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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Complete Transverse Vaginal Septum- Rare Anomaly |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | DR.ABINAYA.R || DR.RAJESWARI K.S |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2102070103 ![]() |
Abstract: Transverse vaginal septum is one of the rare anomalies of the female reproductive tract. This is a case report of a 12 year old girl who presented with lower abdominal pain and hematocolpos. Rectal examination revealed a smooth pelvic mass. MRI showed transverse vaginal septum. Surgical resection of the septum was done along with split skin grafting. Postoperative vaginal dilatation was done to prevent restenosis.
Key words: Transverse vaginal septum, uterine anomaly, imperforste hymen, primary amenorrhea
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Abstract: Background: Asthma has an estimated prevalence of 20% of children and adolescents, being the most common chronic disease of childhood. Its consequences compromise the quality of life, are associated with an increase in psychiatric disorders, the number of hospitalizations, and school absenteeism, thus being considered an important public health problem. Objectives: perform screening for emotional and psychosocial disorders in children and adolescents with asthma by applying the Pediatric Symptoms Checklist. Method: it was an epidemiological cross-sectional study.....
Key words: Child. Adolescent. Asthma. Mental Disorders. Surveys and Questionnaires
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Abstract: Placenta percreta is an rare form of placenta accreta spectrum, a life-threatening complication. The increased frequency of placenta accreta spectrum has been associated with liberalised use of Cesarean section. This is a case report of 22 weeks pregnant women with previous two lscs presented with hematuria and diagnosed as placenta percreta and underwent hysterotomy with hysterectomy and cystostomy and internal artery ligation and aortic clamping was done to reduce the bleeding. A multidisciplinary approach was needed in successful management of this patient..
Key words: Placenta percreta, aortic clamping, internal artery ligation
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Abstract: Background: A previous meta-analysis of community-based survey of data collected from 1997 – 2017, showed an increase in prevalence of diabetes in Nigeria from 2.2% to 5.77%. The highest prevalence was seen in the South South and South East states of Nigeria. There is need for a more recent study to ascertain progression of diabetes prevalence in these geopolitical zones. Method: Data of casual fasting and random blood sugar assessed from blood collected from subjects, attending mobile clinics held in 10 (ten) different communities....
Key words: Diabetes, Rural, Nigeria
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Abstract: Background: Induced hypotension associated with balance anaesthesia minimise blood loss& provide olegamic field. Dexmedetomidine , clonidine are α2-adrenoceptor agonists emerging as preferred choice present era.. Aims& objectives: The aim of the study is to compare hemodynamic stability and sedation under Dexmedetomidine infusion vsersus clonidine infusion during FESS. Material & Methods: After proper councelling and written informed.....
Key words: Dexmedetomidine , clonidine ,ENT surgeries, general anaesthesia, olegamic field.
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Abstract: Background: Digital games, a winning combination of gaming with exercise, known as exergames, can improve youths' health status. The prevalence of overweight children and adolescents has increased drastically over the past several decades due to physical inactivity and sedentary video gaming. This increase is troubling given the potentially numerous adverse health implications.1 Transforming sedentary video game play into active exergame play could increase caloric expenditure and provide psychosocial and cognitive benefits by increasing self-esteem, social interaction, motivation and visuospatial skills. This article summarizes the literature on exergames, showing the potential of exergames to improve the physical health, as well as transfer effects that may benefit related social, cognitive and academic outcomes
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION :The right internal jugular vein is most commonly preferred for securing central venous access. The traditional method of using anatomic landmarks to guide cannulation of right internal jugular vein have yielded various rates of successful access and complications. Thus, ultrasound has been applied to describe the anatomy of the IJV and to evaluate various techniques for percutaneous cannulation. However this facility may not be available in many centres because of the cost. Hence this study is conducted to identify the ideal posture in landmark guided RIJV cannulation. OBJECTIVE :The objective of our study is to establish the optimal position resulting in the largest RIJV diameter, thereby increasing the first pass success rate of IJV cannulation. METHODS :An observational study was conducted in....
Key words: RIJV- right internal jugular vein , 2D- 2 dimensional , various body position, USG- ultrasound guided.
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Abstract: Sixteen cases of hypothyroidism (4 were male patients) cases found in our retrospective study of CSVT during 2013-2020. Headache, focal seizures, and paresis were the main symptoms observed. Multiple sinuses involvement was in this study. Only 2 patients had well controlled thyroid function.All the cases responded well to anticoagulation apart from thyroxine replacement. No mortality was seen in this sub-group.
Key words: CSVT, Hypothyroidism, Anti-coagulation
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