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Abstract: Résumé: Introduction : L'appendicectomie coelioscopique est l'ablation de l'appendice sous coelioscopie. Le but de cette étude était d'évaluer les résultats de la technique d'appendicectomie par coelioscopie et de rapporter ses avantages et ses désavantages à travers une étude prospective rapportant l'expérience du service de chirurgie sur les appendicectomies par voie laparoscopique comparées à la voie de laparotomie à Lubumbashi. Matériels et méthodes: Il s'est agi d'une étude longitudinale, sur une période d'une année et sept mois, allant de novembre 2017 à juin 2019. Deux groupes de patients ont été recrutés : 64 patients ayant subi l'appendicectomie par voie laparoscopique et 62 patients.....
Key words: Appendicectomie, coelioscopie, Lubumbashi
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Abstract: Objective: To find out the clinical profile of serum sodium status in children with cardiorespiratory instability admitted to PICU and its effect in predicting the clinical outcome. Background: Maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance is one of the focal points of critical care.Critically ill children admitted to the PICU usually have associated electrolyte imbalance.Our interventions ,particularly in the form of sodium containing fluids may add to the dyselectrolytemia.Hence, this study aims to describe the clinical profile and document the clinical outcome in children with serum sodium abnormalities in PICU setting.....
Key words: serum sodium abnormalities,PICU stay, fluid and electrolytes
[1]. Al-Sofyani KA. Prevalence and Clinical Significance of Hyponatremia in Pediatric Intensive Care. J Pediatr Intensive Care. 2019; 8(3):130-137. Doi: 10.1055/s-0038-1676635
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Abstract: Background: Renal transplantation is a moderate risk surgical procedure. Perioperative outcome is affected by multiple factors, among which role of fluid management is a major contributor. Kabilyte has composition similar to plasma and has shown beneficial effect in major surgeries. Methods: This prospective study enrolled ninety patients, aged 20-60 years undergone live related renal transplantation. Patients were divided in three groups depending on intraoperative crystalloid infused [Group NS: normal saline, Group KL: kabilyte, Group NS+KL: normal saline and kabilyte (1:1)]. All patients were administered crystalloids under pulse....
Keywords: End-stage renal disease, acid-base analysis; normal saline, delayed graft functioning, renal transplantation
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Abstract: The aim of the present is study is to evaluate the factors resulting trismus following local anesthetic injections . It was a questionnaire based study comprised of 20 questions on google form shared amongst 100 dental practitioner of West Bengal.Data thus obtained were evaluated statistically . According to present study ,the complication of trismus after local anesthetic injection may be prevented by the use of short needles for maxillary posterior injections, and by the avoidance of multiple injections in a short period of time and thus having a sound knowledge on surgical anatomy of the injection site.
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Abstract: Background: Hematological manifestations in Arthritis can be generally categorized into areas of anemia, thrombocytosis, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, eosinophilia, and hematological malignancies. Anemia in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is multifactorial. Patients with arthritis may present with hematological abnormalities either at the time of diagnosis, or during the course of their illness. The cause of anemia in RA is multifactorial including disease activity, drug-induced, dietary, gastrointestinal bleeding, bone marrow suppression, and ineffective erythropoiesis activity. Objective: the......
Key Word: Hemoglobin, MCV (Mean cell volume), MCH (Mean cell hemoglobin), MCHC (Mean cell hemoglobin concentration, Arthritis, OA (Osteoarthritis), RA (Rheumatoid arthritis), World health organization.
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Abstract: Introduction -Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) is a clinical syndrome which consists of Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) [ST segment elevation to non-ST segment elevation (Q wave & non-Q wave)] and unstable angina (ACS without enzyme or marker release).Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABPM) is when blood pressure is measured as someone move around, living his normal daily life. It is measured for up to 24 hours.Various studies have also suggested that the morning surge and even elevation of BP on rising may also be associated with target organ damage and cardiovascular events. Thus this study was aimed to find out this Prognostic Index (PI) can be of any utility to predict the future adverse cardiac events in patients soon after acute coronary syndrome....
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Abstract: Background: Many medical educators are experimenting with innovative ways of E-learning, which provides an opportunity to students for self-directed learning apart from other advantages. Diverse challenges in infrastructure and adoption are encountered when implementing e-learning within medical education. This study aims to assess the limitations of e-learning and difficulties faced by medical faculty in implementing it. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted by distributing a 21-item closed-ended; pre-tested & pre-validated questionnaire among medical faculty as Google Form. The responses received were analysed using Microsoft Excel (2019) and SPSS (ver.26). Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05. Results: About 89.3% of faculty agreed.......
Keywords: e-Learning, Faculty, CBME, Medical education.
[1]. Ruiz JG, Mintzer MJ, Leipzig RM. The impact of e-learning in medical education. Acad Med. 2006;81(3):207-12.
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Abstract: OBJECTIVES: 1. To evaluate the maternal outcome in severe Preeclampsia and eclampsia, in abdominal and vaginal route of delivery
2. To evaluate maternal outcome in elective caesarean section and emergency caesarean section. STUDY DESIGN The study was conducted for the duration of one year from 1/7/20 to 1/7/21. Patients admitted to OBG DEPT of Cheluvamba hospital, MMC & RI, Mysore with the diagnosis of severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, form the source of data.
RESULTS In this study 63.2% in severe pre-eclampsia, 50% in eclampsia group delivered vaginally.15.1% in severe preeclampsia and 25% in eclampsia......
Keywords: caesarean section, severe pre-eclampsia, maternal morbidity
[1]. F. Gary Cunningham, Kenneth J. Leveno, Steven L. Bloom, Catherine Y. Spong, Jodi S. Dashe, Barbara L. Hoffman, Brian M. Casey, Jeanne S. Sheffield. Hypertensive disorders. Williams obstetrics. 24th edition. 728-779.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Cardiotocography in Predicting Perinatal Outcome in High Risk Pregnancy |
Country | : | India |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2102125269 ![]() |
Abstract: Currently, the evaluation of fetal health is a very important concern, both for the obstetrician and the couple. It requires early recognition and prompt treatment of the foetal pathology in utero. The prevention and treatment of diseases in the mother were once the focus of obstetric practice, but today equal importance is given to the fetus. The fetal health in utero is evaluated in part by assessment of the fetal heart rate.1 The baby's heartbeat was first thought to be heard in utero in the middle of the seventeenth or eighteenth century, but it was not until the early nineteenth century that de Kergeradee suggested that listening to the baby's heartbeat might be clinically......
[1]. Kaban A, Cengiz H, Kaban I, Özcan A, Karkas S. The success of cardiotocography in predicting perinatal outcome. J Clin Exp Invest 2012;3(2):168-71.
[2]. Alfirevic Z, Devane D, Gyte GML. Continuous cardiotocography (CTG) as a form of electronic fetal monitoring (EFM) during labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev [serial online]. 2013 [cited 2016 Sep 5];(5):[7 screens]. Available from: URL: http://www.cochrane.org/CD006066.
[3]. Edwin C, Arulkumrn S. Electronic fetal heart rate monitoring in current and future practice. J Obstet Gynecol India. 2008;58(2):121-30.
[4]. Cunningham GF, Leveno JK, Bloom LS, Spong YC, Dashe SJ, Hoffman LB et al, editors. Williams OBSTETRICS. 24 th ed. New York. McGraw-Hill; 2014.
[5]. Holzmann M, Wretler S, Cnattingius S, NordstrÖm L. Cardiotocography patterns and risk of intrapartum fetal acidaemia. J Perinat Med 2015;43(4):473-9.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Papille de Bergmeister |
Country | : | Morroco |
Authors | : | El Houssaine Boudra || Idriss Benatiya Andaloussi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2102127071 ![]() |
Abstract: La papille de Bergmeister est une anomalie congénitale bénigne, caractérisé par la persistance d'un reliquat du tissu hyaloïdien primitif sous la forme d'une membrane empiétant totalement ou partiellement sur la papille. Elle est souvent asymatomatique et le diagnostic repose seulement sur la clinique. Nous rapportons un cas de la papille de Bergmeister chez un patient de 35 ans de découverte fortuite connue sans antécédants. L'examen clinique a retrouvé une acuité visuelle corrigée à 10/10 P2 dans les deux yeux, le segment antérieur était normal. L'examen de fond d'oeil a retrouvé une formation membraneuse vitréenne appendue à la papille au niveau de l'oeil droit sans autres anomalies visibles. Le diagnostic d'une papille de Bergmeister a été donc retenu devant l'aspect typique, et l'absence de signes en faveur d'une pathologie tumorale bénigne ou maligne.....