Version-8 (Nov-2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rosie - the quintessential Indian Woman in R. K. Narayan's "The Guide" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gangotri Sil |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191180104 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper tries to observe the character of Rosie and trace the evolution that she goes through in the novel "The Guide" by R.K.Narayan. As a result of her bold actions, it is often thought that she is very different from common Indian women. I have tried to show that in reality she is just like our diverse Indian culture which conceives both tradition and modernity. Her desires, dilemmas and decisions can happen only to an Indian woman. She may seem ahead of her time but certainly contemporary in 2014. Thus even today's modern Indian women can identify themselves with Rosie. In fact her journey towards self establishment somehow forecasts the evolution of women's role in the Indian society. Rosie in this aspect stands as a quintessential Indian woman.
Key Words: Art, Culture, Hegemony, Identity, Revolution, Womanhood.
[1]. Narayan, R.K., "The Guide"(1958), Indian Thought Publications, 2007.
[2]. Som Dev, The Guide: A Critical Appreciation, Prakash Book Depot,1982, Bareilly.
[3]. Spivak, Gayatri Chakraborty, "How to read a Culturally Different Book" in Barker, Hulme and Iverson eds., Colonial Discourse/Postcolonial Theory (1994), 126-150.
[4]. Narayan,R.K., "The Dark Room", Eye Publications,1938
[5]. Narayan,R.K. "Mr. Sampanth-The Printer of Malgudi", Eyre Publications,1948
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Abstract: The study traced the history of construction industry, surveyed its development at the present time and described the intensity of competition and roles of each professional among the existing professionals in the Nigeria's construction industry. Data for the study were collected through well-structured questionnaire directed to construction professionals in the private and public sectors. Data collected were analyzed using frequency distribution table and relative significance index. It revealed that the roles of the Architect are to produce detailed working drawings and specifications (93% significance). The roles of the Builders are to ensure the adequate preparation of project health and safety (94% significance), preparation of construction methodology (93%), preparation of construction programme (90%), and preparation of project quality and management (86%). The Estate surveyors and Valuers are to prepare the valuation of construction works (91% significance), preparation of feasibility and viability appraisal of construction projects (81%), and Construction project management (70%). The Engineer on the other hand is to calculate the load and stresses that the structure can safely withstand (99% significance). The Land Surveyor performs building location survey (96% significance), Provides site plan (73%), Foundation location (69%), and Prepare construction layout (67%). Furthermore, the Town planner's roles are to prepare Road utility design survey (95% significance), Design layout and draft design statement (94%), and Protect environment and architectural heritage (89%). The roles of the Quantity surveyor are to prepare bill of quantities (100% significance), Estimate cost relating to construction materials, time and labour and cost advise (94%), Variation of work in progress and materials on site for interim payment (87%), The study recommended that there should be strict regulations and implementation of laws by the body of each profession guiding against function overlap among the professionals in the construction industry.
[1]. D.A. Mu‟azu,, The role of the Professional Builder in the Nigerian Construction Industry. ATBU journal of Environmental Technology, 1(1), 2002 29-31.
[2]. A.O. Omole, Quantity of Professional Services and Ethics. The Quantity Surveyor: A Journal of the Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors, 2000, 33:2-7.
[3]. D.R. Ogunsemi., O.S. Oyediran, and D.O. Ekundayo, Construction Professionals and Project Management Competencies in Nigeria. Journal of Construction Vol.1 No. 2 2008
[4]. K. Abdul-Rashid, and S.F. Hassan, Capability of a Country‟s Construction Industry to Combat Poverty: A Case Study on the OIC Member Countries. Proceedings of the 4th MICRA Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 04(22), 2005,-04(36).
[5]. A.A. Odunlami, The Professional Builder. Being the Text of an Invited Paper Presented at the Symposium on the Role and Place of Builders in an Environmental Profession organised by Building Student‟s Association (BUSTA) held on Thursday 6th March, 1997 at the School of Environmental Studies Block, The Federal Polytechnic, Ado-Ekiti.
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Abstract: Like diasporic writers Bharati Mukherjee is inclined to dwell in the threshold region of overlapping concepts that define the experience of the migrant and the sense of displacement. Her novels trace the split and slippages in the diasporic subjects, of being at home and abroad. In her novels, Mukherjee has been able to bring to her first hand experience of exile, expatriation and immigration. In her works she recognizes the same translational alternative reality as an insurgent orientation in the contravening zone. Her substantial narrative skills and lively imagination produce memorable tales of the excitement as well as the trauma of adjustment to a new world. She gives shape to the transparently translating moments born out of the difference. The geographical dislocation raises several questions with respect to the poetics of exile, the nature of expatriate writing, the writer‟s relationship to his culture and his work. It‟s at one level, a moving out of the expatriate‟s dilemma of avoiding a schizophrenic split, of being pulled in two contradictory directions. The creations of this third location, does also at another level, destroy the concept of "purity‟ of cultures and brings into being a self-reflexive self and a self-reflexive text. As Homi Bhabha has pointed out in the Location of Culture, the creation of a Third space disrupts "The logic of synchronicity and evolution which traditionally authorize the subject of cultural knowledge.‟ It makes "The structure of meaning and reference an ambivalent process and destroys this mirror of representation in which cultural knowledge is customarily revealed as an integrated open, expanding code.
[1]. Homi K. Bhabha. The Location of Culture. op.cit., p.53.
[2]. Ibid.
[3]. Ibid., p.37.
[4]. Ibid., p.53.
[5]. Ibid., p.196.
[6]. Bharati Mukherjee. "Beyond Multiculturalism," Multi America: Essays on Cultural War and Cultural Peace.Ed.Ishmael Reed. New York: Viking Penguin, 1997.p.456.
[7]. Kellie Holzer. "Bharati Mukherjee." South Asian Novelists in English. Ed. Jaina C. Sanga.Greenwood: London, 2005.p.170.
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Abstract:Human Resources holds a strategic role for the advancement of a nation. Many countries develop very well not because of their natural resources, but the quality of their human resources. The improvement of the competence of the government apparatus is an important agenda for every country giving the priority to the advancement of the nation and the country. The bureaucratic reform in Indonesia cannot run as it is highly expected; at the beginning of the reform era the aspects of human resources were the main constraints since they did not any changes in public service. They still had a feudal working culture. In addition, the low competence of the government apparatus is not able to bring any significant changes in public service, especially in the regional areas.
Keywords: competence, apparatus, services, public
1]. No Name, 2004, Handout Penyusunan Standar Kompetensi Manajerial Direktorat Standardisasi Dan Kompetensi Jabatan Kedeputian Bidang Pengembangan Kepegawaian Badan Kepegawaian Negara 2013
[2]. Afdol, 2008, Pengembangan Teori Implementasi Hukum Waris Islam Di Indoensia, Pidato Pengukuhan Guru Besar, Unair, Surabaya
[3]. Bungin Burhan , 2001, Metodologi Penelitian Sosial ,: Airlangga University Press, Surabaya
[4]. Hafid,Firdaus SS, MLMEd Widyaiswara Muda, Pusat Kajian dan Pendidikan dan pelatihan Aparatur II Lembaga Administrasi Negara Makassar,
[5]. Hasibuan, H. Suten peningkatan kompetensi pns melalui diklat administrasi perkantoran,
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Abstract: The Organization of American States1 as established in the ninth Inter-American Conference held in Bogota in 1948 is the old regional mechanism to protect human rights. The development of the inter-American system followed a different path from that of its European counter part. Although the institutional structure is superficially similar, and the normative provisions are in most respects very similar, the conditions under which the two systems developed were radically different. This paper explores a critical analysis of the Inter-American Human Rights System as a whole based on a comparative study between the Inter-American system of human rights protection and the European Version of Human Rights protection.
[1]. S, Dewyer, The inter-American Court of Human Rights-Towards Establishing an Effective Regional Contentious Jurisdictions' 13 Boston College International and Comparative Law Review 127.
[2]. Article 15 of The Constitution of Honduras
[3]. Article 25 of the European Convention.
[4]. Brownlie, Principles of Public International Law, Oxford university Press, 4th Edition, 1990.
[5]. IIACHR, GALLARDO et al., Resolution No. 13/83, COSTA RICA, June 30, 1983; OAS/Ser.L/V/II.61; Doc. 22, rev.1, 27 September 1983. Original: Spanish; pp. 49-53.
[6]. Schreiber, Anna P, the Inter – American Commission on Human Rights, 1970.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Economic Literacy Education For Elementary School Students |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Dr. Nunung Nurastuti Utami |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191182427 ![]() |
Abstract: The economic literacy learning not only for adults but since they are small because early learning for economic literacy encourage a sense pattern how to choice a good opportunity in young until adults and to control a mental attitude for future financial goals. This learning will be help a person more clear in his mind what to do and should be done for short and long term goals.
[1]. Antara news. Hanya 42,6 persen Guru Ekonomi Berkualitas baik. 2012. Baik.ht1m.htm.
[2]. Gouws,D.G. 2009. Financial Literacy: an Interface Between Financial Information and Decsion makers in Organizations. Southern African Business Review Vol 13 No 2.
[3]. Jappelli.T. 2010. Economic Literacy: An International Comparation , No 2010/16
[4]. Kotte,D & /witt R. 2011.Chance and Challenge: Assessing Economic Literacy . literacy.
[5]. Media Indonesia. 2011. Hanya 42,6 persen Guru ekonomi Berkualitas Baik. Edisi 3 April 2011.
[6]. Mathews, L.G. 1999. Promotin Economic Literacy: Ideas for Your Classroom. Paper prepared for the 1999 AAEA Annual meeteng Nashville. Tennessee.
[7]. Molem,C,S. 2007. Economic Information Literacy and the Development sub-Saharan African Countries. A Lead paper presented at the Sub-Saharan Regional Colloquium on Information Literacy. Organized by UNECA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia form 29-31 March 2007.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nonverbal Communication Study Human Behavior Reflection As Local Wisdom |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Tina Kartika |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191182832 ![]() |
Abstract: This article discusses, among others: 1. Human behavior is the study of nonverbal communication as a reflection of local wisdom in the city Pagaralam, South Sumatra, Indonesia. 2. Human behavior as an act of local wisdom in several places in Indonesia. 3. Human behavior as a construct that gave birth to ethnic identity in the study of the theory of social construction of reality. Methods This study used qualitative methods, the informant as a source of information. In-depth interview technique is used to produce accurate data.
1] Kartika, Tina, Dkk, 2014, Singkuh Refleksi Kearifan Lokal ( Komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal Kajian Socio-Cultural Etnis Besemah Di Kotamadya Pagaralam Sumatera Selatan), Penelitian Didanai oleh DIPA BLU Universitas Lampung
[2] Suharyanto, Ethnic and National Groups in Indonesian Studi kasus pengembangan Notasi DDC 23 T5-992 2 Etnik di Indonesia, Available from:, October 31, 2014
[3] Soumilena, Nicoll (2014), Pengertian Kearifan Lokal. Available from: ., November 7, 2014
[4] Siswadi, Taruna, Tukiman and Purnaweni, Hartuti, Kearifan Lokal Dalam Melestarikam Mata Air (Studi Kasus di Desa Purwogondo, Kecamatan Boja, Kabupaten Kendal), 9 (2), 2011, 63-68, Ilmu Lingkungan. Available from:, November 3, 2014
[5] Indrawardana, Ira, Kearifan Lokal Adat Masyarakat Sunda Dalam Hubungan Dengan Lingkungan Alam, Jurnal Komunitas, 4 (1) 2012, 1-8, Available from: November 3, 2014
[6] Kartika, Tina. Konstruksi Makna Pepata Jeme Tue Dalam Berperilaku dan Membangun Ideologi, 9 (1) 2013, 80-96, Acta Diurna. Available from:, November 4, 2013
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of Media and Indecent Represesentation of Women |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Pranita Choudhury |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191183336 ![]() |
Abstract: With the introduction of new communication technology, the power of mass media has grown dramatically. Newspapers, television, film, magazine, cable and satellite television have grown rapidly throughout the world. The mass media today shapes our very lives, our belief, understanding, attitude, perceptions and social reality. Media plays an integral part in people‟s lives. From the moment we get up we are engulfed in the media centric world. Our day begins with a newspaper in our hand and the last thing before retiring to bed is a glance at the latest news.
[1]. R.K.Ravindran, Handbook of mass media. (1999) Anmol publications Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi. 1st.ed. p. 68.
[2]. Kiran Prasad, Women media and society : recasting communication policy. P.2 Women and media, challenging feminist discourse. 2005 Delhi.
[3]. Sujata Mittal ,Children and media.2005Isha books, Delhi. P.270
[4]. Grameme Burton, Media and society, critical perspectives. p.129 2nd.Ed .2010 Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Limited. N.Delhi.
[5]. Justice M. Rama Jois. Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi. 2004 p. 30
[6]. Mamta Rao. Law relating to Women and child. (2012 ) 3rd. Ed. Eastern Book Co. .Lucknow. p. 223
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Policy Networks Model and Efforts to Reduce of Childs Abuse of Indonesia |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Muh. Tang Abdullah |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191183742 ![]() |
Abstract: The poverty remains a major social problem of the Indonesian now. The poverty has become a major cause emergence of mistreatment against children or child's abuse. The evidence suggests that the social problems of children are becoming increasingly severe. Though children's are the future generation of this country. This indicates that the state did not succeed in fulfilling the basic rights of its citizens, so that is categorized as a class deserves a failed state. Although many models of policy and social services for children conducted by the government, but the results have not be effective. There are still many obstacles and hurdles stymie. That's why, now required a reform or policy changes to against a variety of policy strategies and models of the social services, which proved unsuccessful. Policy changes must be made by applying a policy network approach to strategy of policy network in assessing and addressing social problematically of the children, especially the impact of the launch of abuse against children or child abuse.
Keywords: child's abuse, failed state, policy networks model
[1]. Human Development Report 2010. The Real Wealth of Nations: Pathways to Human Development, Published for UNDP.
[2]. John Gray. 2001. Children are from Heaven. Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama
[3]. Edi Suharto. 2009. Building Society and Empowering People. Bandung: Refika Aditama.
[4]. Edi Suharto. 2010. Public Policy Analysis: A Practical Guide Assessing Problems and Social Policy. Bandung: Alfabeta.
[5]. The National Commission for Child Protection (NCCP). 2010 Year-End Notes: The National Movement against Child Cruelty.
[6]. Charles Zastrow. 1999. The Practice of Social Work. Chicago Illinois: Dorsey Press.
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Abstract: The thrust of this paper was to examine the impact of education policies and improvements of the standard of living on the education of children among communities in Mandera County, Kenya. This study adopted a cross sectional survey research design. Convenient sampling technique was used to select sample of 150 including chiefs, counselors and local people respondents from a total population of 720. The main research instruments used were questionnaires and interview guidelines to be used for face to face interviews and focus group discussions.
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[3]. Kenya National Examinations Council, KNEC. (2013, 2014). The Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) Examination results.
[4]. Green, J.C ., Caracelli, V.J. & Graham,W.P. (1989).Towards a conceptual framework for mixed methods evaluation design. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 11(3) 255-274.
[5]. Koss, Marry P (1987), changed lives impact of education on social development south of the Sahara, Hay and Sticher (Eds) Longman, Honking, PP 171-187.
[6]. Maicibi, A. (2005). Education an iron curtain. Mash Publisher Kampala.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Managing Capital Market Crimes: the Role of Nigeria's Securities And Exchange Commission |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ahmed Aliyu |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191185663 ![]() |
Abstract: Capital market is a highly sensitive environment which thrives on investor confidence generated by the prevailing rules and regulating its operations. It is considered as a vital link to the growth and development of the modern national economy due to its ability to attract potential investors to the other economic sub-sectors. Thus, it is defined as the avenue where the wealth of a country is sold and bought through instruments known as securities or stocks which represent financial values.
[1]. Abdullahi, S. (2004). Crime and Crime opportunity techniques in Nigeria Banking Industry. Seminar Paper presented on crime prevention, modern method of Security Management in Banks, Organized by Finance in Format Dev. Co. Abuja.
[2]. Aliyu, A. (2011). The Nature and Prevention of Corporate Crime in Nigeria‟s Capital Market (Unpublished master‟s thesis). Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
[3]. Braithwaite, J. (1989): Criminological Theory and Organizational Crime Justice Quarterly, Vol. 6 No.3.
[4]. Chambliss, W. J. and Mankoff, M. (1976). Who‟s Law? What Order? New York: John Wiley & sons.
[5]. Coburn, N.F. (2006): Corporate Investigation. Journal of Financial Crime Vol. 13 No.3.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Determinants of Flooding in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Akukwe Thecla I. |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191186472 ![]() |
Abstract: Flood is a natural phenomenon but human activities and interventions such as uncontrolled urbanization coupled with increased population have increased the damages and losses caused by floods. Urbanization aggravates flooding by limiting where run-off can flow and the increased impervious layers in urban areas obstruct the natural channel thereby shortening the time taken by flood water to flow into river. This study focused on analyzing the determinants of flooding in Port Harcourt metropolis, Nigeria and it revealed nine factors as being responsible for flooding in the study area.
1]. Adeloye, A. and Rustum R. ( 2011):Lagos (Nigeria) flooding and influence of urban planning. Journal of Urban Design and Planning (ICE), Volume 164 (3), pp. 175 –187.
[2]. Akpoghomeh, O.S. (2001): Street Map of Port-Harcourt Metropolis and its Environs. Kraft's Books Ltd., University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
[3]. Askew, A. J. (1999): "Water in the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction" in Leavesley et al (eds.) Destructive Water: Water-caused Natural Disasters, their Abatement and Control. IAHS, Publication No. 239.
[4]. Ayoade, J.O. (1979): A note on the recent flood in Ibadan. Savanna 8(1), pp.62–65.
[5]. Ayoade, J.O and Akintola, F.O. (1980): "Public perception of flood hazard in two Nigerian cities. Environ Int 4:277–280.
[6]. Etuonovbe, A.K. (2011): The Devastating Effect of flooding in Nigeria. Bridging the Gap between Cultures. FIG Working week 18-22 May, Marrakech, Morocco.