC, Jakarta. Hal 726 - 727.
[4]. Ganong WF, 2010. Review of Medical Physiology, 19th ed. Stand Ford Connecticut:
[5]. Ganong, WF. 2003, Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran, Edisi 20, EGC, Jakarta Hal. 417-431.
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Abstract: Umbilical cord infection is one of the highest causes of baby's deathin developing countries with high infant mortality rate. The umbilical cord may become the site for bacteria colonization that can cause infections such as omphalitis and neonatal sepsis. Umbilical cord care using milk containing anti-infective and anti-inflammatory topical can accelerate the separationtime of the umbilical cord and prevent infection in neonatal period. The purpose of this study to determine the effectiveness of breast milk topical administration compared to dry treatment in terms of the duration of umbilical cord separation.This study is a clinical trial with a randomized clinical trial design...............
Keywords: Topical breastmilk, dry care, time of umbilical cord separation
[1]. World Health Organization. 1998. Care of The Umbilical Cord: A Review of The Evidence. Geneva: WHO.
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[5]. Mullany, L.C,, Darmstadt, G,. Khatry, S.K., Katz, J., Leclerq, S., Shresth, S.H., Adhikari, R. &Tielsch, J.M. 2007. Risk factors for umbilical cord infection among newborns of Southern Nepal.Am J Epidemiol,165:203-211.
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Abstract: Background: At King Faisal Specialist Hospital & RC. The percentage of female chronic pelvic pain increased between all women's who visited the Ob/Gyn according to the departmental monthly report.Clinic. The good news is that physicians and patients have become more aware of the important role that PT plays in the diagnosis and treatment of female chronic pelvic pain.
Study Design: the case study was used to high light the role of physical therapy in the treatment of chronic pelvic pain and sexual dysfunction................
[1]. Brain Budgell, Guidelines to the writing of case studies, J Can Chiropr Assoc. 2008, 52 (4):199-204.
[2]. Lamvu G, Williams R, Zolnoun D. Long-term outcomes after surgical and nonsurgical management of chronic pelvic pain: one year after evaluation in a pelvic pain specialty clinic. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2006; 195(2):591-598.
[3]. Tu FF, Holt J, Gonzales J, Fitzgerald CM. Physical therapy evaluation of patients with chronic pelvic pain: a controlled study. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2008; 198(3):272.e1-272.e7.
[4]. Wurn LJ, Wurn BF, King CR, Roscow AS, Scharf ES, Shuster JJ. Increasing orgasm and decreasing dyspareunia by a manual physical therapy technique. MedGenMed. 2004; 6(4):47.
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Abstract: Background: Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) counterpulsation is the most widely used therapy for support of a compromised left ventricle. Therefore, critical care nurses not only have to know how to monitor and operate the IABP, but also to provide interventions for preventing possible complications. Objective of the study: To evaluate the effect of implementing intra-aortic balloon pump teaching program on critical care nurse's knowledge and practice. Research design: Pre/post research design was used to conduct the study. Convenience samples of 40 nurses were included in the current study...............
Keywords: Knowledge, practice, teaching program, IABP, critical care nurse
[1]. Abdel naeem M. (2015) .Effect of implementing CPR teaching program on knowledge and skills of critical care nurses at Assiut university hospital.Doctoral thesis,.
[2]. Abdkader, L. M., & Ali, N. S. (2012). Critical Care Nurses' Knowledge and Practice of Fever Management at a University Hospital. Journal of American Science, 8(12), 1545-1553.
[3]. Abdullah, E., Mohammed, W., & Ismail, (2014). Nurses' Knowledge and Practices about Administration of Medications via Nasogastric Tube among Critically Ill Patients. Journal of Education and Practice, 5(1), 147
[4]. Alshonee S, Elsayed E, Elsharkawy H and Mohamed A. (2014) Effect of educational training about cardiopulmonary resuscitation on pediatric nurses' practice International Journal of Current Research Vol. 6, Issue, 09, p.8781-8788,
[5]. Aly A, (2010) Impact of a Basic life Support Training Program on nurses' Knowledge and Performance at Emergency Room. Doctorate thesis. Faculty of Nursing. Port Saied University
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Abstract: Awareness, knowledge and attitude about hypertension have been indicated to influence practice of healthy lifestyle which has implications for hypertension prevention and control. Awareness of predisposing factors of a disease and the people's perception of its seriousness informs their decision on whether or not to adopt preventive measures. This study was designed to assess the effects of a Community Health Nurse-Led Intervention (CHNI) on awareness and perception of residents of Isunjaba, Imo State, Nigeria on hypertension. The study adopted a quasi-experimental design................
Keywords: Hypertension, Health-education, Rural Dwellers, Nurse-Led intervention, Prevention.
[1] Jolly, S. 2010. Higher Cardiovascular disease prevalence and mortality among younger blacks compared to whites. Am J Med 9: 811-8.
[2] Okpechi, I. G., Chukwuonye, I. I., Toffin, N., Madukwe, O. O., Onyeonoro, U. U., Umeizudike, T. I., and Ogah O, S. 2013. Blood pressure gradients and cardiovascular risk factors in urban and rural populations in South East Nigeria using WHO STEPwise approach.PLoS 8; 9:e73403
[3] Kadiri, S. 2005. Tackling cardiovascular diseases in Africa. BJM [West African Edition, 8.]331:771 -772.
[4] Ike, S. O, Aniebue, P. N. and Aniebue, U. U. 2010. Knowledge, perception and practices of lifestyle - modification measures among adult hypertensive in Nigeria. Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 104; 1: 55 – 60.
[5] Dalal, S., Beunza, J. J., Volmink, J., Adebamowo, C., Bajunirwe, F., Njelekela, M., Holmes, M. D. 2011. Non-communicable diseases in sub-Saharan Africa: what we know now. International Journal of Epidemiology, 40;4: 885–901. doi:10.1093/ije/dyr050
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Abstract: The study was designed to investigate the cessation factors associated with the exclusive breastfeeding in the Miramichi region. It was a descriptive cross-sectional and analytical study, which took place from 2011 to 2014. A total of 294 mothers and their 294 children aged from 0 to 42 months constituted the study population.The data collection concerning the breastfeeding in infant was done by questionnaire addressed to the parents. A multivariate statistical analysis was realized to identify the determinants of the exclusive breastfeeding cessation...............
Keywords: Exclusive breastfeeding, duration, associated factors, six months, Miramichi
[1] World Health Organization (WHO). The optimal duration of exclusive breastfeeding: Report of an expert consultation. Geneva, Switzerland: Department of nutrition for health and development and department of child and adolescent health and development; 2001.
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Abstract: The more psychologically healthy the nursing students are, the more likely they will be productive and successful in their academic and clinical training. Communication skills used in nursing to provide emotional support, information and feedback, giving hope to patients, and help them to cope with anxiety. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between psychological wellbeing and communication styles among Medical-surgical university student. A descriptive -correlation study was conducted on 174 nursing students who were enrolled in Medical- Surgical Nursing III at Medical- Surgical department, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University................
Keywords: Psychological wellbeing, Communication styles.
[1] Ayub N. The relationship between personal growth initiatives, psychological distress, and psychological well-being among adolescents.Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 2012; 1(6):
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Abstract: Objectives: To describe the nursing care plan from the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) diagnoses, prescribed to gastric adenocarcinoma patients in the first nursing consultation carried out at the ambulatory of the Brazilian National Cancer Institute and to characterize the sociodemographic and clinical profile of these patients.
Methods: Observational, descriptive and prospective study based on medical records during the first nursing consultation to gastric adenocarcinoma patients assisted at the Multidisciplinary Ambulatory Group for Research and Treatment of Gastric Cancer................
Keywords: Oncology nursing– Nursing diagnosis–Outpatient healthcare–Adenocarcinoma–Gastric neoplasms
[1]. J. A. Ajani, J. S. Barthel, D. J. Bentrem et al, Esophageal and esophagogastric junction cancers, J Natl ComprCancNetw, 9(8), 2011, 830-887.
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Abstract: Objectives: To provide the hemodialysis patients with health instructions about fatigue management; and to find out the relationships between patients' knowledge and their physical aspects Methods: A quasi-experimental design by application of two-group pre-test-post-test. The study was conducted at Imam Hussein Medical City/ Habib Ibn-Mudahir AL-Asadi centre, from (23st March, 2016 up to the 27th August, 2016). A non-probability sample consisted of (50) hemodialysis patients whose aged (≤ 60) years. The instrument validity was determined through content validity, by a panel of experts. Reliability of the instrument was determined through pilot study. Analysis of data was performed through the application of descriptive statistics) and inferential statistics................
Keywords: Effectiveness, Hemodialysis, Fatigue.
[1]. Johansen K. L., Painter P., Exercise in individuals with CKD. Am. J. Kidney Dis. Vol. 59, 2012, Pp. 126–134 [PMC free article].
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[4]. Ann Horigan, Judith Rocchiccioli, and Donna Trimm; Dialysis and Fatigue: Implications for Nurses -A Case Study Analysis, Med-surg Nurs. J.; Vol.21, No.(3) , 2012: Pp. 158–175.
[5]. Amy G. Williams, Patricia B. Crane, and Daria Kring, Fatigue in African American Women on Hemodialysis, Nephrology Nursing Journal, Vol. 34, No. 6, 2007.
[6]. Vajihe Biniaz, Ali Tayybi, Eghlim Nemati, Mehdi Sadeghi Shermeh, Abbas Ebadi: Different Aspects of Fatigue Experienced by Patients Receiving Maintenance Dialysis in Hemodialysis Units, Nephro-Urology Monthly; Vol. 5, No.(4), 2013, Pp.:897-900.
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Abstract: Introduction: Enteral nutrition is the preferred feeding method for those patients with normal functioning gastrointestinal tracts (5) as comatose patients, patients breathing with the assistance of a mechanical ventilator and premature infants. Patient outcomes are affected by nursing care quality. Thus, improvements in patient safety can be achieved by improving nurse performance. Major attention must be focused on nurse's knowledge and performance regarding nasogastric tube because nurses have the major responsibility for providing patients with their essential nutrients without causing complications................
Keywords: Nasogastric tube –– nurses' knowledge – nurses Performance
[1]. Lima, P.A.; Carvalho, M.; Costa, A.C.; Moreira, M.E. Variables associated with extra uterine growth restriction in very low birth weight infants. J. Pediatr. 2014, 90, 22–27. [CrossRef] [PubMed].
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[4]. Loys, C.M.; Maucort-Boulch, D.; Guy, B.; Putet, G.; Picaud, J.C.; Hays, S. Extremely ill: How neonatal intensive care unit teams can reduce postnatal malnutrition and prevent growth retardation. Acta Paediatr. 2013, 102, 242–248. [CrossRef] [PubMed].
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