Version-1 (Jan-Feb 2018)
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Abstract: To determine the seroprevalence of hepatitis B markers in chronic hepatitis B patients, 75 patients with chronic hepatitis B virus of ages (8-70) years have been investigated and compared with 50 apparently healthy individuals. All the studied groups were carried out to measure (HBsAg), (HBsAb), (HBeAg), (HBeAb), and (Total HBcAb) by Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique. The percentage distribution of HBsAg was (86.67%) and HBsAb was (1.33%) in sera of CHB patients and there were a highly significant differences (P<0.01) when compared between studied groups, while, the percentage distribution of HBeAg was (22.67%) in sera of CHB patients and the significant represent the difference in distribution of HBeAg as infection but not as HBsAg distribution............
Keywords: Chronic hepatitis B virus, HBsAg, HBsAb, HBeAg, HBeAb, and Total HBcAb
[1]. Westerberg, D. (2006)."New strategies for diagnosis and management of celiac disease.New.Engl. J.Med.106(3):145-151.
[2]. [2]. Hunt and Richard. (2007)."Hepatitis viruses".University of Southern California, Department of Pathol. and Microbiol. 33:2280 –2289.
[3]. Stein, LL. and Lumda, R. (2009). Drug targets in hepatitis B virus infection. Infect. Dis.Drug. Tar. 9(2):105-116.
[4]. Ganem, D. and Prince, A.M. (2004). Hepatitis B virus infection-natural history and clinical consequences.New.Engl.J.Med. 350(11): 1118-1129.
[5]. Livingston, SE.; Simonetti , JP.; Bulkow, LR. ; Homan, CE.; Snowball, MM. and Cagle, HH. (2007). Clearance of hepatitis Be antigen in patients with chronic hepatitis B and genotypes A, B, C, D, and F. Gastroenterol. 133 :1452-1457.
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Abstract: This paper reports the current status of Lymnea and Bulinus species in Wasai part of Jakara dam in Minjibir local government area of Kano state. Altogether 199 snails were collected comprising of twenty-one Lymnea snails made up of seventeen species and 175Bulinus snails made up of eighty-seven different species. The Bulinus species encountered are Bulinusjousamme, B. succinoides, B.natalensis, B.angolensis, Bulinusdepressus, B. truncatustrigonus (Martens), B. Abysinicus, Gambia. B. senegalensis,B. nyassanus (Smith), Lake Nyasa, etc.while the Lymnae species comprises of Lymneanatalensis, Lymneaovata and other unidentified species.Many of the species encountered has never been reported in Nigeria. Another freshwater snail that has been reported as a predator to smaller snails elsewhere outside Nigeria was also encountered.Although none of them was emitting any cercariae there is the need for proper investigation to ascertain the potentials of these new species as intermediate hosts of trematode infections.
Keywords: Lymnea species, Bulinus species, Pomaceaspp, Jakara dam, Kano state.
[1]. Brown, D.S. (1994): Freshwater snails of Africa and their medical important. Taylor and Francis, London. 2nd edition
[2]. DuwaM.R. andOyeyiT.I (2009) The role of Jakara dam in the transmission of schistosomiasisBayero Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 2(1): 58 – 63
[3]. Duwa S R (2017a) Survey of freshwater snails in three parts of Jakara dam IntJZoolRes,.13(1):20-25
[4]. Duwa S R (2017b) Emergence of New Snail Species and Cercariae on Jakara DamIOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences (IOSR-JPBS) Volume 12, Issue 2 Ver. III PP 49-55
[5]. G. Mandahl-Barth (1965) The Species of the Genus Bulinus, Intermediate Hosts of Schistosoma Bull. WldHlth Org J, 33, 33-44..
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Abstract: Poisoning is becoming a real health care burden in developing countries. An enhanced knowledge about poisoning cases can help to formulate better preventive and management strategies. The main aim of this study is to assess the incidence, patterns, severity, clinical outcomes and treatment patterns of poisoning cases. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on hospitalized patients admitted with poisoning. Data were collected from the registers kept in the medical records department after obtaining permission from medical superintendent. RESULTS: Among the 160 poisoning cases, males 92 were predominant. Majority of cases were in between 21-30 age . Supervasmol was consumed by more number of persons 55 (34.38%). According Poison severity scoring system 72(45%) cases were found to be minor, followed by moderate 63 (39.38%). In terms of clinical outcome...........
Keywords: Poisoning, Poison severity scoring system..
[1]. Santosh KS, Sandesh KV, Jayram P. Analysis of Various Retrospective Poisoning Cases in Tertiary Care Hospital in Tamil Nadu. Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice Volume 6 Issue 3 Jul - Sep, 2013,53-56
[2]. V Saxena, DK Atal, S Das. Retrospective Analysis of Pattern of Poisoning in Uttarakhand. J Indian Acad Forensic Med. July-September 2014, Vol. 36, No. 3,230-233
[3]. Reddy KSN. The essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, 29th edition, K.Saguna Devi, Hyderabad, 2010;P. 449.
[4]. Swathi Acharya, K. Lakshminarayana and Sharanappa. Assessment of Poisoning Cases in a Tertiary Care Hospital. IJBR (2014) 05 (09), 578-581.
[5]. Abhishek Prayag, Girija S Ashtagi, Mahesh D Mallapur . Pattern of poisoning cases at a tertiary health-care center, Belagavi. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health | 2016 | Vol 5 | Issue 08,1698-1701...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Detoxified Vespa orientalis venom improves memory and learning activities in rats |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mukund H || Manjunath PM |
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: | 10.9790/3008-1301051622 ![]() |
Abstract: The work was aimed to study the effect of photooxidized Vespa orientalis venom (PVOV) on memory and learning activity on rats in presence of scopolamine and ondonsetron using T maze, elevated plus maze and passive avoidance. UV radiation of Vespa orientalis venom for 15 to 60 min intervals in presence to methylene blue to detoxify venom and studied by change in UV spectrum. Antigenicity study, in-vivo and in-vitro neutralization study of PVOV against immunoglobulin from hyperimmunized rabbit was performed. 45 min exposed venom showed shift in λmax and increase absorbance indicated alternations in venom protein concentration, this in supported when PVOV showed loss of toxicity and decrease in mortality time in mice. Administration of PVOV for 28days produced a notable improvement in spatial and long memory in rats when subjected in several tasks...........
Keywords: Elevated plus maze, Ondonsetron, Photooxidized Vespa orientalis venom (PVOV); Scopolamine; Vespa orientalis venom (VOV).
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Abstract: This study was carried out to separate Telfairia occidentalis peroxidase isozymes extracted from leaves of Telfairia mosaic virus (TeMV) infected and healthy plants by SDS-PAGE and compare their banding patterns for difference. Telfairia occidentalis plants were grown under green house condition and arranged in a completely randomized design prior to inoculation. Randomly selected plants were inoculated with TeMV. Peroxidase isozymes extracted from healthy and infected plants were separated by SDS-PAGE, using 12.5% resolving gel buffered at pH 8.8 and 5% stacking gel in tris glycine buffered at pH 6.8. The isozymes profiles of healthy and infected plants were qualitatively......... .
Keywords: Band patterns, Peroxidase isozyme, Telfairia mosaic virus (TeMV), Telfairia occidentalis
[1]. S. A. Shoyinka and G. Thottappily, Occurrence of Telfairia mosaic virus in Nigeria. African Crop Science Journal.1998, 6(1): 69-78.
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[3]. A. A. J. Mofunanya, D. N. Omokaro,A. T. Owolabi and N. E. Ine-Ibehe, Effect of Telfairia mosaic virus (TeMV) infection on the proximate, mineral and anti-nutritive contents of Telfairia occidentalis Hook (Fluted pumpkin). Nigerian Journal of Botany. 2008, 12(2): 304-315.
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[5]. A. A. J. Mofunanya, D. N. Omokaro, A. T. Owolabi, P. J. Nya, M. M. Etukudo and S. E. Osim, Determination of the effect of Telfairia mosaic virus on vitamins and amino acids profile of two ecotypes of Telfairia occidentalis (fluted pumpkin). Interantional Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences (IJNAS). 2009, 4(1&2): 1-10.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Review on niosomalstructure Through nasal Route |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr: Dalia Abd Elaty Mostafa || Dr: Amira Mostafa Hashad |
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: | 10.9790/3008-1301052940 ![]() |
Abstract: Nanotechnology has created one of the most dynamic science and technology domains at the confluence of physical sciences, molecular engineering, biology, biotechnology and medicine. There has been a considerable research interest in the area of developing drug delivery using nanoparticles (NP's) as carriers for small and large molecules. Targeting delivery of drugs to the diseased lesions is one of the most important aspects of drug delivery system especially brain. They have been used in-vivo to protect the drug entity in the systemic circulation, restrict access of the drug to the chosen sites and to deliver the drug at a controlled and sustained rate to this site of action........ .
Keywords: Nanotechnology, niosomes, nasal route, targeting.
[1] AG seleci,d.,seleci,m.,walter,j. g.,stahl,f.&scheper,T.2016.NiosomesasNanoparticularDrugCarriers:FundamentalsandRecentApplications.Journal of Nanomaterials,2016. ...........
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Abstract: Objective: To evaluate whole plant extracts of Swertia tetragona Edgew for antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activity. Methods: Hydroacholic extract of powdered S. tetragona Edgew whole plant was prepared by Soxhlet apparatus using Ethanol: Water in a ratio of 80:20. The aqueous extract was prepared using cold maceration technique. The phytochemically analysis, HPTLC fingerprinting and pharmacological evaluation were carried out using standard procedures.Results: Phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, proteins, saponins and sterols. The phytochemical analysis was supported by HPTLC fingerprinting, which showed 12 peaks representing the phytochemical constituents present. The pharmacological evaluation revealed that both extracts possess good antiinflammatory activity (depicted by % inhibition of......... .
Keywords: Swertia tetragona, phytochemical analysis, antiinflammatory activity, analgesic activity
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Abstract: Prunus dulcis commonly called as almond belongs to the family Rosaceae. We all know that from our ancestors' that the almonds are having rich antioxidants. So in this study shell or peel of prunus dulcis was selected and make it as an aqueous form. To evaluate the in vitro antioxidant activity of aqueous extract of Prunus dulcis by using several in vitro models. The APPD was evaluated by using DPPH radical scavenging (1, 1-diphenyl-2picrylhydrazyl), reducing power, nitric oxide radical scavenging and phosphomolybdinum radical scavenging assay was done. The antioxidant activity was represented in terms of inhibitory concentration. The results indicated that the APPD possesses the notable antioxidant activity against the free radicals in a concentration dependent manner........ .
Keywords: Prunus dulcis (Almond),in-vitro methods, free radicals, antioxidants.
[1] Welna M, Klimpel M, Zyrnicki W (2008) Investigation of major and trace elements and their distributions between lipid and non-lipid fractions in Brazil nuts by inductively coupled plasma atomic optical spectrometry. Food Chem 111: 1012-1015.
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Abstract: Antibiotic resistance has emerged as an intensive subject for research to find an alternative tool against infections caused by pathogens with antibiotic resistance, Hence, a unique lactic acid bacteria (LAB) microbiota which is in symbiosis with honeybees was isolated in this study and was detected and identified by biochemical and molecular manners and its antibacterial activity was detected against pathogenic bacteria using the dual culture overlay assay. Results reveled isolation and identification of two genera: Fructobacillussp. (92.3%) and Lactobacillus sp. (7.7%) from a total of 38 isolate, these isolates were known as Fructophilic lactic acid bacteria (FLAB). The highest inhibition zone (37mm) produced by Fructobacillus fructosus(SHGH-1,SHGH-4, andSHGH-14) against Pseudomonas aeruginosaand (33mm) forFructobacillus fructosus(SHGH-11) against Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This study shows that FLABs are unique sources of antibacterial substances which is effective against pathogenic Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria.
[1]. Endo A, Futagawa Y, Dicks LMT (2009). Isolation and characterization of fructophilic lactic acid bacteria from fructose-rich niches. SystApplMicrobiol.32:593–600.
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[3]. Endo A, Irisawa T, Futagawa Y, Takano K, du Toit M, Okada S, Dicks LMT (2011) Characterization and emended description of Lactobacilluskunkeei as a fructophilic lactic acid bacterium. Int J SystEvolMicrobiol. 62: 500-504.
[4]. Endo A, Irisawa T, Futagawa-Endo Y, Sonomoto K, Itoh K, Takano K, Okada S, Dicks LMT (2011) Fructobacillus tropaeoli sp. nov., a novel fructophilic lactic acid bacterium isolated from a flower. Int J SystEvolMicrobiol. 61: 898-902.
[5]. Endo A, Dicks LMT (2012) Physiology of the lactic acid bacteria and allied species. In: Wood B, Holzapfel WH (eds) Lactic acid bacteria - diversity and taxonomy. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Oxford, UK ...
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Abstract: The present study was focused to develop a novel stability-indicating reverse phase high pressure liquid chromatographic (RP-HPLC) assay method with its validation study, to quantify Milnacipran in bulk and its formulation. The chromatographic separation was carried out for the assay determination at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min on a C18 Phenomenex Luna (250 x 4.6 mm x 5μm) column with a mobile phase proportion of water and Methanol in the ratio of 55:45 (% v/v) and was monitored at 254nm. The developed method was validated fulfilling the guidelines of ICH. Linearity of the method was established in between 10- 60μg/ml. The percent relative standard deviation for the precision studies was within 2%. Stability.............
Keywords: Method development, Milnacipran, Stability indicating
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