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Abstract: L'ingestion de corps étranger est un accident fréquent chez l'enfant. Seuls 10 à 20 % d'entre eux se compliquent. L'hématémèse est rarement un mode de révélation d'une ingestion de corps étrangers. Nous rappelons l'observation d'un nourrisson de 2 ans sans antécédents particuliers, hospitalisée à la pédiatrie médicale pour une pneumopathie pendant 3 semaines. Les radiographies thoraco-abdominales initiales étaient normales en dehors d'images réticulo-nodulaires sur les deux parenchymes pulmonaires. En cour d'hospitalisation, le nourrisson a présenté des épisodes d'hématémèse avec une sensibilité abdominale diffuse. Devant ce tableau, une radiographie thoraco-abdominale était demandée permettant d'objectiver un corps étranger à type d'aiguille au niveau digestif et une fibroscopie réalisée avait permis de localiser le corps étranger enfoncé dans le bulbe duodénal..........
Keywords: Corps étranger, aiguille, perforation, duodénum, hématémèse, enfant.
[1]. L. Michaud, M. Bellaïche, JP Olives. Ingestion de corps étrangers chez l'enfant. Recommandations du Groupe francophone d'hépatologie, gastroentérologie et nutrition pédiatriques. Arch de Pédiatr 2009 ; 16 : 54 61.
[2]. J.-P. Olives, M. Bellaïche, L. Michaud. Corps étrangers digestifs chez l'enfant. Arch de Pediatr 2009;16:962-964.
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[5]. Arana A, Hauser B, Hachimi-Idrissi S,VandenplasY. Management of ingested foreign bodies in childhood and review of the literature. Eur J Pediatr 2001;160:468–72.
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Abstract: Background: Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) are at greater risk of developing mental and psychosocial disorders, especially in late adolescence and early adulthood. Objective: Screening for emotional and psychosocial disorders in children and adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus by applying the Pediatric Symptoms Checklist. Methods: Cross-sectional epidemiological study of children and adolescents, aged between 6 and 16 years old, assisted at a pediatric endocrinology outpatient clinic of a university hospital and in a private clinic. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, school grade, time since diagnosis, and their relationship with the Pediatric Symptoms Checklist's score........
Keywords: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Mental disorders, Child, Adolescent, Screening.
[1]. Ziegler R, Neu A. Diabetes in Childhood and Adolescence - a guideline-based approach to diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2018; 115: 146-56.
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[3]. Henríquez-Tejo R, Cartes-Velásquez R. Impacto psicossocial de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 em niños, adolescentes y sus famílias. Revisión de la literatura. Rev Chil Pediatr. 2018;89(3):391-398.
[4]. Versloot J, Ali A, Minotti SC, Ma J, Sandercock J, Marcinow M et al. All together: integrated care for youth with type 1 diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes. 2021; 22:889-899.
[5]. Muzzolon SRB, Cat MNL, dos Santos LHC. Avaliação da Lista de Sintomas Pediátricos como instrumento de triagem para identificar problemas emocionais e psicossociais. Rev Paul Pediatr 2013; 31(3):359-64.
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Abstract: Facial hypermelanoses is one of the most common presentation in Indian patients in dermatology OPD. Pigmentary disorders are actually more frequent in darker races causing cosmetic disfigurement. Facial melanoses, because of their visibility on exposed areas of the body carry significant social, psychological and cosmetic challenges , making their effective management a concern for both the patient and the treating physician. The term facial hypermelanoses encompasses a myriad of entities, some of which are inherited like generalised lentigenoses, Peutz Jeghers syndrome, nevus of Ota, Hori's naevus; while majority are constituted by acquired pigmentary disorders (either primary dermatologic disorders or secondary to systemic disorders)........
Keywords: Facial melanoses, melasma, frictional melanoses, terra firme forme dermatoses, seborrheic melanoses.
[1]. Geel N V, Speeckaert R. Acquired Pigmentary Disorders. In Griffiths C, Barker J, Bleiker TO, Chalmers R, Creamer D, editors. Rook's textbook of dermatology. 9th Ed. West Sussex (UK):John Wiley & Sons; Feb 29 2016 p 37.2. [2]. Mutalik SD, Pethe SV, Nikam BP, Rasal YD. Facial frictional melanosis in Indian patients: Defining the entity. Clinical Dermatology Review. 2019 Jan 1;3(1):78. [3]. Sonthalia S, Agrawal M, Sharma P, Pandey A. Maturational hyperpigmentation: Cutaneous marker of metabolic syndrome. Dermatology practical & conceptual. 2020;10(2). [4]. Amatya B, Jha AK, Shrestha S. Frequency of different types of facial melanoses referring to the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Nepal Medical College and Teaching Hospital in 2019, and assessment of their effect on health-related quality of life. BMC dermatology. 2020 Dec;20(1):1-7. [5]. Khanna N, Rasool S. Facial melanoses: Indian perspective. Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, and Leprology. 2011 Sep 1;77(5):552.
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Abstract: Rising cesarean section rates all over the world are a subject of concern. Objective: To analyze trends of Cesarean Sections (CSs) and evaluate them according to Robson's Ten Groups Classification System (TGCS). Methods: The study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, FHMC, Agra, India. This was a retrospective study conducted for one year from January 2017 to 31 December 2017. Total 430 women were delivered in the tertiary care center FHMC & Hospital during the study period. Data was collected in a predesigned proforma from each subject regarding maternal characteristics and pregnancy-related information and further divided into Ten groups of Robson's criteria based on obstetrics information........
Key Word: Robson's Ten-Group Classification, Cesarean section
[1]. WHO Statement on Cesarean Section Rates; WHO/RHR/15.02. availablehttp://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/publications/maternal, perinatal, health/cs-statement/en/.
[2]. Jacob KJ et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Nov;6(11):5038-5043
[3]. Ye J, Betrán AP, Vela MG, Souza JP, Zhang J. Searching for the optimal rate of medically necessary cesarean delivery. Birth 2014; 41: 237–44.
[4]. According to the recent NFHS 4, the average rate of C-section in India is 17.2 percent
[5]. Torloni MR, Betrán AP, Souza JP, et al. Classifications for cesarean section: a systematic review. PLoS One 2011; 6: e14566.
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Abstract: Esthetics have always been a concern irrespective of age or gender. Hence esthetic management of grossly decayed primary teeth has been one of the greatest clinical challenges faced by the Pediatric dentists. An ideal restorative material has thus become an unavoidable requirement in rebuilding the mutilated primary teeth thereby pertaining to its normal form and function. Early childhood caries in young children is one such debilitating condition which demands the rehabilitation of deeply carious multiple carious lesions. Early childhood caries most commonly occurs in maxillary anterior teeth followed by molars. However mandibular anterior teeth are usually not involved........
Key Word: Esthetics, Anterior esthetic crowns, Deciduous teeth.
[1]. Yilmaz Y, Guler C. Evaluation of different sterilization and disinfection methods on commercially made preformed crowns. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 2008;26:162-7.
[2]. American Academy on Pediatric Dentistry, American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy on early childhood caries (ECC): classifications, consequences, and preventive strategies . Pediatr Dent. 2008-2009;30(7 suppl):40-43
[3]. American Academy on Pediatric Dentistry Clinical Affairs Committee-Developing Dentition Subcommittee; American Academy on Pediatric Dentistry Council onClinical Affairs. Guideline on management of the developing dentition and occlusion in pediatric dentistry. Pediatr Dent 2008-2009;30(Suppl):184-95.
[4]. Gilchrist F, Morgan A, Farman M, Rodd H: Impact of the Hall technique for preformed metal crown placement on undergraduate paediatric dentistry experience. European Journal of Dental Education 2013, 17:e10-e5.
[5]. Sajjanshetty S, Patil P, Hugar D, Rajkumar K: Pediatric Preformed Metal Crowns-An Update. Journal of Dental and Allied Sciences 2013, 2:29.
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Abstract: Background: Upper gastrointestinal tract disorders are commonly encountered problems in the clinical practice with a high degree of morbidity and mortality. Endoscopic biopsy is a common procedure performed in the hospital and gastrointestinal endoscopy in combination with biopsy plays an important role in the exact diagnosis of these disorders for further management. The aim is to study the histopathological spectrum of upper and lower gastrointestinal tract lesions. Materials and Methods: This is a hospital based observational study for a period of three years in a tertiary care centre from July 2018 to June 2021..........
Key Word: Gastrointestinal tract, Endoscopy, colonoscopy, Histopathology
[1]. Siddiqui B, Faridi SH, Shehwar D, Ahmed S, Mazumder MA (2020) A Study of Age-Wise Spectrum of Gastrointestinal Biopsies with Endoscopic Correlation a 5-Year Experience from a Tertiary Health Care Centre in North India. Int J Pathol Clin Res 6:113. doi.org/10.23937/2469-5807/1510113
[2]. Shanmugasamy K, Bhavani K, Anandraj VK, Narashiman R, Kotasthane DS. Clinical correlation of upper gastrointestinal endoscopic biopsies with histopathological findings and to study the histopathological profile of various neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions. J Pharm Biomed Sci 2016;06(04): 220–224
[3]. Bilal A Sheikh , Shaista M Hamdani , Roohi Malik . Histopathological spectrum of lesions of upper gastrointestinal tract – A study of endoscopic biopsies. www.gjmedph.org Vol. 4, No. 42015
[4]. Sharma S, Kumari K, Sharad S, Shah G, Neelam . Histopathological spectrum of lesions in gastrointestinal endoscopic biopsy: A prospective study of 500 cases. Indian J Pathol Oncol 2020;7(3):384-391.
[5]. Somani. Histopathological Study of The Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Endoscopic Biopsies. Ann Pathol Lab Med. 2018;5(8):684–8.
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Abstract: Background: PUJ obstruction is the most common among the major obstructive pathologies in pediatric patients. The study aims to compare the benefits and drawbacks of stentless pyeloplasty in pediatric population with routine DJ stent insertion. Methods: Data was collected for operated cases of PUJ obstruction and categorised into those who had DJ stent in situ and those without DJ stent. Complications associated with both these approaches was systematically assessed.........
[1]. Anderson JC, Hynes W. RETROCAVAL URETER: A Case diagnosed pre‐operatively and treated successfully by a Plastic Operation. Br J Urol. 1949;21(3):209-14.
[2]. Houben CH, Wischermann A, Börner G, Slany E. Outcome analysis of pyeloplasty in infants. Pediatr Surg Inte. 2000;16(3):189-93.
[3]. Jana IA, Hussain M, Khan E, Aurakzai HU, Hanif
[4]. S. Stentless pyeloplasty for ureteropelvic junction obstruction in children. Ann Pediatr Surg. 2015;11(1):18-20.
[5]. Ninan GK, Sinha C, Patel R, Marri R. Dismembered pyeloplasty using double 'J'stent in infants and children. Pediatr Surg International. 2009;25(2):191-4.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Abdominal Cocoon |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Momin sheikh || Dr Ashwini R || Dr Ranjib Rongpi || Dr Saudagar Deuri || Dr Atul Ch Baro |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2102154143 ![]() |
Abstract: Abdominal cocoon is relatively a rare entity that is encountered less often during our surgical practice and is usually seen in young females. We present a case of abdominal cocoon who is a 43 years male was admitted with complaints of diffuse abdominal pain and obstipation of last two weeks. Abdomen was mildly distended with normal bowel sounds and computed tomography was suggestive of small bowel obstruction due to encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis. Laparotomy revealed ascites and a thick peritoneal covering encapsulating the small bowel loops . Adhesiolysis and mobilisation of small bowels were performed.
Key Word: Abdominal cocoon, adhesiolysis, diagnostic laparoscopy.
[1]. Manohar AE, Sabarigirieasen M, Nedunchezhian S, Kannan R. Abdominal cocoon. Int Surg J 2021;8:1942-4.
[2]. Lasheen O, ElKorety M. Abdominal cocoon or encapsulating peritoneal sclerosis: a rare causa of small bowel obstruction. EJCRIM 2020;7: doi:10.12890/2020_001972.
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Abstract: Background:Post operative wound Infection is a dreaded complication for orthopaedicsurgeons.Usually when we are concerned about the disinfection and sterility protocols followed for OT complex,we seldom give a thought about the mobile phones we carry to the OT theatre.
Aim:To determine the bacterial colonization of mobile phones carried inside the OT and its association with post op wound surgical site infection.
Methods:We carried the study for a period of.......
Key Word: mobile phones, coagulase negative staphylococcus aureus,MRSA,surgical site infection.
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Authors:Lise Lotte Larsson.
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Abstract: Background: Proper nutrition is a basic requirement for healthy physical, social and economic development of individuals. Access to food prevents nutritional disorders in childhood and poor health in adulthood. Social security however determines availability of and access to food. This study is aimed at assessing the nutritional status of primary school-aged children in Rivers State, Nigeria Method: This is a cross-sectional study carried out among 393 primary school children aged 6 – 12 years in Rivers State Nigeria, recruited through a multistage sampling method. Pupils provided information on their anthropometry while their parents/guardians provided........
Key Word: obesity, underweight, undernutrition, over-nutrition, malnutrition
[1]. National Population Commission (NPC) [Nigeria] and ICF International. (2014). Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey 2013. Abuja, Nigeria, and Rockville, Maryland, USA: NPC and ICF International.
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Abstract: Objective: Free radical-mediated oxidative stress has been implicated in the pathogenesis of thyroid disorders. Hypothyroidism is a common thyroid disorder. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of levothyroxine (LT4) therapy on oxidative stress marker Malondialdehyde (MDA) level in hypothyroid patients. Design: This Randomized clinical trial was conducted to compare MDA level in hypothyroidism before and after treatment by LT4. Methods: 30 patients with newly diagnosed hypothyroidism and 30 healthy age matched subjects of both sexes as the control group were......
Key Word: Hypothyroidism, Oxidative Stress, Reactive oxygen species, Levothyroxine
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