Version-7 (September-2017)
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Abstract: India has one of the oldest traditions of CSR. Corporate Social Responsibility is the mechanism through which the corporate organizations have executed their philanthropic visions for social welfare. It is a powerful tool to increase the sustainability and profitability of the firm and achieving lasting values for stakeholder as well as shareholder. The purpose of the study is to highlight and compare various CSR activities carried out by National Aluminum Company Ltd (Nalco) and Mahanadi Coal Fields Ltd (MCL) between financial year 2011-12 and 2015-16. The study is based on secondary data collected from annual report of the both the companies, related journals and websites. A comparative...........
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Central Public Sector Units (CPSUs).
[1] Chaudhury, S.K., Das, S.K. & Sahoo, P.K. (2011). Practices of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Banking Sector in India: An Assessment. Research Journals of Economics, Business and ICT, Vol.4:76-81.
[2] Moharana, S. (2013). Corporate Social Responsibility: A Study of Selected Public Sector Banks in India, IOSR Journal of Business and Management, Vol.15 (4): 01-09.
[3] Priya, M. S. & Ajay, A. (2013). A Comparative Study On CSR Practices of HPCL and IOCL, Abhinav International Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Management and Technology, Vol.2 (2) : 109-117.
[4] Wankhade, V. (2014), Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility Spending of the Indian Companies, Abhinav International Monthly Refereed Journal of Research in Management and Technology,vol.3(4):12-20.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "A Micro Level Study on Innovative Traits and Practices of Rural Entrepreneurs" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Meera.H.N. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909070813 ![]() |
Abstract: Entrepreneurship and innovation can be considered as virtually synonymous. Out of necessity a large number of rural poor choose rural entrepreneurship. They have less ability to take the risks related with the huge scale venture which could make a real effect on the rural population. There are a few, who are comparatively less poor, have chance to pursue some profitable venture. From theoretical development point of view we need to take into account that rural development theories and perspectives on innovation which have focused more on agriculture. It should also be noted that the guiding principle of rural development and innovations are urbanization, to be specific, innovations in the areas of industries and service sector activities are considered important. In this regard some similarities.............
Keywords: Entrepreneurs, Innovation, Innovative Traits and Practices, rural entrepreneurship
[1] T.N. Srinivasan, (2007), Create a Framework that Helps Entrepreneurs, interview to The Hindu, Business Line, April 23.
[2] Jenks, Leland H. (1944), Railroads as an Economic Force in American Development, The Journal of Economic History 4: 18-20.
[3] Cromie, S. (2000), Assessing Entrepreneurial Inclination: Some Approaches and Empirical Evidence, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 9(1):7-30.
[4] Schumpeter, Joseph A. (1949), Theory of Economic Development, Harvard University Press: Cambridge, Massachusetts,
[5] Schumpeter, J.A. (1947), The Creative Response in Economic History, The Journal of Economic History, 7:149-159...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Construct Validity of Employability skills for Graduate through Factor Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. R.R. Chavan |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909071421 ![]() |
Abstract: Understanding the employability skills expected by employers of graduate will be of great assistance for students to transit smoothly from academic environment to professional life. This paper presents an overview of the concept of employability and survey study was carried out to develop an employability skills model for graduate students. The employability skills comprises communication skills, problem solving skills, self-management, time management skills, decision making, planning and organising, creativity/innovation skills, independent study, analytical skills, team work skills, ICT skills, leadership, honesty and integrity, self-confidence. Data were analyzed descriptively............
Keywords: Construct Validity, Employability Skills, Graduates, Factor analysis
[1]. Anderson, J., & Gerbing, D. (1988). Structural equation modeling in practice: A review and recommended two step approach. Psychological Bulletin, 103(3), 411-423.
[2]. Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobserved variable and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18, 39-50.
[3]. M.S. Rasul, R.A. A. Raul, A. N. Mansur, and A.P. Purvanasvaran, (2012), "Employability Skills Assessment Tool Development," Journal of International Education Studies, Vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 43-56.
[4]. J. Hillage, and E. Pollard, Employability: Developing a Framework for Policy Analysis, Research Brief, Department for Education and Employment (DfEE), London, No. 85, 1998.
[5]. M. Yorke, and P. Knight, Employability in Higher Education, learning and Employability Series one. ESECT:LTSN, 2006.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Youth Unemployment and Sustainable Development in Osun State, Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Adedeji || Abosede O. |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909072227 ![]() |
Abstract: This study examined youth unemployment and sustainable development in Osun State, Nigeria. The survey research design and purposive sampling technique were used. The sample was 732 youths aged 15 to 39 years. The objectives of the study were to examine the relationship between youth unemployment and sustainable development in the state and determine the causes of youth unemployment. Primary data were collected using a structured questionnaire. Qualitative data were analysed using percentages and mean. The hypothesis formulated was tested using Pearson Correlation at 0.01% level of significance. The study revealed that 282 (38.5%) of the 732...........
Keywords: Sustainable-Development, Unemployment, Youth
[1] Omoh, G. (2015). Youth unemployment in Nigeria up to 50%-McKinsey and co.Retrieved on 3/10/2016
[2] Akande, T. (2015) .Youth unemployment in Nigeria: A solution analysis.Retrieved at htpp://
[3] National Bureau of Statistics (2017). Unemployment/under-employment report for 4th quarter of 2016. National Bureau of Statistics, Abuja, Nigeria
[4] African Youth Charter/ African Union (2006).Culled at -youth-charter-2006pdf on 17/8/2016.
[5] Caribbean Development Bank (2015). Youths are the future. Retrieved on 3/10/ study-imperative-of employment-CDB-2015pdf....
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Abstract: The study on the private banking sector clearly portrays general banking activities on the basis of performance evaluation system and specific strategic management to bring forth gorgeous financial output and organizational success. It follows the alternative concept of banking using religious term which represents unique approach to credit and banking based on profit-oriented economy avoiding the name of interest in order to maximize profit. The study based on secondary analysis has formulated the idea of profit maximization with strategic governing procedure and manipulative technique to supersede the optimistic benefit in the competitive banking market.............
Keywords: Performance Evaluation; Management System; IBBL; Private Sector
[1] Abu-Doleh, J. & Weir, D. (2007). Dimensions of performance appraisal systems in Jordanian private and public organizations. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18(1)
[2] Amir Hussain Shar, et al.,Performance Evaluation of Banking Sector in Pakistan:An Application of Bankometer, International Journal of Business and Management , 2010, Vol. 5, No. 8; August
[3] Annual Report, 2016, Independent Auditors' Report & Audited Financial Statements of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited and its Subsidiaries.
[4] Annual Report, 2015, Independent Auditors' Report & Audited Financial Statements of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited and its Subsidiaries.
[5] Annual Report, 2014, Independent Auditors' Report & Audited Financial Statements of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited and its Subsidiaries.
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Abstract: The public service delivery in Kenya was characterized by slow pace of service delivery, corruption, inefficient public service providers, low morale amongst government workers, and poor attitude towards service delivery. Additionally, accessibility to government services was hampered by need to move between different government's offices sometimes located only in big towns. Kenyans were therefore not satisfied with the government service delivery. In response to the poor service delivery in Kenya, the Government of Kenya has conceptualized and executed diverse initiatives over the years in order to improve service delivery in government sector. Most notable of these............
Keywords: Accountability, Transparency, Public Service Delivery
[1] Bett, E. J. (2012). Challenges Facing the Implementation of Change Strategies at Kenya Commercial Bank Group Limited. Journal of Business and Management, 2(3), 25–30.
[2] Chewa, J. (2013). Influence of Organizational Internal Environment on Service Delivery in the Civil Service; The Case of Immigration Department Headquarters, Kenya. International Journal for Management Science and Technology, 53(9), 95–100.
[3] Haron, K. (2005). A Survey of the Extent of Outsourcing of Human Resource Management Functions by the Public Service in Kenya. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 2(3), 4.
[4] Kibue, M. (2013). Management of Strategic Change at Family Bank Limited, Kenya. International Multidisciplinary Journal, 2(4),
[5] Kiptoo, K. (2012). Investigation into the Factors Affecting Service Delivery at the Road Transport Department of Kenya Revenue Authority. Journal of Business Administration and Management Sciences Research, 1(2), 54–62...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on the Role of New Media in the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kashif Hasan || Dr. Sanjay M Johri |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909074246 ![]() |
Abstract: In the recent year's internet, particularly social media has changed the means in which politician and citizen network among themselves. Social media has almost eliminated the social and financial barriers that exist in the society. With the growth in the use of social media by politicians, the gap between the politician and citizen has been narrowed down. Social media can be defined as a platform in a network where members can share and discuss the information among them. Social media has become a powerful tool in the political campaigning and almost all political parties are using social media platform to reach out to the public. The study aims to look at the nature and method of new media used by the various national political parties in the 2014 parliamentary elections in India.
Keywords: social media, electoral process, politicians, voters, impact
[1] Boulianne, Shelley. 2009. "Does Internet Use Affect Engagement?: A Meta-Analysis of Research." Political Communication 26 (2), 193-211.
[2] Brown, W.J. and Vincent, R.C. (1995) 'Trading arms for hostages? How the government and the print media "spin" portrayals of the United States policy towards Iran', Political Communication, 12 (1): 65–79.
[3] Budge, I. and Keman, H. (1990) Parties and Democracy: Coalition Formation and Government Functioning in Twenty States. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
[4] Butler, D., Adonis, A. and Travers, T. (1994) Failure in British
[5] Burgess, Jean, and Joshua Green. 2009. YouTube: Online Video and Participatory Culture. Malden, MA: Polity Press..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Mergers on Efficiency of the Banks: A Study of Selected Merged Banks in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Devarajappa S |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909074757 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examines the impact of mergers on financial performance of selected commercial banks in India by using CAMEL model. CAMEL model is basically a ratio based model for evaluating the performance of banks. Total 16 ratios were used for evaluating financial performance of merged banks. For this purpose 4 Indian commercial banks merged during the period 2004 to 2008 were selected and data have been collected from CMIE data base at IIM, Bangalore. Statistical tool like, Mean, Standard deviation and T-Test have been used for analyzing the performance and testing the hypotheses. Finally, the study concludes that, the overall financial performance of the banks improves after the merger. So it could be recommended as useful financial strategy in order to improve financial performance of banks by achieving economies of scale, competitiveness, increased efficiency and market share..
Keywords: Mergers, Financial Performance, CAMEL Model, T-Test
[1]. Altunbas, Y., & Marques, D. (2008). Mergers and Acquisitions and Bank Performance inEurope: The Role Of Strategic Similarities. Journal of Economics & Business, 60, 204 222
[2]. Antony Akhil, K. (2011), "Post-Merger Profitability of Selected Banks in India," International Journal of Research in Commerce, Economics and Management, Vol. 1, No. 8, (December), pp. 133-5.
[3]. Anup Agrawal Jeffrey F. Jaffe (1999), "The Post-merger Performance Puzzle", Journal of Corporate Finance, USA
[4]. Arif M, Can L (2008). Cost and profit efficiency of Chinese banks: A non-parametric analysis. China Econ. Rev. 19(2):260-273.
[5]. Ataullah A, Cockerill T, Le H (2004). "Financial Liberalization and Bank Efficiency: A Comparative Analysis of India and Pakistan". Appl. Econ. 36(17):1915-1924..
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Abstract: In finance, Technical analysis is a part of Security analysis which analyses the movement of prices of securities in order to determine the trade entry and exit points and also to predict the immediate market trend. The present study is focused in comparing the effectiveness through analyzing the profitability of the most popular technical indicators namely, Moving Average Convergence and Divergence, Relative Strength Index, Stochastic Oscillator, Average Directional Index and Commodity Channel Index. For this purpose, the prices of State Bank of India from the Banking sector of National Stock Exchange (NSE), India has been analyzed for the period of ten years from 1.1.2007 to 31.12.2016. Trading signals for each of the five indicators were noted through Money control website following the unique rules of those indicators..
Keywords: Average Directional Index, Commodity Channel Index, Moving Average Convergence and Divergence, Profitability, Relative Strength Index, Security Analysis, Stochastic Oscillator, Technical Analysis, Technical indicators.
[1]. Antoniou, Ergul, Holmes &Priestley (1997) Technical analysis, trading volume and market efficiency: evidence from an emerging market, Applied Financial Economics, 7:4, 361-365.
[2]. Bernd (2002) "Are technical trading rules profitable? Evidence for head-and-shoulder rules", Applied Economics, 2003, 35:1, pp. 33-40.
[3]. Boobalan (2014) "Technical analysis in select stocks of Indian companies", International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol.2, Issue.4, Jan-March, 2014,pp 26.
[4]. Dbouk W, Jamali I, and Soufani K (2014): The Effectiveness of Technical Trading for Arab Stocks, Emerging Markets Finance & Trade, July–August 2014, Vol. 50, No. 4, pp. 5–25.
[5]. Dejan E, Andjelic G and Redzepagic S (2009): Application of MACD and RVI Indicators as functions of Investment Strategy Optimization on the Financial Market Zb. rad. Ekon. fak. Rij. • 2009 • Vol. 27, Issue 1, pp. 171-196..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of on-The-Job Training on Performance of the Kenya Police Service |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Peter MburuMaina || Paul Waithaka PhD |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909076471 ![]() |
Abstract: The Kenyan government has been carrying out public service reforms focusing on streamlining the Kenya Police Service and putting in place interventions to enhance efficiency in the service. A review of the police training curriculum was part of the police reform agenda aimed at professionalizing the Kenya Police Service. That notwithstanding, police performance has been currently wanting as evidenced by rise in crime rates in the country, complaints against police and use of unnecessary force in performance of duties. Organisations have capitalized on training in order to increase their human capital skills and competencies. The objective of the study was to investigate the influence of on-the-job training on performance of police officers in Kenya Police Service. A population of 85 serving police officers and 47197 households were used in the study. A census was conducted on 85 serving police officers..........
Keywords: Training, Performance, Kenya Police Service.
[1]. Aaron, T. (1991).Failure to Train or an Excuse not to Work?Journal of Law and Order, 39, (3), 46-49.
[2]. Armstrong, M. (1996).A Handbook on Personnel Management Practice.Kogan Page.
[3]. Bafaneli, S., &Setibi, G. (2015). The Impact of On-the-Job Training on Employee Performance: The Case of Riley's Hotel. Journal of Business Theory and Practice, 3, (2).
[4]. Barzegar, N., &Farjad, S. (2011). Impact of On-the-Job Training Course on Staff Performance.Social and Behavioral Sciences, 29, 1942-1949.
[5]. Bash, L. (2003). Adult Learners in the Academy. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Company..
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Abstract: There is great concern about the ever rising casualization of labour in the agricultural sector despite Zimbabwe's labour laws not recognizing that. The major areas of focus of this study were; to look at the causal factors of casualization of labour in the agricultural sector, the challenges faced by casual workers, the level of awareness of the relevant labour policies on casual labour by both the casual workers and the employers. The study was largely qualitative and used unstructured interviews and focus group discussions. The participants used in this research were officers employed in the responsible Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development, farm owners, farm managers and the casual workers drawn from six provinces in the country. The quota sampling.........
Keywords: Agricultural sector, Casualisation of labour, Retrogressive, Employment security, Labour laws, Social protection
[1]. Adler, P.A., and Adler, P. (1994). A Handbook of Qualitative Research, Thousands of Oaks: Sage. Armstrong, M. (2010). Essential Human Management Practice, London: Kogan Page. Atkinson, J. (1984). Manpower strategies for flexible organizations, Personnel Management Journal, 28-31.
[2]. Babbie, E., and Mouton, J. (2001). The Practice of Social Research, Cape Town: Oxford University Press. Benson, J. (2000) Casual Employment: A report on a survey of Ai group/EEASA members on current casual employment practices and implications of AMWU claim for changes to the terms and conditions governing casual employment. Melbourne: Ai group. Berg, B. (2001). Qualitative Research Methods for Social Sciences, Boston: Massachusetts.
[3]. Boyer, R. (1988) (eds) The search for labour market flexibility. The European economics in transition. Clarendon press: Oxford.
[4]. Burgess, J., and Strachan, G. (1999) The expansion in non-standard employment in Australia and the extension of employers‟ control in global trends in flexible labour, London: McMillan Press.
[5]. Callaghan, G. (1997). Flexibility, Mobility and the Labour Market, Adlershot: Ashgate.
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Abstract: The research was conducted in order to ascertain the level of motivation among Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) academic staff and problems arising therefrom. The study was confined to ZOU academic staff at the National Centre and Harare/Chitungwiza Regional Campus. Existing literature indicated that money possesses significant motivating power in as much as it symbolizes intangible goals like security, power, prestige and a feeling of accomplishment and success. Financial rewards were the oldest and certainly the most fundamental applied performance practice in organization settings. The study used a descriptive survey design. It was a mixed methodology research. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect data which was analyzed using largely descriptive statistics and...........
Keywords:Academic staff, Brain drain, Human capital, Job satisfaction, Motivation, Motivators, Needs.
[1]. Akintoye, I.R. (2000). The Place of Financial Management in Personal Psychology.
[2]. Armstrong, M. (2009). A hand book of human resource management practice. Kogan Page limited London: U.K.
[3]. Banjoko, S.A. (1996). Human Resource Management. Saban Publishers: Lagos
[4]. Baron, R.A. (1983). Behaviour in organizations. New York
[5]. Herzberg, F., Mausner, B., & Snyderman, B. B. (1959). The Motivation to Work. New York: John Wiley & Sons..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Student ERP solution acceptance |
Country | : | Slovenia |
Authors | : | Simona Sternad Zabukovšek || Irena Šišovska || Zdenko Deželak || Samo Bobek |
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: | 10.9790/487X-1909078795 ![]() |
Abstract: ERP acceptance by its users in companies has been researched by several authors while ERP acceptance by students within study programmes has not been researched so often. It is important for teachers to know which factors have influence on student ERP acceptance, so that they can develop curriculum accordingly. Our study researches student acceptance of ERP solutions while they are exposed to ERP solution and involved in ERP actual use. Our research is based on TAM research model, extended additional external factors such as: experience with computer, computer self-efficiency, personal innovativeness toward IT, computer anxiety, user manuals (help), system quality, social influence (environment), training and education etc. Research was conduct within a group of 121 students after short interaction with Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP solution. Results show that the most important external factors for student ERP acceptance are: individual benefits, training and education on ERP system and quality of ERP system........
[1]. Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behaviour. Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes. 50, 179–211. DOI: 10.1016/0749-5978(91)90020-T.
[2]. Almajali, D. A., Masa'deh, R., & Tarhini, A. (2016). Antecedents of ERP systems implementation success: a study on Jordanian healthcare sector. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. 29(4), 549–565. DOI: 10.1108/JEIM-03-2015-0024.
[3]. Amoako-Gyampah, K., & Salam, A. F. (2004). An extension of the technology acceptance model in an ERP implementation environment. Information & Management. 41, 731–745. DOI:10.1016/
[4]. Bond, B., Genovese, Y., Miklovic, D., Wood, N. Zrimsek, B. & Rayner, N. (2000). ERP IS Dead – Long Live ERP II. Gartner Group. Retrieved March 10, 2017, from
[5]. Bueno, S. & Salmeron, J. L. (2008). TAM-based success modelling in ERP. Interacting with computers. 20 (6), 515–523. DOI: 10.1016/j.intcom.2008.08.003.