Version-6 (Jan-Feb 2018)
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Abstract: Diabetes is a metabolic disorder with major complication associated with hyperglycemia, inflammation, foot ulcer, Nerve disorders and sexual depression Plant medicines are readily used in combination rather than in a single form to get maximum benefit from their combined potential. . Therefore a polyherbal suspension containing alcoholic extract of rhizomes of Curcuma caesia, Roxb whole plant of Evolvulus alsinoide ,seeds of Citrullus lanatus , leaves of Gymnema sylvestre, stems of Tinospora cordiofolia, fruits of Withania coagulans and seeds of Caesalpenia bonduc was prepared and evaluated for its antidiabetic activity. Antidiabetic activity was studied in Alloxan induced diabetic rats.............
Keywords: Antidiabetic activity, polyherbal formulation, Alloxan induced, OGTT, medicinal plant
[1] Vats V, Yadav S.P, JK Grover, Ethanolic extract of Ocimum sanctum leaves partially attenuates streptozotocin-induced alterations in glycogen content and carbohydrate metabolism in rats, J Ethnopharmacol, 90, 2004,155–60.
[2] Kumar GP, Arulselvan P, Kumar S, Subramanian SP, Anti-diabetic activity of fruits of Terminalia chebula on streptozotocin induced diabetic rats, J Health Sci. 52, 2006, 283–91.
[3] Bristol- mayer Squib Foundation , 2012
[4] Srivastava S, Lal VK, Pant KK, Polyherbal formulations based on Indian medicinal plants as antidiabetic phytotherapeutics. Phytopharmacology.2,2012,1–15.
[5] M. Chandira*, B.Jayakar. Formulation and evaluation of herbal tablets containing ipomoea digitata linn. Extract. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 3, (1), 2010
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Abstract: The aim of the study is developing women health in association with the use of probiotics as an adjuvant therapy in vaginitis treatment. The study is open label, randomized trial, pilot study conducted during the period of 6 months, it involved 37 women of child- bearing age (18-55) who were diagnosed as vaginitis either bacterial, fungal or trichomonial, each of them were randomly prescribed an antimicrobial with probiotics or an antibiotic/anti-fungal alone, labeled under two groups- group A (with probiotic) and group B (antibiotic/anti-fungal alone). Each subject was followed up to a period of 28 days. The swab test was done on day1 for diagnosis and repeated the swab test on day 28 for checking out the improvement and to monitor the recurrence. ECOFLORA, BIFILAC, BIOVAG are the different brands of probiotics used in the study along with local or oral antibiotic/anti-fungal. The 6-month cure rate for vaginitis in group A was 90.9% and group B was 33.33%. Among all the probiotics prescribed, ECOFLORA.............
Keywords: vaginitis, antibiotics, recurrence, probiotics, antimicrobial, antifungal.
[1]. Probiotics In Treatment Of (Vaginal Yeast Infection) Vvc And (Bacterial Vaginosis) By Franco Vicariotto Et.Al, Corporate Collaberations 2015.
[2]. Sarah Cribby, Michelle Taylor, and Gregor Reid. Vaginal Microbiota and the Use of Probiotics. 2008; 2008: 256490. Interdiscip Perspect Infect Dis. Published online 2009 Mar 29. doi: 10.1155/2008/256490 PMCID: PMC2662373
[3]. Collado, Carmen; Jalonen, Lotta; Meriluoto, Jussi; Salminen, Seppo - Protection mechanism of probiotic combination against human pathogens: in vitro adhesion to human intestinal mucus. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition : Southbank 15.4 (Dec 2006): 570-5.
[4]. Eschenbach Da, Hillier Sl - Advances In Diagnostic Testing For Vaginitis And
[5]. Cervicitis. J Reprod Med. 1989 Aug;34(8 Suppl):555-64; Discussion 564-5. Review
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Abstract: Introduction: Anesthesia is state of temporary induced loss of sensation which is used during surgeries. Aim: To estimate the drug wastage and cost of different anesthetics. Method: A Prospective observational study was done in a secondary care hospital of OBG and general surgeon department. The data was categorized based on different parameters like gender, age, prescribing drugs during hospital stay, route of administration, drug left and cost of drug left of anesthesia during hospital stay, types of operations and project appraisal. Result: Among all the 150 cases, the most commonly used anesthetic drug was bupivacaine in the age group of 20-30 years which was observed mostly in females. The drug wastage and cost analysis was observed in the following pattern of bupivacaine (50%) (Rs.876.85............
Keywords: anesthetics, drug wastage, cost analysis.
[1]. Rejitha Thomas *, AnudeepManne , Vinod Reddy . D, Gopinath. Drug Utilization Pattern of Anesthetics in a Tertiary care Hospital Volume 6, Issue 2: March-April: 2017, 148-154
[2]. R. Komatsu,A. M. Turan, M. Orhan-Sungur, J. McGuire,O. C. Radke and C. C. Apfel Remifentanil for general anaesthesia: a systematic review Anaesthesia, 2007, 62, pages 1266–1280 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2044.2007.05221.x
[3]. ChakrapaniCheekavolu,Rama Mohan Pathapati, KudagiBabasahebLaxmansingh,Satish Kumar Saginela, Veera Prasad Makineedi,Siddalingappa, and Amitabh Kumar Evaluation of Drug Utilization Patterns during Initial Treatment in the Emergency Room: A RetroprospectivePharmacoepidemiological Study Volume 2011, Article ID 261585, 3 pages doi:10.5402/2011/261585
[4]. S Hariharan, G Pillai, D Chen, S Soogrim, J Nelson, R Tsoi-a-Fatt, K Mohan, V Boodhai Utilization Pattern and Cost of Sedation, Analgesia and Neuromuscular Blockade in a Multidisciplinary Intensive Care Unit West Indian Med J 2008; 57 (2): 112
[5]. Guidelines for the Safe Management and Use of Medications in Anaesthesia Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (ANZCA
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Abstract: Background: Traditional medicines are not understood globally and hence are not fully exploited. Pwani herbs clinic in Mombasa dispenses herbal medicines to manage HIV and AIDS. There was need to subject these herbs to formal clinical research to ascertain their efficacy and safety. Objectives: To isolate the components of the herbal formulations Antiretroviral herbal formulation (VIRAD) and immune boosting herbal formulation (IMB) and determine their efficacy and safety. Design: A longitudinal study for People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) attending Pwani herbsclinic and measure physiological, immunological and Viral Load parameters. Period of study was one year; patients were screened at every two months. Every sample was its own control from baseline. Settings: Pwani herbs Clinic Mombasa and...........
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[2] Christine Johnson. (2001). Viral Load and the PCR .Why they can't be used to prove HIV infection.
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[4] Frederic Douglas. (2015): GC/MS Analysis Gonda R. (1992). Chem. Pharm. Bulletin., Plantamedica 40, 185.
[5] Hagen Stosnach.(2005). Trace Element Analysis Using a BenchtopTxrf spectrometer.Röntecgmbh, Berlin, Germany
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Abstract: Contraceptives are devices employed to prevent pregnancy. Birth control, also known as contraception and fertility control is a method or device used to prevent pregnancy. The use of birth control and proper Planning is called family planning. The objectives of study were to determine the types of contraceptive device employed by women aged 18-45 years, educational levels,occupations, andthe influence of religion towards contraceptive devices. Questionnaires were served as the instrument for data collection. The target population employed for this study was five hundred and ninety seven (597) women that visit the selected hospitals. A sample of size one hundred and thirty two (132) respondents was chosen using simple random sampling technique.The beauty..........
Keywords: Birth, Contraceptives, Pregnancy, Women
[1] Adeyinka, A. Various method of family planning and its applications.J.Reproductive Health. 2010; 1: 60-78
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Abstract: Aurintricarboxylic acid, a dye developed for the colorimetric assay of aluminum ion, has diverse effects on many biological systems. Many of these effects are due to the complex chemical composition of the commercial grade material used in these studies. These components include small molecular weight species as well as progressively larger complexes derived from salicylate residues. Since certain pharmacological properties have been linked to structural subsets of the complex commercial mixture, the aurintricarboxylic acid-derived polysalicylates offer a unique opportunity for drug development.
Keywords: aurintricarboxylic acid, polysalicylates, polymers, drug development
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Abstract: Biodiversity is fundamental and foundation to offering plant germplasmfor scientific investigations in the provision of useful biodata and biomedical data, both to benefit the flora and fauna. Studies were undertaken in the Kakamega forest, rich in diverse species of immense and unmeasurable resource at different levels of applications, for instance, alternative medicine provision and novel research studies in medicine to configure active biomedical potency of the plant species for disease and pests management .However, observations indicate urgent and remedial proactive measures should be put in place to attain the prime objective of the alternative medicine studies. These include but not limited to, protect and conserve the current biodiversity, provide relevant biomedical and floristic biodata (both at regional and national levels) though the creation of botanical gardens with valid and prospective specifications for posterity measures like the conventional and non-conventional models...........
Keywords: Utilization of Medicinal plants, conservation, botanical gardens, vulnerable and endangered plant species
[1] J.O.Kokwaro, Conservation status of the Kakamega Forest in Kenya: The easternmost relic of the equatorial rainforests of Africa.
[2] Monographs in Systematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden, 25, 1988, 471-489.
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[4] BGCI,International Agenda for Botanic Gardens in Conservation, .accessed on 19/06/2018.
[5] S.F. Sikolia and S. Omondi,Phytochemical analysis of some selected plants and families in the university botanic garden of Maseno, Kenya. Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, 12 (4), 2017, 31-38.
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Abstract: The phonological patterns of two populations of Cnidoscolus quercifolius Pohl were evaluated in the caatinga biome western Seridó region of Paraiba State, Brazil. Was analysis represented by activity indices for both population growing seasons (fall and sprout) and reproductive (flowering and fruiting), and also studied the intensity index Borchert, who evaluated the flow leaves. Phenology were tested against variations in precipitation, water potential and quantum efficiency of photosystem II. The bud in the two populations occurred in the late dry season and transition into the rainy season, with peak leafing in January and November 2010 and was negatively correlated with rainfall (rs = -0.54 p <0.05). Leaf fall showed the peak phase in October 2009 and 2010, showing............
Keywords: Phenological patterns,Seasonality, Semiarid tropics.
[1]. AMORIM, I. L.; SAMPAIO, E. V.S. B.; ARAÚJO, E. L. Fenologia de espécies lenhosas da caatinga do Seridó, RN. Rev. Árvore, Viçosa, v. 33, n.3, p. 491-499, 2009.
[2]. BARBOSA, D C. A.; ALVES, J. L.; PRAZERES, S. M.; PAIVA, A. M. A. Dados fenológicos de 10 espécies arbóreas de uma área de caatinga (Alagoinha – PE). Acta Bot. Bras., São Paulo, v.3, p. 109 –117, 1989.
[3]. BARBOSA, D. C. A.; BARBOSA, M. C. A; LIMA, L. C. M. Fenologia de espécies lenhosas da caatinga. In: LEAL, I. R., TABARELLI, M. e SILVA, J.M.C. (Orgs.) 2003. Ecologia e conservação da caatinga. Recife: Editora Universitária – UFPE, 2003. p. 657 – 693.
[4]. BASCUÑAN-GODOY, L.; ALCAÍNO, C.; CARVAJAL, D. E.; SAMHUEZA, C.; MONTECINOS, S.; MALDONADO, A. Ecophysiological responses to drought followed by re-watering of two native Chilean swamp forest plants: Myceugenia exsucca (DC) O. Berg. and Luma chequen (Molina) A. Gray. Gayana Bot., v. 72, n. 2, p. 203-212. 2015
[5]. BENCKE, C. S. C.; MORELLATO, L. P. C. Comparação de dois métodos de avaliação da fenologia de plantas, sua interpretação e representação. Rev. Bras. Bot., São Paulo, v. 25, n. 3, p. 269-275. 2002.
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Abstract: Increased use of pesticides all over the world is alarming and has attracted researchers due to the adverse effect on vital organs and reproduction. Cypermethrin is a synthetic Pyrethroid. The use of natural antioxidants in the reduction of oxidative stress and liver injury is gaining awareness because they are less expensive, readily available and exhibit no adverse effects. This research was thus undertaken to evaluate the hepatotoxicity of Cypermethrin and the inhibitory effect of Lycopene. All biomarkers in the group administered Cypermethrin only, showed significantly (p˂0.05) elevated levels of biomarkers, necrosis, degeneration of hepatocytes, infiltration of lymphocytes in the portal vein, indicating that Cypermethrin induced oxidative stress and liver injury in the exposed rats...........
Keywords: Biomarkers,Cypermethrin, liver injury,lycopene, hepatocyte mitosis
[1]. Hallegue, D. , Tebourbi, O, Kacem K, Sakly M, Ben Rhouma K.(2010). Impact of dieldrin on liver morphological and biochemical parameters of rats.Toxicol. Ind Health: 26(3):131-137
[2]. Wright, C.G., Leigy, R.B., Dupree, H.E.(1993). Cypermethrin in the ambient air and on surfaces of rooms and treated for cockroach.Bulletin of Environmental contamination and toxicology. 5(3).356-60.
[3]. Giray, B., Gürbay, A., Hincal, F. (2001). Cypermethrin-induced oxidative stress in rat brain and liver is prevented by Vitamin E or allopurinol. Toxicology Letters. 118(3). 139-46.
[4]. Gomaa, M S., Abd Alla, M. A., Sameer, M. M.(2011). The possible protective effect of propolis (Bee glue) on cypermethrin-induced hepatotoxicity in adult albino rats. J. Forensic Med. Clin. Toxicol. 19(1). 17–32.
[5]. Dubey, N., Khan, A.M., Raina, R. (2013). Subacutedeltamethrin and fluoride toxicity induced hepatic oxidative stress and biochemical alterations in rats. Bullletin of Environmental contamination and toxicology. 91(3).334-338
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Abstract: Background: Recent and emerging evidences show that glucose ingestion causes prolong Q – T interval and can trigger arrhythmia. Objective: To examine the effects of administration of glucose solutions on the heart rate, strength of myocardial contraction and duration of cardiac cycle in frog's heart. Methods: Five pithed frogs with mean weight of 119g obtained from the research lab, department of human Physiology, Bayero University Kano Nigeria, were dissected and their hearts were exposed, 2 to 3drops of frog ringer's solution were added regularly to keep the heart moist. A kymograph was used to record the frog's myocardial activity...........
[1]. Crier P.E., Davis S.N., Shamoon H. Hypoglycemia in diabetes. Diabetes Care 2003; 26(6): 1902-1912.
[2]. NitilK. Treatment of severe diabetic hypoglycemia with glucagon: An underutilized therapeutic approach. Journal of Diabetes,
Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity 2011; 4: 337-346.
[3]. Hern G., Kiefer M., Louix D., Barger J., Harrison J. D10 in the treatment of pre-hospital treatment of hypoglycemia: A 24 months
observational cohort study. Pre-hospital Emergency Care 2017; 21(1): 63-67.
[4]. Peng J., Andersen W., Brian Z., Giberson A., Kim W.Y. et al. The administration of dextrose during in- hospital cardiac arrest is
associated with increased mortality and neurologic morbidity. Critical care 2015; 19(1): 160.
[5]. Pickham D., Flowers E., Drew B.J. Hyperglycemia is associated with QTc elongation and mortality in the acutely ill. Journal of
Cardiovascular Nursing 2014; 29(3): 264-270.
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Abstract: Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) is a pest of stored products. This insect also infests stored food grains. According to researchers, T. Molitor motives losses up to 15% of grains and flour manufacturing globally. T. Molitor is controlled chiefly with chemical insecticides, but this approach has restrictions toward stored product insects due to residual toxicity and insect resistance. The study aimed to assess the potential of ethanolic extracts of Neem & Tulsi on different concentrations for their repellency and insecticidal activity against T. Molitor Average mortality share indicated that the extracts brought on large mortality and repellency on the treated insect and bioassays additionally indicated that the poisonous and repellent impact used to be once as soon as proportional to the concentration and higher concentration...........
Key words: Neem & Tulsi, Tenebrio molitor, mortality, repellency.
[1]. Abbott WS (1925). A method of computing the effectiveness of an insecticide. J. Econ. Entomol., 18: 266-267.
[2]. Amin MR, Shahjahan M, Eltaj HF, Iqbal TMT, Alamgir M, Hossain (2000). Bangladesh J. Entomol, 10 (1 & 2): 1-13.
[3]. Duncun DB (1957). A significance test for differences between ranked treatments in an analysis of variance. Virgina J. Sci. 2: 171-189.
[4]. Haque (2002). Chemical Methods of Leaf Extraction of Bankalmi, Polygonum hydropiper for Controlling Rice Hispa Beetles, Dicladispa armiger (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Bangladesh. J. Biol. Sci. 2 (12): 782-784.
[5]. Kabaru JM, Gichia L, (2001). Insecticidal activity of extracts derived from different parts of the mangrove tree rhizophora Mucronata (rhizophoraceae) Lam. against three arthropods; Afr. J. Sci. Tech. (AJST), Sci. & Eng. Series Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 44-49AJST.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of the Most Prescribed Pharmaceuticals in Indian Context and Their Removal Efficiency |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Deepa Bhambhani |
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: | 10.9790/3008-1301068288 ![]() |
Abstract: Pharmaceuticals have gained much of the attention in the present scenario due to two chief reasons; first because of their therapeutic power and second because of their ecotoxicity levels. We thus planned this study so as to not only consolidate a list of the most usually consumed drugs in the Indian hospitals but also monitor their risk values, which would help in assessing their ecotoxicity. For this out of the 198 most frequently consumed drugs, 127 were given the risk values based on PEC and PNEC. The risk values highlighted that 77 out of 127 drugs were in the Hazardous category and 50 were Non hazardous. Also out of these 127, 70 were bioaccumable. Next, since antibiotics...........
Key words: Pharmaceuticals, Risk value, Hazardous, Bioaccumable, ASP and MBR
[1]. Kummerer K. Pharmaceuticals from human use in the environment—present knowledge and ¨ future challenges. J. Environ. Manag. 2009; 90: 2354–66 9.
[2]. Kummerer K. Antibiotics in the aquatic environment—a review—part I. ¨ Chemosphere, 2009; 75: 417–34.
[3]. Kummerer K. Antibiotics in the environment—a review—part II. ¨ Chemosphere, 2009; 75:435–41.
[4]. Magalhães MJTL, Pontes G, Serra PT, Balieiro A, Castro D, Pieri FA, Crainey JL, Nogueira PA, Orlandi PP. Multidrug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa survey in a stream receiving effluents from ineffective wastewater hospital plants. BMC Microbiol. 2016; 16: (193).
[5]. Watkinson AJ, Murby EJ, Costanzo SD. Removal of antibiotics in conventional and advanced wastewater treatment: implications for environmental discharge and wastewater recycling. Water Res. 2007; 41: 4164–76
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Abstract: Effect of foliar application of copper sulphate and ferric sulphate on nodule number, shoot and root length of Madicago sativa. It is also known as alfa alfa. It is perfect fooder for Milky cattle. Plant have good percentage of calcium and protein and vitamin A, D, E & K. was studied foliar effect of both trce elements inhibited the nodule number, shoot and root length where as 100 ppm & 200 ppm application proved to toxic for the same parameters.
Keywords:- Copper and ferric sulphate foliar application shoot, root and nodule
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[5]. Albino, U.B. and Campo, R.J. (2000). Effect of sources and levels of Molybdenum on bradyrhizobium servival and on Biological nitrogen fixation in soybean. Pesquisa Agropequaria brasileira, 36 : (3) 527-534