Version-1 (May-June 2018)
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Abstract: In the design modelling of a DFT interface, the controlling and access operation defines the performance of BIST interfacing. In a DFT application, data stored in the BIST units are mapped to given query input and an output is developed as a match signal to which as decision is made. in the process of DFT operation, to obtain a faster matching and low power consumption, a new search approach and pattern alignment logic is defined. To improve the storage capacity of a DFT unit, a multi page interface is proposed. To the defined unit a new fault tolerance approach is integrated for a reliable, low power and fast processing DFTapplication.
Index Terms - DFT unit, low power, fast search, high volume, fault tolerant.
[1]. A. V. Aho and M. J. Corasick, "Efficient string matching: An AID to bibliographic search," Commun. ACM, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 333–340, 1975.
[2]. Derek Pao1, Wei Lin2,1, and Bin Liu, "Pipelined Architecture for Multi-String Matching", IEEE Computer Architecture Letters Vol. 7, 2008.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Bird's Eye View on Current Scenario of Content Based Image Retrieval Systems |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priyanka Saxena || Shefali |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1303010915 ![]() |
Abstract: The advancement in technology such as digital imaging, data storage and widespread use of internet has resulted in the explosion of the collection of images which has motivated the creation of an efficient image retrieval system. The Content based image retrieval has proved to be an efficientimage retrieval system for retrieving the database images that exhibit similarity to the query image presented by the user. The retrieval process is carried out by low level feature extraction from the image such as colour, texture and shape. This paper gives an idea about Content based image retrieval system(CBIR), literature survey of CBIR techniques and challenges faced by CBIR system.
[1]. K.Jenni, S.Mandala&M.S.sunar, " Content Based Image Retrieval using Color String Comparison," Elsevier , Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 50, pp. 374-379, 2015.
[2]. Y. Mistry, D.T. Ingole& M.D. Ingole, "Content based image retrieval using hybrid features and various distance metric," Journal of Electric Systems and Information Technology, Vol. 18, pp. 335-342, 2016
[3]. Hassan Farsi, SajadMohammadzadeh, "Color and Texture based image retrieval using Hadamard matrix in discrete wavelet transform," IET Image Process 2013, Vol 7, Iss 3, pp 212-218 doi: 10.1049/iet-ipr.20122.0203,2013
[4]. I.J.Sumana, M.M.Islam&D.Zhang, "Content based image retrieval using curvelet transform," IEEE 10th workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, pp.11-16, 2008.
[5]. K.Seetharaman,S.Sathiamoorthy,"Color image retrieval using statistical model and radial basis function neural network", Egyptian Informatics Journal ,2014
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | EMG Controlled Automated System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arnab Bordoloi || Samujjwal Paitya |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1303011618 ![]() |
Abstract: In this project, the Electromyogram (EMG) response is fed to control an automation system which is obtained from human arm response. The raw EMG signal is obtained from that part of the human muscle where the vibration generates responses within a suitable voltage range. This is fed to the automation system by proper conversion and filtering circuits to obtain the necessary pulse required to control the automated system. The raw EMG signal obtained in the range of few mV is amplified for further processing. To keep the response in the operating range we set the frequency bandwidth of a standard EMG response. For obtaining the EMG signals, surface electrode method is widely popular as it is non invasive and it can be conducted without any medical supervision. In this paper we are introducing an automated system which is controlled by the Electromyogram signal generated by contraction and relaxation of muscles, fed to the system wirelessly using a RF module, processed using Arduino
[1]. Dr. Scott Day, Important factors in surface EMG measurement.
[2]. Mohan C, Vinod Kumar Giri, DC motor control using EMG signal for prosthesis, IJECT vol.2, Issue 2,June 2011.
[3]. Chun Sing Louis Tsui, P. Jia, J. Q. Gan, H. Hu and K. Yuan, "EMG -based hands-free wheelchair control with EOG attention shift detection," in IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), Sanya, 2007.
[4]. Shital B. Sonone, G.D. Dalvi , Real time control of Robotic Arm using EMG signals,2016.
[5]. T. Tsuj, O. Fukuda, H. Shigeyoshi and M. Kaneko, "Bio-mimetic impedance control of an EMG-controlled prosthetic hand," in IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2000),Takamatsu, 2000
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Tourism Industry in India's Development |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1303011920 ![]() |
Abstract: The tourism Industry of India is economically important and grows rapidly. The world Travel and Tourism Council calculated that tourism generated INR 6.4 trillion or 6.6% of the nation's GDP in 2012. It supported 39.5 million Jobs, 7.7% of its total employment. The sector annual rate of 7.9% from 2013 to 2023. Countries with the fastest growing India has a large medical Tourism sector which is expected to grow at an estimated rate of 30% annually to reach about 95 billion by 2015. This paper discusses how India is emerging as a popular Tourist destination in the world, driven by the Focus innovation and creating value for tourists. It aimed change the attitude and behavior towards Foreign tourists by stressing on the aspect that a guest has been held in high esteem in India since ancient times.
Keywords: Employment opportunities, Foreign versus domestic tourists, GDP, Tourism Industry.
[1]. Jyothirmaye Rs venkateswara RB, Durga Roa s (2012) Rural & Eco Tourism in India problems and prospects Environmental Impacts on Tourism.
[2]. Travel and Tourism (2013) world travel and tourism council.
[3]. India's Domestic Tourism increase by 16/ crossing I billion mark (2014) LANS.
[4]. India Tourism statistics at a glance (2012) Market Research Division, ministry of tourism, Government of India.
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Abstract: In this research, Schottky Barrier diode (SBD) and MOS structure fabrication process on substrates (n-InSb, p-InSb) from the detached crystals grown by the vertical directional solidification (VDS) have been reported. An interface layer between the Al/n-InSb SBD, and Al/Oxide/n-InSb MOS-structure had been fabricated and studied. For Sb-based devices - leakage current, generation recombination (g-r), Shockley-Read-Hall (SRH), and series resistance (Rs) are analyzed. The performance of VDS-devices has drastically influenced by the quality of interface, deposited metal (Al) on n-InSb VDS substrate, and the dielectric layer (oxide) between (Al) and substrate (n-InSb). InSb VDS-substrate status, SBD and MOS parameters are characterized at 300K. The ideality factor (η) decreases to near unity, while series resistance lowers with increase in InSb crystal quality, it reveals increased barrier height (BH). experiments of device characteristics have been performed at 300K by the C-V, Rs-V (SBD), I-V, C-V, G(w)/w-F, C-F (MOS) methods, and also comparison of VDS-device and traditional-device are discussed
Keywords: Solidification, Interface layer, Sb-based crystal growth, Fermi level, Dielectric properties, Oxidation, Eelectronic materials, Eelectrical and electronic characterisation
[1]. Chao Liu, Yanbo Li, Yiping Zeng; Progress in antimonide based III-V compound Semiconduct and devices, Engineering 2, (2010, 617-624
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[4]. V. I. Strelov, I. P. Kuranova, B. G. Zakharov, and A. E. Voloshin, Crystallization in space: Results and Prospects, Crystallographic Reports, 59( 6) (2014, 781–806
[5]. L.L. Regel and W.R. Wilcox, Detached Solidification in Microgravity: A Review; Microgravity Sci. Technology 14, 1999, 152-166.
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Abstract: Inthispaper design of aDual-Band Notched UltraWidebandantennaconsisting of variouswireless applications ispresented. The proposed antenna overall size is 30mm x 40mm x 1.6mm. The antenna consists of a rectangular patch on the top of FR4substrate with 50ohm feed line with defected ground structure.Notch bands include WLAN system at 5 GHz (5.1 - 5.8 GHz) and WiMAXSystemat (3.3 to 3.7 GHz). The UWB range of 3.1 - 10.6 GHz approved by FCC, has a chance of producinginterferences in the variouswirelesssystems applications. In order to reducethecenter rferenceswe go for band notching.The simulated band width with return loss (RL) >=10db is 3.1 to 11.2 GHz with VSWR<2. It works for the applications of WiMAX system at 3.5GHz (3.3 – 3.7 GHz), C-band satellite communication (3.7 - 4.2 GHz), wireless local area network (WLAN) system at 5GHz (5.15 – 5.825 GHz), X-band satellite communication system (7.25 - 7.75).
Keywords: Band notched, Compact, UWB Antenna, Rectangular patch.
[1]. N. M. A. a. M. K. Abdelazeez, "New UWB Antenna with Inverted F and U Shape," IEEE GCC Conference and exhibition, 2013.
[2]. "USC-electrical-engineering," 2006. [Online]. Available:
[3]. H. a. M. A.Medhipour, "A novel UWB antenna for UWB applications," Laughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference, pp. 1-4244-0776-1/07/$20.00, April,2007.
[4]. Hindawi, "Wideband and UWB Antennas for Wireless Applications," International Journal of Antenna and Propagation, pp. 1-45, 2017.
[5]. T. A. D. a. A. R. Sebak, "Broadband L-shaped Dielectric Resonator Antennas," IEEE Antennas and wireless prop,Letters, vol. 4, pp. 1536-1225, 2005..
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Abstract: content addressable memory (CAM) interface plays a major role in current applications, where the stored data are coded or processed for interfacing, reading and processing of stored data. In the process of memory interface, as the volume of data is increasing, the conventional single page memory interface are not suitable. Hence, to process over a large volume of data multi page memories are developed. Where, multi page memories are suitable for large volume storage, accessing of such memory is a complex task. In this paper, a new interface design to data interfacing on such memory unit is proposed. The design approach, gives a simpler modeling of data interfacing in content based addressable memory interfacing applications
Keywords: Content Addressable Memory, multi page memory interface, system design.
[1]. David E. Taylor. Edward W. Spitznagel "On using content addressable memory for package classification", Applied Research Laboratory,Washington University in Saint Louis, 2005
[2]. Kostas Pagiamatzis, Ali Sheikholeslami "Content-addressable memory (CAM) circuits and architectures: a tutorial and survey" , IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.4l, No.3, March 2006
[3]. Scott Beamer, Mehmet Akgul "Design of low power content addressable memory (CAM) ", Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, University of California, Berkley
[4]. Qutaiba Ibrahim "Design & implementation of high speed network devices using SRLl6 reconfigurable content addressable memory (RCAM)", International Arab Journal of e-Technology, VoI.2,No.2, June 2011
[5]. Enoch O. Hwang "Digital logic and microprocessor design with VHDL" , La Sierra University, Riverside
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Development of 6lowpan Mote for IOT |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Krishnendu P || Tintu Mary John |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1303014854 ![]() |
Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged these last years as one of the most attractive subjects in both the research community and the public. Wireless Embedded Internet aims for efficient connectivity for embedded devices to the internet. This requires the embedded devices to run IPv6 protocol. 6LoWPAN is IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks. Raspberry Pi B+ module is used as processor and TICC2520 is used as RF module. Customize the Linux kernel and boot loader for Raspberry Pi. And develop device driver for RF module. Evaluate the system and make a comparison between various other wireless protocols.
[1]. Yannis Mazzer, Bernard Tourancheau, "Comparisons of 6LoWPANImplementationsonWirelessSensorNetwork", 2009 Third International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications.
[2]. Vinh Hoa LA†, Raul FUENTES†, Ana R. CAVALLI, "A Novel Monitoring Solution for 6LoWPAN-based Wireless Sensor Networks", The 22nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC2016).
[3]. Samer A. B. Awwad*, Chee Kyun Ng, Nor K. Noordin, Borhanuddin Mohd Ali, Fazirulhisyam Hashim,"Second and Subsequent Fragments Headers Compression Scheme for IPv6 Header in 6LoWPAN Network" 978-1-4673-5221-5/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE.
[4]. Prabhakaran Kasinathan, Gianfranco Costamagna, Hussein Khaleel, Claudio Pastrone, and Maurizio a. Spirito. DEMO: An IDS framework for internet of things empowered by 6LoWPAN. Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC conference on Computer & communications security - CCS '13, (October 2015):1337–1340, 2013.
[5]. Prabhakaran Kasinathan, Claudio Pastrone, Maurizio a. Spirito, and Mark Vinkovits. Denial-of-Service detection in 6LoWPAN based Internet of Things. International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, pages 600–607, 2013
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design And Implementation of Pulse-Based Low Power 5-Bit Flash Adc In Time-Domain |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V.Ranadheer || P.Srikanth |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1303015560 ![]() |
Abstract: Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) is implemented using the concept of time-based ADCs (T-ADCs) where the voltage-to-time conveter (VTC) and time-to-digital converter (TDC) blocks are used. The input analog signal is transformed into timing stamps depending on the level trigger of input voltage in VTC block. Then time is transformed into digital output by using the TDC block. The main advantage of T-ADC is, it resists the use of pre-amplifier stages, operates at low supply voltage, and it supports both low-speed and high-speed applications. Here, a new concept of digital ladder is been proposed where, only digital circuits are used for implementing of complete reference ladder and further a Flash ADC(FADC) is proposed and implemented using sample-and-ramp, comparator and digital circuits in CMOS 130nm technology.
Keywords: Flash ADC, T-ADC, Pulse-based, VTC, TDC
[1]. N. Katic, et al., "A sub-mW pulse-based 5-bit flash ADC with a time-domain fully-digital reference ladder", Microelectron. J (2015).
[2]. Dan Clein,Gregg Shimokura,"cmos ic layout: concepts, methodologies and tools" 1988,pp. 164-165.
[3]. C.-C.Lee,T.-H.Kuo,et al., "A compact low-power flash ADC using auto-zeroing with capacitor averaging", in: IEEE International Conference of Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits(EDSSC) , 2013, pp.1–2.
[4]. Y.-J.Min, S.-W.Kim, et al., "A 5-bit 500-MS/s time-domain flash ADC in 0.18-μm CMOS", in: IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Circuits (ISIC), 2011, pp. 336–339.
[5]. S.Weaver,U.-K.Moon, et al., "A 6b stochastic flash analog-to-digital converter without calibration or reference ladder" ,in: IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC) , 2008, pp. 373–376.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Low Power And High Performance Current Steering DAC Using Different GDI Logics |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G.Maheswara Murthy || B.Srinivas |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1303016167 ![]() |
Abstract: The current steering digital-to-analog converters (DAC) carry out a vital role in data-processing systems like communication systems. Digital-to-analog (DAC) converters used in modern communication systems mainly for linearity, effectiveness, and for high speed applications. The segmented approach of DAC in proposed work is mainly used for minimizing power dissipation, chip area. In general DAC have a tendency to operate at high rate of sampling, the current switches will affect the output with glitches because the transitions made at high sampling rate. In digital-to-analog converters decoders are designed with conventional CMOS logic, which are having more power dissipation, chip area than the proposed Gate Diffusion (GDI) Input logics. In this paper to minimize the power dissipation of decoder circuit in DAC, binary-thermometer decoder is implemented with GDI, Full-swing (FSGDI) and Transmission (TSGDI) logics. This method has been successfully shown for 8-bit 500-MHz segmented-current steering DAC having a less number of transistors, which results in low power dissipation.
Keywords - Binary to Thermometer decoder, Current-Steering DAC, FSGDI, GDI Logic, TSGDI
[1]. Fang-Ting Chou and Chung-Chih Hung, "Glitch Energy Reduction and SFDR Enhancement Techniques for Low-Power Binary Weighted Current-Steering DAC", IEEE transactions on very large scale integration (VLSI) systems, vol. 24,no. 6, June 2016.
[2]. Wenjuan Guo, "An Area- and Power- Efficient Iref -Compensation Technique for Voltage –Mode R-2R DACs ", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II, vol. 62, no. 7, July 2015.
[3]. Masoud Nazari, Leila Shari, "Design of a 10-Bit High Performance Current-Steering DAC with a Novel Nested Decoder Based on Domino Logic", Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, vol. 24,no.6, April 2015
[4]. Elahe Rastegar Pashaki, M. Shalchian, "Design and simulation of an ultra-low power high performance CMOS logic: DMTGDI", INTEGRATION, The VLSI journal, vol. 55, 194–201, 2016.
[5]. Shu-Chung Yi, "An 8-bit current-steering digital to analog converter", International Journal of Electronics and Communications (AEU), vol. 66, no.433-437, 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dynamic Hardware Reconfigurable System Using Partial Reconfiguration Procedure of FPGA |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S.Murali || K.Rakesh |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1303016873 ![]() |
Abstract: Recently, reports about hardware Trojan insertions have been insertions have been on rise. Outsourcing of designs and usage of third party IP cores have put the end user information at stake. It is necessary to have a detailed study to be able to develop organized methods to identify their presence. Many identification methods have been proposed which require a Trojan free chip (Golden Chip). In this paper we introduce about Trojan insertion, methods to detect the Trojan. Reconfigurable systems have been proposed in order to safeguard from Trojan attack. By using the Partial reconfiguration, dynamic modification of the system is analyzed.
Keywords - Dynamic Reconfiguration, Hardware Trojan, Partial reconfiguration, Reconfigurable systems, Third-party IP cores.
[1]. M. Banga, M. Chandrasekar, L. Fang, and M. Hsiao. Guided test generation for isolation and detection of embedded trojans in ICs.In Proceedings of the 18th ACM Great Lakes symposium on VLSI, GLSVLSI '08, pages 363–366, 2008.
[2]. M. Banga and M. S. Hsiao. A novel sustained vector technique for the detection of hardware trojans. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on VLSI Design, pages 327–332, 2009.
[3]. D. Du, S. Narasimhan, R. Chakraborty, and S. Bhunia. Self-referencing: a scalable side-channel approach for hardware Trojan detection. In Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Cryptographic hardware and embedded systems, CHES'10, pages 173–187, 2010.
[4]. Y. Jin and Y. Makris. Hardware Trojan detection using path delay fingerprint. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Hardware-Oriented Security and Trust, pages 51–57, 2008.
[5]. F. Koushanfar, A. Mirhoseini, and Y. Alkabani. A unified sub modular framework for multimodal IC Trojan detection. In Proceedings of the12th international conference on Information hiding, IH'10, pages 17– 32, 2010.
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Abstract: Wireless sensor network (WSN) technologies are increasingly employed in recent years for monitoring purposes in various fields ranging from the engineering industry to our immediate home environments due to their ability to intelligently monitor remote locations at low cost. Maximization of longevity of wireless sensor networks is possible by using effective transmission strategy. An optimal-distance-based transmission strategy based on ant colony optimization is put forward to fulfill such a maximization aim. Clustering mechanism is one of the popular wireless sensor networks routing mechanisms, and it has proven to be an effective approach for organizing the network into a connected hierarchy .In proposed work, we have proposed a algorithm in order to increase the longevity of wireless sensor network . The simulations using MATLAB results shows that the network longevity have improved.
Keywords - Longevity maximization, Sensor nodes, Wireless sensor network, Clustering.
[1]. J. N. Al-Karaki and A. E. Kamal, " Routing techniques in wireless sensor networks: a survey" , In IEEE Wireless Communications, Volume 11, pp. 6-28, 2004.
[2]. Marco Dorigo, Vittorio Maniezzo, and albertoColorni, "Ant system: optimization by a colony of cooperating agent'' ,Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics, IEEE Transac-tions on system, vol. 26, no.1 , february 1996
[3]. Xuxun Liu , "An Optimal-Distance-Based Transmission Strategy for Lifetime Maximization of Wireless" IEEE Sensor Journal , vol.15 ,no.6 ,June 2015
[4]. Stephen Adub , Sanjay Misra , "A Comparative Study on the Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms" , ResearchGate , 11th international conference on electronics, computer and computation , September ,2014
[5]. Konstantinous Kalpakis,Koustuv Dasgupta , and parag Namjoshi , "Maximum lifetime data gathering and aggregation in wireless sensor networks" ,Proceedings of IEEE Networks, 26th August ,2002
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Tourism Industry in India's Development |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1303018283 ![]() |
Abstract: The tourism Industry of India is economically important and grows rapidly. The world Travel and Tourism Council calculated that tourism generated INR 6.4 trillion or 6.6% of the nation's GDP in 2012. It supported 39.5 million Jobs, 7.7% of its total employment. The sector annual rate of 7.9% from 2013 to 2023. Countries with the fastest growing India has a large medical Tourism sector which is expected to grow at an estimated rate of 30% annually to reach about 95 billion by 2015. This paper discusses how India is emerging as a popular Tourist destination in the world, driven by the Focus innovation and creating value for tourists. It aimed change the attitude and behavior towards Foreign tourists by stressing on the aspect that a guest has been held in high esteem in India since ancient times.
Keywords: Employment opportunities, Foreign versus domestic tourists, GDP, Tourism Industry. Introduction:.
[1]. Jyothirmaye Rs venkateswara RB, Durga Roa s (2012) Rural & Eco Tourism in India problems and prospects Environmental Impacts on Tourism. Travel and Tourism (2013) world travel and tourism council.
[2]. India's Domestic Tourism increase by 16/ crossing I billion mark (2014)
[3]. LANS.
[4]. India Tourism statistics at a glance (2012) Market Research Division, ministry of tourism, Government of India
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rice Grain Quality Grading Using Digital Image Processing Techniques |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | N. A. Kuchekar || V. V. Yerigeri |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1303018488 ![]() |
Abstract: Quality of grain is of great importance for human beings as it directly impacts the human health. Hence there is a great need to measure a quality of grain and identifying adulteration or non-quality elements and analyzing the grain sample manually is more time consuming and complicated process, and having more chances of errors with the subjectivity of human perception. In order to achieve uniform standard quality and precision, machine vision based techniques are evolved. Rice quality is nothing but the combination of physical and chemical characteristics. Grain size and shape, chalkiness, whiteness, milling degree, bulk density and moisture content are some physical characteristics. This paper obtained all physical features and graded the rice grains using canny edge detection.
Keywords: Rice Grading, Machine Vision, Image Processing, Canny Edge Detection
[1]. Jagdeep Singh Aulakh , Dr. V.K. Banga, "Grading of rice grains by image processing", International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT), Vol. 1, Issue 4, June 2012.
[2]. Chetana V. Maheshwari, Kavindra R. Jain, Chintan K. Modi, "Non-destructive Quality Analysis of IndianGujarat-17 Oryza Sativa SSP Indica (Rice) Using Image Processing", International Journal of Computer Engineering Science (IJCES) , Vol. 2 Issue 3, March 2012.
[3]. Bhavesh B. Prajapati, Sachin Patel, "Classification of Indian Basmati Rice Using Digital Image Processing as per Indian Export Rules", International Research Journal of computer Science Engineering and Applications, Vol. 2 Issue 1, January 2013.
[4]. S. Kanchana, S. Lakshmi Bharati, M. Ilamran and K. Singaravadivel, "Physical Quality of Selected Ric Verities", World Journal of Agriculture Sciences, pp. 468-472, 2012.
[5]. Bhupinder Verma, "Image Processing Techniques for Grading & Classification of Rice", International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology (ICCCT), pp. 220-223, 2012.