Version-3 (Nov-2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Importance of Control Variable in Policy Implementation Model of Smith's Theory |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Dr. Syahrani, Msi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191130112 ![]() |
Abstract: Whether control variable is more important than the capability of the implementers is still a debate among the experts. In Smith's theory, which represents bottom-up approach, the capability of the implementers has a higher score than the control variable, while in Sabatier and Mazmanian's theory, which represents the top-down approach, the control variable has a higher score. To know about this issue, the writer discussed it in the research findings entitled "The implementation of Village Fund Allocation (VFA) Program in Kutai Kartanegara District." This research aims to analyze 1) the roles of control variable and the forms of control in the implementation of Village Fund Allocation Program in Kutai Kartanegara District. 2) The roles of the capability, honesty as well as the commitment of the implementers. This research applied qualitative method. The data were collected through depth interview, documentation and observation. The data were analyzed by using interactive model of data analysis from Miles and Huberman.
Keywords: Control Variable, the capability of the implementers, Smith's Model of Policy Implementation, VFA (Village Fund Allocation) Program
[1]. Brinkerhoff, Derrick W and Benyamin L Crosby, 2002., Managing Policy Reform, Kumarin Press, Australia
[2]. Certo, Samuel C, 1994. Modern Management, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
[3]. Edward II, George, 1980, Implementing Public Policy, Congressional Quarterly Press, Washington DC
[4]. Ekowati, Mas Roro Lilik, 2009, Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of Policy or Program, Pustaka Caraka, Surakarta
[5]. Fischer, Frank dkk, 2007., Handbook of Public Policy Analisys, CRC Press London
[6]. Hidayat, Aceng, 200 Introduction to Institutional Economics 7., IPB, Bogor
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Abstract: Stress is a major global health challenge affecting the well-being of service providers especially those working in the human service sectors like; police officers, teachers, health care providers and media specialists. This study was prompted by emerging information from studies that, stress is a silent killer that affects the health of service providers leading to; mental, physical, and emotional disorders. The study adopted the Causal Comparative ex-post facto research design. The target population was 451 police constables and 12 Officers Commanding Stations in the four police divisions in Kisumu County. Stratified random sampling technique was used to sample 105 police constables and 4 Officers Commanding Station (OCS). The data was collected using a Police Constable Questionnaire and an Officer Commanding Station Interview Schedule. The instruments were validated by experts while reliability was estimated by use of Cronbach Alpha method for internal consistency. The questionnaire yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.88. Quantitative and qualitative data were obtained. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows (Version 20). Descriptive statistics and inferential statistical (Chi-Square) were used in data analysis. The key findings of the study were that: police constables in Kisumu County were experiencing occupational stress. Working environment, work overload and work schedule were causes of occupational stress. The study recommends that: Police service commission should develop a policy on stress management to guide the induction, operations and counselling of Police Constables on their day to day duties.
Keywords: Level of Occupational stress, Police Constables.
[1]. World Health Organization. (2005). Mental Health Policies and Programs in the Workplace, Accessed 6th June 2007 Genava.
[2]. Gul, Serdar, K. (2008), "Police Job Stress in the USA", Turkish Journal of Police Studies (Polis Bilimleri Dergisi),V.10, I.1, pp.1-13..
[3]. Mostert, K. & Joubert, A. F. (2005). Job Stress, Burnout and Coping Strategies in the South African Police Service. Sajems NS, 8(1), 39 – 53..
[4]. Govender, S. A. (2008).Relationship Between Personality and Coping amongst Member of South African Police Service. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. University of Johannesburg..
[5]. Kimani,M. (2012). "Security for the Highest Bidder: Shoddy Policing for the Many, Costly Private Protection for the Few.‟‟ Accessed on May 20, 2012 at
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Abstract: Stress is a major global health challenge affecting the well-being of service providers especially those working in the human service sectors like; police officers, teachers, health care providers and media specialists. This study was prompted by emerging information from studies that, stress is a silent killer that affects the health of service providers leading to; mental, physical, and emotional disorders. In Kenya and Kisumu County in particular studies on occupational stress among police constables are scanty The study adopted the Causal Comparative ex-post facto research design. The target population was 451 police constables and 12 Officers Commanding Stations in the four police divisions in Kisumu County. Stratified random sampling technique was used to sample 105 police constables and 4 Officers Commanding Station (OCS). The data was collected using a Police Constable Questionnaire and an Officer Commanding Station Interview Schedule. The instruments were validated by experts while reliability was estimated by use of Cronbach Alpha method for internal consistency. The questionnaire yielded a reliability coefficient of 0.88. Quantitative and qualitative data were obtained. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows (Version 20). Descriptive statistics and inferential statistical (Chi-Square) were used in data analysis. The findings of the study that gender of the police constables influenced level of occupational stress. The study recommends that: Police service commission should develop a policy on stress management to guide the induction, operations and counselling of Police Constables on their day to day duties.
Keywords: Gender ,Level of Occupational stress, Police Constables
[1]. World Health Organization. (2005). Mental Health Policies and Programs in the Workplace, Accessed 6th June 2007 Genava.
[2]. Gul, Serdar, K. (2008), "Police Job Stress in the USA", Turkish Journal of Police Studies (Polis Bilimleri Dergisi),V.10, I.1, pp.1-13..
[3]. Mostert, K. & Joubert, A. F. (2005). Job Stress, Burnout and Coping Strategies in the South African Police Service. Sajems NS, 8(1), 39 – 53..
[4]. Govender, S. A. (2008).Relationship Between Personality and Coping amongst Member of South African Police Service. Unpublished M.A. Thesis. University of Johannesburg..
[5]. Kimani,M. (2012). "Security for the Highest Bidder: Shoddy Policing for the Many, Costly Private Protection for the Few.‟‟ Accessed on May 20, 2012 at
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Abstract: Institutional supervision is a component of general supervision .This is one of the activities that educational supervisors are supposed to carry out in teaching and learning. Its' primary function is to improve instruction and its' outcomes. It is aimed at enhancing teaching and learning. Principals in secondary schools are the immediate supervisors in the schools that they head. The aim of this research was to investigate instructional supervisory practices used by School Principals in Nakuru Municipality, Nakuru County, Kenya. It sought to find out the academic and professional qualifications and training of such supervisors, the extent of their involvement in carrying out supervisory activities, adequacy, frequency and methods of carrying out clinical supervision, attendance of in-service courses and the relationship between instructional supervision and performance of public Secondary schools in national examinations.
[1]. Ben, M. (1954). School Inspection and Supervision. National Foundation of Educational Research in England and Wales. Education Abstract. Vol.8.No.5.UNESCO.
[2]. Ben. R., Harris W, (1975). Supervisory Behavior in Education 2nd Edition. Englewood Cliff,New Jersey prentice-Hall.
[3]. Chiemela, N.I. (1982). Instructional Supervisory practices of Anambara state Secondary School Principals. A comparison with desired instructional supervisory practices. Unpublished project. University of Alberta Canada.
[4]. Dull, W.I. (1981). Supervision and School Leadership Handbook. Ohio, Charles E. Merrill publication co.
[5]. Eye, G.G. and Nester, .L.A (1965). Supervision of Instruction. New York, American Book Company
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Abstract:This study aims at describing metaphors of Bahasa Aceh that used by the language community in Trumon. The metaphorical frames are structured by forms of interaction of two models; a source and a target domain. The method employed was qualitative approach and the data obtained was from six informants who were born in Trumon, the range of the ages was from 35 to 60 years and they also married the locals. The numbers of metaphors are thirty pieces which commonly used as vernacular. In general, metaphors of Bahasa Aceh in Trumon constituted by the nature of flora and fauna that exist in local surroundings as the source domain, and human's behavior or his manner stands as the target domain.
1]. Kovecses, Zoltan. 2006. Languange, Mind, And Culture: A Practical Introduction. New York: Oxford University Press.
[2]. Cruse, D Alan. 2000. Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.
[3]. Goatly, Andrew. 1997. The Language Of Metaphors. London and New York: Routledge.
[4]. Fill, Alwin dan Peter Muhlhausler (Eds). 2001. The Ecolinguistics Reader: Language, Ecology, and Environment. London and New York: Continuum.
[5]. Haugen, Einer. 1972.The Ecology of Language. Standford, CA: Standford University Press.
[6]. Lndo, Anna Vibeke dan Jeppe Bundsgaard. 2000. Dialectical Ecolinguistics: Three Essays For The Symposium 30 Years of Language and Ecology in Graz December 2000. Odense: University of Udense. Research Group for Ecology, Language and Ideology Nordisk Institut.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reflections on the Politics of Immigration Problem in Assam: A Historical Perspective |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sanghamitra Sarma |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191133844 ![]() |
Abstract:The initial euphoria of independence from colonial rule in India soon subsided when Assam, one of the northeastern states of the country had to face a major challenge in the form of immigration into its territory. This was however not a post – colonial phenomenon. Immigration was a colonial policy designed to accomplish imperialistic designs of the British rulers. The paper explores the historical origins of the problem of immigration in colonial and post – colonial Assam and the politics that was being played within it which escalated the magnitude of the problem.
[1]. Census 2011 – Assam, [Online] Available: (November 10, 2014).
[2]. States Census 2011, [Online] Available: (November 10, 2014).
[3]. Interview with Sanjib Baruah, Conducted by Nermeen Sheikh, Asia Society (n.d., para 11) [Online] Available: (April 26, 2013).
[4]. Sanjib Baruah, Immigration, Ethnic Conflict and Political Turmoil – Assam, 1979 – 1985, Asian Survey, 26(11), 1986, 1184 – 1206.
[5]. Sanjib Baruah, Assam: Confronting a Failed Partition (November 2008, para 7) [Online] Available: (September 27, 2013).
[6]. Girin Phukon, Assam: Attitude to Federalism (New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1984) 13 –15.
[7]. Land Revenue Administration Report of Assam, 1939 – 1940, Government of Assam, Shillong, Appendix IV, p. 23 cited in Girin Phukon, Assam: Attitude to Federalism (New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1984) 14.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Book review article on Jack Goody's the domestication of the Savage mind |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Yashika Chandna |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191134548 ![]() |
Abstract:Although there may be a level of abstraction at which similarities can be made to appear, there is also a level of specificity at which differences create a significant gap." (Katherine Hayles,)
The study of writing systems has had a long history within the discipline of anthropology, and opinions concerning its importance and the kind of problems it should address have shown diversity. This book tries to deal with the concept of literacy in various traditional societies, and how writing has influenced literacy.
[1]. Primary source
[2]. Goody, Jack. The domestication of the Savage Mind,1986, Cambridge University Press
[3]. Secondary Sources
[4]. Chandler, Daniel.Great Divide theories. Biases of the ear and the eye.
[5]. Vygotsky, thought and language.1962. MIT press
[6]. Winger, Howard.w. Untitled paper, Chicago journals(1963)
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Abstract: Our learning culture and education system have taken a techno-craft stand and the teaching-learning process without classroom is on the move today. Learning style has been shaped ever since we encountered cyber technology and brought the same to language classrooms. Bringing technology in education, especially language learning caters to the need of contemporary language learners. Today, language learning is empowered by techno-centric, socio-economic, political, cultural and academic environments. It's not just LSRW; it is not just the basic language skills.
[1]. Chen, Y,. & Jiang, Y. (2012). Integration of ICTs into subject teaching in pre-service English teacher education. Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET), International Conference, 1, 5. doi: 10.1109/ITHET.2012.6246032
[2]. Dillard, A. (1982). Living by Fiction. New York: Harper & Row.
[3]. Eclipse Crossword. (1999-2013). Welcome to Eclipse Crossword. Retrieved from eclipsecrossword website:
[4]. Hornby, A.S. (2005). Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press.
[5]. Hornby, A.S. (2005). Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press.
[6]. LearningRx. (2003-130). Train the brain. Get smarter. Guaranteed. Retrieved from learningrx website:
[7]. Literacy in the Digital Age. (2003). North Central Regional Educational Laboratory and the Metiri Group, 10. Retrieved from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The End of Apartheid: A Redefinition of Nigeria Foreign Policy |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. John Danfulani |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191135357 ![]() |
Abstract: Africa has been the centrepiece of Nigerian foreign policy since the lowering of the Union Jack on 1st October, 1960. This afrocentrists principle has been consistently sustained from the First Republic down to the lane. The nasty experiences with some states in the continent during Nigeria's thirty months of civil war couldn't mastermind a shift in the county's afrocentrist Foreign policy principle. Much of the foreign policy endeavours went to supporting decolonisation processes across the continent and fight against minority racist rule in South Africa. Apart from direct support to liberation movements, Nigeria made a case in international fora in support of colonies under the yoke of colonial domination and racist regimes.
[1]. Akinyemi, B, "Mohammed/Obasanjo Foreign Policy" in Oyerinde, O. (ed), Nigerian Goverment and Politics under Military rule, 1966-1979, London: Macmillan
[2]. Carey, R. (1992) International Security in the Mordern World, St. Martin‟s Press
[3]. Claude, I (1964) Power in International Relations. Random House Publishers
[4]. Dougherty, E.J. and Pfaltzgraff Jnr., L. R (1996) Contending Theories of International Relations: a Comprehensive Survey Addisson-Wesley Educational Publishers Inc.
[5]. Gabriel, O. and Akindele, R. (ed) (1990) The Structure and Process of Europe Foreign Making and Implementation in Nigeria. NITA Press
[6]. Garba, J 1987; Diplomatic Soldiering. Spectrum Books ltd
[7]. Holsti, K. J (1972) International Politics: A Framework for Analysis. Prentice Hall Inc.
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Abstract: Mizoram is one of the North Eastern states of India governed by tropical climate subjected by monsoon rains. This factor led to luxuriant growth of vegetation earlier in the past and still remain one of biodiversity hotspots of India. The state is dominated by tribal population, who take maximum advantage of the forest resources since their first settlement in the region. Despite the on-going developmental process socially and infrastructurally, safety of village dependence on forest supply and subjected changing pattern of land use are still govern by the utilization of resources of the local people. The paper tries to assess the declining trend of the village safety in terms of protection and security and supply of forest resources as well as changing pattern of land use. The paper is based on a comprehensive field survey conducted in a systematic manner. So much so that the paper is able to provide appropriate conclusion for future planning.
Keywords: Village safety and supply forest, Mauhak, Accessibility, Tradition, Community.
[1]. David Kaimowitz and Arild Angelsen, Economic Models of Deforestation: A review, CFOR, Indonesia, 1998.
[2]. Myers, "Tropical Deforestation: Rates and Patterns". (The Causes of Tropical Deforestation, in Brown and Pearce (eds), UCLP), pp. 27-40., 1994.
[3]. Helmut J. Geist and Eric F, Lambin, "Proximate Causes and Underlying Driving Forces of Tropical Deforestation". Biosicience, Feb 2002, Vol. 52(2), ProQuest Biology Journal, pp.143, 2002.
[4]. Nagendra, H., Munroe, D.K. and Southworth, J., "From Pattern to Process: Landscape Fragmentation and the Aalysis of Land Use / Land Cover Change.". Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., Vol. 101, pp. 111-115, 2004.
[5]. Singh, J.S., Pandey, U, and Tiwari, A.K., "Man and Forests: A Central Himalayan Case Study", Ambio, Vol. 13. Pp. 80-87, 1984.
[6]. Rai, S.C., Sharma, E. and Sundriyal, R.C., "Conservation in the Sikkim Himalaya: Traditional Knowledge and Lansd Use of the Malay Watershed", Environmental Conservation, Vol. 21, pp. 30-34. 1994.
[7]. P.S. Ramakrishna, A.N. Purohit, K.G. Saxena and K.S. Rao, Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development, Indian National Science Academy Diamond Jubilee Publication, New Delhi., 1994
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Abstract: Although it is widely acknowledged that collocations play an important role in the field of second language acquisition, a number of previous studies have reported students' lack of collocational competence and the difficulties they encounter in learning and using collocations. The present study examines the productive and receptive knowledge of lexical and grammatical collocations among advanced Arabic-speaking learners of English. Furthermore, it investigates whether the language environment, i.e., English as a Foreign Language, has an influence on the acquisition of collocations. It also explores whether there is a significant difference between participants' performance on three types of collocations: verb-noun, adjective-noun, and verb-preposition.
[1]. Aghbar, A. (1990). Fixed expressions in written texts: implications for assessing writing sophistication. Paper presented at a meeting of the English Association of Pennsylvania State System Universities.
[2]. AL-Amro, M. (2006). Saudi learners‟ knowledge and its relationship to their vocabulary size and writing quality. Unpublished thesis, Colorado State University, Colorado.
[3]. Al-Zahrani, M. (1998). Knowledge of English lexical collocations among male Saudi college students majoring in English at a Saudi university. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania.
[4]. Bahumaid, S. (2006). Collocations in English-Arabic translation. Babel, 52, 133-152.
[5]. Ben Duhaish, F. (2008). "Looking into" ESL/EFL Arab learners‟ avoidance of phrasal verbs. Unpublished thesis, Colorado State University, Colorado.
[6]. Benson, M., Benson, E., & Ilson, R. (1986). The BBI combinatory dictionary of English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Importance and Relevance of Gandhian View of Religion and Politics |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. V. Indira Devi |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191139195 ![]() |
Abstract: The problems confronting not only India but the whole world in modern times are tremendous and multidimensional in nature. A sense of despair has not only prevailed over the hope that if men could improve their material conditions this could serve as a stepping stone towards securing values and stable peace. But now it is all too evident that the monumental strides taken in the direction of solving material wants have not been able to lead to fulfillment of intellectual or moral wants, as exemplified in the west.
Khan Rasheeduddin
'The Need for Reforms'Hindustan Times, Dec. 12,1993
Chatterjee M.
'Gandhis Religios Thouggt'Macmillan Press, Londn, 1983, p. IX
Mahatma Gandhi
'The Collected Works' Vol. XII Publications Div., Govt. of India, Delhi, 1913, p.94.
'Social, Moral and religious philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi' p. 158
Iyer RAghavan
Note 121
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Abstract: The study analyzed the development and administration of examination question papers for grade 7 deaf candidates in Zimbabwe. The study was motivated by the low pass rate among deaf candidates at grade 7 level in the period 2007 to 2011. At the centre of the study were two variables namely exam item development and exam paper administration. The descriptive survey design was used to solicit data from Zimbabwe School Examinations Council officials, teachers of candidates with profound hearing impairment and from heads of special schools that enroll students with hearing impairment. The population under study comprised 101 teachers of students with profound hearing impairment in the five special schools in Zimbabwe, 4 heads of special schools that enroll students with profound hearing impairment and about 300 officials from the Zimbabwe School Examinations Council.
[1]. Agbo, F.O. and Mankilik, M. (1999). The Evaluating of the testing Of Practical Skills in SSC Examination 40th Annual Conference Proceedings of Science Teachers Association Nigeria (STAN, 37-40).
[2]. Assessment Guideline Final August (2010). Guidelines for Assessment and Educational Evaluation of Deaf and Hard – of Hearing Children in Indiana. Based on 511 IAC Article 7, 2008
[3]. Castillo, J.J. (2009). Research Population. http://www.expereincent –resources. Com/ research-population.html.
[4]. Cole, N.S. and Zieky, M.J. (2001). The New Faces of Fairness. Journal of Educational Measurement 38:4
[5]. Crewswell, J. W. (2003) Research Design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
[6]. DDA Part 4; Examinations and Assessment Good Practice Guide 1999.
[7]. Dietel, R.J. Herman, J.L. and Knuth, R. A. (1991). What Does Research Say About Assessment? NCREL. Oak Brook.
[8]. Earl, L. (2003). Assessment as Learning: Using Classroom Assessment to Maximise Student Learning. Thousand Oaks, CA, Corwin Press.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to establish the extent to which transitional services in special schools for the deaf equip the deaf learners with skills that enable them participate in community activities. A mixed methods approach underpinned the study. 30 respondents were purposively drawn from deaf school leavers vending in the streets of Harare, managers of schools enrolling deaf learners and managers of deaf persons organisations. The questionnaire was used to collect data.
[1]. Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS) (2009)
[2]. Berke, E (2009) Keys to Parent a Child with Deafness. Belmont: Meridian Education
[3]. Bullies, MB, Johnson, B, Peters, B,C(1997). Expectations Versus Realities: Examination of the
[4]. Transition Plans and Expenses of Adolescents who are Deaf and Adolescents who are Hearing. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 40(4),251-264
[5]. Carroll, M, King, V (1985) The Peer Helping Phenomenon. A Quiet Revolution. Counseling and Human Development. Denver, Co : Love Publishing Company
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Abstract: The study evaluated the examination assessment techniques used by ZIMSEC at grade 7 level. The study was motivated by the low pass rate among deaf candidates at grade 7 level in the period 2007 to 2011. At the centre of the study were two variables namely exam item development and exam paper administration. The descriptive survey design was used to solicit data from Zimbabwe School Examinations Council officials, teachers of candidates with profound hearing impairment and from heads of special schools that enroll students with hearing impairment.
[1]. Agbo, F.O. and Mankilik, M. (1999). The Evaluating of the testing Of Practical Skills in SSC Examination 40th Annual Conference Proceedings of Science Teachers Association Nigeria (STAN, 37-40).
[2]. Assessment Guideline Final August (2010). Guidelines for Assessment and Educational Evaluation of Deaf and Hard – of Hearing Children in Indiana. Based on 511 IAC Article 7, 2008
[3]. Castillo, J.J. (2009). Research Population. http://www.expereincent –resources. Com/ research-population.html.
[4]. Cole, N.S. and Zieky, M.J. (2001). The New Faces of Fairness. Journal of Educational Measurement 38:4
[5]. Crewswell, J. W. (2003) Research Design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed method approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
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Abstract: The focus of this study was on evaluating the progress of the pilot project carried out by Leonard Cheshire Zimbabwe Trust (LCZT) in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture on Inclusive Education in the Zimbabwean primary schools. The descriptive survey design underpinned the study. The research field were the three primary schools where Leornard Cheshire Zimbabwe Trust was implementing an inclusive education pilot study for learners with disabilities. Respondents were five teachers purposively chosen from each of the three schools.
[1]. Amnesty International (2011).Human Rights.Online.Available url: http:www, rughts/ Accessed 23 April 2012
[2]. Armstrong ,D(2005) Voice,Rituals and Transitions:What is inclusive Education Really About? Paper Presented at the Inclusive and Supportive Education Congress,in Univerdty of Strathclyde,Glasgow,Scotland,August 1 to 4 ,2005.
[3]. Byangisha,A (2007) Inclusive Education Uganda:The Way for the Future.Online.Available url: http:// Accessed 25/06/12
[4]. Chireshe,R(2011).Special Needs Education In Service Teacher Trainees‟ Views on Inclusive Education In Zimbabwe.Online.Available url: http:// Chireshe-R-Tt.pdf.Accessed on 22/04/2012
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Abstract: The focus of this study was on evaluating the progress of the pilot project carried out by Leonard Cheshire Zimbabwe Trust (LCZT) in partnership with the Ministry of Education, Sport, Arts and Culture on Inclusive Education in the Zimbabwean primary schools. The descriptive survey design underpinned the study. The research field were the three primary schools where Leornard Cheshire Zimbabwe Trust was implementing an inclusive education pilot study for learners with disabilities. Respondents were fifteen parents purposively chosen from each of the three schools.
[1]. Amnesty International (2011).Human Rights.Online.Available url: http:www, rughts/ Accessed 23 April 2012
[2]. Armstrong ,D(2005) Voice,Rituals and Transitions:What is inclusive Education Really About? Paper Presented at the Inclusive and Supportive Education Congress,in Univerdty of Strathclyde,Glasgow,Scotland,August 1 to 4 ,2005.
[3]. Byangisha,A (2007) Inclusive Education Uganda:The Way for the Future.Online.Available url: http:// Accessed 25/06/12
[4]. Chireshe,R(2011).Special Needs Education In Service Teacher Trainees‟ Views on Inclusive Education In Zimbabwe.Online.Available url: http:// Chireshe-R-Tt.pdf.Accessed on 22/04/2012
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Abstract: The focus of this research project was to determine the challenges facing uptake of hand washing with soap programme in schools in Tana Delta Sub County. Premised on ,this research was guided by objectives including to determine school children's perception of dirt, to establish school children risky hygiene practices , to determine school children motivational factors to hand washing with soap and to establish school children knowledge on the importance of hand washing with soap. The research project was conducted in Tana Delta Sub County. It applied descriptive design of research. The target population was 550 respondents but 10 % of the population was a representative of the study population which was 55respondent. Data was collected using questionnaires and collected data was organized in terms of variables and each response counted.
1]. Ajzon, L., &Fishbein, M. (1980).Understanding the Attitudes and predicting social behavior Englewood cliffs, NJ prentice.
[2]. Best, M., Nevhavset, D., &Semmelweis, I. (2004).The birth of infection control. Qualsaf Health care pmc free article (pubmed) 13,233-234.
[3]. Bolt, M., Shordt, K., &Krukkert,L. (2006).School sanitation and Hygiene Education Netherlands: International water and sanitation centre.
[4]. Boyce, J.M., &Pittet, D.(2002). Health care infection control practices Advisory committee, HICPA/SHEA/APIC/IDSA.
[5]. Curtis, V.A., Garbrah- Aidoo, N., & Scott, B. (2007).Ethics in Public HealthResearch.AMJ public health (pmc free article), 97,634-641
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Abstract: people move to the way that they look. Attitudes are important role on the people's life. This paper examines how student's modernist sociopolitical attitudes may be influenced by their sensation seeking and socioeconomic status. This study performed by using survey method. The population of study consisted of all Isfahan University's students. A number of 360 students were selected as the participants using quota sampling method. Data analysis was done using SPSS and Amos software. The results showed that the mean score of modernist sociopolitical attitudes among students was above average.
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[5]. Alexander, Jeffrey C. (2006), The civil sphere, Oxford university press.
[6]. Barry Clarke, Paul, and Fowerker Joe (2001), Encyclopedia of democratic thought, published by Routledge, London.
[7]. Blee, K.M., and Tickamyer, A (1995), Racial differences in men's attitudes about women's gender roles. Journal of marriage and family, 57, 21-30