Version-2 (Sep-Oct 2014)
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ABSTRACT: Here a particular method is made to generate A Single Formula to find the the straight line distance of first eight planets from sun
Keywords: Polynomials, Mean distance, Eccentricities, Kepler's Law, Orbital Velocity, Escape Velocity, Bode's Law
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[4]. The General formula to find the sum of first n Kth Dimensional S sided polygonal numbers and a simple way to find the n-th term of polynomial sequences By Arjun.K IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM) Volume 8 - Issue 3 10.9790/5728-0830110
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Scaling of multiplicity distribution in high energy hadron-nucleus interactions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Tufail Ahmad |
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: | 10.9790/4861-06521519 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: An analysis of 50 and 340 GeV pion-nucleus and 400 GeV proton- nucleus interactions data for multiplicity scaling study has been carried out. The multiplicity distribution of compound(sum of shower and grey particles in an event), slow(black tracks) and target protons( grey tracks) are found to obey a KNO type scaling law.
Keywords: Multiplicity scaling, compound multiplicity, relativistic charged particles, multiparticle production, multiplicity distribution Subject classification PACS 13.85 – Hadron – induced high – and superhigh – energy interactions, energy > 10 GeV.
[1]. Z. V. Anzon et al (Alma Ata-Leningrad-Moscow-Tashkent Collaboration), A study of inelastic pion-nucleus interactions at 200 GeV/c in an emulsion, Nuclear Physics B, 129, (1977) 205-234.
[2]. I. Otterlund, E. Stenlund, Bo. Andersson and G. Nilson, Nuclear interactions of 400-GeV protons in emulsion, Nuclear Physics B, 142 (1978) 445-462.
[3]. M. El-Nadi, O. E. Badawy, M. K. Hegab et al, Inelastic interactions of 340 GeV/c π- with emulsion nuclei, Physical Review D, 27, (1983) 12-18.
[4]. R. K. Shivpuri and A. Kotha, Multiplicity, rapidity and rapidity correlations in 800 GeV proton-nucleus interactions, Physical Review D, .35, 3508-3511, (1987) 3508-3511.
[5]. A. Tufail, S. Ahmad, A. R. khan, M. Zafar and M. Shafi, Nuclear interactions of 340-GeV pions in emulsion, Physical Review D, 42, (1990) 2187-2193.
[6]. A. Tufail, S. Ahmad and M.Zafar, Features of forward-backward multiplicity correlations in hadronic collisions, Canadian Journal of Physics,74 (1996) 141-143.
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ABSTRACT: Lead lanthanum titanate, (PLT) ceramics were fabricated by conventional combustion technique and the influence of different sintering temperature (1170, 1200, 1230, 1260 and 1300 oC) at a fixed of sintering time for 2h on the microstructure and dielectric properties were investigated. The particle size of PLT ceramics which can be calculated by Scherer formula from XRD (x-ray diffraction) analysis is increased with increasing sintering temperature. The density of the samples also increases with increasing sintering temperature (Ts), which can be calculated from XRD pattern and can be observed from SEM (scanning electron microscope) technique. Dielectric properties of the samples were studied as a function of sintering temperature and frequency, where the maximum value of dielectric constant (εmax) increased with increasing Ts, but it decreased with increasing frequency, but the transition temperature independent on the applied frequency. The versus imaginary permittivity and dielectric loss with frequency at room temperature were investigated. The diffusion coefficient (γ) of PLT ceramics are decreased with increasing sintering temperature. Keywords: Lead titanate, Combustion technique, X-ray diffraction; sintering temperature, dielectric properties
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Assessment of Wind Availability for Turbine Power Generation in Kano, Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Joseph Aidan |
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: | 10.9790/4861-06523036 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The wind speed distribution of Kano can be assumed Weibull or normally distributed with 5% significance level (95% confidence level). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) and Anderson-Darling goodness-of-fit tests both accepted these distribution functions as their test statistics did not fall short of their critical values. The distribution functions may be used to determine with better accuracy the wind power potentials of Kano. With a FL30 turbine, close to 50% of its installed capacity can be extracted and be running/available for almost 50% of the time it may be operated in a year. While other turbines like Vestas47 and NW100/19 were not found suitable for wind power generation in Kano.
Keywords: Distribution function, fittings, goodness-of-fit, turbine power, wind availability,
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ABSTRACT: SnO2 thin films with different thikness have been deposited on glass substrate by chemical spray pyrolysis technique at RT . X-ray diffraction studies reveal that the films are polycrystalline in nature with tetragonal structure and preferential orientation along (110) . The grain size of the films is found to increase form (56. 1056 to 93.9) nm with increasing thikness while the strain and the dislocation density of the films are found to decrease from (61.78 to 36.9025) 10 -4 rad and from (3.1847 to 1.1312) lines.m-2 respectively . The transmittance spectrums of SnO2 thin films reveal very pronounced interference effects for photon energies below the fundamental absorption edge by exhibiting interference pattern . The optical energy gap for SnO2 thin films decreases as the thikness in the films increased .
Key ward: SnO2 films, structure properties, optical properties
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ABSTRACT: Total vitamin C (ascorbic acid + dehydroascorbic acid) has been determined by UV-spectrophotometric method in various fruit juices. In this method, a blended sample is homogenized with 3% metaphosphoric acid-10% acetic acid solu'an. Then addition of bromine water oxidizes ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic acid in presence of acetic acid and the excess of bromine is removed by a few drops of 10% thiourea. After coupling with 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine at 37°C temperature for three hours, the solution is cooled in an ice bath and is treated with chilled 85% H2SO4 to produce a red colour complex and the absorbance is measured spectrophotometrically at 521 nm. This method obeyed Beer's law as was tested by using a standard ascorbic acid. Also ascorbic acid can be determined by redox titration. We performed an iodimetric back-titration in which we generated a measured excess of iodine in the sample solution and then we titrated the unreacted iodine with a standard sodium thiosulfate solution. Our purpose is to determine the Vitamin C content in some packed (industrial) fruit juices and compare the values with that labeled on the packed fruit juices. The samples were collected from different markets in Benghazi.Such as Rhyhan, Mazraa, Judi, Alhanaa, Nadic, Viva, Rani, Bravo, Suntop, and Stantal of different kinds.
Key words: Vit. C, fruit Juices, iodimetric titration and UV- spectrophotometric
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ABSTRACT: The total background radiation in the earth's environment is due to the contributions from natural (cosmic and terrestrial) as well as artificial (fall-out from nuclear weapon test, nuclear accidents, discharge from nuclear reactors etc.) radiation sources. It comes mainly from uranium 238U series, thorium 232Th series and radioisotope of potassium, 40K. Moreover, fission products such as 134Cs, 137Cs, 90Sr etc. may spread as fall-out radiation in the environment. Natural environmental radioactivity depends on the geological and geographic conditions, and appears at different levels in the soils of each different geological region.Therefore, it is worthy of investigating background radioactivity originating from natural and probable artificial radioactive sources. Country-wide background gamma radiation mapping program has been initiated in Bangladeshby dividing the whole country primarily into ~5 km×~5 km (1'× 1' in GPS scale) systematic square grids. About 30 km × 30 km area of forest land of Gazipur district called the 'BhawalGahr' (including the Bhawal National Park) bordering Mymensinghand Tangail districts was selected for sampling for this study. Soil samples at 0-5 cm depth were collected from the grid-node points of the squaregrids.Gamma ray spectrometry technique using a High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector of 20% relative efficiency was used to detect the probable radionuclides and calculate of their activity concentrations in the samples. The activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in these soil samples varied from 49.928.83 to 83.446.09Bq/kg, 76.83 5.44 to 126.458.33Bq/kg and 363.7192.33 to 585.91106.12 Bq/kg, respectively.As Bangladesh is actively considering embarking upon nuclear power programto improve its energy mix and neighbouring countrieshave a number of nuclear power plants in operation, therefore, this background radioactivity database would be useful as a baseline data in time of any nuclear incidentin this region.
Key Words: Radionuclide; Activity Concentration; HPGe detector, Radiological Health Hazard
[1]. United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Radiation and Indoor Air, EPA 402-F-06-051 | April 2006.
[2]. UNSCEAR (2000) United Nations Scientific Committee on the effects of atomic radiation, "Effects and risks of ionizing radiations", United Nations, New York.
[3]. Ahmed Al-Haydari, Essam S. A. Al Sharabi and M. H. Al Buhairi, "Determination of Specific Activity of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K for Assessment of Environmental Hazards of Radiation from Building Rock Samples Used in [4] Yemen", Radiation Protection Dosimetry (2011), pp. 1–8.
[4]. G. Shanthi1, C. G. Maniyan, G. Allan Gnana Raj and J. ThampiThankaKumaran, "Radioactivity in food crops from highbackgroundradiation area in southwest India", CURRENT SCIENCE, Nov. 2009, Vol. 97, No. 9, pp. 1331-1335.
[5]. Operating Experience with Nuclear Power Stations in Member States, IAEA‟s series of annual reports, Division of Nuclear Power, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna International Centre, P O Box 100, 1400 Vienna, Austria
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ABSTRACT: The structural and electronic properties of SrSi2 under pressure were investigated by using the planewave ultrasoft pseudopotential technique which is based on the first-principles Density Functional Theory (DEF) with Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA). The pressure dependence of the lattice parameters is smooth. As the pressure increases the lattice parameters decrease exponentially. The electronic structures of SrSi2 show that the top of the valence band is determined by Si 3p states, the bottom of the conduction band is determined by Sr 3d states. It is observed that at ambient pressure no bands cross the Fermi level, which suggests that the system is non metallic. On the other hand the effect of pressure on the electronic properties of SrSi2 indicates that with the increase of pressure, SrSi2, being a narrow-gap semiconductor at ambient pressure, transforms a metal at around 20 GPa. Keywords: SrSi2; Ab initio calculations; Structural properties; Electronic band structure
[1] T. M. Tritt, M. Kanatzidis, H. B. Lyon, Jr., and G. Mahan, Symposium Proceedings of the Materials Research Society (Materials Research Society, Pittsburgh, 1997), P. 478.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mihajlo I. Pupin Biography |
Country | : | Serbia |
Authors | : | Petar Vuca |
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: | 10.9790/4861-06526872 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: In October this year it will be 160 years since Pupin's birth and 120 years since he obtained his PhD. When travelling by road from Zrenjanin to Belgrade there is a board indicating IDVOR. "This place sounds somehow familiar to me?", asked my travel companion. "It's the birthplace of our Mihajlo Pupin, a world famous scientist and a great philanthropist", I answered. Mihajlo I. Pupin was born on October 9, 1854 in the village of Idvor, municipality of Kovačica in Banat. There are several version concerning his birthdate. The above mentioned date was accepted by Pupin huimself as a correct one. Hi is of Serbian nationality, but at that time Banat was a part of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy.
[1]. Mihajilo I. Pupin "Sa pašnjaka do naučnika" prevod prof. dr A. Marinčić, Zavod za udţbenike i nastavna sredstva, Beograd 1996.
[2]. Ţivot i delo Mihajla Idvorskog Pupina, Zbornik radova naučnog skupa, Novi Sad - Idvor, 4-7. oktobra 1979, Novi Sad 1985
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Some aspects of multiparticle production in high energy nuclear interactions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Tufail Ahmad |
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: | 10.9790/4861-06527376 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: We report some results on mean normalized multiplicity (RA). This quantity shows independence with energy for pion-nucleus and proton-nucleus interactions both. The variation of RA4 with mean number of collisions made by incident hdaron inside the nucleus has also been studied.
Keywords: Mean normalized multiplicity, multiparticle production, created charged particles and nuclear emulsion. Subject classification PACS 13.85 – Hadron – induced high – and superhigh – energy interactions, energy > 10 GeV
[1]. Z. V. Anzon et al (Alma Ata-Leningrad-Moscow-Tashkent Collaboration), A study of inelastic pion-nucleus interactions at 200 GeV/c in an emulsion, Nuclear Physics B, 129, (1977) 205-234.
[2]. E. G. Boos et al. (Alma Ata-Gatchina-Moscow-Tashkent collaboration), Investigation of inelastic interactions of 400 GeV protons with emulsion nuclei, Nuclear Physics B, 143, (1978) 232-262.
[3]. I. Otterlund, E. Stenlund, Bo. Andersson and G. Nilson, Nuclear interactions of 400-GeV protons in emulsion, Nuclear Physics B, 142 (1978) 445-462.
[4]. M. El-Nadi, O. E. Badawy, M. K. Hegab et al, Inelastic interactions of 340 GeV/c π- with emulsion nuclei, Physical Review D, 27, (1983) 12-18.
[5]. R. K. Shivpuri and A. Kotha, Multiplicity, rapidity and rapidity correlations in 800 GeV proton-nucleus interactions, Physical Review D, .35, 3508-3511, (1987) 3508-3511.
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ABSTRACT: Strongly correlated materials are a wide class of electronic materials that show unusual electronic and magnetic properties, such as metal-insulator transitions or half- metallicity.They are the systems in which the potential energy due to electron – electron interactions are comparable to or is larger than the kinetic energy. Dynamical mean field theory is a method to determine the electronic structure of strongly correlated materials. Materials with correlated electrons exhibit some of the most intriguing phenomena in condensed matter physics. A new theoretical framework is now allowing theorists to calculate the electronic structure of these materials, which can exist in a rich variety of phases. Strongly correlated materials are a wide class of electronic materials that show unusual electronic and magnetic properties, such as metal-insulator transitions or half-elasticity. DMFT is exact in the limit of infinite dimensions, the Lattice problem which is a Single site impurity problem in a self- consistent bath. Most importantly, the kinetic energy term and the interaction term are treated on an equal footing.
Key words: strongly correlated system, metal – insulator transition, electron density, Fermi liquid, phase diagram, photo emission, phonon spectra.
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