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Abstract: It is perhaps one of the pioneering studies in terms of studying impact of societal culture of Bhutan on organizational culture, industrial relation and employee satisfaction of its employees of manufacturing companies. The data have been collected from nine (09) domestic manufacturing industries of Bhutan. Results are indicating positive impact of societal culture on organizational culture, industrial relation and employee satisfaction. Industrial Relation is found positively related to employee satisfaction in manufacturing companies of Bhutan. This was an indication that societal culture is not the sole determinant of organizational performance. Along with this the study have also emphasis on exogenous variables such as the economy, technology and the political climate all influence organizational performance significantly and much more than endogenous variable such as size, structure, and style of management
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Corporate governance and firm performance in Indian listed IT companies" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sandeep Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909060811 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines the relationship between corporate governance and firm performance in Indian listed IT companies. The study includes the variables board independence and board diversity of corporate governance and return on assets (ROA) as measure of firm performance. The study used the panel data of Indian IT companies from 2008 to 2011.Fixed effect method of panel data is used to examine the relationship. The study found a positive relationship for both the variables. The study suggests that number of women on board should be increased which may lead to improved firm performance.
Keywords: Board Independence, Board diversity, Corporate governance, Firm performance
[1] Abdullah,S.N. (2004). Board composition, CEO duality and performance among Malaysian listed companies. Corporate Governance, Vol. 4 Iss: 4, pp. 47 - 61
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[3] Cadbury Committee (1992).Report of the Committee on the Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance, (Gee, London)
[4] Carter D.A., Simkins B.J., & Simpson W.G. (2003). Corporate governance, board diversity and firm value,The Financial Review, 38, pp.33-53.
[5] Carter,D.A., D'Souzaa,F., Simkinsa,B.J. and Simpsona,W.G. (2007)."The diversity of corporate board committees and firm financial performance" Available at Retreived on 28 June,2012..
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Abstract: The research article focuses on the differences among multigenerational workforce for job retention. This research indicates that a person's psychological identification toward continuing or leaving the work place is the outcome of the job satisfaction or other environmental factors associated with his work and the values he hold toward the job. These values presumably differ across generations. However, there is a dearth of unequivocal research on the existence of generational differences in the workplace about their existence in the current job. Leveraging generational diversity within the organization is a challenge for human resource specialists and managers and to maintain employee retention. The paper, therefore, has implications for taking necessary steps in retaining the talents and reduce employee turnover for organizational development. For the first time in the nation's history.........
Keywords: Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y, Workplace behavior, Retention
[1] Anmol Sandhu Navreet Kaur, Generational Differences in Job Involvement: A Review, Chitkara University, Punjab (, International Conference on Technology and Business Management April 10-12, 2017
[2] Arnold H. J. & Feldman D. C. (1982). "A multivariate analysis of the determinants of job turnover". Journal of Applied Psychology, 67(3), p. 350–360.
[3] Feldman D. C. (2009). "Re-examining the relationship between age and voluntary turnover", Journal of Vocational Behavior, 74, p. 283–294.
[4] Finegold D., Mohrman S. & Spreitzer G.M. (2002). "Age effects on the Predictors of Technical workers' Commitment and Willingness to Turnover", Journal of Organizational Behavior, 23(5), p. 655-674.
[5] Healy M. C., Lehman M. & McDaniel M. A. (1995). "Age and voluntary turnover: A quantitative review", Personnel Psychology, 48(2), p. 335–345...
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Abstract: Investment decision by investors can be based on both fundamental and technical analysis. Technical analysis as a part of investment decision making of an investor helps predicting the future share prices which can help in formulating buy-hold- sell decisions. It helps in identifying trend reversals at an earlier stage to formulate the buy or sell strategy. It relies on price movement of a security and uses this data to predict its future price movements. This paper aims at technical analysis of select companies under Nifty 50 based on different sectors for a period from January 2011 to December 2016. The tools used for analysis include moving averages, RSI, Bollinger bands and MACD. The paper concludes that most of the stocks analyzed revealed technically strong position.
Keywords: Technical analysis, MACD, RSI, Moving averages, Nifty
[1] C. Boobalan (2014): 'TECHNICAL ANALYSIS IN SELECT STOCKS OF INDIAN COMPANIES', Research paper IJBARR, ISSN No. 2347 – 856X, International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol.2, Issue.4, Jan-March, 2014 . Page 26
[2] Cheol-Ho Park, Scott Irwin (2004): 'The profitability of Technical Analysis: A Review', Nov.2004, DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.603481,
[3] E.K, Yakovleva, Vol. 8, Issue. 11, MARCH 2015.Comparison of different methods of technical analysis when making investment decisions.
[4] Fama, E. F. "Efficient Capital Markets: A Review of Theory and Empirical Work." Journal of
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Abstract: Businesses are driven by the strong conviction of profit maximization and to be the benchmark in today's cut throat competition. An effective cost control mechanism in the system enables the organization to achieve their desired results. Cost controlling tool aims at reducing the spillovers like idle inventory, rework, scrap and the like in the process of manufacturing the product. Hence, to have a better insight into cost control mechanism a study is carried out at KS & DL. The study is descriptive in nature. During the study, while analyzing the cost sheet investment on material and labour impact in the breakup of the overall cost of production it is observed that the break in the cost of production............
Keywords:Actual, Budgeted, Cost, Mechanism, Performance.
[1] Karmarkar, U. S., Lederer, P. J., & Zimmerman, J. L. (1990). Choosing manufacturing production control and cost accounting systems. Measures for Manufacturing Excellence, 353–396.
[2] Brinke, E. (2002). Costing support and cost control in manufacturing. A cost estimation tool applied in the sheet metal domain. The University of Twente. Retrieved from
[3] Widener, S. K. (2007). An empirical analysis of the levers of control framework. Accounting, organizations and society, 32(7), 757-788.
[4] Uyar, A. (2010). Cost and management accounting practices: a survey of manufacturing companies. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics, 3(6), 113–125.
[5] Fayard, D., Lee, L. S., Leitch, R. A., &Kettinger, W. J. (2012). Effect of internal cost management, information systems integration, and absorptive capacity on Inter-organizational cost management in supply chains. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 37(3), 168–187.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Evaluation of Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.G.Rambabu || L.Vinod Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909064044 ![]() |
Abstract: The Consumer Protection Act was enacted in the year 1986. Under this act, consumer dispute redressal mechanism was established to provide justice to a common and aggrieved consumer. The consumer dispute redressal mechanism includes the agencies at various levels to redress the grievance of consumers. However, many cases related to the consumers' disputes are still pending at various levels. This paper attempts to find the effectiveness of Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies in terms of disposal of cases. Study revealed that 13.74% cases are pending at the National Commission, 14.32% at State Commissions and 7.56 % at District Forums. It can be concluded that the District forums are performing well when compared to the National Commission and the State Commissions
Keywords: Consumer Protection, National Commission, State Commission, District Forum, Disposal and Pendency of case
[1] Dr.Sambhav Garg (May 2010) "An exploration in to working and performance of consumer disputes redressal agencies in India" International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management, volume no 1, issue No1 p.142-161.
[2] Shaji Unnikrishnan (December2013), "Performance analysis of the Consumer disputes redressal agencies in India" Global advanced research journal of management and business studies, volume2, (12) p 567-570.
[3] G.Deepa, Dr.K.Vijayarani (Masrch 2015), "Performance of consumer disputes redressal agencies in Tamil Nadu" International Journal of management and Commerce, innovations, volume2, issue2, p21-26.
[4] Preety Monga (2014), "A study on the working of customer disputes redressal agencies" International journal of applied research volume1 (1).p 44-48.
[5] Dr S.G. Vibuthi, Prof Shivayaogappa R.Yemmi, Prof Gururaj Barki (2015), "Consumer dispute redressal forum in India-A study", International journal of management and social science research review, volume1, issue18, p 191-193.
[6] Prof M.Manoharan, Mr.M.Anto Auxcelian (January2015) "Working performance of consumer disputes redressal agencies in India" International journal of research in management, volume1,Issue5,p 151-157...
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Abstract: Tripartism is an International Labour organisation (ILO) framework to promote social dialogue among labour, business and the state. It culminates in sound industrial relations and the collective solving of social-economic issues in a country. In Zimbabwe, the Tripartite Negotiating Forum (TNF) has failed since its formation in 1998, to come up with any meaningful social dialogue that should enhance a holistic approach to solving the country's socio-economic challenges. Unstructured interviews were used to generate data from representatives of all the three social partners. The quota sampling technique was used which culminated in a sample size of 25 subjects based on the data saturation technique. The major findings were that; there were almost irreconcilable differences caused by different........
[1] Cresswell, J.W (2014) Research design, qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods approaches, second edition, Sage publications.
[2] Kennedy, P (2009) How to combine multiple research methods, practical triangulation, Johny Holland
[3] Kothari, C.R (2014) Research methodology, New Age International Ltd Publishers, New Dehli
[4] International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions 87, 98, 151, 154
[5] Labour Amendment Act 28:01 (Amended 2015) Government printers.
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Abstract: Open and Distance Learning (ODL) has transformed itself to become virtual with minimal or even no physical tutor student contact as academics create learning platforms, mark assignments and even supervise dissertations and thesis online. The Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) has undergone a lot of transformation since becoming a fully pledged university in 1999. ZOU started with class contact (face to face with tutor) and use of modules but was in the pipeline of moving towards Electronic learning (e-learning) in line with contemporary global practices in ODL. The study used a survey design and was largely quantitative. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data. The study established that the majority of academics workload had increased as the transition phase was.........
Keywords: is a description of what a person (academic) does
[1] Abawi, K. (2008). Qualitative and quantitative research. Geneva: Foundation for medical education and research.
[2] Bakker, A.B., & Leiter, M.P. (2010). Work Engagement : A Handbook of Essential Theory and Research. New York: Psychology Press.
[3] Bezuidenhout, A. (2014). Redefining the world of work of the academic : An open distance learning perspective. Inaugural lecture conducted at the University of South Africa. Pretoria.
[4] Bezuidenhout, A. (2015). Implications for academic workload of the changing role of distance educators. Distance Education, 36, 246-262.
[5] Briggs, A. R. J. (2007). Exploring professional identities. Middle leadership in further education colleges. School of leadership and Management, 27, 471-485..
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Abstract: Industrial action in South Africa's mining sector has become a 'syndrome' for time immemorial. This study intended to investigate the causes of such labour unrest in South Africa's Platinum mining sector in the Rustenburg area. Available literature revealed that there was a multiplicity of factors that influenced industrial action. These factors can be categorized into three distinct categories namely; external factors, individual and organizational factors. The literature further revealed that equal opportunities for employment, involvement and participation of workers, transparency and sound corporate governance, sound labour laws complimented by training, development and career growth opportunities are important in reducing labour unrest in any organization or sector. The research methodology...........
Keywords: Employment relations, Industrial action, Labour laws, Labour unrest, Mining charter[1] Ackers, P. (2002). Refraining employment relationships. The case for neo-pluralism, Industrial Relations Journal,Vol 33.
[2] Blyton, P., and Turnball, P. (1994). The Dynamics of Employee Relations, MacMillan.
[3] Beaumant, P. B. (1995). The Future of Employment Relations, Sage: London.
[4] Bless, C., and Higson-Smith, C. (1999). Fundamentals of social research methodology, An African perspective, 2nd edition, Juta & Co. Ltd.
[5] Clegg, H. A. (1979). The changing system of industrial relations in Great Britain: Oxford...
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Abstract: The purpose of the research was to investigate the causes of labour disputes in the construction industry in Zimbabwe. The industry had a lot of cases that were before the labour courts and that motivated this researcher to investigate the teething problems bedevilling it in order to make recommendations that would help to improve labour relations in the industry. The research was guided by the research objectives centred on the problem. Literature revealed that there was a multiplicity of factors that influenced labour disputes which were centred on the theoretical framework of organisational conflicts. The research philosophy was positivism based on a survey design. Sixty respondents were selected using the stratified sampling technique. A largely structured questionnaire was used to collect empirical data. Data...........
[1] Ackers, P. (2002). Refraining employment relationships. The case for neo-pluralism, Industrial Relations Journal, Vol 33, Number 3.
[2] Beaumant, P.B. (2005). The Future of Employment Relations, Sage, London.
[3] Blyton, P and Turnball, P. (2004). The Dynamics of Employee Relations, McMillan, New Jersey.
[4] Bless, C. and Higson-Smith, C. (1999). Fundamentals of social research methodology, An African perspective (2nd edition), Juta and Company Ltd.
[5] Clegg, H, A. (1979). The changing system of industrial relations in Great Britain, Oxford..
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Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to find out the influencing aspects for success of teachers training programme. The research method adopted for this study was 'Census Method' with the help of structured questionnaire. Survey was carried out from 80 teachers from select schools of TamilNadu, India. Teachers training programme were conducted for the benefit of selected teachers from Erode, Namakkal and Karur districts of TamilNadu. The frequency of the respondents is learned through the data, and the chi-square test was used to calculate the association between the age of the respondents with the influencing aspects of the training programme. The major findings show that...........
Keywords:Teacher Training Programme, Effectiveness of the Training.
[1] David McGuire and Mammed Bagher, (2010), Diversity training in organisations: An introduction. Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol.34, No.6, pp.493-505.
[2] Monika M, Parthasarathy K, (2015), Effectiveness of the training programmes on ISO certification among employees of the central railway workshop, TamilNadu. International Journal of Human Resource Management and Research (IJHRMR), pp.113-120.
[3] Muhammad, (2011), An empirical analysis of the relationship between characteristics and formative evaluation of training. The International Journal of Business Research, Vol.4, No.1, pp.273-286.
[4] Parthasarathy K., Aswini P.M. and Jayadurga R, (2016), Exploring the Imperatives of Skill Development Training through School Teachers of Tirunelveli,TamilNadu. International Research Journal of Management Sciences & Technology, Vol.7, No.6, pp.49-66.
[5] Parthasarathy K., Vivekanandan K., Aswini P.M. and Sasiraja S, (2016), Effectiveness of the Skill Development Training to School Teachers in InformationTechnology. IPASJ International Journal of Information Technology (IIJM), Vol.4, No.8, pp.11-22....
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Abstract: In today's corporate world, the evolution of internet technology has rapidly changed the way a company conducts its activities starting from advertising its products and services through delivering it to the customer. Now, a customer can get information about a brand through different social media such as social networks, blogs, discussion forums, question and answer forum, news forum, video share etc.( 3CSI.,2010,p.4). Using these social media, an organization can engage its customers through providing support to their enquiries. Thus, it plays an important role in managing customer relationship using internet. This type of customer relationship management is called electronic CRM...........
[1] 3CSI, (2010). Social Media and Its Role in Customer Relationship Management.
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