ABSTRACT: According Yangton and Yington Theory, Wu's Unit Length and Wu's Unit Time of Wu's Pairs (building blocks of the universe) can be affected by particle bombardment, especially the graviton bombardment. Also, all the properties of an object or event are dependent on Wu's Unit Length (diameter) and Wu's Unit Time (period) of Wu's Pairs in the subatomic particles of the object or event. Therefore, the dimension, duration, velocity and acceleration of an object or event, as well as wavelength, light speed and time dilation can all be affected by the intensity of graviton bombardment......
Keywords: Gravity, Yangton and Yington, Wu's Pairs, Wu's Spacetime Shrinkage Theory, Principle of Parallelism, Spacetime, Relativity, Light Speed, Redshift, Gravitational Redshift, Cosmological Redshift, Aether Inflow, Aether Wind, Universal Gravitation, Static Graviton Flux, Dynamic Graviton Flux, Deflection of Light, Perihelion Precession of Mercury and Time Dilation
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