Abstract: Macrobenthos always play a significant role in the food web of any coastal environment. It also uses as a good aquatic ecosystem health module indicators. The abundance and distributions of macrobenthos in Rezukhal, Cox's Bazar were conducted in relation to hydrological parameters. Samples were collected monthly during June-2015 to May-2016 from three separate stations use different scientific instruments at Rezukhal estuary. A total of 7662 individuals of macrobenthos were counted in total of III stations. Macrobenthos were comprised of six major groups namely Polychaeta (52.22-91.57%), crustacean (3.79-8.09%), Bivalvia (1.05- 2.27%), Nemertia (0.79-1.60%), Sipuncula(0-8.55%) and Gastropoda (1.36-31.92%). Total number of macrobenthos was higher at station I (4197 individuals m-2) and lower at station II (1186 individuals m-2) among three stations. The study revealed that highest no.........
KeyWords: Mcarobenthos, Abundance, Distributions, Hydrology, Rezukhal, Cox's Bazar.
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