Version-2 (March-April 2017)
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Abstract: The channel is one of the essential elements of the transmission chain .The wireless channel environment governs the performance of wireless communication systems, since the environment is unpredictable and dynamic.This will make the analysis of the wireless communication system difficult. To that end we classify the wireless channel model. In wireless communications, obstacles, such as houses, buildings, trees and mountains cause reflection, diffraction, scattering and shadowing of the transmitted signals and multipath propagation. Due to the multipath the transmitted signals arrive in different phase angles, amplitude and time interval..........
Keywords: Channel Models, path loss, height of obstacle, other empirical models
[1]. T. K. Sarkar, Z. Ji, K. Kim, A. Medour & M. S.Palma, "A Survey of Various Propagation Models for Mobile Communication", IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 45, No. 3, June 2003
[2]. Zia Nadir, Member, IAENG , Muhammad Idrees Ahmad, "pathloss determination using Okumura-hata model and cubic regression for missing data for Oman" IMECS 2010 ,March 17-19
[3]. Z. Nadir & M. Idrees Ahmad, "Path loss Determination Using Okumura-Hata Model and Cubic Regression for Missing Data for Oman", Proceeding of IMECS, Vol. 2,2010.
[4]. H. K. Sharma, S. H. Sahu & S. Sharma, "Enhanced cost 231 propagations model in wireless network"International journal of computer application (0975 – 8887) Vol. 19, No. 06, April 2011.
[5]. Z. Nadir, N. Elfadhil, F. Touati , "Pathloss determination using Okumura-Hata model and spline interpolation for missing data for Oman" World Congress on Engineering, IAENG-WCE-2008, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, 2-4 July,2008..
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Abstract: VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is the next generation telecommunication whereas traditional telecommunication systems have disadvantages on IP networking, ATM, Voice and Data communication. Security breaches, maintaining large network, QoS are important issues associated with communication. These led us to research and introduce virtual private network (VPN) for voice and data communication on hybrid private branch exchange (PBX). It can be implemented over the skeleton of existing architectures that helps organizations connect the spread out sites and distributed workers through a secure VPN using the existing public or private network...........
Keywords: H.323, IP, PBX, VoIP, VPN, SIP
[1] J. C. Snader, VPNs Illustrated: Tunnels, VPNs, and IPsec. USA: Addison Wesley Professional, 2005.
[2] G. Mehdi, "Future of VoIP over Wireless in Economic Downturn," Blekinge Institute of Technology, 2009.
[3] Phone Systems to Power Your Business -VoIP, PBX,IP PBX. Available:
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Abstract: The present investigation proposed a low power encoding scheme of thermometer code to binary code converter for flash analog to digital conversion by the design of different circuits. In this paper, we have proposed three encoding techniques for the conversion of analog to digital signal using Multiplexer based encoder, heterogeneous encoder and encoding technique using dynamic logic circuits providing low power of operation and we compare the results obtained from each technique based on power consumption. The multiplexer based encoder was designed with the help of multiplexers which consumes less amount of power comparing with other designs.
Keywords: Analog to digital converter, Multiplexer based encoder, TIQ comparator, Heterogeneous encoder, Dynamic logic.
[1]. D.Lee, J.Yoo, K.Choi and J. Ghaznavi, "Fat-tree encoder design for ultrahigh speed flash analog to digital converters" I proc. IEEE Mid-west Symp. Circuits Syst, pp 233-236, Aug 2002.
[2]. S. Sheikhaei, S. Mirabbasi, A. Ivanov, "An Encoder for a 5GS/s 4bit flash A/D converter in 0.18um CMOS",Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, pp 698-701, May 2005.
[3]. [Jan M Rabaey, Anantha Chandra kasan, Borivoje Nikolic, "Digital Integrated Circuits, a design perspective", second edition, Prentice Hall 2011.
[4]. Vudadha, Chetan, et al. "Low-Power Self Reconfigurable Multiplexer Based Decoder for Adaptive Resolution Flash ADCs." 25 th IEEE International conference on VLSI Design, pp 280-285, Jan 2012.
[5]. Sail, E.; Vesterbacka, M, "A multiplexer based decoder for flash analog to- digital converters", IEEE region 10 conference, TENCON 2004, pp 250-253, Nov 2004.
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Abstract: A Plasma Tweeter is an audio device which uses a pair of electrodes as a source of sound. It has a clear reproduction and Omni directional radiation pattern. A plasma tweeter has a better frequency response than a conventional speaker and does not involve any moving part (diaphragm) and thus has less reverberation and no wear and tear. Plasma tweeters invented earlier were very expensive. This paper presents a plasma audio system which is making the regular audio system more efficient because of the use of the latest plasma tweeter. Here the objective is to create a low cost and more efficient version of the most speakers invented till now with the complete audio system.
Keywords: Plasma, speaker, corona discharge.
[1]. Electronic Refereed Journal Article, MUSICAL FLAMES, W.R. Babcock, K.L. Baker and Cattaneo.A.G, Nature Volume 216, Issue 5116, pp.676-678(1967) DOI: 10.1038/216676b0
[2]. An Improved Winding Loss Analytical Model of Flyback Transformer, Wei Yuan, Xiucheng Huang, Peipei Meng, Guoxing Zhang Published in: Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2010 Twenty fifth Annual IEEE DOI: 10.1109/APEC.2010.5433633
[3]. Construction of Full-Bridge Stereo Plasma Speaker, Dan Peterson & Gino Giannetti, PHYS 406 Final Paper, May 13th, 2016
[4]. "High-Precision Parallel Graphic Equalizer"- Published in: IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing (Volume: 22, Issue: 12, Dec. 2014 ),DOI: 10.1109/TASLP.2014.2354241 ,Page(s): 1894 – 1904.
[5]. Matthew T. Hunter , Achilleas G. Kourtellis, Christopher D. Ziomek, Wasfy B. Mikhael "Fundamentals of Modern Spectral Analysis"IEEE,978-1-4244-7959-7/10,2010.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance evaluation of full adder |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S.Kesava Ram || V.Nancharaiah || S. Suresh || N.Prudhvi |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1202023437 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper presents different techniques of one bit Full adder. In every technique the main requirements are power consumption, speed and power delay product. The proposed FIN-FET technique gives the bette.r power consumption, speed and power delay product than other techniques. The proposed Fin-FET technique is compared with some of the popular adders based on the power consumption, speed and power delay product. We designed each of these techniques by using Spice simulation soft wares.
Keywords: Full Adder, CMOS, TG, CPL, GDI, FIN-FET.
[1]. Low voltage high performance hybrid full adder Pankaj Kumar *, Rajender Kumar Sharma National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India
[2]. High performance full subtractor using floating-gate MOSFET Roshani Gupta, Rockey Gupta, Susheel Sharma
[3]. Combinational Circuits Using Transmission Gate Logic For Power Optimization G.Naveen Balaji1 V.Aathira2 K. Ambhikavathi3 S. Geethiga4 R. Havin5 1Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
[4]. Gate-diffusion input (gdi) - a technique for low power design of digital circuits: analysis and characterization Arkadiy Morgenshtein', Alexander Fish2 and Israel A. Wagner'
[5]. High performance full subtractor using floating-gate MOSFET Roshani Gupta, Rockey Gupta, Susheel Sharma
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Vehicle security system using ARM controller |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. Ajay Wadhawe || Ganesh Yadav |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1202023843 ![]() |
Abstract: Road accidents are a human tragedy. This involves high human suffering and pecuniary costs in terms of untimely sudden death, injuries and loss of inherent income. In this paper, a system is proposed where the main objective is to detect road signs from a moving vehicle and also enables intelligent detection of an accident at any place and reports about the accident on predefined numbers of dear one .The system will use one signal transmitter in each and every symbol or message board at road side and whenever any vehicle passes from that symbol the receiver situated inside the vehicle i.e. In-Car System............
Keywords: ARM7, VANET,GPS Modem, RF module, Vibration sensor, GSM Modem.
[1]. Bankar Sanket Anil, Kale Aniket Vilas, Prof. S. R. Jagtap," Intelligent System for Vehicular Accident Detection and Notification", 978-1-4799-3358-7114/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, April 3-5,2014, India
[2]. Montaser N. Ramadan, Mohammad A. Al-Khedher, Senior Member, IACSIT, and Sharaf A. Al-Kheder "Intelligent Anti-Theft and Tracking System for Automobiles" Vol. 2, No. 1, Feb 2012.
[3]. Pravada P. Wankhade and Prof. S.O. Dahad Government College Of Engineering/Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Amravati (Maharashtra),India "Real Time Vehicle Locking and Tracking System using GSM and GPS Technology-An Anti-theft System" Jan –March 2011- Vol.2.No.3.
[4]. Pranav Dhole1, Saba Shaikh2, Nishad Gite3, Vijay Sonawane4, Sandip Institute of Technology and Research Centre, Nashik, India. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology,IJETST- Vol.||02||Issue||04||Pages 2285-2288||April||ISSN 2348-9480.
[5]. Vidya Lakshmi, J.R.Balakrishnan, Anand Institute of Higher Technology, Affiliated to Anna University. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 4, April 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | High –Speed Implementation of Design and Analysis by Using Parallel Prefix Adders |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. MADHAVI || P. DIVYA |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1202024449 ![]() |
Abstract: The binary adder is the critical element in most digital circuit designs including the digital signal processors (DSP) and microprocessor data unit path. As such as extensive research continues to be focused on improving the power, delay, improvement of the adder. The design and analysis of the parallel prefix adders (carry select adders) is to be implemented by using Verilog. In VLSI implementations, parallel prefix adders are very high speed performance. Binary adders are one of the most essential logic elements within a digital system.............
Keywords: Parallel-Prefix Adders, Xilinx ISE 14.7i, Verilog, Power, Delay..
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[5]. T. Hans & D. A Carlson, "Fast Area-Efficient VLSI Adders," Proc. 8th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic, pp 49-56, 1987.
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Abstract: In this paper designs of different UWB patch antennas with two rejected bands are given. The reference antenna consists of a rectangular patch etched on FR4- epoxy substrate with 50 Ω feed line and relative permittivity 4.4.. The simulated bandwidth with return loss (RL) ≥10 dB is 3.42–11.7 GHz. The rejected bands here are the WLAN and X-bands, achieved by inserting slots in the patch and the feed. The simulation results of the antennas indicate higher gain at the pass bands while a sharp drop at the rejected bands is seen..............
Keywords: MultiSlot, UWB, Patch, Band Rejection, HFSS.
[1]. Ahmed, O., Abdel-Razik, A.S., 2009. A compact UWB butterfly shaped planar monopole antenna with bandstop characteristic. In: 13th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics and the Canadian Radio Sciences Meeting, Toronto, pp. 1–3.
[2]. Ali, J., Yassen, M., Hussan, M., Hasan, M., 2012. A new compact ultra wideband printed monopole antenna with reduced ground plane and band notch characterization. Progr. Electromagn. Res. Sympos. Proc. (PIERS), 1531–1536.
[3]. Chen, K.-R., Chow-Yen-Desmond, S., Jeen-sheen, R., 2011. A compact monopole antenna for super wideband applications. IEEE Antennas Wirel. Propag. Lett. 10, 488–491.
[4]. Choi, J., Kyungho, Ch., Yangwoon, R., 2005. Parametric analysis of a band rejection antenna for UWB application. Microwave Opt. Technol. Lett. 47 (3), 287–290.
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Abstract: WSNs represents one of the most interesting research areas with deep impact on technological development because of their potential usage in a wide variety of applications such as fire monitoring, border surveillance medical care, and highway traffic coordination. Therefore, WSNs researchers have defined many routing protocols for this type of network. In this paper, we have implemented and analyzed different clustering protocols, namely LEACH, LEACH-C, LEACH-1R, and HEED using MATLAB environment. These routing protocols are compared in different terms such as residual energy, data delivery to the base station, number of rounds and live nodes.
Keywords: WSNs, energy consumption, LEACH, LEACH-C, LEACH-1R, HEED.
[1]. Cayirci, E., 2003. Data aggregation and dilution by modulus addressing in wireless sensor networks. IEEE Communications Letters, 7(8), pp.355-357.
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