Version-5 (September-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | 'A Study of Perception and Opinion on Gujarat Tourism Marketing' |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sushilkumar M. Parmar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909050104 ![]() |
Abstract: Culturally rich state, Gujarat has achieved a major milestone in tourism strengthening the state economy. As a matter of fact, to the greater extent, the effectiveness of Gujarat tourism marketing is responsible for this unprecedented growth reported in tourist footfall, foreign exchange earnings and development of tourism infrastructure at the destinations. The primary objective of this research study was to study the perception and opinion on Gujarat Tourism Marketing. A structured non-disguised questionnaire containing eleven criteria of Gujarat Tourism Marketing was administered and Chi Square test was applied to test the proposed hypotheses. The results showed that the opinions of respondents on selected..........
Keywords:Tourism, Marketing, Social Media, tourists footfall, foreign exchange earnings
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[3] Ongwae, Vincent et al (2013). The Effect of Selected Tourism Policies on the Growth of Tourism Industry in Kenya: A case of Lake Nakuru National Park, International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy, 2(3), pp 83-91
[4] Parmar, Sushilkumar (2016). A Study of Gujarat Tourism Marketing, Nehru School of Management Journal, 2(1), pp 21-17
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Abstract: Corporate reporting is one of the crucial aspects for smooth functioning as well as sustainability of the organisation. Environmental reporting has become an emerging issue before every corporate, sincestakeholders are becoming more and more environmentally conscious day by day. This paper attempts to study the conceptual aspects of corporate environmental reporting and its regulatory framework. It also examines the consistency of Indian corporate in disclosing environmental factors as per GRI guidelines, as GRI is the popularly adopted guideline among the corporate world. It also makes an attempt to identify the extent of environmental disclosure under GRI guidelines by sample companies. For the purpose of the study top 50 Indian companiesof on the basis of market capitalisation which are listed in the Bombay stock exchange, have been taken as sample and their annual report.........
Keywords: BSE, Environmental reporting, GRI, Mandatory regulation for disclosure, Voluntary regulation for disclosure
[1] GRI Guidelines (2011) Global Reporting Initiative. Available at
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[5] Ghosh Arpita,Corporate Sustainability and Corporate Financial Performance: The Indian Contex, working paper series,WPS-721,2013,IIM Calcutta..
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explain the relation between leadership in universities on job satisfaction and lecturer performance. This research is designed using quantitative method and is to explain the relation between job satisfactions and lecturer performance. The population collected for the purpose of research is 168 lecturers and 158 unit of analysis. Random sampling technique is used. Analysis of description and Equation Model Structural (SEM) are applied to explain the influence between variables. This research concludes that leadership based on individual satisfaction particularly focuses on the aspect of salary is able to encourage the improvement of lecturer's performance in several Indonesia universities.
Keywords: leadership, job satisfaction, lecturer performance, Probolinggo.
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Abstract: Entrepreneurship plays a vital role in the growth of an economy. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are widely called the back-bone of the Indian economy. In recent years, it has emerged as the most dynamic sector displaying phenomenal growth by contributing 10% of share in GDP of India, contributing 40% to total economy exports, producing about 7500 items and involving in Technology upgradation and implementation (55% of MSMEs involved) in particular (ASSOCHAM report, 2010). Considering the importance of MSMEs in the economy the present study attempts to analyse the contribution made by this sector towards growth and development. The study is confined to Sonitpur district of Assam. It is based on secondary data collected from District Industries and...........
Keywords: Microenterprises, employment, investment
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Abstract: This research purposes to analyze the effect of work Ability, Motivation, Work Culture on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of Civil Servants in South Sulawesi. This research data collection time to answer the question (cross-sectional) which is a research one particular time by using many respondents by distributing questionnaires. The study was determined by six districts / municipalities, namely Kota Makassar, Kota Parepare, Kota Palopo representing big cities in South Sulawesi Province, and Bone District, Barru Regency and Gowa Regency representing regencies in South Sulawesi. This study was conducted in South Sulawesi with o ject in this study is a Civil Servant (PNS) SKPD has Echelon III (three) and IV (four), expected in early determination of a sample of 200 respondents using the formula Slovin. The analytical tool used is Structural Equation Model (SEM). Based on the model............
Keywords: work Ability, Motivation, Work Culture on Job Satisfaction and Job Performance of civil servants in the South Sulawesi
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Abstract: The objectives are: (1) Knowing and analyzing the influence of Production Capability to Business Performance, (2) Knowing and analyzing the effect of Market Orientation on Business Performance, (3) Knowing and Analyzing Innovative Influence on Business Performance, (4) Knowing and Analyzing Influence (7) Knowing and analyzing the Innovative to Competitiveness (8) Knowing and analyzing work productivity on (5) Knowing and analyzing the influence of Productin Capacity on Competitiveness, Competitiveness (9) Knowing and analyzing Business Performance on Competitiveness. Research this using primary data by survey respondents as many as 187 Small Business Informal in Jayapura as sample. Research data analyzed...........
Keywords: Production Capabilities, Market Orientation, Innovative, Work Productivity, Business Performance and Competitiveness.
[1] Aaker, David A. 1988. Strategic Marketing Management. 2nd Edition. John Willey & Sons, Inc., New York.
[2] Altman, E.I, 1988, Financial Ratio, Descriminant Analysis and Prediction of Corporate Bankruptcy. The Journal of Finance, Vol. 23, Num-4; p.580
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[4] Ansoff, Igor dan Donnell, Edwar, 1990. Implementing Strategic Management, Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, Singapore.
[5] Anshori, Musslich. 1999. Pengaruh kemampuan Produksi, kemampuan Pemasaran dan Strategi Bisnis Terhadap Kinerja Bisnis Pada Perusahaan Manufactur di Indonesia, Disertasi S-3, PPS Unair, Surabaya...
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to Determine the Factors Influencing Performance Against Power Extension of the National Family Planning Coordinating Board Makassar. The population in this study is the Power Extension of the National Family Planning Coordinating Board Makassar with a sample size of 90 people. Data collection methods in this study were questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Methods of analysis of data using descriptive method and quantitative method with multiple linear regression analysis were used to measure the Influence of Education and Training, Motivation and Incentive Performance Against Power Extension of the National Family Planning Coordinating Board Makassar. Based on F test of independent variables (education and training, motivation and incentives) jointly have the positive and significant influence on the dependent variable (performance FEA). Through testing the............
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to know and analyze the operational strategy in the National Program for Urban Community Empowerment Empowerment of poverty alleviation in Makassar. In this research is a combination (Mixed Methods). Combined research can be done through qualitative and quantitative research simultaneously. In this study using quantitative methods with explanatory research type in which the relationship between one variable to another variable that has a causality relationship relationship. Research design is a research design based on the variables to be studied. By that, the research design used is the collection of data related to the variables studied by using the techniques of observation, documentation, interviews and questionnaires. Population used by..........
Keywords: Strategy Operational, Entrepreneurship and Poverty Alleviation.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of compensation, work commitment and communication on employee performance at the Government Hospital in Makassar consisting of compensation, work commitment and communication. Population in this research is Employee at Government Hospital in Makassar with amount of sampel counted 82 people. Methods in collecting data in this study are questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Methods of data analysis using descriptive method and quantitative method that is by multiple linear regression analysis used to measure Influence of Compensation, Working Commitment And Communication To Employee Performance At Government...........
Keywords: Compensation, Working Commitment, Communication and Performance[1] Hasibuan, Malayu SP 2005. Human Resource Management, Revised Edition. Earth Script: Jakarta.
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Abstract: Life insurance as a product is vital to everyone due to uncertainties of life. Life Insurance is one of the fastest growing sectors in India since 2000 and biggest in the world to grow over 15% (Source:India's Life Insurance Sector Biggest In World to Grow by 15% over Next 5 Years according to NEWS18 BUSINESS, 17th January 2017). Urban India is saturated for many products like FMCG, Consumer durables, and thus many marketers are shifting to rural market of India. Life insurance being a vital product for all, is thus required by rural consumers as well. As of 2016, among 24 Life Insurance companies operating in India, it is more of LIC and few private companies that have benefitted from rural market. Life insurance as a need, not just for risk cover but also as a financial support, loan against insurance, cover against many critical illness, is thus very essential in rural India. Any product before selling, needs...........
[1] Rajiv Kaushik, Kapil Dev (September 2013) "Effective Media For Rural Communication: A Study of Panipat Area"
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[4] Bindiya Kunal Soni & Jigna Trivedi (Apr – June 2013) "Crop Insurance: An Empirical Study On Awareness And Perceptions"
[5] Aliero Haruna Mohammed, (PhD) Shuaibu Mukhtar "The Prospects Of MicroInsurance In The Rural Areas Of Nigeria"