Version-2 (Sep-Oct 2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review on Antenna Radiation Pattern Synthesis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Meenakshi L Rathod , Dr. A. Meera |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09520412 ![]() |
Abstract: In recent communication systems side lobe level reduction has become one of the important issue. For applications like digital beam forming it is one of the important factor because it reduces the effect of interference arriving outside the main lobe. This reduction in the interference increases the capacity of the communication systems. This paper presents the different methods for reducing the side lobe level and increasing the directivity. In several occasions a single element antenna is unable to meet the gain or highly directive radiation pattern requirements especially suited for long distance communication. Antenna arrays are formed to circumvent such problems by combining many individual antenna elements in certain electrical and geometrical configurations. The purpose of this research is to synthesize the radiation pattern for the design of different phased array structures considering the optimization process by using the natural computing to achieve the higher directivity with minimizing the side lobe level.
Keywords: Side lobe level (SLL), Antenna array, Differential Evolution (DE).
[1]. Dhanesh G. Kurup, Mohamed Himdi, and Anders Rydberg," Synthesis of Uniform Amplitude Unequally Spaced Antenna Arrays Using the Differential Evolution Algorithm" IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Volume: 51 , Issue: 9 , 2003 , Page(s): 2210 - 2217
[2]. Jing-Li Guo and Jian-Ying Li , "Pattern Synthesis of Conformal Array Antenna in the Presence of Platform Using Differential Evolution Algorithm" IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Volume: 57 , Issue: 9 , 2009, Page(s): 2615 – 2621.
[3]. Duan Li ; Coll. of Inf., Beijing Union Univ., Beijing, China ; Xue Yong-yi ; Zhao Yi-song , "Antenna pattern synthesis based on the particle swarm optimal algorithm ", IEEE Proc. Future Computer and Communication (ICFCC), 2010 2nd International Conference on (Volume:2) Page(s):V2-292 - V2-295 .
[4]. Gopi Ram, Durbadal Mandal, Sakti Prasad Ghoshal, and Rajib Ka1 "Design of Non-uniformly Weighted and Spaced Circular Antenna Arrays with Reduced Side Lobe Level and First Null Beamwidth Using Seeker Optimization Algorithm", © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2013, pp. 35–46.
[5]. Abdelmadjid Recioui, "Sidelobe Level Reduction in Linear Array Pattern Synthesis Using Particle Swarm Optimization", © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011.pp. 497-512.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of Flight and Engine Warnings and Parameter Display System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mahasweta Bhattacharya |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09520412 ![]() |
Abstract: Aircraft Cockpit Instrument System normally has conventional electromechanical instruments for Flight and Engine parameters of prime importance to the crew. These instruments include flight instruments like, Vertical Speed Indication (VSI), Standby Altitude Indicator, Combined Speed Indicator, Altimeter, Radio Magnetic Indicator (RMI). The Engine and Fuel instrument include RPM indicator, Turbine Exhaust Gas Temperature (TGT) indicator, Nozzle Position indicator, Fuel Flow meter, Fuel content indicator. In addition to flight and engine parameter indicators, a gyro magnetic compass (GMC) and Hydraulic pressure indicator are also required. In modern time aircraft, upgraded avionics replaces this entire instrument by integrated flight and engine parametric display and warning system. The flight parameters are received from Air Data, Altitude and Heading Reference System (ADAHRS). The ADAHRS shall have a serial interface (RS 422 or ARINC 429) from FEW-DPS. The Engine parameters and hydraulic pressure are directly acquired by Data Acquisition block of FEW-PDS. After the application of the computational algorithm in FEW-PDS, the corresponding value of parameters are displayed in LCD based soft instruments display. FEW-PDS shall also generate the discrete signal for different warnings based on algorithms as part of application s/w running on the main microcontroller of FEW-PDS.The scope of project is a Hardware Design for Lab Model of FEW-PDS.
Keywords: ARINC429, TGT, Nozzle Position, Engine RPM, Fuel Flow Rate, Hydraulic Pressure, Serial Peripheral Interface
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[3]. Analog Devices Monolithic Thermocouple Amplifiers with Cold Junction Compensation
[4]. Texas Instruments LM2907-N, LM2917-N(2013)
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Abstract: MIMO Diversity is a technique to mitigate the effect of fading and enhances the signal strength. STBC is used in MIMO systems to improve the performance by maximizing the diversity gain. In this paper, performance of MIMO-STBC for different modulatin techniques such as BPSK, QPSK, 8-PSK and 16-PSK using Hamming Coding is analysed on the basis of BER and SNR. A comparative study and performance analysis is done for SISO, SIMO, MISO and MIMO systems for BPSK modulation technique. Keywords: Multiple- input Multiple-output (MIMO), Space Time Block Code(STBC), Alamouti, Bit Error Rate(BER),Hamming Coding .
[1]. Roshan Kumar, "Performance Analysis of STBC with channel coding", Thapar University, Patiala ,Punjab,2010.
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[3]. Bhawna Ahlawat and R.K.Reddy,"Channel Estimation and Performance Evaluation of STBC with channel coding", International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), vol.1, issue 3, 2012.
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Abstract: It has been observed that the fatigueless estimation is based on facial geometric features. However, the geometric features are very often prone to vary to a great extent if the facial pose changes slightly. And the results may be completely 1800 out of phase as that of the desired one. The said problem may be thought of analysis of driver's facial expression in wavelet domain using entropy of low frequency and high frequency sub band of the facial image. Further, the video movie of the driver may be decomposed into images as frames and can be analysed in wavelet domain so as to correlate the facial images to fatigueless level. In the proposed work, following objectives are proposed in order to solve the presented problem: Decomposition of video into 2-d frames/images, Wavelet Decomposition of Facial images in LL, LH, HL and HH frequency sub-bands using haar wavelet, Entropy profile of LL and HH sub-band images and Correlation of Entropy to fatigueless Level.
Keywords: Haar Wavelet
[1]. G.N. Keshava 1,2 Murthy and 2Zaved Ahmed Khan, "Smart Alert System for Driver Drowsiness Using EEG and Eyelid Movements", Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 14 (5): 610-619, 2013
[2]. Itenderpal singh1, Prof. V.K.Banga, "DEVELOPMENT OF A DROWSINESS WARNING SYSTEM USING NEURAL NETWORK", International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 2, Issue 8, August 2013
[3]. Mr. Susanta Podder1 Mrs. Sunita Roy2, "Driver‟s drowsiness detection using eye status to improve the road safety", International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization) Vol. 1, Issue 7, September 2013
[4]. Markan Lopar and Slobodan Ribarić, "An Overview and Evaluation of Various Face and Eyes Detection Algorithms for Driver Fatigue Monitoring Systems", Proceedings of the Croatian Computer Vision Workshop, Year 1 September 19, 2013, Zagreb, Croatia
[5]. Mohamad-Hoseyn Sigari,1 Mahmood Fathy,2 and Mohsen Soryani, "A Driver Face Monitoring System for Fatigue and Distraction Detection",. International Journal of Vehicular Technology Volume 2013, Article ID 263983, 11 pages
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Non-Linear Companding Transform aided MIMO-OFDM Systems |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. Srinivasa Rao , B. Prabakararao |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09522230 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper a new non-linear companding transform (NCT) technique based on inverse hyperbolic cosine function is proposed and implemented along with new Intercarrier interference reduction technique to improve the performance of Multi Input and Multi Output Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MIMO-OFDM) system in terms of Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) and Inter Carrier Interference (ICI). An effective trade-off between the PAPR and Bit Error Rate (BER) performance is achieved by introducing an inflection point and variable companding parameters in the companding function, such that it enables more design flexibility and freedom in companding form. As per theoretical study, a desired PAPR threshold can be achieved by proposed technique, since it introduces the companding distortion as small as possible with appropriate selection of the companding parameters. And new ICI cancellation scheme maintains orthogonality among subcarriers of OFDM symbol, since it decreases the Carrier to Interference Ratio (CIR). The analytical expressions regarding the achievable PAPR reduction transform gain G, signal attenuation factor and CIR expression are derived. Simulation results demonstrate this combination together substantially improves performance of the MIMO-OFDM system.
Keywords: MIMO-OFDM, PAPR, ICI, non-linear companding transform (NCT), CIR, high power amplifiers (HPA).
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Abstract: This technique used mel-cepstral features, log spectrum and prosody based features with a non-linear artificial neural network in designing speaker recognition features that minimize telephone handset distortion. Effect of handset distortion was done to maximize speaker recognition performance specifically in the setting of telephone handset mismatch between training and testing as results on the 1998 NIST Speaker Recognition Evaluation corpus shows a high efficiency of 98% performance.
Keywords: Speaker; Channel; Telephone handset; distortion; mel-cepstral; log spectrum; Neural network; design
[1]. A.L. Higgins, L.G. Bahler, andJ.E. Porter, "Voice Idenrification Using Nearest- eighbor Distance Measure," Proc. Int. Con! on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Minneapolis, 27-30 Apr. 1993, p. 11-375.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Low Power Adiabatic Pfal Adder by Proper Choosing the N-Network |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nitish Rana, Mr. Vishal Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09523739 ![]() |
Abstract: Low Power is the main concern as the technology is reducing. Adders are the basic circuit for the arithmetic calculations. Adiabatic logics give less power dissipation than conventional CMOS. In this paper the attention is given to n-networks which can further minimize the power. The adder designed in this paper is based on the positive feedback adiabatic logic with different n-networks at 130 nm technology. Tanner EDA tool is used to design and simulate the circuits.
Keywords: Adiabatic Adder, CMOS, Low Power, PFAL
[1]. Y. Sunil Gavaskar Reddy and V.V.G.S Rajendra Prasad(2011), "Comparison of CMOS and Adiabatic Full Add3er Circuits," IJSER, volume 2, Issue 9.
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[3]. Nikunj R Patel and Sarman K Hardia(2013), "Adiabatic Logic For Low Power Application Using Design 180nm Technology," IJCTT, volume 4, issue 4, pp. 800-804.
[4]. Mukesh Tiwari, Jai Karan Singh and Yashasvi Vaidhya (2012), "Adiabatic Positive Feedback Charge Recovery Logic for Low Power CMOS Design," IJCTEE, volume 2, Issue 5, pp. 19-24.
[5]. Subhanshi Agarwal and Manoj Sharma(2013), "SEMI ADIABATIC ECRL AND PFAL FULL ADDER,", CS & IT-CSCP, pp. 175-184.
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Abstract: The application of new metaheuristic approach, Firefly algorithm, for the thinning of large multiple Concentric Circular dipole arrays is presented. A nine-ring Uniform Circular antenna array with central element feeding is considered. To analyze the effect of thinning, optimization is carried out with and without pre fixing the percentage value of thinning. The performance of the array in terms of sidelobe level and beam width is discussed in four cases. The numerically simulated patterns are obtained and compared with those of concentric circular isotropic arrays.
Keywords: Concentric circular antenna array, Dipole elements, Firefly algorithm, sidelobe level, beam width
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Improved V-Leach Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network with Data Security |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Hiral Shah , S. R. Bhoyar |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09524954 ![]() |
Abstract: Wireless sensor network requires robust and energy efficient communication protocols to minimize the energy consumption and increase the security as much as possible. The researchers mostly they are considering energy consuming. A cluster-based scheme is proposed as a solution for this issue. The suggested scheme extends Improved V-Leach algorithm and enables multi-hop transmissions among the clusters by incorporating the selection of cooperative sending and receiving nodes. The functioning of the suggested system is evaluated in terms of reliability and energy efficiency. Simulation results show that tremendous energy savings can be achieved by adopting hard network lifetime scheme among the clusters and of security and overall throughput.
Keywords: Clustering, Wireless sensor network, cluster head,Protocols
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wireless Mobile Communication Using Human Body as a Channel |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr. Italia Hiren R. , Prof. Dr. G. U. Kharat |
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: | 10.9790/2834-09525557 ![]() |
Abstract: The mobile communication takes place using wired network, infrared and bluetooth which consumes lot of battery power and have security issues. The main objective of research in to mobile communication is to use human body as transmission channel for electrical signals. However, so many experiments has been performed under the research of intra-body communication like capacitive and galvanic coupling to optimize operating frequency, channel length, electrode used etc. In this paper a new methodology has been developed for the alternate wireless mobile communication.
Keywords: Wireless Mobile Communication, wireless communication, Mobile to Mobile Communication, Intrabody Communication, IBC HAN
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Abstract: The prediction of wall losses is a fundamental aspect in the development of ultra-wideband through-the-wall (TTW) detection systems. Accurate ultra-wideband signal attenuation prediction has always been very difficult due to a broad variety of building materials without the support of a sophisticated model. In this paper, the attenuation of different types of concrete and brick walls are estimated using the electromagnetic characteristics of building materials for frequencies from 1 to 5 GHz by two theoretical models based on the method of general solutions of wave equations using boundary conditions and the impedance transformation method or the method of transmission line analogy. This estimation will enable in the design of any ultra wideband through-the wall radar system. Keywords: brick, concrete, dielectric properties, RF propagation, through-the-wall (TTW), ultra-wideband
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Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is currently an active research area due to its exciting technology and potential in different applications. The advantages of wireless transmission are significant reduction and simplification in wiring, allows remote sensor monitoring, such as monitoring dangerous, hazardous, allow faster deployment and installation of different types of sensors. WSN is applied in various fields including medicine, transportation, agriculture, industrial process control, global-scale environmental monitoring and precision agriculture. Availability of fresh water is one of the elementary conditions for life on Earth, however, water is a limited resource, and is having demand from several economic sectors such as tourism, industry, and agriculture. In particular, irrigated agriculture is one of the major water-consuming sectors. The above-mentioned issues justify the need for having a system which will facilitate an efficient utilization of water in the irrigation processes.This paper describes an application of wireless sensor network in designing an automated irrigation management system which monitors real time water content in the soil. The system will allow water to flow to the soil only when the soil is in the state of "Water hungry". The designed system has three units namely; slave unit, master unit and the valve control unit.
Keywords: Soil moisture sensors, real time monitoring, Automated irrigation, Simulation
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