Volume-4 ~ Issue-6
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Abstract: In wavelength-routed WDM optical networks requires regeneration for few light paths, when the
strength of optical signal reduced and also security and privacy are essential before Optical Burst Switching
(OBS) networks can become an everyday reality. Manycasting is a communication paradigm to implement the
distributed applications. In manycasting, destinations can join or exit the group, depending on the service
requirements imposed on them. This dynamic movement of the destinations in the group decreases blocking
effect. Each application requires its own QoS threshold attributes like physical layer properties, delay as a
result of transmission and reliability of the link. If the destinations satisfy the required QoS constraints set up by
the application, then only they will qualify. There are two algorithms MCM-SPT and MCM-DM required for
manycasting to resolve the multiconstraint QoS drawback. For continuous burst transmission lightpath should
be regenerated before it loses the information due to lack of signal strength. To recover signal strength by
sparse regeneration, where OOO switches are replaced by OEO swtches. There are three algorithms 1).NDF
2).CNF 3).SQP. Sometimes, there is an opportunity for the attacker to join the group. Service provided to the
attacker is restricted by providing two levels of security. Using1).RSA algorithms, data level security is provided
and using 2).certificate authentication, link level security is provided.
Keywords: Certificate generation, Manycasting, Optical Burst Switching Networks (OBS), Sparse
regeneration, Quality of Service (QoS).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Improving Energy Efficiency Using LEARN Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Srigitha.S.Nath (Ph.D), Suviga.K |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0460916 ![]() |
Abstract: A number of energy-aware routing protocols were proposed to seek the energy efficiency of routes
in Multihop wireless networks. Among them, several geographical localized routing protocols were proposed to
help making smarter routing decision using only local information and reduce the routing overhead. However,
all proposed localized routing methods cannot guarantee the energy efficiency of their routes. In this article, we
first give a simple localized routing algorithm, called Localized Energy-Aware Restricted Neighbourhood
routing (LEARN), which can guarantee the energy efficiency of its route if it can find the route successfully. The
critical transmission radius in random networks which can guarantee that LEARN routing finds a route for any
source and destination pairs asymptotically almost surely. So by using LEARN algorithm the energy efficient of
the source and destination pair is thus may be maintained and the attacks occurs in the wireless network can
also be reduced. One can also extend the proposed routing into three-dimensional (3D) networks and derive its
critical transmission radius in 3D random networks.
Keywords: LEARN, Localized routing, 3D network, Multihop, CRT, Energy Efficient
[2] Optimal local topology knowledge for energy efficient geographical routing in sensor networks
[3] Power and cost aware localized routing with guaranteed delivery in wireless networks
[4] Asymptotic critical transmission radius for greedy forward routing in wireless ad hoc networks
[5] Decentralized detection in sensor networks
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[10] J. N. Al-Karaki and A. E. Kamal, ―Routing techniques in wireless sensor networks: A survey,‖ IEEE Wireless Commun., pp. 6 –28, Dec.2004.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Printed Coupled Loop Wideband Antenna Design for Wireless Communication |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Shoaib Ahmed Khan |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0461721 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper explains the wideband loop antenna design for wireless communication. Printed antennas
are supposed to be more attractive for mobile phone operations for achieving WWAN purposes. In mobile
phones theses antenna usually cover the internal circuitry at the top or bottom of the device and they also
require further isolation in order to get negligible coupling effect properly that comes due to the coupling
between the radiation part of the antenna and the ground plane [1] to [3]. This will limit the internal
integration of the antenna with the other circuitry of the cell phone for using it for WWAN purposes for example
for achieving better SAR [4]. The proposed antenna consists of the folded loop and some patches in the ground
plane to achieve desired goals. The ground plane and feeding part of the antenna are separated by FR4
substrate. Input is given through the capacitively coupled feeding port on the backplane. The antenna is
designed to cover ranges of many bands such as, GSM (850/900MHz and 1800/1900MHz), WLAN (2.4GHz)
and also the higher frequency bands such as ISM band. The antenna designed, gives very good return loss and
has fine radiation pattern. The simulation of antenna in software called HFSS, version 11.0. I personally prefer
to design antenna on this software because it gives a lot of customization options.
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Abstract: Satellite images are being used in many applications like Meteorology, Agriculture,
Geology, Forestry, Landscape, Biodiversity, Planning, Education, Regional, Seismology and oceanography.
The Enhanced satellite images make diagnostic details more obvious. The Image Enhancement is the main
technique for improving the resolution and visual appearance of the image. One of the major issues in Image
Enhancement is Wavelet Transform. The Wavelet Transform is the method which decomposes an image into a
set of basic functions called Wavelets. These basis functions are limited in duration and are inherently local. A
Resolution Enhancement technique is based on the Interpolation of the high-frequency subbands obtained by
Discrete Wavelet Transforms (DWT). Bicubic interpolation is used as a intermediate stage for estimating high
frequency components and it is more sophisticated than the nearest neighbor and bilinear techniques. The
proposed technique has the advantages of superior resolution, sharper image and smoother edges. The PSNR
improvement of the proposed technique is up to 7.19dB.
Keywords: Image resolution, Edge detection, transforms, cycle spinning
spatial domain input image," ETRI J., vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 390–394, Jun. 2010.
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[3] M. S. Crouse, R. D. Nowak, and R. G. Baraniuk, "Wavelet-based statistical signal processing using hidden Markov models," IEEE
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ICASSP, 2001, vol. 3, pp. 7–11.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A review on RF based intruder detection using CW Doppler radar |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Lynette M. T., J. M. Kudargi2 |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0462831 ![]() |
Abstract: In recent years, electromagnetic waves have become the medium of information exchange in
free space for various applications ranging from home appliances to industrial products, from research
laborites to defense applications, from mobiles to health monitoring systems. The development in the noncontact
based intruder detection system via human vital sign using Doppler radar has attracted considerable
interest of researchers. Due to the non contact nature and deep penetration level of radio frequencies, the vital
sign detection system includes various domain of application, viz. medical, security, etc. this paper presents
review of RF based intruder detection using CW Doppler radar. In this paper, vital sign detection techniques
are presented.
Keywords: CW Doppler radar, heartbeat, intruder, radar receivers, respiration rate.
International Journal Of Advanced Engineering Research And Studies, E-Issn2249 – 8974, Ijaers/Vol. I/ Issue I/October-December,
[2] Lohman, B.; Boric-Lubecke, O.; Lubecke, V.M.; Ong, P.W.; Sondhi, M.M.; , "A Digital Signal Processor For Doppler Radar Sensing
Of Vital Signs," Engineering In Medicine And Biology Magazine, Ieee , Vol.21, No.5, Pp.161-164, Sept.-Oct. 2002
Doi: 10.1109/Memb.2002.1044188
[3] Olga Boric-Lubecke, Victor M. Lubecke, Isar Mostafanezhad1, Byung-Kwon Park, Wansuree Massagram, Branka Jokanovic,
"Doppler Radar Architectures And Signal Processing For Heart Rate Extraction", Mikrotalasna Revija, Decembar 2009.
[4] Ichapurapu, R.; Jain, S.; John, G.; Monday, T.; Lie, D.Y.C.; Banister, R.; Griswold, J.; , "A 2.4ghz Non-Contact Biosensor System
For Continuous Vital-Signs Monitoring," Wireless And Microwave Technology Conference, 2009. Wamicon '09. Ieee 10th Annual,
Vol., No., Pp.1-3, 20-21 April 2009
Doi: 10.1109/Wamicon.2009.5207236.
[5] Byung-Kwon Park, Alex Vergara, Olga Boric-Lubecke, Victor M. Lubecke, Anders Høst-Madsen, "Quadrature Demodulation With
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[6] Dany Obeid1, Sawsan Sadek2, Gheorghe Zaharia1, Ghaïs El Zein1, "Feasibility Study For Non-Contact Heartbeat Detection At 2.4
Ghz And 60 Ghz", Xxix General Assembly Of The International Union Of Radio Science (Ursi), Chicago: United States (2008),
[7] Obeid, D.; Sadek, S.; Zaharia, G.; El Zein, G.;, "Touch-Less Heartbeat Detection And Measurement-Based Cardiopulmonary
Modeling," Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society (Embc), 2010 Annual International Conference Of The Ieee , Vol., No.,
Pp.658-661, Aug. 31 2010-Sept.4 2010Doi: 10.1109/Iembs.2010.5627214
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Modeling and Performance analysis of Metallic CNT Interconnects for VLSI Applications |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Y.Amar Babu, G.M.V.Prasad |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0463236 ![]() |
Abstract: THE SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRY is confronting an acute problem in the interconnect area as IC
feature sizes continually scale below 32 nm. When the cross sectional dimension of copper wires approach their
mean free path (about 40 nm at room temperature), they suffer significant size effects because of increasing
surface scattering, grain boundary scattering, and the presence of a highly resistive diffusion barrier layer,
resulting in a sharp rise in copper resistivity. According to the 2011 International Technology Roadmap for
Semiconductors (http://public.itrs.net), copper's resistivity could be more than three times higher than its bulk
value at the 22-nm technology node. This steep rise in resistivity will adversely impact both performance and
reliability in terms of circuit delay, chip temperature, and current-carrying capacity. This limitation of copper
interconnects is driving research for alternative interconnect materials and technologies for next-generation
ICs. In this research, carbon nanomaterials, with their many attractive properties, are emerging as the
frontrunners to potentially replace copper for interconnects and passive devices in ICs, including vias and
through-silicon vias (TSVs), horizontal wires (local, intermediate, and global levels) and off-chip interconnects.
Electron Devices, vol. 56, no. 9, 2009, pp. 1799-1821.
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[3] C. Xu et al., ''Compact AC Modeling and Analysis of Cu, W, and CNT Based Through Silicon Vias (TSVs) in 3-D ICs,'' Proc. IEEE
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[5] T. Iwai et al., ''Thermal and Source Bumps Utilizing Carbon Nanotubes for Flip-Chip High Power Amplifiers,'' Proc. IEEE Int'l
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[6] K. Korda´s et al., ''Chip Cooling with Integrated Carbon Nanotube Microfin Architectures,'' Applied Physics Letters, vol. 90, no. 12,
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[7] M. Nihei et al., ''Low-Resistance Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube Vias with Parallel Channel Conduction of Inner Shells,'' Proc.
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[8] M. Katagiri et al., ''Fabrication of 70-nm-Diameter Carbon Nanotube Via Interconnects by Remote Plasma- Enhanced Chemical
Vapor Deposition and Their Electrical Properties,'' Proc. IEEE Int'l Interconnect Technology Conf. (IITC 09), IEEE Press, 2009, pp.
[9] J. Dijon et al., ''Carbon Nanotubes for Interconnects in Future Integrated Circuits: The Challenge of the Density,'' Diamond and
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Super-Capacitor Electrodes,'' Nature Materials, vol. 5, no. 12, 2006, pp. 987-994.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Skin Infection Recognition using Curvelet |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manisha, Nitika |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0463741 ![]() |
Abstract: This thesis identifies a novel space to address the problem of analyzing magnitude of skin infection
from still images. This is based on the PCA space of the features extracted by a new multiresolution analysis
tool called curvelet Transform. Curvelet Transform has better directional and edge representation abilities
than widely used wavelet transform. Inspired by these attractive attributes of curve lets , we introduce the idea
of decomposing images into its curvelet sub bands and applying PCA (Principal Component Analysis) on the
selected subbands in order to create a representation feature set.A comparative study with wavelet – based and
traditional PCA technique is also presented High accuracy rate achieved by the proposed method for two wellknown
database indicates the potential of this curvelet based feature extraction method.
Keywords:- Curvelet,Wavelet,Pca,Eczima, Image Processing
[2] M . Manikandan , A.Saravanan , K.B Bagan , Curvelet Transform Based Embedded Lossy Image Compression, Proc . of ICSCN ,
pp274 – 276 A , 2007.
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[4] J. L. Starch , E. J Candes , D. L. Donoho , The Curvelet Transform for Image Denoising , IEEE Trans on Image Processing , vol .
11 , Issue 6 , pp 670 – 684 , 2002.
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vol . 9 , Issue 2 , pp 226 – 233 , 2000.
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International Conference Pattern Recognition, Paris (France), 1986, pp. 369-373.
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Abstract: This paper presents teletraffic modelling in cellular networks operating with Code Division Multiple
Access (CDMA) to assist in capacity analysis of such systems using statistical means. Since the introduction of
CDMA, owing to capacity edge over other multiple access techniques, there is the need for tools that will assist
in ensuring quality of service and proper network dimensioning. This work produces a model useful for capacity
analysis. This is achieved by modelling telephone traffic using lognormal assumptions to generate a CDMA
blocking probability that is adapted into Erlang B formula for capacity calculations. MATLAB is used to realise
the blocking probability formula so developed such that numerical and graphical results are outputted. Results
show the effect of variations in network parameters on CDMA. Thus the model is applicable in network
planning and dimensioning.
Keywords: Teletraffic, Cellular network, CDMA, Erlang, Modelling, Lognormal
pp.1877-1883, Nov. 1995.
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[4] Fapojuwo A.O (1994), "Radio capacity of Direct sequence code division multiple acess mobile radio systems," in proc. IEEE
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[6] Lee J.S and Miller L.E(1998), "CDMA systems Engineering Handbook" Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication, Data,1998.
[7] Kohno R, Meidan R, and Milstein L.B(1995), "Spread spectrum access methods for wireless communications,'' IEEE Comm.
Magazine, vol. 33, pp 58-67, Jan.1995
[8] Viterbi A.J , Viterbi A.M, and Zehavi E(1992), "Soft handoff extends CDMA cell coverage and increases reverse link capacity, "
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[10] Jhong S. L. Etal (1993), "CDMA systems Engineering Handbook" Artech House mobile communications Library, 1998.
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Abstract: This paper proposes and implements a solution for enhancing public transportation management
services based on GPS and GSM in Andhra Pradesh. The system consists of four modules: BUS Station Module,
In-BUS Module, BASE Station Module and BUS Stop Module. Equipped with PC and GSM modem, BUS Station
Module sends the initialization information containing the bus number and license plate number to In-BUS
Module and BASE Station Module using SMS. The microcontroller based In-BUS Module consisting mainly of a
GPS receiver and GSM modem then starts transmitting its location and number of passengers to BASE Station
Module. BASE Station Module equipped with a microcontroller unit and GSM modems interfaced to PCs is
designed to keep track record of every bus, processes user request about a particular bus location out of BUS
Station and updates buses location on bus stops. BUS Stop Module is installed at every bus stop and consists of
a GSM modem, memory unit and dot matrix display all interfaced to a microcontroller. This module receives
buses location information coming towards that stop from BASE Station module and displays the information on
a dot matrix display. The results have shown that the developed system is useful for facilitating people using
public transportation services.
Keywords : GPS;GSM;public transportation management services; Bus Station Module; In-BUS Module;
BASE Station Module;BUS Stop Module;rush statistical analysis.
[2] Embedded Systems Design by Arnold S. Berger, 2001.
[3] The 8051 Microcontroller: Hardware, Software and Interfacing by James Stewart, Kai Mia.
[4] Internetworking with TCP/IP (VOL.I) Principles, Protocols and Architecture by Douglas Comer, 2000
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Abstract: Aim of this work is to design and training of a ANFIS neural network based early diagnosis of a
patient through a smart instrument. The data collected from the patient is used to train the Neural Network. The
rules are designed on the basis of the collected data. The data collected from the patients are weight, BMI,
Glucose, Creatinine, Systolic BP, and Diastolic BP. The rules for system are given according to the
characteristics of the data obtained from patients. The output is mainly classified into three classes that are
severe, moderately critical, and normal. Output of Neural Network is connected to LED to display the
corresponding outputs. The advantage of this system is we can implement this device as portable. Hence we can
easily monitor the patient's condition at anywhere. And for the normal type of application we need a personal
computer to compute the inputs and outputs. Because here we are using FPGA the problem can be easily
avoided and also PC will need an uninterrupted power supply. For this device just battery power is enough to
work. The FPGA will take a very small power only hence we can easily use the device a long time without
charging again and again. These are some of the major advantages of Smart device.
Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, ANFIS, ANN, SSA
Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.9 No.11, November 2009.
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[4] Adenike O. Osofisan, Prediction of Kidney Failure Using Artificial Neural Networks, European Journal of Scientific Research ISSN
1450-216X Vol.61 No.4 (2011), pp.487-492
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design Analysis of a Security Lock System using Pass-Code and Smart-Card |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Omijeh, B.O, G.O.Ajabuego |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0466472 ![]() |
Abstract: In this work, Security Lock system using Pass code and smart card has been achieved. It is a micro
controller based system which aims at interfacing selected hardware components with software to obtain a
higher degree of security. In achieving this work, seven major stages were considered in the design
methodology: Power supply unit, personal computer unit, micro controller unit, lock system unit, seven segment
display, detector unit and alarm unit. The design specifications were strictly followed and the result obtained
after construction and testing were very satisfactory. Indeed, security lock system using passcode and smartcard
is a surer and safer form of security in this era of tremendous technological advancement..
Keywords: Pass-code, Smart-card, Microcontroller, Interfacing, Security Lock System.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Digital Audio watermarking using perceptual masking: A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Anupama Barai, Associate Prof. Rohini Deshpande |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0467378 ![]() |
Abstract: Sharing electronic files on the internet has grown extremely fast over the last decade due to large
volume of the mobile phones. These files include diverse forms of multimedia such as music, video, text and
image. However digital files can be easily copied distributed and altered leading to copyright infringement. It is
this ease of reproducing that causes copyright violations. Composers and distributors are more focused on
implementing digital watermarking techniques to protect their material against illegal copying. Digital audio
watermarking technique protects intellectual property by embedding watermark data into the audio file and
recovering that information without affecting the audio quality of the original data. In this paper an overview of
fundamental concepts of digital audio watermarking using perceptual masking is presented which includes a
watermarking procedure to embed copyright protection into digital audio by directly modifying the audio
samples. The procedure directly exploits temporal and frequency perceptual masking to guarantee that the
embedded watermark is inaudible and robust. The watermark is constructed by breaking each audio clip into
smaller segments and adding a perceptually shaped pseudo-random sequence. The noise-like watermark is
statistically undetectable to prevent unauthorized removal.
Keywords -Audio watermarking, Copyright Protection, Embedding, Frequency Masking Perceptual masking,
Psychoacoustic Auditory Model, Temporal Masking.
Protection", International Journal of Security and Its Applications Vol. 5 No. 2,.pp33- 48, April, 2011
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Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks plays a gargantuan role in instrumenting the modern day world; hence
it is crucial to develop an optimal design flow. Out of the various Swarm intelligent algorithms developed so far,
Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm offers a vivid scope for this objective. First introduced for solving
numerical optimization problems, ABC has now spread across almost every phase of WSN construction. In this
study, an improved ABC algorithm has been proposed to match the different characteristics of wireless sensor
network deployment process, which will be optimum for real time dynamic network functioning.
KEYWORDS: Wireless Sensor Networks, Swarm Intelligent Algorithms, scouts, foragers, onlookers, waggle
dance, self organization, Opposition-based learning.
4673-0750-5/12/ ©2012 IEEE
[2] Celal ¨OZT¨URK, Dervi¸s KARABO˘GA, Beyza G¨ORKEML˙, "Artificial bee colony algorithm for dynamic deployment of
wireless sensor networks", Turk J Elec. Eng & Comp Sci., Vol.20, No.2, 2012, c_ T¨UB˙ITAK doi:10.3906/elk -1101-1030
[3] Gaige Wang 1,2, Lihong Guo 1,*, Hong Duan 3, Luo Liu 1,2 and Heqi Wang. "Dynamic Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks
by Biogeography Based Optimization Algorithm" J. Sens. Actuator Netw. 2012, 1, 86-96; doi:10.3390/jsan1020086,Journal of
Sensor and Actuator NetworksISSN 2224-2708.
[4] 4 Siba K. Udgata, Samrat L. Sabat, S. Mini , "Sensor Deployment in Irregular Terrain Using Artificial Bee Colony algorithm", 978-
1-4244-5612-3/09/$26.00_c 2009 IEEE
[5] Avinash Kaur, Sonu Agrawal, Department of CSE, CSVTU, Bhilai, India , " Locality Detection in Wireless Sensor Network using
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[6] Zhang Dongli , Guan Xinping , Tang Yinggan, Tang Yong, "Modified artificial bee colony algorithms for numerical optimization" ,
IEEE, 2012
[7] Dervis Karaboga1, Selcuk Okdem, and Celal Ozturk, "Cluster Based Wireless Sensor Network Routings using Artificial Bee
Colony Algorithm", 978-1-4244-7107-2/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE
[8] Selcuk Okdem, Dervis Karaboga and Celal Ozturk, "An Application of Wireless Sensor Network Routing based on Artificial Bee
Colony Algorithm",
[9] Celal Ozturk *, Dervis Karaboga and Beyza Gorkemli, " Probabilistic Dynamic Deployment of Wireless Sensor Networks by
Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm", Sensors 2011, 11, 6056-6065; doi:10.3390/s110606056, ISSN 1424-8220, 3 June 2011.
[10] Tarun Kumar Sharma, Millie Pant, "Enhancing the Food Locations in an Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm ",978-1-61284-052-
9/11/$26.00 ©2011 IEEE proceedings.
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Abstract: Image Skeletonization promises to be a powerful complexity-cutting tool for compact shape
description, pattern recognition, robot vision, animation, petrography pore space fluid flow analysis,
model/analysis of bone/lung/circulation, and image compression for telemedicine. The existing image
thinning/skeletonization techniques using boundary erosion, distance coding, and Voronoi diagram are first
overviewed to assess/compare their feasibility of extending from 2D to 3D. Previously, skeletons have been a
common tool for identifying shape components in a solid object. However, obtaining skeletons of a grayscale
volume poses new challenges due to the lack of a clear boundary between object and background. In this paper
we propose a fast, efficient and robust algorithm to generate the skeleton of large, complex 3D images such as
CT, MRI data which make use of 3X3X3 structuring elements for processing. This algorithm has been developed
in the frame work of cellular logic array processing. Cellular logic array processing is a logico mathematical
paradigm developed using the fundamental notions of normal algorithms and cellular automata. The algorithm
provides a straightforward computation which is robust and not sensitive to noise or object boundary
complexity. Because 3D skeleton may not be unique, several application-dependent skeletonization options will
be explored for meeting specific quality/speed requirements..
Keywords: 3D Image Skeleton, structuring element, cellular automata, normal algorithm.
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Abstract: There has been a rapid increase in the popularity of portable and wireless electronic devices, like
laptop computers, portable video players cellular phones, which rely on embedded digital signal processors.
Since the desire is to design digital systems at best performance without power sacrifices, the need for high
performance and low power multipliers is inevitable. Since multiplication is one of the most critical operations
in many computational systems, Multipliers are in fact complex adder arrays. In this paper we performed a
comparative analysis on power consumption in three different adders, each offering different advantages and
having tradeoffs in terms of circuit complexity and power consumption. The 28 Transistor full adder is the
pioneer CMOS traditional adder circuit. Which is the one which consume more power when compare to other
two adder, the number of transistors required for conventional CMOS adder is 28. Recently, it has been proved
that the multiplexer-based multiplier outperforms the modified Booth multiplier both in speed and power
dissipation by 13% to 26%, due to small internal capacitance. After analyzing the performance characteristics
of conventional multiplier types, it is observed that the one designed using multiplexer-based multiplication
algorithm is more advantageous, especially when the size of the multiplied numbers is small. The number of
transistors required for multiplexer based adder is 16.
Key words: Hybrid Adder, SERF Adder
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[3] Anantha P. Chandrakasan, Samuel Sheng, and Robert W. Brodersen, Fellow, IEEE, Low-Power CMOS Digital Design IEEE
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Analysis of MAC Protocol for Reliable Broadcast in VANETs |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Savita |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2834-04694101 ![]() |
Abstract: Wireless communications are becoming the dominant form of transferring information,and the most
active research field. In this dissertation, we will present one of the most applicable forms of Ad-Hoc networks;
the Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs). VANET is the technology of building a robust Ad-Hoc network
between mobile vehicles and each other, besides, between mobile vehicles and roadside units.Traffic
maintenance in highway using broadcasting protocol is a new theme. It is important to find a reliable
broadcasting protocol that is especially designed for an optimum performance of public-safety and data
travelling related applications. Using RSU and OBU, there are four novel ideas presented in this research work,
namely choosing the nearest following node as the network probe node, headway-based segmentation, nonuniform
segmentation and application adaptive. The integration of these ideas results in a protocol that
possesses minimum latency, minimum probability of collision in the acknowledgment messages and unique
robustness at different speeds and traffic volumes.
Keywords - Broadcasting protocol ,DSRC , headway,MATLAB,VANET
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Abstract: Digital image denoising is crucial part of image preprocessing. The application of denoising procesn satellite image data and also in television broadcasting. Image data sets collected by image sensors are generally contaminated by noise. Furthermore, noise can be introduced by transmission errors and compression. Thus, denoising is often a necessary and the first step to be taken before the images data is analyzed. In this paper a Modified Functional Link Artificial Neural Network (M-FLANN) is proposed which is simpler than a Multilayer Perceptron (MLP). It have been implemented for image restoration in this paper. Its computational complexity and speed and generalization ability to cancel Gaussian noise is compared with that of MLP. In the single layer functional link ANN (FLANN) the need of hidden layer is eliminated. The novelty of the FLANN structure is that it requires much less computation than that of MLP. In the presence of additive white Gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise, Random variable impulse noise and mixed noise in the image the performance of the proposed network is compared with that of MLP in this paper. The Performance of the of algorithm is evaluated for six different situations i.e. for single layer neural network, MLP and four different types of expansion in FLANN and comparison in terms of computational complexity also carried out.
Index Terms— MLP, FLANN, Salt and Pepper noise.
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