Abstract: Cesarean delivery is a major abdominal surgery associated with some changes in the autonomic nervous system post-operatively, which lead to decreasing intestinal motility, delay of bowel function and postoperative ileus. Gum chewing is an inexpensive, safe and non-medicinal therapy option to provide the advantages of early stimulation of the intestinal function after cesarean delivery. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of chewing sugar free gum on intestinal function after cesarean section. Method: A quasi-experimental design was utilized. Sample:A purposive sample of 200 primiparous women was taken immediately after cesarean section.Setting:The study was carried out at University and Teaching Hospital at Shebin El-Kom. Instruments: A structured interviewing questionnaire, Post-operative intestinal function parameters.......
Keywords: Cesarean Section (CS), Chewing Gum, Intestinal Function
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