Version-4 (Nov-2014)
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Abstract: Tourism is an industry capable of changing the socio-cultural, economic and environmental face of the world .Tourism is one of the largest and fast growing industries in the world. It has the potential to influence the living pattern of communities. It is one of the most important channels of cultural exchange which breaks down the barriers between people of different parts of the world. It is the collection of activities, services and industries that deliver a travel experience including transportation, accommodation, eating and drinking establishments of retail shops, entertainment, business and other hospitality services provided for individuals or groups of travelling away from home.
1. Pollution:Kodagu ,once known as pollution free district is now getting polluted to the maximum due to the growth of tourism.
2. Density of population and vehicle: Increase in the density of population and vehicles have disturbed the calmness and healthy living of the people.
3. Deforestation: With the growth of tourism ,money making has landed firmly in the people. Home stays have substituted the place of forests. Green land is slowly been converted to dry land.
4. Shortage of rented houses: There is shortage of rented houses due to the development of home stays .The rents have also reached its peak value and the middle man is struggling to survive being unable to pay the rent.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Marlowe's Presentation of Edward the Second as a Homosexual Text |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arka Pramanick |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191141217 ![]() |
Abstract: My project is directed towards an exploration of how homophobic theme in Edward The Second dominates the story structure of the play and how Marlowe has transgressed the church domination of sixteenth century by representing such a violent theme like homophobia. To do so, I have made emphasis on the way the characters interact with one another and create a particular relational network on the stage. This interaction occurs mostly by means of their language, that is, by the way they speak to each other in the whole play.
[1]. Cady, J. "Masculine Love", Renaissance Writing and The "New Invention" of Homosexuality. Summer, C. J. ed. Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment England: Literary Representation in Historical Context. New York, London, Norwood (Australia): The Haworth Press, Inc., 1992. [2]. Marlowe, Christopher. Edward The Second (1591-2). Ed. R. G. Lunt. Book Land. D.K. Fine Art Press, 2004. Print. [3]. Whitney, Geoffrey. A Choice Of Emlemes And Other Devices.
[4]. Bredbeck, G. W.Sodomy And Interpretation, Marlowe To Milton. (Cornell University Press, 1991.)
[5]. Cady, J. "Masculine Love", Renaissance Writing and The "New Invention" of Homosexuality. Summer, C. J. ed. Homosexuality in Renaissance and Enlightenment England: Literary Representation in Historical Context. New York, London, Norwood (Australia): The Haworth Press, Inc., 1992.
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Abstract:In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful. Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon His Messenger,Muhammad, his Family,Companions and those who follow their guidance up to the Last Hour.The message of Islam brought by the Prophet(s.a.w.) came along with different strategies for peace and security in society. It has a complete set of laws for peaceful co-existence between members of different beliefs in a community.These strategies are clearly explained in the Qur'an and examplified in the life of the Prophet(s.a.w.) both in Makkah and in Madina. One of such strategies is when the Makkans were trying to fix the black stone at its right position at the ka'bah, there was a serious dispute on the responsibility of placing it among the various clans in Makkah.
[1]. Martin H. (2004), Chambers Harrap Publishers ltd, U.K.
[2]. Sayyid, Q. (1989) Milestones, International Islamic Federation of Student organizations (IIFSO), Kuwait.
[3]. Ali, Y. (1983) The Holy Qur‟an: Translation and Commentary Amana Cooperation U.K.
[4]. Al-Sibbaiy, M. (1980), Al-Sirah al-Nabawiyyah Durusun wa ibar, International Islamic Federation of Student organizations (IIFSO), Kuwait.
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Abstract: Slave narratives are known as the Black people's personal accounts of the terrible conditions of enslavement in the American Continent. Great part of these narratives was written in the form of autobiographies by African and Afr0ican- American slaves. Through these written accounts the ex-slaves were able to condemn the enslavers and the system that legitimated their enslavement. Each ex-slave who wrote his or her story was also writing as a representative of those who were still captive and were not allowed to speak for themselves. These narratives were written within the institution of slavery. Slavery was to be shown as a perverted system that corrupted everyone who approached it or lived under it. In depicting the horrors of slavery,
[1]. Baker, Houston. "Figurations for a New American Literary History: Archaeology, ideology, and Afro-American Discourse. In Blues, Ideology, and Afro-American Literature: A Vernacular Theory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985, p.15-63.
[2]. Douglass. Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. In Gates Jr., Henry7 Louis (Ed.). Classic Slave Narratives. New York: Penguin Books, 1987.
[3]. Emecheta, Buchi. The Slave girl. London: Allison and Busby, 1977.
[4]. Equiano, Olaudah. The Life of Ouladah Equiano. In Gates Jr., Henry Louis (Ed.).Classic Slave Narratives. New York: Penguin Books, 1987.
[5]. Foster, Frances J. "Ultimate Victims: Black Women in Slave Narratives". Journal of American Culture, v. I, n.4, p. 845-854, 1978.
[6]. Gates Jr., Henry Louis and Mckay, Nellie Y. Eds. The Norton Anthology of African American Literature. New York and London: Norton, 1977.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Economic Development of Commercial Crops in Karnataka |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Latha C M, Ashoka S R, Siddappaji D, Dr. V Shanmugham |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191142931 ![]() |
Abstract: Commercial crops is one of the most essential part of the agriculture sector. In our Indian people basically dependent on agriculture sector. More than 65 percent of people dependent of agriculture sector. Some people engaged in commercial crops activities work. Some people self employed in this crops rural and semi-urban livelihood. In the economic development of World, India and Karnataka level of commercial crops is highly increased in GDP growth rate.
[1]. 2014 by GMO Compass, March 29-2010
[2]. Business line Bangalore August 15, 2011
[3]. Karnataka at a Glance 2013-14
[4]. Karnataka Economic Survey 2013-14
[5]. www.Commercial Crops in India
[6]. www.Commercial Crops in Karnataka
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Abstract: This study primarily examined the relationship between the adoption of digital cameras and the improved picture quality in Nigerian magazines. It also investigated the relationship between improved printing skill, improved photographic skill, improved paper quality and improved picture quality in the selected magazines. A total of 320 journalists were surveyed and a response rate of 91.4% was attained. Data were statistically analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) and presented in tables and charts. The results indicate that there is a relationship between improved picture quality in the magazines and the adoption of digital camera as well as improved skills and paper quality.
[1]. Azi, J., Dakyes, S., Ogunwole, S. (2013). Use of photo-manipulation techniques in enhancing magazine cover portraiture: Lessons for journalistic graphics in Nigeria. Journal of Media and Communication Studies, 5, 72-77.
[2]. Baran,S and Davis (2003) Mass Communication Theory: Foundations, Ferment and Future. Belmot: Thomson Wadsworth.
[3]. Bhattacharya, S. (2010). A Framework for Photo-Quality Assessment and Enhancement based oVisual Aesthetics. Firenze: University of Central Florida
[4]. Cambridge-MIT Institute. (n.d.). On Rules, Routines and the Adoption of Technological Product Innovations: The Case of the Transition from Chemical Photography to Digital Imaging. Retrieved October 23, 2013, from
[5]. Curtin, D. (2007). The Textbook of Digital Photography. Massachusetts. Retrieved October 30, 2013 from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Democracy and sustainable development |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Anjali Mangesh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191144042 ![]() |
Abstract: Democratic development in India lacks the social dimension of development, where the politicians tend to prioritize economic growth over societal growth. The case in the point is the Sardar Sarover Project (a series of dams) on the river Narmada, where there has been serious violation of the democratic, constitutional and human rights of the displaced people. They had to bear the cost of development and to sacrifice their rights over their resources, while they got no share in the benefits.
1]. Ward Halina, part of a series of think pieces in‟ Equipping Democracy to Deliver Sustainable Development ; link,http.//
[2]. Ward Halina, part of a series of think pieces in‟ Democracy and Sustainable Development ‟link,http.//
[3]. Jayal Gopal Nirija, ‟The democratic State‟, Oxford University Press, 2002, Pg, 231
[4]. Patkar Medha,Displacement and displaced ;Role in Project Planning,‟‟South Asia Network on Dams,Rivers and People,New Delhi,October 2000
[5]. Desai Kaivalya,Jain Vineet Panday Rahul,P.Srikant,Trivedi Upmanyu,‟Rehabilitation of the Indira Sagar Pariyojana Displaced,‟EPW,Dec 22,2007.
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Abstract: Radio has always been part of our lives. It has also been a profitable business since the early days of broadcasting. Today, all sorts of digital devices have combined to create a 'self-media' environment that resituates radio, in the face of new challenges. The study sought to analyse FM listening practices and the exposure to various FM programms among the FM listeners in Karnataka The study is based on systematic survey research method. The research attempts to formulate the problem of analysing FM listeners and their perceptions regarding their listening practices and the exposure.
[1]. Abbas, Azmat (2004) FM 103 forced off airwaves, The Herald, Dec 10, p 38.
[2]. Abellonosa, Henry J., Felisa Sheila T.Escalona,Ma.MillizaA.Lavanza,YvesT.Maagad,NikkoP.Quinonez,ChucilleB.Quipanes, and Hannah Grace D.Sy,(2011) The Effectiveness of Tri-Media Advertising Campaign for Enrolment of Liceo de Cagayan University,
[3]. Aggrawal, VirBala and V.S.Gupta (2001) Handbook of Journalism and Mass Communication, New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company.
[4]. Agrawal, Binod C (2011) Youth, the Indian Listeners of Radio: Some Observations, Paper presented in the RadioAsia2011 Conference, February 21-23, New Delhi, India.
[5]. Agrawal, Binod C and Raghaviah, Shalini (2006) Indian Public Service Broadcasting and Changing Perspectives, In Public Service Broadcasting in the Age of Globalization. eds. Indrajit Banerjee and KalingaSeveviratne; pp 149-164. Singapore: AMIC and Nanyang Technological University AnnymousNd Using Radio to Reach Youth Markets: RAB Guide.
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Abstract: This study aims to discuss (1) the direct effect of partial and together the principal's leadership and commitment to the organizational climate of the school, (2) the indirect effect partial principal leadership and organizational commitment to the effective implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) ISO 9001: 2008 through climate of the school, (3) the effect of partially and together factors of school leadership, organizational commitment and school climate on the effectiveness of implementation of ISO 9001: 2008. This research is descriptive and associative, with quantitative methods.
[1]. Allen, Natalie and Meyer, John P. 1997. Commitment in the Workplace Theory Researchand Application. California: Sage Publications.
[2]. Daft, Richard L. 2005. The Leadership Experience. Ohio: South Western Gibson, James L., John M. Ivancevich and James H. Donnelly. 1995. Fundamental of Management. Texas: Business Publications, Inc.
[3]. Gunbayi, Ilham. 2007."School Climate and Teacher, Perceptions on Climate Factor: Research In to Nine Urban High School". The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology (TOJET). Vol.6.
[4]. Hani Handoko. T.. 2003. Manajemen, Yogyakarta: BPFE.
[5]. Litwin, G. H. & Stringer, R. A. 1968. Motivation and Organisational Climate. Boston: McGraw Hill.
[6]. Luthans, F. & Peterson. 2002. Journal of Management Development. Vol 21. MCB UP Ltd Munadar, Haris, 2004. Keberhasilan dan Pengaruh Dalam Manajemen. Jakarta: Mitra Utama
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Abstract: Great expectation essentially belongs to the idea of Fantasy but at the same it is a work which tells a story of conventions of nineteenth century realism. Though I said novel is talked about realism, but is this really happens in the story? Of course not. This fiction is also includes fantasies, aspects of fairy tales and most probably it is best piece of writing which possess very impressive construction. Third most significance aspect must be discussed is language, in case of narrative pattern and individual speech.
[1]. Bloom, Harold, ed. (With an intro). Charles Dickens's Great Expectations. New Delhi: Viva Book private Limited, 2007. Print.
[2]. Price, Martine, ed. Dickens: A collection of critical essays. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, 1980.print.
[3]. Wheeler,Michael. English fiction of the Victorian Period 1830-1890. New York: Longman, 1985. Print.
[4]. O‟Gorman, Francis, ed. Concise Companion to The Victorian Novel. London: Blackwell Publication, 2005. Print.
[5]. Grant, Allen. A preface to Dickens. New York: Longman, 1986. Print
[6]. Martin, Graham. Great Expectation. New Delhi: Viva Book Private Imitated, 2003. Print.
[7]. Daldry, Graham. Charles Dickens and the form of the noel. Totowa, NJ: Barnes & Nobel, 1987. Print.
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Abstract: This study used ex-post facto and correlation survey to investigate the influence of marital status, family size and type on academic performance of senior secondary students in Adamawa State. The population of the study consisted of 8,548 students in class 2 in 2012/13 to 2013/14 academic sessions. A total sample of 900 students was drawn from the population using multi-stage random sampling technique to respond to the instrument for data collection for the study. The instrument was a 40 items researcher designed questionnaire titled Home Environment Factors and Students' Academic Achievement Test in Agricultural Science (HEFSAATAS) consisting of two sections A and B. Inferential statistics z-test and correlation analysis were used to describe, analyse and interpret the data.
[1]. Adamawa State Post Primary Schools Management Board (ADSPPSMB) (2013). Statistics Unit
[2]. Adebayo, A. A. and Tukur, A. L. (1999). Adamawa State in maps. 1st edition. Yola: Paraclete
[3]. Achieng, B. O. (2012). Influence of institutional capacity on academic performance of students in public secondary schools in Usigu Division – Bondo District Kenya. A Masters Thesis, University of Nairobi'
[4]. Adell, M. A. (2002). Estrategias para mejorar el rendimiento academicos des los adolescents. (Strategies for improving academic performance in adolescents). Madrid: Piramide
[5]. Adebule, S. O. (2004). Gender differences on a locally standardized anxiety rating scale in Mathematics for Nigerian secondary schools. Nigerian Journal of Counselling and Applied Psychology, 1, 22 -29
[6]. Adesehinwa, O. A. (2013). Effects of family type (monogamy or polygamy) on students' academic achievement in Nigeria. International Journal of Psychology and Counselling, 5 (7), 153 – 156 DOI 10.5897/IJPC10.012 ISBN 2141 - 2499
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Integrating Computer Assisted Instruction in the EFL Classroom of Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Naima Afrin |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191146975 ![]() |
Abstract: In the early 90's education started being affected by the introduction of word processors in schools, colleges and universities. This mainly had to do with written assignments. The development of the Internet brought about a revolution in the teachers' perspective, as the teaching tools offered through the Internet were gradually becoming more reliable. Nowadays, the Internet is gaining immense popularity in foreign language teaching and more educators and learners are embracing it.
[1]. Andréa Machado de Almeida Mattos Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais "Virtual Classrooms in Brazil: teachers' difficulties and anxieties towards technology in language learning"
[2]. Anthony Fitzpatrick (Germany) & Lev Gordon "Information and Communication technologies in the teaching and learning of foreign languages: State−of−the−art, needs and perspectives".
[3]. Muhammad Tanveer Majan College (Oman) "Integrating E-learning in Classroom-based Language Teaching: Perceptions, Challenges and Strategies".
[4]. S. S.C. Young National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan "Integrating ICT into second language education in a vocational high school" Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (2003) 19, 447-461.
[5]. Chan Nim Park & Jeong-Bae Son " Implementing Computer-Assisted Language Learning in the EFL Classroom: Teachers' Perceptions and Perspectives" International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning, 5(2). November 2009.